
Dragon Tamer (Pokémon SI)

A man, reincarnated in the world of Pokémon, decides to become the master of dragons. After numerous adventures and training, he is now at the helm of a gym specializing in Dragon-type Pokémon. With an impressive team of powerful dragons, he welcomes brave trainers seeking to earn his badge and challenge his authority as a gym leader. His name echoes across Cinnabar Island: Azurion Flame, the Dragon Master ready to face all challenges.

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10 Chs


"A semi-failure." I review the report written by Edgar and the police the day after their mission. It has been a week since their expedition to the Seafoam Islands.

I lean back in my chair, tilting it slightly backward, while my gaze fixates on the ceiling of my office. The questions persist, and the answers seem to elude my understanding. Believing in one's own strength or in the decisions of trustworthy companions is an enigma that even I, as a Gym Leader, cannot solve. Sometimes, the line between the right choice and the wrong one appears blurry.

Was entrusting the mission to Edgar a mistake on my part? I still don't know. Would I have changed anything if I had gone there myself? Probably not. My movements are likely monitored, and my presence might have prompted the Team Rocket to flee more rapidly. Sometimes, having a reputation can be a burden in such situations.

I had delegated to Edgar the responsibility of conducting an investigation in collaboration with the police. In just a few days, he had managed to determine the Team Rocket's hideout and coordinate an infiltration with law enforcement. I commend his efficiency in gathering information and his quick reactions.

However, the Team Rocket had infiltrated the police with a mole. They discovered the ongoing operation on the same day, alerting their Rocket comrades who immediately launched a search for intruders. Edgar, Jenny, and the others were in the midst of infiltration, making their discovery inevitable.

Edgar and Jenny found themselves facing about ten grunts and an executive named Archer. I know him; he is Giovanni's right-hand man, the most powerful executive of Team Rocket, and he seems to specialize in Ice-type Pokémon. Edgar, with only a few years of experience as a trainer, had little chance of success.

Edgar and Jenny were crushed, one by the superior skills of the executive and his Pokémon, and the other overwhelmed by the number of grunts attacking her.

They were fortunate to have anticipated this situation with a reinforcement team ready to rescue them immediately outside the cave, positioned just a short distance from Seafoam Islands. Without this assistance, their return alive would have been compromised.

Edgar didn't give up; he pursued them into the cave and then into the air, following the Team Rocket airship. Unable to hold them off long enough without risking casualties among his team, he knew when to retreat. Ultimately, they left as defeated, which should have been considered a mission failure.

However, on the other side, Nicolas and Tom managed to gather crucial information about Team Rocket's objective before it was destroyed during their escape.

They had previously encountered several Rocket teams on patrol, knocked out one of them, stolen their uniforms, and then took advantage of the chaos caused by the police invasion to retrieve data from their base deep in the cave. This base was guarded by around thirty grunts, a risky gamble that ultimately paid off. Their condition was safe, and they succeeded in completing the mission without engaging in battles. No deaths were reported on the police side, as Team Rocket was more concerned about escaping than fighting.

This turned the initial failure into a semi-failure.

Currently hospitalized, Edgar had not realized the extent of his injuries under the influence of adrenaline. Doctors confirmed a broken arm and other injuries resulting from the aerial battle.

Police investigations at Seafoam Islands revealed that Team Rocket had come to investigate the legendary Pokémon Articuno. They seemed to be studying its nest to determine the frequency of its appearances, although they failed to make contact with the Pokémon.

It is therefore legitimate to wonder why Team Rocket repeatedly claimed to have achieved its goal. Data collected by Tom and Nicolas solved this mystery.

According to the investigations, Team Rocket had been present at the location for over a month. The police initially located them due to the negligence of the grunts, too confident in their discretion, and also because the criminals were already preparing to leave, making their movements too obvious and hasty.

Edgar's intervention only accelerated their escape. They were prepared, erasing any compromising traces before leaving. At this point, there was nothing attractive left for them, and their only loss was an undercover agent within the police.

It is now my responsibility to take measures to rectify the situation. An emergency meeting with key team members is essential. We need to learn from this experience and strengthen our defenses.

Edgar, on the other hand, considers it a personal setback. My eyes close as I recall the moment I visited him in the hospital.

"Gym leader, the trainer from your gym is in this room." A nurse guides me into a hospital room, with Jordan, Tom, and Nicolas following behind me.

"Gym leader, your gym trainer is in this room." A nurse guides me through the hospital, with Jordan, Tom, and Nicolas following behind.

I thank her with a nod before we enter. The characteristic smell of medications greets us, taking a few seconds before we get used to it.

On the bed, lying with one arm in a cast, Edgar stares into space with a somber look.

"You're in quite a pathetic state. Look at yourself; it seems like you survived physically to be mentally dead," I say, sitting on the only available chair, leaving the other three standing, undisturbed. He finally realizes our presence and opens his mouth to speak.

"Gym leader, I..." I raise my hand to interrupt him, indicating to stop talking.

"Stop. Your face says it all. You blame yourself for letting the Team Rocket escape. No need for a speech; I've already read your report and that of the police." I cross my legs and look at him with a neutral expression.

"I had advised you not to engage in battles because I know the limits of your abilities. However, you ended up fighting. It's not due to an error in your actions but rather due to a mole within the police. You are forgiven on that point; I won't say more. Furthermore, the police covered up the incident. Civilians are unaware of the Team Rocket's actions. They only know that criminals were chased by the police and gym trainers. What I reproach you for is losing. In reality, you were crushed. Your team is too weak." I see him tremble at the mention of the word "weak." Once I finish speaking, I announce something shocking to him.

"In a week, a battle will take place to determine which of Tom and Nicolas will have the right to challenge you in a month to claim your position as the head trainer. Their contribution in this mission, along with your failure, has given them the opportunity to officially challenge you for your title. It will be a public battle. Although the island's population is not aware of the exact facts, they know that you lost a battle in one of your missions and ended up in the hospital. They are grateful to you for protecting them from criminals, but they are concerned about your condition, thinking that you are not strong enough to deserve your position." Tom and Nicolas look at Edgar with determination, while Jordan, in a corner of the room, crosses his arms and closes his eyes, saying nothing.

"Edgar, no matter who wins our duel next week, none of us intends to hold back against you in a month. Your position is something all the secondary trainers in the gym aspire to, including us. It's an opportunity we won't refuse, so don't take it the wrong way." Tom suddenly announces, drawing Edgar's attention, who is still disturbed by the previous announcement.

"Agreed with him. Once you're recovered, train hard because once I take your place, I won't accept your future challenges, letting you stay as a secondary trainer. You'll have no excuse for your loss." Nicolas smiles, clenches his fist in strong determination, attracting the attention of both Tom and Edgar with his words.

"Well, now that we've said what we came for, it's time to let the injured rest. Edgar, I expect you not to lose." Azurion lightly taps Edgar's injured arm with a sadistic smile, making him hiss in pain, then gets up, taking Tom and Nicolas with him.

Jordan didn't leave immediately. He opened his eyes and uncrossed his arms.

"Azurion has great confidence in you. He organized this fight to prove your strength to the island. If it's not enough, he'll replace you immediately. But that's not the point. He believes you'll be able to put on a show reassuring enough for the population." Jordan left his words behind and then also exited the room, leaving Edgar who couldn't say a word from start to finish, fist clenched, brows furrowed in frustration.

As we leave the hospital, I look at Jordan with annoyance. "Your last words were unnecessary." He shrugged and walked alongside me.

"The words you threw at him were harsh. Edgar has potential. It's only been a few years since he became a trainer; he still has immense room for improvement. I know you tried to put pressure on him with this fight. I was afraid he might end up in depression and doubt his abilities. Besides, you brought these two along to make him feel immediate pressure. I wanted him to have at least a bit of confidence in himself."

"Edgar is strong. He could have handled it on his own, and if he hadn't succeeded, I would have simply replaced him with someone with a winner's mentality, not a loser's. I consider Edgar one of my best friends, but I don't mix work and personal life. So, regarding my trainers, I'll put as much pressure on them to be the best. There are several reasons for me to act like this; they are responsible for the lives of thousands of people. Moreover, we are a Dragon-type gym; the weak have no place with us, and the Pokémon of the gym would reject him if he showed weakness. That goes for you three as well." With a smile, I point at the three trainers accompanying me.

Tom and Nicolas, shaken by both the pressure from Azurion's speech about the weak and the excitement of being considered among the best trainers, are respected by the Dragon-type Pokémon in the gym.

"Where are we going now?" Jordan sighs, knowing my mentality well but finding nothing to object since he knows I'm right.

My smile immediately fades, replaced by an angry expression. "What a question, the police station, of course. I almost lost two secondary trainers and a head trainer because of this mole. They better have a good explanation for me."

We head to the police station, and my mind is filled with a cold determination. Jordan follows me in silence, understanding that anger is brewing within me. Tom and Nicolas exchange glances but say nothing. Upon arrival, I enter the building with unwavering confidence.

Inside, I immediately ask to see the police chief. A secretary, surprised by my entrance, hurries to contact the person in charge. During the wait, my eyes scan the room, causing signs of nervousness among the present agents.

The police chief, a middle-aged man with a stern gaze and a well-groomed mustache, eventually arrives. "Azurion, follow me to my office, we can discuss it quietly." I say nothing and follow the officer, accompanied by Jordan and the other two.

The police chief enters a room and sits at his desk, inviting us to sit across from him.

"While I have my suspicions, I'll ask you nonetheless, what can I do for you?" he asks in a professional tone.

"Start by explaining to me how Team Rocket became aware of our operation on Seafoam Islands. It's clear that we were betrayed from within, endangering the lives of my trainers. I want answers, and I want the culprit identified and punished." My voice echoes in the room, infused with unwavering authority.

The police chief tries to remain calm. "Azurion, we are conducting an internal investigation. We were also caught off guard by this betrayal, and we are doing our best to identify the culprit."

"Your 'best' is shit. Two of my trainers were injured, and it could have been avoided if we had been properly informed. I don't want you to do your best; I demand results. They must be swift, and I want to be kept informed of every development in your investigation. If I find that you are neglecting this matter, I will take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of the city and my gym."

The police chief nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. "We will do everything in our power to resolve this matter as quickly as possible. You will be informed of every progress," then he sighs, clasps his fingers, and rests his elbows on the table.

He stares at Azurion with a mixed expression of resignation and concern, and continues, "Azurion, understand that this situation took us all by surprise. We conducted security checks, but the mole has been cunning in eluding our vigilance so far."

Azurion, maintaining his piercing gaze, retorts in a stern tone, "Team Rocket is not just anybody. Their influence, their network, it's something we should be able to counter. If you can't ensure the safety of my trainers and the officers under your command, I'll do it myself."

The police chief sighs. "Azurion, we already have agents scouring every corner of the police station. We won't spare any effort to uncover this mole. You must understand that Team Rocket has sophisticated means, and countering them at every level is challenging. However, he left traces in haste; we'll expose him soon."

"I don't want excuses or false promises; I want results. My trainers were injured, and it could have been avoided. You say you're conducting an internal investigation, but I want assurances that this betrayal won't happen again."

The police chief adopts a more serious tone. "Azurion, as I mentioned, we are on the verge of dismantling this mole. However, we need to do it discreetly to avoid any information leaks. I ask for your patience. Once we identify the culprit, measures will be taken."

Azurion, though annoyed, acquiesces. "I'll give you a week. If by then I don't see concrete results, I'll take matters into my own hands, whether you like it or not. The safety of my gym and the island is my top priority. If I find you incompetent, I'll ensure to clean up your establishment myself." The police chief falters; it's the third time Azurion threatens to act independently against his establishment. The threat is clear; if the traitor isn't found, his career will end here.

The police chief understands that Azurion is unwavering on this matter. "We'll do our best, Azurion. You'll have the results within the timeframe you've set."

I leave the police station, leaving behind a palpable tension. Jordan follows me, and once outside, he speaks up. "Azurion, calm down. I know it's frustrating, but the police are doing what they can."

"I'm not as angry as I portrayed back there, don't worry. For a dragon master, mastering one's emotions is crucial. Any emotion I reveal must be controlled because authoritarian dragon Pokémon won't tolerate the slightest hint of hesitation or fear on my face." My gaze changes as I exit the police station, becoming neutral. All that anger was slightly exaggerated. I am aware and consider it logical that the police chief was caught off guard; our adversaries are Team Rocket, professional criminals. But unlike Edgar, I have no leniency to offer him. I intend to put pressure on him that he will never forget. He has been too negligent with his staff.

Tom and Nicolas say nothing, looking at me from behind, impressed by what just happened. I turn to them.

"Both of you, the winner of next week's match will have the right to be coached by Jordan for the fight against Edgar, and I will personally train them for a few days. So, do your best."

"YES" × 2

Back in my office, I open my eyes and straighten up. Today, we witness the battle between Nicolas and Tom. The two fighters will face off in the arena. However, before that, I receive a visit from the police chief, who will provide me with a comprehensive report with the conclusions drawn by scientists and investigators. It took them a week because they had to find the mole before being able to handle the information we gained properly, preventing Team Rocket from knowing what we learned.

The police chief enters Azurion's office, stroking his well-groomed mustache, holding a file in his hands. Azurion welcomes him with a hand gesture and invites him to sit.

"So, what are the conclusions of the investigation?" Azurion asks directly.

The police chief takes a deep breath before starting his report. "We have identified the mole, Azurion. It is Agent Bertholt, a member of the reinforcement unit planned during the operation on Seafoam Islands. He has been in place for several months, acting as a double agent for Team Rocket."

Azurion furrows his brow. "The reinforcement unit? How could he slip through your checks? Are you telling me that, during the emergency, my trainers had to rely on a traitor to save them?"

The police chief explains, "Bertholt had an impeccable record, meticulously chosen by Team Rocket. They ensured his cover was solid, and he managed to avoid any suspicion until recently."

Azurion taps his desk, expressing frustration. "This is unacceptable. How can you ensure the security of my gym if you can't control your own agents?"

The police chief lowers his head, acknowledging the validity of the reprimand. "We have already taken measures to strengthen our verification procedures. Believe me, we don't want this to happen again."

"What's happening now?"

The police officer remains silent for a moment, then lets a statement linger in the air.

"Our Hypnos are quite effective."

Azurion stares at the police chief. "Your Hypnos? What do you mean by that?"

The police chief takes a deep breath before continuing. "When we identified Bertholt as the mole, we used our Hypno Pokémon to extract information from his memory. It was the fastest method to obtain intelligence without risking further compromise to our operation."

Azurion sits up, becoming more attentive. "What have you discovered?"

The police officer hesitates for a moment. "Bertholt was well-informed about Team Rocket's plans. He provided details on their objectives, including information about the legendary Articuno. However, it seems he didn't have access to all the data, and he wasn't aware of the details of the activities conducted by certain members of the organization."

Azurion rubs his chin, thoughtful. "So, they were after Articuno. Why?"

The police chief scratches his head. "It's still unclear, but it seems they were trying to understand the frequency of Articuno's appearances in its nest. Perhaps they hoped to predict its future movements."

Azurion sighs. "That doesn't answer all my questions, but at least we have an idea of what they were looking for. As for the other members of Team Rocket, what have you discovered about them? According to the information you provided me during the week, you found members still positioned in the city, didn't you?"

The police chief grimaces slightly. "Most of them managed to escape during the operation on Seafoam Islands. We lost track of them after they left the island. However, we were able to apprehend some grunts who had stayed behind. They weren't very cooperative, but our Hypno Pokémon made them more 'cooperative,' allowing us to obtain some information."

Azurion encourages him with a wave of his hand to continue.

"They confirmed that Team Rocket was indeed after Articuno, but they didn't know exactly why. Some of them mentioned rumors about visiting other nests of the Pokémon."

Azurion furrows his brow. "Other nests? We must stay vigilant and inform other parts of the region about this potential threat. The Team Rocket must not succeed in their schemes. Also, alert all the police forces near the location where a legendary bird's nest would theoretically be placed. I don't think this only concerns Articuno but also Moltres and Zapdos."

The police chief nods. "We've already started sharing information with others. We'll remain vigilant and intensify surveillance. By the way, I have other things to report; I think you should be aware. We received this information last night, something serious has happened."

"What is it?" Azurion rubs his temples, a headache brewing from this troublesome affair.

"The Pokémon from the cave that had disappeared have been found." The police officer stops stroking his well-groomed mustache and adopts an extremely stern expression, darkening his face even.

"And so?" Azurion urges him to continue.

"They have been frozen. By a weapon or Pokémon, we don't know. Subsequently, they were all placed in several connected cavities, completely filling them." A look of horror crosses the man's face, who rubs his head, causing his hair to fall out, evidence of the excessive stress he has been under.

Azurion scrutinizes the police chief with a mix of cold anger and concern. "Why on earth were the wild Pokémon in the cave frozen? Was it a trap set by Team Rocket?"

The police chief lowers his head, releasing a heavy sigh. "Yes, Gym Leader. It seems that Team Rocket had set up a device to freeze all the wild Pokémon in the cave. When one of our officers arrived and unintentionally triggered the trap, it thawed all the Pokémon at once."

Azurion furrows his brow and rests his head in his hands, anticipating the catastrophe that must have ensued. "And did that lead to a rampage of enraged Pokémon?"

The police chief nods. "Exactly. Most of them were disoriented and frightened by the sudden thaw. It created a chaotic situation, and the Pokémon, lost and panicked, attacked the officers on site, surprised by the Pokémon seemingly emerging from nowhere. A large number of Pokémon even killed each other in the confusion, probably destroying information that we didn't have time to uncover. The massacre lasted for 8 hours, as our men on the ground were killed at the beginning. We were only informed of what happened 9 hours after it started. Not receiving updates for that long is not uncommon, but after 7 hours, our forces in the city began to worry, and we sent a team to check on them, and you know the rest."

Azurion clenches his fists, letting out a muffled growl. "This is unacceptable. Team Rocket not only manipulated Pokémon cruelly but also caused the death of our own men. We can't let them get away with this. How many casualties are there?"

"About ten men, it was the night shift. Usually, we rotate every 10 hours. Not receiving notifications for 7 hours or more is not uncommon, but after 9 hours, our personnel in the city began to worry, and we sent a team to contact them, and you know the story."

Azurion takes a deep breath to calm himself. "Have you contacted the Rangers? This kind of situation requires their expertise."

The police chief nods. "We immediately called for assistance from the ranger team responsible for Cinnabar Island and its surroundings. They quickly subdued the surviving Pokémon. In fact, after several hours of carnage, they were already extremely exhausted."

A silence falls over the room before the police officer continues.

"Finally, to conclude this meeting, I have some good news to share."

Azurion lifts his head, hoping to finally hear something positive to alleviate the stress of the previous information.

The police officer smiles in a sinister manner. "I didn't mention it earlier, but we've managed to locate a Team Rocket base on nearby islands thanks to the grunts we captured." He stands up and salutes.

"Gym Leader Azurion, in my official capacity, I invite you to support the raid operation on the Team Rocket base discovered within our territory. The operation is scheduled for two months from now. Only three people are aware of this information: you, me, and the person who provided me with this information as part of intelligence gathering."

"I accept. No need to prepare plans. Just give me the location of the base, and I'll take care of it personally within two days. The police have already suffered too many losses, and I refuse to remain idle. These two days will be used to prepare for the attack. I'm counting on you and your discretion. I remind you that this failure is under your responsibility, and your current position is unstable. Don't fail again, as you won't get a second chance." The man grits his teeth, acknowledging the truth of my words. The presence of a traitor in his ranks leading to the failure of an important mission and the death of officers on duty could result in him losing his position.

Azurion gazes determinedly at the horizon, determined to protect his island from any threat. "Keep me informed of any developments, especially if there are signs of Team Rocket on other islands. We must remain vigilant."

The police chief salutes Azurion and leaves the office, leaving the Gym Leader immersed in thoughts on how to enhance the security of his gym and the entire island.

"Well, it's time to focus on the match between Tom and Nicolas."