

This web novel is totally out of service , What is the problem with everything here ? Are you begging me not to write any bull here or what ?!!! Tsk

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6 Chs

1. The Fish & The Beginning

In the heart of a tranquil underwater kingdom, a little fish named Niyaz lived amidst the shimmering corals and dancing seaweed. Niyaz was no ordinary fish; he possessed a unique and enigmatic aura that set him apart from his underwater companions. His scales shimmered with a mesmerizing array of colors, casting a gentle, iridescent glow that seemed to reflect the very essence of the ocean itself.

Niyaz's extraordinary presence didn't go unnoticed by the creatures of the sea. They believed that he was a spiritual fish, who has the power to move water at his will. His serene demeanor and luminous presence inspired reverence among the fish and other ocean inhabitants.

As time went on, Niyaz's aura began to change, and he felt a new energy surging within him. One day, a great flood swept through the underwater kingdom, threatening to wash away everything in its path. In the face of this disaster, Niyaz's spiritual nature revealed itself in a remarkable way. Drawing upon his connection with the ocean's currents, he transformed into a flood dragon—a magnificent creature with the power to control water to some extent.

With his newfound abilities, Niyaz battled the raging waters, diverting their path and protecting his fellow inhabitants. The flood dragon's presence was awe-inspiring, his scales reflecting the play of light and water as he moved. With a resounding roar that echoed through the depths, Niyaz's efforts tamed the flood and restored the balance of the underwater realm.

But Niyaz's journey was far from over. His transformation into a flood dragon caught the attention of a powerful wyvern, a creature known for its malevolent power. The wyvern descended upon the underwater kingdom, seeking to test Niyaz's newfound power. The clash between the flood dragon's watery might and the wyvern's wind power created a spectacle that illuminated the depths.

Despite the wyvern's sinister efforts, Niyaz's connection to the spiritual realm and his innate strength allowed him to overcome the challenges posed by the wyvern's power. With a final surge of power, Niyaz emerged victorious, his form shimmering with resilience and determination.

Going through a life and death battle and use of water power to a great extent enabled him to evolve from a flood dragon to a mighty Sea-Dragon . A being with great power to use Water Magic and Move the ocean water at it's will . A being who rules the waters .

As Niyaz emerged victorious from his battle against the powerful wyvern, the underwater kingdom celebrated his triumph. The once-tranquil realm had witnessed the evolution of a simple fish into a majestic flood dragon, and now a mighty Sea-Dragon. Niyaz's presence exuded an aura of power and authority, and his connection to the spiritual realm remained as strong as ever.

However, a new challenge loomed on the horizon. The underwater kingdom experienced an unexpected shift in the currents, bringing with it a bitter cold that spread like frost across the waters. The sea creatures shivered, and Niyaz sensed the imbalance that this icy onslaught had brought. Determined to protect his home once more, he tapped into the depths of his water magic, using it to create pockets of warmth for the inhabitants of the kingdom.

As Niyaz's power grew, he found himself drawn to the heart of the cold, where he encountered a formidable entity—an ancient ice elemental that had awoken due to the imbalance in the waters. The battle between the Sea-Dragon's water magic and the ice elemental's freezing power was a clash of titans, their energies colliding in a symphony of elements.

The struggle was intense, and Niyaz's determination was put to the ultimate test. With every surge of icy energy that threatened to overpower him, he dug deeper into his connection with the spiritual realm, channeling the ancient wisdom he had carried from his days as a spiritual fish. As he fought, Niyaz's body began to transform once again, his scales taking on a shimmering, frosty hue.

In a climactic surge of power, Niyaz emerged victorious once more, but his victory came at a cost. The battle with the ice elemental had infused him with its frigid energy, transforming him into an ice dragon. His once-mighty Sea-Dragon form was now adorned with scales that glistened like icicles, and his breath carried the chill of the frozen depths.

Niyaz, now an ice dragon, returned to his underwater kingdom, his very presence bringing a sense of calm amidst the icy currents. He used his newfound abilities to manipulate the frozen waters, creating intricate ice sculptures and nurturing pockets of warmth for the creatures that depended on him. His aura held both power and tranquility, and his story of evolution from a little fish to a spiritual being to a flood dragon and now to an ice dragon became a legend that captivated the hearts of all who heard it.

Under Niyaz's watchful eye, the underwater kingdom adapted to the icy climate, finding new ways to thrive in harmony with the elements. The sea creatures looked up to their mighty protector, their Sea-Dragon turned Ice Dragon.

As Niyaz, now an ice dragon, watched over the underwater kingdom, he observed the sea creatures adapting to the icy climate with resilience and creativity. The once-frozen waters now teemed with life that had evolved to thrive in the cold environment. Niyaz's presence, once associated with warmth and the ebb and flow of the ocean currents, now brought a sense of tranquility and awe in the frozen depths.

Niyaz's story had become a cherished legend, passed down through generations as a symbol of transformation and the enduring power of the spirit. His journey from a humble fish to a majestic ice dragon inspired young and old alike, reminding them of the potential within each creature to evolve and overcome adversity.

Amidst the changing currents of the underwater kingdom, new life began to stir. From the depths of the ocean, a new generation of flood dragons emerged, their scales shimmering with the colors of the water itself. These flood dragons were born with a natural affinity for water manipulation, carrying forward Niyaz's legacy and becoming protectors of the realm's aquatic balance.

In parallel, water dragons emerged as well, born from the intricate dance of currents and the embrace of Niyaz's powerful aura. These water dragons possessed a connection to the ocean that ran deep, using their abilities to regulate tides and guide oceanic life on its journey.

As the underwater kingdom flourished under Niyaz's watchful gaze, a new presence entered his world—an elegant and regal female ocean dragon named Lyrana. Her scales shimmered like the moonlit waves, and her wisdom and strength matched his own. Niyaz felt an immediate connection with Lyrana, a bond that transcended words and resonated with the depths of their souls.

Niyaz and Lyrana spent time together, sharing stories of their journeys and the wisdom they had gathered through their experiences. Their connection grew stronger with each passing day, and their shared responsibility as guardians of the ocean deepened their bond. The other sea creatures marveled at the harmony that radiated from the two mighty dragons, a harmonious dance of power and grace that echoed the very essence of the ocean.

Over time, Niyaz realized that his connection with Lyrana went beyond friendship. He admired her strength, wisdom, and the way her presence added a sense of balance to his own. With a heart full of affection, he confessed his feelings to Lyrana, and she, in turn, revealed that she had felt a similar connection from the moment they met.

With the blessings of the spirits and the underwater realm, Niyaz and Lyrana became partners in more than just guardianship. Their union was a celebration of the deep and profound connection between the elements of water and the harmony that they brought to the world. As Niyaz's queen, Lyrana shared his responsibilities and added her own wisdom to the guidance of the underwater kingdom.