
Dragon Tears

Secrets. We all keep them. Some tend to protect us from harm. Others tend to lead us to it. While Kayda’s secret is one that haunts her. Kayda isn’t human. She never was. All her life, she knew that. The words thrown at her and the fear filled gazes that watched her showed just how much of a monster she was. But she isn’t what those people think she is either. She’s kept her fair amount of secrets hidden. And she intended to keep them, until her barriers we torn down. Kayda has already had her lifetimes worth of pain and misery along with those secrets she keeps. She spent so long fighting, so long trying to survive, that one day, she finally snapped. Her sanity was shredded by the creatures called humans. She was torn down piece by piece to be used as entertainment slowly corroding away what once was her mind. Only to be built back up again to repeat the gruesome process. So she finally gave up. Now, she is nothing but a beast. At least, that’s what she portrays to be. And she would have continued to play her part as the feral pet, but what happens when Dimitri appears? A cold and calculative man, who appeared in what she thought would be her last moments. A man who seemed to have even more secrets then even her, but was still able to show a side of himself that even she had lost. He was ruthless, cold blooded, calculative, and even, warm? So what happens when he’s out on a mission and meets a creature he quickly wants to dismiss? A creature that he had no interest in until he met her eyes. How exactly is Dimitri going to carefully piece Kayda back together again? And how is Kayda going to react to the unfamiliar kindness shown by a stranger? What’s his motive? ———————- “So, your saying, that because you saved me from death, I’m now in your debt?” Kayda was intrigued but at the same time annoyed, seeing the charming tilt in Dimitri’s lips. And as she stared, Dimitri reveled in her gaze. “You could say that.” His mischievous voice didn’t go unnoticed and Kayda felt a slight twitch at the corner of her lip. With a glow in her eyes, she walked up to Dimitri who was staring her down. “I’ll repay a favor. But I’ll never be in your debt.” Slamming a hand down, she growled. “The Goddess wanted me dead for a reason. You’re lucky I don’t show you why.” Dimitri grinned with amusement when suddenly, his hand snaked its way around her waist. “Even the Goddess can’t take you away from me.” He whispered. ————————————- ‘The cover was not made, and is not owned by me. I just tweaked it.’ ————————————- Updates will be every Wednesday and Sunday unless notified otherwise.

BuruxXxRynna · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Guild Ranking

Kayda shot up and gasped for breath. Her hands immediately shot to her mask on her face, wondering if it was still there.

When she felt the cool material under her fingers, she breathed a sigh of relief. It still remained on her face.

But that didn't mean that no one removed it while she was passed out.

The last thing she remembered was feeling a crushing pressure lay upon her. Depleting all the air from her lungs. And then she passed out.

Concern clouded her mind. Did she pass? Or did she fail the test?

"Ah, I see your finally awake."

A man entered the room with a business smile on his face. He wore simple clothes but the material seemed to be anything but cheap.

The air around him was dignified and powerful. He seemed to be someone of high rank.

Kayda was immediately on guard as she looked at him.

She wanted to get to her feet to have more leverage but the man instantly raised his hand emitting a light pressure with a smile.

"There is no need for you to stand. You must still be drowsy after waking up, so please, sit." He said while walking over to a desk in the room.

Cautious, Kayda observed her surroundings.

She seemed to be inside an office of sorts. Earlier, she had woken up on one of the couches in the room.

Still guarded, she sat back down and looked at the man warily as he sat behind a large desk scattered with papers and pens.

Once they were both seated, the man looked at her with his hands held out in front of him, resting upon the desk.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Gred Beldr, this guilds manager." He had an air of authority, but before her, he bowed his head.

"I apologize for the actions of one of our examiners. It seems that he had purposely tampered with your first test and as a result, ended up harming you in the process." He looked at her with a serious expression.

"As compensation, the guild will happily recompense you in any way we can. Since this guild is a branch of one of the largest guilds in the capital, even as a foreign adventurer, you don't have to worry about the price." He said with a smile.

Kayda narrowed her eyes as she looked at him.

His words weren't as simple as they sounded.

What he really meant was, he would compensate her but she should know her limits, because a froeign adventurer who was getting reregistered had no power against such an significant superpower that was connected to the capital.

A frosty, biting aura flashed across her eyes before she became calm.

Calmly, she nodded.

She was uncomfortable around people like this, who decided to beat around the bush with their words instead of directly hitting their target.

It just meant that she had to use more effort than necessary to decipher the meaning behind their words.

Gred smiled happily when she compliantly nodded her head. His business-like expression did not falter as he continued to talk. "Now, is there anything you would like to ask for or know?"

Kayda looked at him. She slightly nodded. "When is the next assessment test?"

Kayda knew that it was mandatory to take multiple assessments to be able to get an accurate grade on an adventure. Since she was re-registering, she would only need to take about three.

Gred waved his hand. "That won't be necessary. Even though you passed out on the first assessment, you grade wouldn't be below a C rank. So, as an apology for what happened, you'll be admitted as a C rank amber holder."

Kayda tilted her head. Amber holder?

Easily noticing her confusion, Gred went on to explain.

"As you know, there are different types of grades for adventurers. For instance, a G rank or and S rank. And just like grades, here in the eastern continent, we have the prominence of a grade. There are six different levels of importance. Bronze, silver, amber, sapphire, gold and platinum. Each type can indicate how much you've donated to the guild, your worth to the guild, or your achievements as an adventurer.

Bronze adventurers can use up to ten percent of the guild resources reserved for adventurers. Silver is twenty five percent, amber is forty, sapphire is fifty five, gold is eighty and platinum is a hundred.

As you have two years worth of experience from your previous time as an adventure, and seeing as your achievements were above ordinary, you would have been given a C rank silver status. But considering the incident from before, the other leaders of the guild and I have come to an agreement to give you an amber status instead. " After he finished, he continued to maintain his business-like smile.

Kayda absorbed all the information and then nodded. She knew it wasn't that easy. There must be limitations and restrictions that he did not tell her to make it sound as if she was getting the better end of the deal, but she couldn't help but get this nagging feeling in the back of her mind.

Something wasn't right, or there was something she wasn't seeing.

After discussing some things with Gred for a few more minutes, she decided to go down and pick some tasks that she could do to earn some quick money.

After looking around a bit, she found some that were restricted to C rank adventurers. There were quite a few easy ones, like guarding and or hunting monsters, and after scanning through some of them, she finally grabbed two that had some good pay.

She applied for the two tasks and left the guild. But she still couldn't shake off the eerie feeling that kept creeping along her body.

On the top floor of the guild, Gred looked out the large window and watched as Kayda blended into the crowd. A man entered at that time, the same man who had held Kayda's examination.

"Are you sure?" Gred asked. All friendliness and hospitality had left him as a serious and heavy air filled the room like flooding water, putting pressure on the man's chest.

"I'm positive. I checked her mana signature while she was sleeping, and even used the largest magic device that we had, but none of them could detect the amount of mana she had inside her body."

The grim expression on Greds face did not change as he looked at the place Kayda had disappeared from.

The examiner continued, but this time, with a great hesitance, "Guild manager, this could only mean-"

Gred nodded. His eyes shone as a glint flashed through them with seriousness and anticipation. "Yes." He finished the man's sentence. "She has more than enough mana to be an S rank adventurer."

The room fell into a heavy silence before Gred spoke once again. "Inform the guild master."

The examiner turned hesitant. "You mean," Gred turned around with a great graveness.

"Yes. Inform Gerrin Egorov in the capital."