
Dragon throughout the omniverse

darkness that's what he saw. then 3 stars started moving toward him what he saw he never expected they were 3 dragons. the dragons asked if he would be reincarnated and help defeat a enemy when the time comes with a couple boons of course. first world is RWBY and i don't own anything other than the oc or original characters

Wolfe_pack22 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

beacon beginings

the next morning I do my usual routine and meet pyrrha as well. while doing some morning training we catch up and by the time were done the campus was up. so we went back to out dorms but on the way back I meet someone I dont expect to meet at least this early.

she noticed me and walked up to me and said " hello mr dragonsvayne my name is velvet scarlatina I was hoping I could talk to you if you have the time?"

I looked at her and nodded as I told pyrrha to go back to her dorm without me. after pyrrha left I asked " so miss scarlatina what can I help you with? and just call me doryu when im not teaching."

she nodded and said " ok call me velvet please. I wanted to say thank you for helping the faunus on menagerie and you helped my team some months back. we were being chased by some nevermore and a lot of other grimm but you showed up and helped us get out of there. so thank you again."

I shook my head and said " I dont need your thanks as it was the right thing to do but thank you for showing your gratitude. if I may ask what is your semblance?"

she smiled and said " my semblance is photographic memory it does what it says im able to copy the fighing style of anyone. why do you ask?"

I told her " I was curious when we last met but if I may offer some advice I don't know if you are using your semblance to its full potential."

before I could explain coco walks up and says " there you are velvet we were wondering where you went. I see you met our savior and I must also say thanks for that my name is coco adel by the way."

I nodded and said " hello coco im sure you know my name but call me doryu when im not teaching. as I said to velvet no need for thanks as it was the right thing to do. I was talking to velvet about her semblance before you ran up to her."

after i said that she said " oh sorry but what were you going to say about her semblance as im curious what the hot new teacher has to say?"

I chuckled and said " well i was saying how I dont think that she is using it to its full potential. sure it can copy fighting styles but can it also copy words?"

velvet looked a bit confused and coco looked in thought and then exclaimed " of course how could we not think of that! that would help in a lot of ways. thanks for the info."

velvet still looked confused but after coco explained it she looked excited to put it to use. I then told them " well thats just a theory but mabey if not now then later as you grow stronger. we should get going as well its almost time for class."

they nodded and said goodbye and left. I decided I would go to team rwbys dorm and get them. as I was getting near the dorm I heard contruction sounds and I just smiled and walked up to the door and knocked.

ruby opened the door and said " doryu! do you need anything?"

I shook my head and said " I figured I would tell you guys that its almost time for class and see what you guys were making so much noise for."

she then saw the time and saw we had 5 minutes till class and said " well you will have to see later as we have 5 minutes till class. team rwby time to get to class!"

the last part she turned to her team and it seemed that team jnpr heard and exited their room. as we then went to get to class it seemed that port was teaching first I decided to attend and watch how it goes mordred looks to be bored out of her mind as does the rest of the team.

as he is telling the story I watch ruby as she was the reason weiss decided to fight the boar grimm. she does look bored but that is understandable as ports classes are boring already. but i see she is getting distracted as she starts drawing but she isnt drawing but designing something. as I look at weiss to see her reaction she sees it but she just sighs and pays attention again as she saw what she was desigining.

I was proud of weiss her tolerance grew and she understands that she cant control others. Im assuming that because I trained ruby she holding back. finally port asks who wants to battle to boar grimm and weiss still does it but instead of struggling she killed it in one strike.

the class looked amazed at how fast she took it down. port was defintly surprised but congratulated her and gave her some extra credit. team rwby cheered for her and then class was over and we all walked out. I walked up to weiss and decided to speak to her.

" hey wiess lets talk for a bit." she looked at me and nodded and we walked away as we got to a spot she asked what i wanted to talk about.

so I spoke " well first nice job on the kill it was fast and efficent and little to none wasted energy. but that isnt what I wanted to talk about. earlier during class I saw you getting frustrated with ruby as she wasnt paying attention. and mabye your frustrated that you arent the leader but give it a chance."

she looked down and sighed then said " I am frutrated with her but I also saw she was designing a weapon of sorts and even I have to admit that his class is boring. as for not being the leader I guess that I am just a little bit dissapointed but I also know why it wasnt me im still to strict to the rules and I dont adapt to the situation as easily. I also trust that she is strong enough to be here as you trained her. I trust you a lot doryu as you helped my family and me get away from my father."

I smiled at her then hugged her as she hugged me back I said " I am happy that you see it and are giving the chance. ruby has great potential to be a leader, she is just like her mom from the stories ive heard. she wants to help people just because she can. I want to ask you what do you see in ruby or how would you decribe her?"

she looked in thought and said " purity in human form. that would be how i describe her, she wants to help people and is almost always smiling. that doesnt even count how her eyes look sometimes."

I nodded and said " yeah that does sound like her apparently her mom was the same. ruby wants to see the good in people even if she if a bit naive but that is one of the best characteristics of a hero. you are a logical person and tend to think inside the box but ruby she is the opposite. ok that's enough talk let get to the next class."

she nodded as we broke the hug and went to the next class. the classes were boring and combat class isn't until tomorrow so I can't officially fight Cardin.

I decided to go back to team Rwby's dorm and possibly deal with the bunk beds. after I got there, I was about to knock but the door opened, and I saw Blake and the rest about to walk out.

I spoke " hello ladies where are you off to?" they looked at each other and nodded.

ruby spoke first " we were going to go do some team training and hang out and get to know each other. oh, would you like to join us as you are part of team Rwby for now anyway?"

I looked at them and said " sure just let me get Fenrir out of my room. if you were wondering why I was here I was going to deal with your bunks, so they are safer than having it hanging from the ceiling."

they looked away as they really didn't take safety into consideration. yang spoke " well let's get Fenrir and then after training we can come back and deal with the bunks. I'm looking forward to this."

we then walked to my dorm so I could get Fenrir on the way they talked to get to know each other. most of it was their fighting styles and what they could do.

once there I walked in and saw Fenrir sleeping so I spoke " Fenrir time to get up we are hanging out with team Rwby for a bit."

he lifted his head and looked at me with a look that said really. the girls laughed at that, and I shook my head as he then stretched out and walked up to me as if saying to pick him up.

so, I picked him up and put him on my shoulders and we then walked to a training area. once there I let team Rwby start first as they did that I meditated as I was having my instincts going nuts. I knew I had to do something within but didn't know what.

while I was meditating the girls were trying to figure out combo moves. they had some of them now like checkmate and bumblebee. their teamwork was way ahead of everyone else it seemed like they have been together for years.

after a while they finished, and I decided to end my meditation as I'm not going to make progress right now. so, after they had a small break, I decided to then head back to their room and fix the bunks.

once there they walked in and Blake asked, " so how are you going to do it?"

I looked at her and smirked as she then realized she said something wrong. I spoke " oh my little kitty we're not at that stage of our relationship yet. as for the beds I need all the personal items off if you don't want them destroyed."

Blake bushed hard as i said that but then got her stuff as did the others even if they were confused. after they had all their personal items from the bed ruby asked, " so how are you going to deal with bunks and why did we have to get our things off them?"

I smiled at her and said " well as for why I had you get your stuff it goes in hand with how I'm going to do the bunks. I'm going to use a device to deconstruct the beds and use those materials to then shape them into a bunk. your personal items would have been destroyed to molecular level to then be reshaped into something else from my system."

they looked at me disbelieving but then Blake had a look of revelation as she then spoke " oh the device you used to build everything in menagerie. it took in the materials and rewrote their structure to build something else."

I looked at her and nodded as I spoke " yes that is it I'm going to use said device on the beds now please stand behind me."

after I said that they got behind me and I scanned the bed as it soon disappeared. I then scanned the other beds and selected the bunk icon and a holographic projection soon appeared and I put it where it will go and locked it in and then started building it.

we then had the bunks all ready and they then ran up to them to see them. they looked amazed as they laid on the bed and Weiss spoke " how? how is that possible and how is the bed softer than what it was?"

they nodded as I said " well that one is a congrats gift from me as I used some of my own materials for your beds. that isn't the only gift though I'm working on my other one as it has more parts to it, and I am doing some calibrations on it."

they looked at me with shock apparent on their face as they said at the same time " thank you Doryu." I smiled at them and helped them get everything back to their areas.

we then hung out together telling stories about each other and most of them was about the time with me. I also told stories about some of the times I was with them and told them how I helped jaune get stronger as well.

overall the first day was fun and tommorrow will be hectic as I will fight cardin and I feel my anger and instincts overflowing at just the thought of him but I was able to reel it in soon after. I slept soon after as my tattoo was shifting around without me noticing.