

"It's been five days since Azurion entrusted me with the mission to investigate Team Rocket. Currently, I'm accompanied by Tom and Nicolas, both fully engaged in the mission assigned by Azurion. We've gathered around a table on the balcony of a small café near the sea, where we've reserved the entire floor to devise a strategy regarding the information we've received. The sea breeze gently caresses our faces, allowing us to relax as we sip our coffees.

"So, guys, here's a brief summary of the situation. Thanks to the police, we've discovered the location where around ten Team Rocket members gather." I unfold a map of the island and its surroundings on the table, pointing to a specific area.

"If I'm not mistaken, it leads to a very deep underground cave, but access is restricted due to the presence of many powerful Pokémon. Moreover, no one has managed to descend all the way down due to the darkness and the increasingly intense cold as you go down." Nicolas scratches his head. He has brown skin, glasses, and dark curly brown hair, measuring around 179 cm.

"We need to stay vigilant and not underestimate the danger when we enter to investigate," Tom says, looking seriously at his companions. He has curly blond hair and blue eyes, also measuring 179 cm.

I speak up, "Exactly. Our first step should be to gather information discreetly. I'm all ears—what have you found?"

Nicolas takes out some documents and photos from his bag. "Some investigators I hired found out that Team Rocket members, whose profiles are registered in other cities, have been spotted. Moreover, they come from many different cities. I think there's a superior commanding them; they couldn't have gathered on their own."

"As for me, I worked with the police and found out roughly how many there are. In the past few days, 30 different faces have been spotted. So, we can estimate their numbers at around thirty people, and in the worst-case scenario, there are about ten individuals who have remained very discreet and haven't been found. I think there are around forty of them." A heavy atmosphere begins to settle after this information.

Tom adds,"According to my knowledge, Team Rocket moves in teams of ten. If we rely on your information, Tom, there are about four team leaders. Adding the person commanding them, there's a leader, four team leaders, and around forty grunts." Tom and Nicolas look at each other, then furrow their brows, as the implications of this information can be severe.

I gather the documents they gave me into my bag, then stand up, and they do the same.

"Get ready; we're heading to the police station to prepare our investigation into their base that we discovered. We need more information; we must know their purpose and the identity of their superior." They nod simultaneously, and we leave the café.

We make our way to the police station, our group determined to obtain crucial information about Team Rocket. The sky is clear, but a palpable tension hangs in the air. We navigate through the bustling streets, our thoughts focused on the mission that awaits us.

Upon reaching the police station, we are greeted by Inspector Jenny, a determined woman with extensive experience in combating Pokémon crime.

"Edgar, Tom, Nicolas, I'm glad to see you. How can I assist you in your investigation?" she asks with a serious yet welcoming demeanor.

I quickly summarize the information we have gathered so far and outline our intention to investigate the Team Rocket base we've located.

Inspector Jenny approves of our approach and provides us with additional information about the base. She gives us detailed plans of the area and shares the latest reconnaissance reports conducted by the police. We are also briefed on teams of undercover agents patrolling discreetly to monitor suspicious activities.

"You have the full support of the police station for this operation. Team Rocket is a serious threat, and we will do everything in our power to assist you in neutralizing them," declares Inspector Jenny.

"Let's head to a more appropriate room to devise our strategy." She leaves the office and guides us to a room equipped with a board and a computer connected to a projector.

Once seated, we begin the discussion to plan our approach. Detailed plans of the cave up to a certain level are spread across the table, and we examine various entrances as well as areas where crucial information might be concealed.

"I suggest we split our forces. Nicolas and I will monitor their activities, while you, Edgar, and Inspector Jenny attempt to enter more discreetly from the rear to access the sought-after information," suggests Tom.

"I agree. Also, take these watches. Once you press a button, the police team surrounding the cave will intervene immediately, and your location will be communicated to them," explains Jenny, opening a drawer under the desk and distributing watches to each of us.

"If we are spotted, we must withdraw immediately and prepare for an attack. Otherwise, Team Rocket might escape," emphasizes Nicolas.

"Yes, but remember, our mission is to investigate. Getting spotted is the worst-case scenario. We're not going in there to fight but to gather information. The police covering us are just there for emergencies. Don't rely on them to save you from a critical situation," I solemnly warn them. Azurion has made it clear on multiple occasions that he doesn't want incidents drawing attention to the island, and I intend to uphold that.

"We need to play our cards cautiously and ensure that our actions stay within the bounds of the law. Team Rocket is dangerous, but we cannot compromise the integrity of our mission by breaking the law," emphasizes Inspector Jenny before delving into more details about the operation we are about to undertake. The inspector had access to resources and databases that trainers didn't possess, enhancing their ability to unravel the mystery surrounding Team Rocket's activities.

After a thorough discussion, we finalize our plan and prepare to execute our investigation. We equip our Pokémon, check our communication devices, and make sure everything is ready.

We leave the police station, determined to advance our investigation and unravel the mysteries surrounding Team Rocket. The adventure in the cave looms on the horizon, and we are ready to face the unknown.

At the entrance of the cave, the atmosphere grew tense. The four trainers were ready to face the unknown and put an end to Team Rocket's plans.

Inspector Jenny assessed the situation professionally. "We need to proceed with caution. Reinforcements are on the way, but we must gather crucial information before their arrival." The whole team nodded, unconsciously checking that their Pokémon were with them by touching their Poké Balls.

The group ventured inside, aware that each step brought them closer to the truth and a possible confrontation with Team Rocket members. The only sound present in the cave was the dripping of a stalactite, making the atmosphere even more tense. But their determined looks reflected the will to accomplish the mission entrusted by Azurion, and the intrigue thickened as they delved deeper into the cave.

Edgar, Tom, Nicolas, and Jenny saw the path split into two. They looked at each other without saying a word, then separated into pairs, as planned in the strategy.

After a few minutes of walking, Jenny approached Edgar and whispered softly, "It's strange, there are no Pokémon, not even Zubat." I scanned the corners of the cave, and indeed, there wasn't a single Pokémon in sight, which was absolutely abnormal. We had already ventured deep into the cave, but I signaled to Jenny to ignore it and continue. As an experienced policewoman, Jenny skillfully avoided some traps, preventing us from triggering them and revealing our presence.

The duo moved further into the cave, and faint noises seemed to echo in the darkness. Elusive shadows appeared to dance in the corners of the cave. A shiver ran down the spines of the two, but they continued to advance cautiously.

The two groups explore different sections of the cave, looking for clues and signs of suspicious activities. Complex rock structures and winding passages make progress tricky, and cameras are installed everywhere, posing a challenge to avoid them all.

Suddenly, Tom and Nicolas come across a group of five Team Rocket members approaching them, discussing quietly. They hide behind a rock, making sure to remain unnoticed.

"I heard that the police have been seriously investigating us in recent days."

"Yes, the boss expects an attack from them at any moment. We will retreat soon. We've got what we were looking for, and he doesn't want to risk a confrontation, especially with the Gym Leader of the island." Tom and Nicolas exchange uneasy glances upon hearing this information.

"Do you mean Azurion, the Dragon Master? I've heard of him. He was defeated by Lance of the Elite 4 a few years ago, then supposedly won the League after making a comeback."

"Yeah, but there are rumors that he won Leagues in other regions like Hoenn and Sinnoh."

"I've heard about that, but it's just rumors. What really strengthened his reputation was when he faced Lorelei, a ice specialist, and supposedly won. They say his Ninetales is monstrous. Unfortunately for him, she ended up becoming an Elite 4 member, rumored to be favored by her grandfather, the current champion, Pryce."

"He beat Lorelei?"

"Yes, I've heard about it. But it's not because Pryce favored his granddaughter; Azurion declined the title. He said there was already Lance as the Dragon Master in the Elite 4, and he wasn't interested in being considered the 'second Dragon Master.'"

The conversation continues, passing by Tom and Nicolas, who are sweating cold. While facing these five trainers may not be a problem, they need to remain discreet, or they risk drawing a wave of Team Rocket members.

Meanwhile, Jenny and I continue our path, avoiding multiple traps and cameras. We discover a series of narrow passages that seem to lead deeper into the cave.

The ice begins to form on the walls, creating a chilling atmosphere around us. The absence of Pokémon persists, adding to our unease. We reach the limit of our knowledge of the cave; normally, many Pokémon should have blocked our path, but aside from a few traps, it seems strangely easy. From now on, only the unknown awaits us.

As we progress, the cave walls become increasingly white, completely frozen, and behind us, footprints appear. We stop, uncertain whether to continue, as the footprints could give us away.

Suddenly, rapid footsteps echo, and a group of Team Rocket members emerges from the shadows, blocking our way back. Tension is palpable, but before the confrontation erupts, a distinguished man steps forward. His blue hair and cold gaze betray a certain authority. Next to him, a Piloswine sniffs in our direction, likely the reason they spotted us. Damn, we didn't plan for this.

"Agent Jenny and... Edgar, I presume? I've got some information about you. You're one of the five gym fighters from Cinnabar, aren't you?" Agent Jenny releases her Arcanine, which growls. At her gesture, each Team Rocket member releases their Pokémon: Ekans, Arbok, Weezing, and Koffing are summoned onto the battlefield. A dozen Poison-type Pokémon in a confined space makes the situation dangerous, but Archer and I keep a close eye on each other.

"Who are you, and what are you doing on Cinnabar Gym's territory?" I ask, remaining on guard.

The man smirks. "I'm Archer, Rocket's executive. We're just enjoying a vacation on a paradise island, but it seems we're not welcome."

I looked at him impassively, not believing him for a second. His gaze shifted between Agent Jenny and me, still with his smug smile.

"You've gone farther than expected. I thought I had a bit more time, but it doesn't matter anymore. Get ready to face the might of Team Rocket." He spread his arms theatrically, functioning as a signal for the grunts, triggering several poison-type attacks on us.

Jenny pressed her watch, calling for reinforcements immediately, then addressed me.

"Arcanine, use Flamethrower. Edgar, deal with him. If their leader is injured, the rest of the grunts will decide not to pursue us but to take care of him. I'll handle distracting the grunts. Once you find an opening, give the signal, and we leave immediately." Arcanine took a slight breath before spewing flames, countering the poison threatening us.

Jenny's quick response and the power displayed by her Pokémon impressed me. I covered my face to withstand the barrage of attacks, creating a gust centered around the Flamethrower's explosion. Regaining my composure, I took advantage of the dust to circumvent the blockade of Pokémon and grunts, heading toward Archer, who had seen me despite the obstructed vision.

"Milotic, Aqua Tail!" Milotic burst out of its Poké Ball and dove towards Archer. Its tail coiled with powerful aquatic energy before striking Archer, who showed no reaction but crossed his arms.


"Well done, Milotic. Let's go after the others," I declared, satisfied with the successful landing of my attack. My smile widened as I turned towards the grunts, intending to create an opening for Jenny to slip through.

"Piloswine, Blizzard!" A fierce snowstorm descended upon Milotic, who had turned to withdraw towards me, freezing it into a block of ice.

I looked in Archer's direction and saw him in the same position, arms crossed with Piloswine in front of him, shielding him from any attack. The confrontation escalated between Jenny and the grunts; some had noticed me but didn't act against me, allowing me to face Archer. It was clear that Team Rocket wouldn't retreat without a fight.

I let out a sigh, realizing that escaping wouldn't be as easy. I grabbed a Poké Ball and released it, revealing an Ampharos radiating sparkling electric light.

"Ampharos, it's your turn! Show them your power!"

Ampharos roared, glowing with electricity as it prepared to strike. Piloswine, still shielding Archer, was ready to face this new opponent.

"Your Milotic is incredible, a swift and powerful attack, as expected from the Trainer ranked second only to Jordan," Archer mocked while his Piloswine exhaled frigid air.

"Giga Impact, Ampharos!"

A burst of energy shot from the jewel on Ampharos's head, enveloped in purple and yellow energy, and then it charged at Piloswine, leaving a footprint where it stood before. The impact created a shockwave, shaking the air around them. Piloswine, though resilient, showed signs of weakness under Ampharos's relentless attack.

Archer stepped back to avoid being caught in the clash between the two Pokémon. He quickly gave an order to Piloswine to counter the assault.

"Piloswine, High Horsepower!" Earth covered Piloswine like armor as it charged heavily at Ampharos, who was slightly winded after using the Giga Impact.

"Fire Punch," I commanded, then noticed Milotic successfully breaking free from the previous ice.

Ampharos absorbed Piloswine's charge but stood strong. Its feet sank into the ground, then it grabbed Piloswine by the horn with one hand and ignited its fist. It hammered Piloswine with several blows before being slammed against the cave wall.

"Milotic, help Ampharos, use Aqua Tail." Milotic coiled its tail with water-type energy and slipped towards the two Pokémon.

"Well, 2 against 1, not a pretty sight, don't you agree, Weavile?" Archer chuckled, seeing Milotic attempting to disrupt the battle between Ampharos and Piloswine.

"Weavile?" I looked at him suddenly, not understanding whom he was talking to, but a whimper made me realize.

A Weavile suddenly appeared just above Milotic's head, rushing to assist Ampharos, and slashed it with the Night Slash attack.

Weavile's strike threw Milotic off balance, forcing it to retreat in surprise. Ampharos, still catching its breath after the Giga Impact and injured from the previous attack, now found itself in a difficult situation against Piloswine.

"Ampharos, hold on! Milotic, watch out for Weavile!" I shouted, adjusting my strategy to deal with this new threat.

Weavile, agile and fast, continued to harass Milotic with swift and stealthy movements. Meanwhile, Piloswine seized the opportunity to regain the initiative and launched an Ice-type attack on Ampharos, seeking to capitalize on this moment of weakness.

On Agent Jenny's side, her Arcanine found itself increasingly overwhelmed by the Pokémon it faced; it wouldn't be able to hold on much longer.

The situation was becoming critical. Weavile was an agile opponent, skillfully evading Milotic's attacks while launching its own counterattacks. Ampharos, already tired from its previous Giga Impact, struggled against Piloswine and endured Ice-type attacks.

On Agent Jenny's side, the situation worsened. The Team Rocket grunts attacked relentlessly, overwhelming her Arcanine.

I quickly thought of a strategy to turn the tide. "Milotic, use Surf, drown out all these people! Ampharos, focus on that wave, let's use a combined attack!"

Milotic responded instantly, using Surf to create a powerful water wave that forced Weavile to retreat and plant its claws on the cave wall, allowing it to elevate itself and avoid getting hit by the water. Meanwhile, Ampharos, Piloswine, and the nearby Team Rocket Pokémon were overwhelmed by the wave. Arcanine, being too far away, remained unaffected.

"Jenny, hold on! We're coming!" I shouted to offer her some moral support, hoping that our intervention would be swift enough.

"Ampharos, Thunder SHOCK!" Ampharos charged with electricity underwater, spreading it to all the Pokémon in contact with the water, eliminating many of the Rocket grunts' Pokémon and reducing the pressure on Agent Jenny.

Archer frowned at this unexpected attack, receiving a call to which he quickly answered.

"What? I'm busy here," he responded with annoyance.

"Executive Archer, the police are launching a raid on the cave. We've already destroyed the evidence of what we came to do, and we're just waiting for you to withdraw."

"Fine, I'm coming," Archer replied, irritated.

"Piloswine, Weavile." The two Pokémon approached him, Piloswine weakened by the Surf attack but not at all affected by the previous discharge, and Weavile showed no scratches or signs of fatigue.

Archer signaled to the remaining grunts, who recalled their Pokémon into their Poké Balls and fled deeper into the cave. However, Agent Jenny tried to block their path. Archer nodded to his Pokémon, giving them an order without speaking.

"Seems like the tables have turned, Team Rocket. This time, I'm the one holding you back. Arcanine, Fire Fang!" Arcanine blocked the path of the grunts and bared its teeth, ready to bite.

Weavile suddenly appeared beneath its head with Quick Attack, then executed a Low Kick, a sweeping low kick that knocked Arcanine down right in front of a Piloswine that had positioned itself in front of the grunts to protect them. Sharp rocks floated around Piloswine, using the move Stone Edge, and were hurled at Arcanine, who couldn't evade them, immediately knocking it out.

"ARCANINE, NOOO!" Agent Jenny screamed, wanting to help her Pokémon, but Weavile appeared in front of her, ready to slash her throat. A Aqua Tail struck Weavile, sending it flying deeper into the cave, preventing it from accomplishing its goal and leaving Agent Jenny horrified by what had just happened.

Archer glanced at Milotic, which had blocked his Weavile. His cold expression revealed nothing as he retreated into the cold darkness with his grunts, retrieving his Weavile and Piloswine along the way.

The scene was tinged with tension. Agent Jenny stood there, shocked, as Team Rocket withdrew with disconcerting ease. Once her mind was back in focus, she rushed toward Arcanine, quickly assessing its condition. A sigh of relief escaped her lips.

I approached her with my Pokémon. My exhausted Ampharos was struggling to stand, and my Milotic was also tired but satisfied to have finally landed a solid blow on the Weavile that had struck her.

"How is he?" I asked with concern.

"His leg is broken, but he's not dead. This Weavile is powerful; a single hit could have paralyzed my Pokémon for life. As for the other injuries, he has some deep cuts from the Rock Slide attack, and some have worsened the injuries to his leg. Fortunately, they didn't have time to finish him off. They were in a hurry, and you were there. Thanks for saving us, both in the fight against the grunts and against that Weavile." Although relieved, the inspector clenched her fist in frustration upon seeing the condition of her Pokémon.

I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder but said nothing, my gaze shifting to the back of the cave. Now was not the time to give up; I still had two Pokémon in good shape. I would have to wait for reinforcements to organize a pursuit. Agent Jenny wouldn't be able to follow me; it would be me and a few others. Archer must have other Pokémon, and apart from his Piloswine, his Weavile had suffered almost no damage. I gritted my teeth.

"They're here." Voices came from the entrance where we had arrived; it was the police, about twenty of them. My gaze resolute, I let go of Jenny's shoulder.

"Good, our enemies have fled. Plan B: contact the outside. How many are you?" Once they approached, I took command, as the head trainer of the gym, I had that authority.

"We're 25. About thirty more men rushed to the other side. We received the distress call from Trainer Tom." A police officer immediately stood out, reporting the situation to me.

"Four men stay here to assist Jenny and investigate the cave to find out where the Pokémon went. Also, check what our enemies left behind. We may discover their objective. Twenty of you come with me. We are initiating a pursuit as planned. As for the last one, I want you to immediately inform the gym and the police station that our adversary is an executive from Team Rocket. According to their words, their objective has already been achieved." I issue a series of orders, accepted by the officers, seeing that their superior, Agent Jenny, did not object.

"Go, execute." The officers disperse. I entrust my Ampharos to a policewoman so that it can receive care. Even if it comes with me, it will be of no use. My Milotic still has some energy left; it could be useful.

The majority move with me into the cave. We move quickly until we enter a massive cavity, with the top thousands of meters above us. There, before our astonished eyes, stands an immense tree with, at the top, a frozen bird's nest.

At the other end of the cavity, we see a Team Rocket member talking to someone through their communication means, looking at us before fleeing. After a stifling chase, we finally reach the exit.

The light blinds us. Once our eyes adapt, we can see in the distance a dirigible moving away, becoming almost a point on the horizon.

"Damn, we're too late," complains a police officer.

"No, it's not too late. Those with flying Pokémon, follow me. We're going after them. Charizard, come help me." Charizard appears and fixes its gaze on the dirigible. I climb onto its back, preparing to leave. Some officers call their Pokémon, 10 Pidgeotto, 5 Fearow, and 5 Golbat. I look at them, and they look back at me.

"We're sorry, but an aerial pursuit wasn't planned. We can send our Pokémon to assist you, but you won't be many, and the danger is high. Only Fearow can carry trainers, so there will be six of you; it's very risky."

"That's okay. Obey the chain of command. We just need to hold them off until we get help. Let the best aerial fighters follow me; we can't let this drag on." The officers hesitated but didn't break the order, knowing that disobedience at this moment from a superior could be very serious.

"The rest, go back inside. Request the island police headquarters to send an aerial troop for reinforcement. Once they spot them, I'll activate my watch to send them my position." I give them my final order before taking off with those who can.

My squad of Flying-type Pokémon, with me at the front on Charizard and five officers at the back, catches up with the airship after 15 minutes of flight.

"Problem, we're being followed. Six trainers are tracking us. Contact Executive Archer for orders." A Rocket positioned at the top of the airship spotted us and reported it immediately. I press my watch to relay my position to the police station.

The tension rises as our aerial squad is detected. Charizard roars, ready to face whatever comes our way, just like the other Flying-type Pokémon by our side. The accompanying officers seem nervous, but their determination to follow orders remains unshaken.

"Stay focused and get ready to dodge their attacks. We can't afford to retreat now. Take control of two Pidgeotto each, and the Zubats will be under my orders," I declared to the policemen following me. If I see that the officers are unable to continue, I order an immediate retreat. If deaths occur in the team, I could have serious trouble, and I don't want their deaths on my conscience.

The order was clear. We had to hold back the members of Team Rocket until reinforcements arrived. The rear door of the airship opened, and about ten Rockets riding Fearow, accompanied by about thirty Zubats and Golbats, took off from the platform. It seems that even they were not prepared for an aerial battle; otherwise, more fighters would have been sent.

"Charizard, attack them with Flamethrower!" I shouted, and the other flying Pokémon also unleashed their attacks to repel the enemy assault.

The skies became the stage for a fierce battle, with flames and aerial attacks creating a dazzling spectacle. The policemen fought courageously, using the guerrilla tactics we had planned.

Meanwhile, at the back of the airship, I spotted a familiar silhouette. Archer, the commander of Team Rocket, observed the scene with a cold expression, not pleased with the situation. The confrontation was inevitable, and it was clear that it wouldn't be an easy task to hold back Team Rocket in the skies.

After 10 minutes of battle, Archer began to get annoyed. He put his hand on his belt, took out a Poké Ball, and released a Pokémon beside him. The sky became cloudy. He signaled to a member inside the airship, who contacted someone. Then a voice came from the airship's speakers.

"Retreat, Executive Archer is taking action." Team Rocket's grunts got rid of their opponents and returned to the airship.

Once released from my battles, I had time to notice the Pokémon that Archer had unleashed. My gaze immediately turned to the sky, causing my face to pale.

"Retreat, mission aborted. We need to get away from the area," I shouted. The police officers immediately followed the order and began to distance themselves from the dirigible. Archer gave the order to his Pokémon once the last grunt had retreated.

"Abomasnow, Blizzard." A massive Abomasnow advanced, a cross between the abominable snowman and a tree. Its body was entirely white with long fur, and it had four green spikes on its back. The fur on its face formed a mustache falling over its mouth. Its aggressive eyes were purple with a black pupil. It stopped once it reached the edge of the dirigible's takeoff platform.

Hail began to fall, hitting some Pokémon around me and injuring us, along with some officers hindering our escape. Abomasnow breathed out an icy breath that approached us. A violent snowstorm formed, but the closer it got, the larger it became, destroying even some trees on the ground and covering rocks with white snow.

"Run, quickly." I made sure to cover each of the officers, bringing up the rear and being the last to flee. Turning around, I saw Archer looking at me, showing no expression. Then, he turned back into the dirigible, which continued its course, the door closing in the process.

The tornado followed us for a few minutes before dissipating, allowing me to check our ranks: no casualties, just a few injuries, and an exhausted team.

The mission here is a failure. I hope they discovered something in the cave; otherwise, I wouldn't know what to say to Azurion and Jordan, who invested so much in this mission, or to the police officers with whom we spent several days planning, forgetting even to sleep to obtain the most reliable information.

I order a break to regain strength. We're waiting for reinforcements. The team is depleted. I sit on a rock, frustrated. The police officers recall their Pokémon into their Poké Balls that their trainers had entrusted before the operation.

After another ten minutes, an aerial team of police officers accompanied by three helicopters approaches us from the air and lands. A man riding a Pidgeot dismounts and introduces himself to us.

"Edgar, is it? I'm Thomas, the commander of the aerial team sent as reinforcements. Give me a situation report." He takes off his helmet and aviator glasses and addresses me.

"The Team Rocket is on the edge of a dirigible, heading north," I say. Thomas calls a member of his team and has them unfold a map between us.

"We are currently here. How long since you lost their trace?" He points to a location on the map. We are on one of the small islands surrounding Cinnabar Island. There are no residences here, just a small forest. I look at the map and indicate the trajectory.

"It's been about ten minutes now. The airship is moving quite fast and should soon enter the aerial zone of the region. If it hasn't changed its trajectory, it should be around here." I trace a line with my finger, stopping where I think they are currently. Thomas frowns and sighs. He folds the map and gives orders to his team, who are taking care of the officers who followed me during this operation.

"It's unfortunate, but by the time we catch up, they'll already be out of the jurisdiction of the Cinnabar police. We shouldn't have any trouble getting cooperation from Viridian, which controls that part, but there's no guarantee we'll find them. Frankly, I think it's a lost cause," he announces.

I place the palm of my hand on my eyes, frustration taking over. It's a failure; I didn't manage to hold them off long enough. I know that by the time the team reaches just the point on the map, the airship's trace will have disappeared. Moreover, they'll have to reach that point quickly, putting their Pokémon in poor condition for a group battle.

"Ten men will escort you back. Get on a helicopter. The rest of the team will continue the pursuit. We can't let go. Too many maneuvers have been deployed for this simple operation." Thomas gets back on his Pokémon and moves away with his team, leaving us with a small escort and a helicopter.


"I am quite pleased with this chapter. Although Azurion is not featured, I enjoyed writing from Edgar's perspective as he carries out his mission. We will return to Azurion's point of view in the next chapter."

"I've noticed that I tend to make my chapters longer and longer. The previous chapter was quite challenging; I wasn't sure when to stop. For this one, however, I already knew at what point I needed to bring it to a close."

o0Zero0ocreators' thoughts
Next chapter