
Failure is not an option

The subdued glow of the underground arena bathed the scene in a dim light, creating a palpable atmosphere of suspense. Tom and Nicolas stood on opposite sides of the battleground, their expressions determined, ready to face off for the chance to challenge Edgar. Murmurs of anticipation wafted through the spectators in the stands, their eyes fixed on the battlefield where the two trainers were about to clash.

At the summit of the VIP stands, Azurion observed the scene with silent interest. Seated comfortably in a padded chair, he crossed his arms, awaiting the commencement of the confrontation. His eyes pierced the arena, capturing every detail of the imminent duel.

By his side, two main trainers , Lucie and Anais, were present. Jordan, Azurion's right-hand man, also stood there, surveying the scene with an intensity almost as great as the leader's, a notepad in hand. Azurion's gaze fell upon Jordan's notepad.

"What's the notepad for?"

"The winner will be coached by me for a month, that's what you promised them. I want to know their fighting style and their weaknesses."

"I see. Where's Matthieu?"

"He's the referee today. He lost in the straw drawing we organized before your arrival to decide who would be the referee," declared Anais, a woman with long brown hair, standing at 160 cm. She was seated, hands in the pockets of her sweatshirt, chewing gum, completely slouched in her seat.

My gaze returned to the impending battle about to unfold.

"Tom against Nicolas, an interesting confrontation. They are our two most powerful secondary trainers, according to the monthly ranking organized by the arena for secondary trainers. Both of them are natives of the island who managed to acquire the eight badges a year ago. It took them three years to earn them; it's quite amusing, their journeys are very similar. They both also have fathers who are doctors, one at the hospital and the other at the Pokémon Center," said Lucie, a blonde woman with blue eyes wearing glasses, in a scientist's lab coat. Her gaze was fixed on a document she held in her hands containing the profiles of the two combatants.

Azurion watched the trainers, focused on their match, a glint of anticipation in his eyes. "This battle will be a crucial test for both of them. The winner will have the opportunity to challenge Edgar for the position of the main trainer of the arena. Let's not underestimate the stakes."

"That fool Edgar failed a reconnaissance mission; now his position is being contested. Azurion, why didn't you assign me that mission? Usually, I handle these kinds of things, and unlike him, I would have succeeded easily," complained Anais, posing a question that caught my attention.

"That's true, you're the best at this kind of thing, but the mission had to be done in cooperation with the police. It wasn't a job for the gym, but for the island, so we don't have the authority to act alone on this matter. I know you hate working in a team and want to do everything on your own." My words caused a grimace on Anais's face at the word "cooperation."

"But I have a mission for you; follow me to my office after this match." Azurion didn't say more but drew the attention of the trainers around him, especially Anais, who straightened up and wore a confident smile, happy to finally have something interesting to do.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening. I am Matthieu, one of the five main trainers at the Cinnabar Gym. I will be officiating this match between Tom and Nicolas, two of our secondary trainers." Matthieu, a man with short black hair and a well-built physique standing at 181 cm, was in position, ready to referee the battle, a head-mounted microphone allowing him to be heard by the audience who came to enjoy the spectacle. Local television cameras were present, ready to capture the fight.

"Here are the rules: the battle will be a 3 versus 3. Trainers can withdraw their Pokémon at any time and exchange them with another, then bring them back to the field later. Let the match begin," declared Matthieu with a firm voice, marking the official start of the confrontation.

The audience held their breath as the two trainers simultaneously released their Poké Balls. The luminous spheres burst with energy, revealing the Pokémon partners that would face off. A majestic Dragonair appeared by Tom's side, while Nicolas called upon a powerful Vibrava.

The roar of the Pokémon echoed in the arena, heralding the beginning of the duel.

Azurion observed carefully, assessing not only the combat skills of the two trainers but also their strategic understanding and ability to react under pressure. It was more than just a Pokémon duel; it was a test of leadership and tactical competence.

With determined looks, the two trainers quickly analyzed the battlefield, anticipating their opponent's first moves. The Pokémon, ready for action, exchanged defiant growls.

"Dragonair, unleash the power of Dragon Rush!" commanded Tom, initiating the first assault. His Dragonair spread its majestic white wings, unleashing draconic energy as it charged toward the opposing Vibrava with unstoppable force.

Nicolas responded with a calm but focused expression. "Vibrava, counter with a Dragon Tail!"

Vibrava ascended slowly into the air. Just as Dragonair was about to strike, Vibrava countered with a draconic tail charged with energy.

The clash of attacks echoed in the arena, creating a visible shockwave. Spectators watched with growing fascination, captivated by the intensity of the duel. Dragonair and Vibrava faced each other, ready to clash for supremacy on the battlefield.

"Dragonair, use Surf!" Tom shouted, aiming to disrupt Vibrava's concentration. Dragonair created a wave that flooded the arena.

However, Nicolas reacted swiftly. "Vibrava, fly higher, quickly! Use Sandstorm."

Vibrava, while avoiding the attack, unleashed a powerful sandstorm. The combination of visual disruption momentarily affected Dragonair, reducing its agility.

"Now, attack with Draco Meteor!" ordered Nicolas, capitalizing on the temporary advantage.

Vibrava unleashed a shower of draconic meteorites, sending them toward Dragonair with remarkable precision. Tom, however, wasn't idle.

"Dragonair, counter with Dragon Tail, destroy all these miserable rocks!"

Deploying its wings with surprising agility despite the disruption, Dragonair struck with its tail, deflecting and destroying most of the Draco Meteors. However, some managed to hit their target, shaking Dragonair from the impact.

The arena resounded with cheers from the audience, witnessing the excitement generated by this intense start to the match between Tom and Nicolas. Each trainer was determined to prove their worth in this fierce struggle for gym supremacy.

While the battle raged on the field, Azurion remained impassive, his expression revealing little about his inner thoughts. He analyzed each choice, each decision, seeking to uncover the potential of each of the combatants, trying to predict if any of them had what it took to become one of the main trainers.

The murmur of the audience and the sound of Pokémon attacks filled the underground arena. Azurion stayed focused, aware that the outcome of this match would have repercussions on the balance within his gym. The duel between Tom and Nicolas was more than just a Pokémon showdown; it was a crucial test that could determine the future of the Gym team.

Nicolas's Vibrava fell, having taken an attack from Tom's Dragonair.

"Dragonair, let's finish this, use Slam," commanded Tom. Dragonair descended from the air towards Vibrava, coiling itself before striking the already grounded Pokémon with a powerful blow, finishing it off.

Nicolas's Vibrava was down, having endured a powerful attack from Tom's Dragonair.

"Nicolas's Vibrava is out of the battle. The score is 3 to 2 in favor of Tom," announced Matthieu, assessing the state of Vibrava before communicating the current score.

However, Nicolas didn't lose his composure.

"Nidoking, go!" he exclaimed, sending his Poison-Ground Pokémon into the arena. Nidoking stood proudly on the battlefield.

Tom calmly assessed the new threat. "Dragonair, return. Well done. Let's go, Cloyster!"

Tom's Dragonair returned to its Poké Ball, making way for a majestic Cloyster that elicited roars from the audience. The arena was now the stage for a showdown between two imposing and powerful Pokémon.

"Cloyster, Ice Beam!" commanded Tom.

Nicolas quickly thought, "Nidoking, protect yourself with Protect. Then, counterattack with Hammer Arm!"

Cloyster released a freezing beam, spewing a devastating Ice Beam. However, Nidoking skillfully shielded itself with a green dome, resisting the icy attack.

"Now, Nidoking, charge with Hammer Arm!" Nicolas shouted.

Nidoking, regaining the initiative, rushed toward Cloyster with a fist charged with energy. Cloyster didn't move, its mobility not at its best on solid ground.

"Cloyster, endure with Iron Defense and counterattack with Icy Wind!"

In a bold maneuver, Cloyster closed its shell, a metallic sheen covering it. Nidoking relentlessly pounded the shell, which took the hits without yielding.

When Nidoking stopped to catch its breath, the shell reopened, and Cloyster summoned a freezing gust that weakened Nidoking and froze some joints, making it slower.

However, despite the unfavorable situation, Nicolas smiled, clenched his fist, then threw a punch in Cloyster's direction and shouted:

"Now, Nidoking, as planned, Horn Drill." Tom realized that Nidoking's goal in getting so close from the beginning was to execute this move.

"Cloyster, don't let yourself get hit!" he yelled.

The horn on Nidoking's head gleamed a bloody red. Nidoking headbutted Cloyster, which had just finished its previous attack, leaving it completely at Nidoking's mercy.

An explosion echoed through the stadium. Standing there was Nicolas's exhausted Nidoking and Tom's completely knocked-out Cloyster.

"Cloyster is out, the victory goes to Nidoking, so the score is now 2-2." The crowd applauded and chanted Nidoking's name, cameras highlighting the victorious Nidoking and the defeated Cloyster.

Azurion watched attentively, his eyes sparkling with a gleam of interest. Strategic decisions and attack synchronization were crucial, and each trainer sought to exploit the weaknesses of their opponent. Nicolas and Tom showed an interesting ability to think on their feet.

Despite his type disadvantage, Nicolas managed to capitalize on his opponent's weakness, lack of mobility, not giving his adversary the time to set up on the battlefield.

Cloyster glowed and returned to its Poké Ball after receiving comforting words from its trainer.

"Kangaskhan, control this Nidoking." Kangaskhan looked at its panting opponent, then emitted a growl before leaning to the side and forcefully slamming the ground as a means of intimidation. Nidoking became enraged and roared, preparing to pounce on the disrespectful Kangaskhan.

"Calm down, Nidoking, regain your composure," ordered Nicolas. Nidoking calmed down slightly but still emitted roars, ready to leap at the enemy Kangaskhan.

"Nidoking, Focus Energy, then use Strength." Nidoking's muscles contracted for a moment, shining with a slight yellow light, then instantly swelled, making Nidoking more imposing than before, resembling a Pokémon bodybuilder.

"Kangaskhan, Reversal."

Nidoking charged at Kangaskhan, delivering powerful blows to its belly and head, making it groan in pain. Kangaskhan instantly retaliated, causing Nidoking to groan. However, it didn't stop there. Nidoking struck again, and Kangaskhan returned the blow once more, this time with greater force. A series of exchanged blows between the two Pokémon echoed in the arena, and with each impact, the spectators exclaimed, creating an electrifying atmosphere.

Nicolas gritted his teeth, knowing that Reversal inflicts more and more damage as the Pokémon weakens, whereas for Nidoking, it's the opposite; the power of his blows diminishes as he weakens.

"Nidoking, step back and use Earthquake." Nidoking clumsily stepped back, completely thrown off balance by the attacks. Despite that, he focused and struck the ground sharply. Fissures spread to Kangaskhan, causing it to lose footing for a few seconds. Ground-type energies clung to Kangaskhan, causing it to suffer before ceasing.

Kangaskhan got back up, demonstrating the resilience of Normal-type Pokémon.

"Kangaskhan, use Hyper Beam, take advantage of its moment of weakness." Kangaskhan gathered energy in its mouth and unleashed a massive energy beam that crashed onto Nidoking, making him fall into the lava. A Magmortar emerged from the magma and punched Nidoking, bringing him back onto the arena.

"Nidoking almost fell into the lava, he is disqualified. The winner of this round is Kangaskhan. The score is now 2-1." Kangaskhan roared in triumph, pounding its chest to showcase its strength.

Nicolas gritted his teeth, knowing that his last Pokémon still had to eliminate two more, even though both were exhausted, and his Pokémon was at its maximum capacity. It was shaping up to be another challenging battle.

"Ursaring, go."

"Kangaskhan, let's put the pressure on from the start. Hammer Arm." The kangaroo darted towards Ursaring, then lifted its arms before delivering a powerful blow to the opposing Pokémon.

Ursaring retreated a bit, closing its eyes to recover from its confused state. However, Kangaskhan wasn't giving it much respite.

"Kangaskhan, take advantage! Iron Tail!" Kangaskhan unleashed a flurry of blows, each one hitting Ursaring. The crowd held their breath as the confrontation continued.

Nicolas, despite the challenges, remained focused. "Ursaring, wake up! Now, counter with Thrash!"

Ursaring shook its head to wake up and, with renewed determination, grabbed Kangaskhan's tail and threw it to the ground. Once released, Kangaskhan got up to find itself subjected to a torrent of blows from Ursaring's body parts—its four legs and head. Surprised by the suddenness of the attack, Kangaskhan took the hits but remained standing.

"Kangaskhan, Water Pulse!" Kangaskhan punched Ursaring, stopping its onslaught, then concentrated aquatic energy between its hands, forming an unstable water ball.

"Don't let him, Ursaring! Close Combat!" Ursaring didn't give Kangaskhan the chance to calmly form its attack. It clenched its fists, charged them with fighting-type energy, and delivered a rain of blows more powerful than before, canceling Kangaskhan's attack.

Ursaring landed a final blow on Kangaskhan before sending it sprawling near its trainer.

"Kangaskhan is out, the winner of this round is Ursaring, making it 1-1 now!"

Ursaring breathed slightly, a sign of relief, then positioned itself again in front of its trainer, Nicolas. On the other side of the arena, Tom took out his last Poké Ball, looking uncertain.

"Dragonair, you started this battle, it's up to you to finish it. I'm counting on you!" declared Tom. Dragonair appeared once again on the battlefield, still seeming exhausted. Despite this, it roared upon entry, showing its determination.

"Ursaring, use Earthquake!" ordered Nicolas, hoping to capitalize on Dragonair's fatigue.

Ursaring, faithful to its trainer's command, unleashed another seismic wave. However, Dragonair, though tired, reacted quickly. Tom, understanding the significance of this moment, was ready.

"Dragonair, take flight!" he commanded.

Dragonair soared, using its own wings to avoid being affected by the Earthquake's effect, then hovered in the air, observing its opponent. The two Pokémon faced each other, ready to clash in this crucial final round.

"Ursaring, Thunder Punch!" exclaimed Nicolas.

Ursaring sprinted and made an incredible leap towards Dragonair, its fist charged with electricity, leaving the entire arena gasping in amazement. However, Dragonair, recovering its breath, skillfully dodged the attack, ready to unleash a series of rapid counterattacks.

"Dragonair, Dragon Tail!"

Dragonair whipped its tail, striking Ursaring with lightning speed. Despite its toughness, Ursaring began to show signs of fatigue but managed to catch Dragonair's tail in mid-air, bringing it down to the ground with him.

Nicolas remained focused, knowing that the battle was far from over. "Ursaring, don't let go! Use Ice Punch!" Ursaring transformed its electrically charged fist into a weight emitting a freezing cold, causing Dragonair to shiver as it tried to escape its grasp.

Ursaring gathered its last bit of strength and relentlessly pounded Dragonair. Dragonair groaned in pain, but it held on.

"Dragonair, break free, use Flamethrower!" Tom, seeing the urgency of the situation, gave a command to his Pokémon, as it couldn't free itself.

Dragonair spewed a powerful stream of flames towards Ursaring, making it release Dragonair's tail and creating some distance.

Nicolas quickly strategized. "Ursaring, we can't let it go on, we have to finish it, use Double Edge!" Ignoring the flames still burning its body, Ursaring fixed its gaze on the fleeing Dragonair. Leaning on the ground, it suddenly burst forth with phenomenal force, each step leaving a mark in the ground and a cloud of dust.

Tom clenched his teeth, knowing that his exhausted Pokémon wouldn't be able to escape Ursaring's attack. His only option was to counterattack and hope to overpower Ursaring.

"Dragonair, Outrage!" Nicolas commanded.

Dragonair halted in mid-air, its eyes turning blood-red, and small blue flames representing draconic energy enveloped it. It turned its gaze toward Ursaring, which was very close, and launched its attack. The two Pokémon charged at each other; the showdown was imminent.

The outcome of the match rested on these final moments. Both trainers had given their all throughout the battle, their skills nearly identical. However, only one would prevail.


The shockwave spread through the arena, raising a cloud of dust that blinded all spectators, leaving suspense in the air. Once the dust settled, one Pokémon stood tall, and the other lay on the ground, completely knocked out. The referee raised the flag in favor of one trainer before delivering the final verdict.

"Dragonair is out of the battle; the winner of this match is Nicolas and his Ursaring." The crowd exclaimed at the turn of events, impressed by the power of the bear on stage that allowed its trainer to turn the tide after falling behind with his previous Pokémon.

Ursaring roared with joy and gave its trainer a bear hug, reciprocated with affection. On the other side, a frustrated Tom held back his tears; this opportunity was rare, and he had failed to seize it.

Azurion stepped onto the stage with determination, capturing the attention of the crowd and television cameras. Matthieu, ready to leave, was halted by the arrival of the Gym Leader.

"Ladies and gentlemen, excellent display of skill and determination from both Nicolas and Tom! A thrilling match that kept every spectator here on the edge of their seats! Let's have a ton of applause for our two incredible trainers," began Azurion, using the microphone handed to him by Matthieu. The crowd applauded enthusiastically in response to the Gym Leader's words, satisfied with the intense battle that had unfolded.

"Nicolas, congratulations on your victory. Your Ursaring showed impressive strength and resilience. Tom, don't be too hard on yourself. Battles are learning opportunities, and I'm sure you'll take away important lessons from this experience."

He created a moment of suspense, letting anticipation build in the charged atmosphere.

"Next month, we will have a special event in our gym! An exceptional match where two of our top trainers will have the chance to face off against each other to determine who is the strongest. The winner of this battle will have the honor of joining the top five trainers of the Cinnabar Gym! This match will pit Nicolas, today's victorious combatant, against a current head trainer who has agreed to put his title on the line for the occasion, Edgar. I hope you will all come out in force for this match, which promises to be epic."

A murmur of excitement and anticipation spread through the crowd. Trainers, inspired by this announcement, exchanged determined and enthusiastic looks.

"Thank you for your attention, and now I hand over the mic to Nicolas. Please give our winner of the day a huge round of applause!" The crowd, shocked by this announcement, applauded even more fervently.

Azurion, after making this impactful announcement, quickly returned to his office without waiting for the public's reactions. He paid no attention to Nicolas's speech, knowing that attention was now focused on the upcoming event. However, he signaled for Anaïs to join him immediately.

Meanwhile, Nicolas took the microphone with a triumphant smile, greeting the cheering crowd. "Thank you, everyone! It's an honor to battle in this legendary gym. I also thank my opponent, Tom, for this fierce duel. We both gave our best, and that's what makes these competitions so exceptional." Ursaring roared in support of its trainer.

The crowd responded with enthusiastic applause, acknowledging the sportsmanship of both trainers.

While Nicolas continued his speech, Azurion was already waiting for Anaïs in his office, contemplating the preparations for the upcoming mission. Azurion settled behind his desk, awaiting the arrival of his loyal collaborator. He powered up his computer and found the police email he had received during Tom and Nicolas's battle.

Anaïs walked in without knocking, hands in her pockets, and an ever-nonchalant expression with a piece of gum in her mouth.

"I suppose this sudden summons is about the mission you mentioned before the match."

"Indeed, Anaïs, we have our work cut out for us. Get ready; we leave on a mission together in two days." Anaïs opened her mouth in disbelief, pointed at me, and repeated the action several times.

"I'm going on a mission with you?? For what reason?? Who is so problematic that the Gym Leader himself and a head trainer have to undertake the mission together?"

"During Edgar's mission failure..." At my words, Anaïs displayed a disdainful look regarding the outcome of that mission, persisting in thinking that Edgar's job should have been hers considering the results.

"Some Team Rocket members were captured, and we found one of their bases. I'll personally destroy them, but I'll give you an hour. I want you to infiltrate that base and gather as much information as you can before I demolish it, understood?" Anaïs straightened up and puffed out her chest.

"You're asking the right person. I'm the ideal person for this mission. But how did the police manage to extract information from Team Rocket?" I looked at her expressionlessly.

"That's none of your concern."

"Which Pokémon do you plan to use during this operation?"

"Why this question?"


"All my Team A Pokémon will be deployed."

"Oh, so you're really angry then? For a simple base, using the entire Team A is excessive, isn't it?" Anaïs was the curious type. If I don't stop her, we might spend the next few days in the same position as she continues to ask me questions that will be of no use except to waste my time.

"Stop, enough. Go get ready. I'll organize someone to take care of your current tasks. I won't tolerate failure. It's a rare opportunity, and I want everything to be perfect."

Anaïs nodded determinedly. "Of course, Azurion. I'll take care of everything. This mission will be memorable, I'm sure of it."

The two days passed quickly, and now Azurion and Anaïs found themselves in the sky, perched on the back of Yama, heading towards the Team Rocket base. The wind whistled in their ears as Yama cut through the skies with impressive agility. Despite the crucial mission ahead, an oddly relaxed atmosphere prevailed.

Anaïs, ever carefree, chewed her gum nonchalantly while observing the landscape passing below. Azurion, seated behind her on Yama's back, maintained his usual unperturbed expression, although his eyes were fixed on the distant horizon.

"So, Azurion, care to explain why you decided to leave your ivory tower for this mission?" asked Anaïs, letting out a light laugh.

Azurion responded in a calm yet determined tone, "The Team Rocket poses a serious threat, and it is my duty to ensure they no longer cause trouble. Moreover, it's an opportunity to showcase the effectiveness of the Cinnabar Gym."

Anaïs raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smile forming on her face. "That failure really got under your skin, didn't it?"

Azurion nodded slightly. "Edgar can't be everywhere at once. I don't blame him for that failure; the difficulty of this mission exceeded his capabilities. I should have sent you; your lack of cooperation with the police would have kept the traitor unaware of your progress, but it would probably have taken more time. Alternatively, I could have sent Jordan directly to annihilate Team Rocket by force."

"Next time, send me then." Anaïs burst into laughter, delighted with the compliments, letting a bubble of gum float away in the wind.

"Actually, why are we traveling on Yama's back? You're a Gym Leader-level trainer; couldn't you have raised a Psychic Pokémon to teleport us? It would have been so much faster." Anaïs complained about the time it took to reach the Team Rocket base, eager to engage with them immediately.

The silence fell for a moment, broken only by the beating of Salamence wings. Finally, Azurion broke the calm. "I tried. I caught a Ralts, managed to evolve it into Kirlia."

"Ah? Why haven't I heard about it?" Anais turned to Azurion, popping a new piece of gum into her mouth, while Yama growled at the mention of Kirlia.

"Simply for the same reason Lance doesn't have a psychic Pokémon. Dragon Pokémon are embodiments of anger, they struggle to control their mood, whereas psychics are the opposite; they have total control over their mental state. Of course, there were several confrontations between Kirlia and my Dragon Pokémon; they couldn't coexist, it was worse than two dragons meeting. Whenever they saw each other, either they ignored each other, or a dispute that escalated was triggered. This dragon we're flying on is one of the main culprits of those disputes." Azurion gave an annoyed tap on Yama's neck, who roared in indignation in return, disagreeing with the suggestion that Kirlia was the problem.

"What happened to that Kirlia?" Anais asked curiously.

"I gave it to someone I traveled with a lot, someone I trust entirely, and Kirlia got along quite well with them." Anais was about to ask another question, but I interrupted.

"It seems we're close. Anais, when you infiltrate the base, I'll give you only an hour, then I'll attack the base. Take advantage of the chaos, gather everything you can, especially... information on other bases nearby. Our day won't end just yet, are you ready?"

Anaïs shrugged casually. "You know I'm always ready. Let me do what I do best, and we'll attack at least 3 other bases. Trust me, boss."

Azurion flashed a faint smile. "I trust you, Anaïs. Let's make sure to deal with this problem together." Yama growled; the previous conversation reminded him of unpleasant memories he wanted to erase from his mind, especially his defeat against a Pokémon in a skirt when he was just a Bagon.

They continued their journey, Yama still cutting through the air, carrying the two trainers towards an inevitable showdown with the Team Rocket.

Next chapter