
Dragon Tactics Origin

Raymond Cruise, a college student awakens in a strange new realm called Astra. After the planet Earth was attacked by Professor Alistair and her comrades. Within this realm the students discover a system called "Card Battler System" that grants them card based that they utilize for combat. As they strive to retrieve what was stolen from Earth and return to their original realm.

Sapphire_Praise · Fantasy
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Chapter 01: Earth Before the Disaster

While living on Earth, our prosperity soared as we, alongside Earth's denizens, established ourselves as a pivotal Intergalactic Trade Hub within the Galactica Star Federation. I pursued my studies during the day at the esteemed Garcinia Institute. 

"Another exhilarating day at the institute during the summer! And when I return to the dorm, my little sister's joyful face will be the best welcome back," I excitedly whispered to myself, the promise of adventure sparking in my heart. 

She was the last family member I had left, and I looked forward to seeing her this week. When I returned to my dorm room I was greeted by my adorable little sister. 

"Dear brother, what have I told you about removing your shoes before walking on the clean floor? Honestly what would you do without me around to take care of you," she said. 

"Ah, you're right as always," I replied with a sheepish grin, quickly stepping back to remove my shoes, "I guess I'd probably live in a jungle of mess without you. How was your day?" 

She chuckled, "much better now that you're back. You know, I spent the day exploring the local market. You wouldn't believe the incredible things they have there! I got something special for you." Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she rummaged through her bag to reveal a small, intricately designed gadget. 

"Oh? What's this?" I asked, curiously examining the device. 

While I was holding the device in my hands, I could feel its weight — substantial yet perfectly balanced. It was encased in a sleek, metallic shell with a series of intricate engravings that danced upon the surface. The device, no larger than the palm of my hand, had crystalline buttons that emitted a soft, pulsing light. Turning it over, I noticed its back was adorned with a holographic panel that shifted colors with every movement. 

"It's a translator! For the upcoming Intergalactic Fair. Now you won't have any trouble understanding the traders from the outer sectors," she exclaimed, proud of her thoughtful find. 

I couldn't help but laugh, as I pulled my sister in for a hug. She was only a few feet shorter than me. 

"You think of everything, don't you? Thank you very much sis," I said. 

The evening progressed with the warmth of shared laughter, and the quiet clinking of our late breakfast as we talked about everything and nothing. Time seemed too slow, a rare luxury in the bustling life within the Galactica Star Federation. It was these moments I cherished the most, a semblance of normalcy in our otherwise extraordinary lives. 

I realized the importance of these simple moments shared with my little sister. They were the bridge between the routine of our daily lives. I was driven by the extraordinary events that lay just beyond our doorstep, like the upcoming Intergalactic Fair. 

"The next thing I wanted to talk to you about was your offer for me to move in with you. Honestly, I've been thinking about it for quite some time, and you would be a mess without me around, dear brother. I should move into the dorm with you. The house has been quite lonely after you moved out this year," she said. 

I paused for a moment, letting her words sink in. The thought of my sister living in our vast, empty house had tugged at my heartstrings for many months. 

"Actually, I've been thinking the same," I admitted, my voice reflecting the sincerity of my thoughts, "Living in the dorms is definitely an adventure, but it's one I'd rather share with my little sister. The universe seems less daunting with you here. Plus, think of all the mischief we can get into at the Intergalactic Fair together!" I added, hoping to lighten the mood. 

Her face lit up at my words, "Really? You mean it?" she asked, a hopeful note in her voice. 

"Absolutely," I affirmed. 

As I reflect on our past, it's clear that my sister and I haven't always shared these moments of happiness and mutual understanding. Like any siblings, we've had our fair share of friction, moments of butting heads over trivial matters that seemed monumental at the time. This reality, though, has only enriched the depth of our bond, allowing us to appreciate the rarity of our current harmony even more. 

"Remember when we used to argue over who would get the last piece of cake?" I teased, a playful challenge in my eyes, inviting her into the familiar dance of sibling rivalry that had always kept us on our toes. 

"We're a team, aren't we? Having you here would make the whole experience even more worthwhile. This place just isn't the same without your energy and laughter echoing off the walls." 

"Life hasn't been the same after mother and father left us all those years back. I have had to learn to adapt and grow up fast as I move forward with my own life. After everything that has happened, I'll never abandon my little sister," I proclaimed. 

"Yeah right big brother, don't try to act like you're all mature. You still have a lot of growing up to do before you can call yourself an adult. Now clear off the table while I load the dishwasher," she finished saying while grabbing the empty plates. 

"The next thing we need to discuss is when are you going to get a girlfriend?" she asked. 

"W-what! I'm f-fine sister… sister I don't need a girlfriend at this time. I'm too busy for such things," I said knowing she wouldn't buy it. 

"Right, you know you can't fool me. I know you too well. Now, tell me who's the girl and where did you meet?" she asked. 

"W-what how did you know… Never mind that," I said as I walked away. 

Shortly after, I heard knocking at the front door. I ran towards the door to open it before realizing who was there at the door. 

"Awe it's her at the door and nooo my sister is still here what to do? I love my sister very much. I just don't know how she will react to me dating one of her friends from her book club," I mumbled to myself. 

What should I do? Should I try and explain everything to her? Maybe it's best if I wait with everything going on. It might be too much for her. If I'm clever enough I should be able to sneak out of the dorm room without looking suspicious. 

"I'll get the door sister, no reason for you to leave the kitchen after all you're very busy?," I said as I slowly reached for the door. 

"Daniella, I'll be back in a moment. Wait outside for me," I said while I closed the door. I returned to the kitchen where my sister was waiting patiently for me at the table. 

As I walked into the kitchen my sister was making a shopping list afterwards she turned around to greet me. 

"You look a little flustered, what are you hiding? It's almost like you are trying to hide something. Whatever it is, it doesn't matter. I'm going grocery shopping in a moment. The fridge is looking a little empty. You need to learn to be more responsible and take better care of this place. A good woman would be able to keep you in line and out of trouble," she said as she finished writing a list before walking towards the front door. 

Yes it all worked out my little sister is leaving through the front door… Wait a minute, don't think I thought this thought properly. While I was overthinking it in my head my sister walked out the front door. 

"Hey Daniella where have you been the last couple of months? I haven't seen you at any of the recent book club meetings. Anyway, why don't you join me while I'm going grocery shopping? My brother needs more food in the house," she said as she locked arms with Daniella and left the dormitory. 

While the two of them were walking away chatting, I decided to walk outside slowly and confront my sister. The plan was to tell her the truth instead of waiting to reveal it later on after all she has known Daniella for quite some time she'll understand wouldn't she? 

"Alright I got this, it shouldn't be that hard to explain," I said as I opened the front door before realizing that the two of them were long gone. 

After searching the hallway frantically I realized that the two of them had every left. I was supposed to spend a romantic evening with Daniella, just the two of us alone. 

"That's not good, where did my little sister go? Wait a minute, where's Daniella? Wasn't she waiting for me right here at the front door!" I asked myself. 

After that I was left with no choice but to return inside in wait for them to return from their grocery shopping. 

Meanwhile at the grocery store Henry's little sister Lockhart and Daniella appeared to be getting along quite well together. 

"I was wondering, how did you know that I would be at my brother's dorm room today?" she asked. 

"W-what it was just a lucky guess that's all. After all, we haven't hung out together in such a long time that I had to visit you and nobody else," said Daniella nervously as she twiddles her thumbs. 

"Right you're acting strange even for you. No matter we are almost done grocery shopping all that's left is to unpack the groceries at the dorm room. Afterwards you can have me all to yourself. What should we do after this?" she asked. 

"Hmm I guess we could go to the movies together. I heard about this movie that's playing tonight and made reservations at this restaurant for two people," said Daniella as she continued talking. 

"That sounds like a great idea. Are you sure you want me to join you instead of "I don't know a young single man?" she asked. 

"W-what are you talking about? No, now you are talking nonsense," said Daniella as they walked out of the store and made their way back on foot. 

When Daniella and my sister arrived, they began unpacking the groceries before leaving once again. 

"Catch you later Henry I mean big brother. I'm going to the movies with a friend from the book club, followed by an early dinner," she said as they left. 

"I think she was supposed to take me with her to the movie's and we were supposed to have that early dinner together," I said to the front door as I imagined myself talking to my sister. 

"I guess it can't be helped with any luck Daniella and I can see the stars tonight after my sister leaves," I said to myself as I sat down and waited. 

The night came by quite fast and when Daniella returned the two of us were finally able to enjoy some time together at last. We sat under the night sky as we counted the stars and before long she laid her head on my shoulder as she fell asleep next to me.