
Holy Knight Academy

The journey to The Holy Academy took the group of travelers around three weeks to arrive. As they arrive the new students could not help but be amazed by the massive castle like structures.The carriage arrived at the gate to the academy a translucent magic shield could now be seen forming a bubble around the academy. The saint the issued the test waved there hand as magic energy pulsed from there hand and the gate opened as the carriage traveled through it h the bubble effortlessly.While Carson was waiting for the carriage to stop he began looking at his status screen once again.

[Carson Morningstar]

[Hp 50/50]

[Level 3:10/150]

<Race: Human>

<Magic: Unknown>

<Strength 17>

<Agility 18>

<Endurance 17>

<Intelligence 17>

<Mind 12>

[1 State point remaining]

[Full Magic Reversal: This ability can be used a total of three times a day intel upgraded.The ability itself only works on magic, when someone uses a magical attack and you have something in your hand you can deflect it back at them with 150% power.]

Carson loved the feeling of growing stronger and couldn't wait wait for future adventures as a [Ding] was herd.

[ Main Quest Activated ]

[ Description ]

< Go to your first class as a squire >

<Reward: 75 exp and weapon proficiency >

As the carriage came to a stop Carson was the first to come out with Toby saying "You better watch your back sh*t shoveler." as he mumbled under his breath. As the words finished leaving his mouth Carson got a message.

[Minor bloodlust detected]

Carson shrugged it off as he followed the marble floor to the gate of the academy.It was an amazing golden door that stood at least fifty feet tall. As the group arrived in front of it nothing happened.Carson thinking it is like any other door went up to it and put his hand on it as another message rang.

[Magic Detected]

Carson read the message and looked back at the door as it looked like it was dematerializing in front of his very eyes.Once the door was completely gone they followed there saint to the meeting hall were they were then separated into the first years.As a streak of light came from the doorway they just walked in from it raced all the way over to the podium at the center of the room.

Once the light stoped moving it took a human shape. He then touched the stone on the podium as magic signs turned on the crystals above everyone as his voice began coming through the signs saying " Welcome everyone to another at the most prestigious Knight academy in the whole continent."

"For those of you that do not know I'm Barry Hime. I am a Legend rank Holy knight and the headmaster of this fine institution. You all might be wondering what my magic ability is I presume?Most call it light speed. It allows me to exchange magic power and focuses it all into the speed aspect of my light magic." Carson could not help but be amazed by the man standing in front of him.

Carson was ready to start they year as the rest of the faculty began to introduce themselves.

Carson's first class was weapons training.Upon arriving the first thing he noticed was the big circular arena that stood about ten feet above the rest of the floor in the center.Once all the students stopped pulling in the door materialized and they all began looking for there teacher as a lighting strike hit on the arena as a tall cloaked individual stood in the place where the bolt hit.The stranger took his hood off to reveal a black man maybe In his thirty's with neck length dreadlocks in a pony tail along with a black blindfold over his eyes. The man began talking " My name is Bourn Thumderborn! And I will be your weapons master."

Upon saying these words another crack of lightning struck down at his hands arcing in between forming a giant war hammer. Bourn then goes on to say " This is my knight weapon it helps me focus my magic power!" He says as he pulses his man's through it as he slams it on the ground causing a massive shockwave to taking out the dummy's before the self repaired themselves and disappeared below.The tall blonde haired Viking began walking back to the edge and said "Now select your weapon as rectangular shelves of weaponry materialized as they rose from the floor.

Carson began looking at the varied options one being twin daggers or a spear, but there was also things like a short sword and long sword.There are also more bazaar weapons like gauntlets and lances.Carson approached the wall and it was as if the short sword was calling to him.He then found him grabbing it and hearing the following message.

<Do to past owners be very proficient in short sword combat you have gained - Basic short sword fighting techniques.>

Then another [Ding] was heard

[Quest Complete]

<Reward: 75 exp>

Not long after reading this screen he pulled up his status screen to see how close he is to level 4.

[Carson Morningstar]

[Hp 50/50]

[Level 3: 85/150]

<Race: Human>

<Magic: Unknown>

<Strength 17>

<Agility 18>

<Endurance 17>

<Intelligence 17>

<Mind 12>

[1 State point remaining]

Carson was trying to do the math I'm his head when Bourns voice invaded his dads once again " Now my young apprentices partner up and let's have a friendly dual." He said with a wide grin on his face.All the students began buzzing around like ants trying to find the perfect person to battle.Carson new what they were thinking exactly they do not want to fight an allied party and they also do not want to anger a stronger party either.

All the student began finding there suited partner as Carson's eyes feel on who seemed to be the last person without a person. She was huge for a young women standing at six foot three. Her height did not take away from her beauty as she also had a beautiful brown hairs with bright blue eyes accompanied by her figure that match that of a model granted it be a giant one.

Carson began walking over his fellow student extending his hand for a greeting "Hi there my names Carson Morningstar and would you care to spare with me?" She takes Carson's hand as soon as it I'm rangers saying " My names Allison Worldbear and it's a pleasure to meet you" Carson then received yet another message causing him to think to himself " Is there a way to mute the Ding?" Expecting the system to respond as he pulled up the notification.

< Trace amounts of the giant bloodline is detected>

<Matches the requirements for the serpent sin Envy>

[ Side Quest ]

<Description: Become strong enough to grant the Serpent Sin!

<Reward: Instant Level Up, mystery stuff and things?>

Allison could not help but raise an eyebrow at her fellow squire as he was staring of in to space so she decided to cut through the silence " So partner you ready?" She said as she walked back five feet and raised her hand as a scythe like hammer appeared from a brown magic sign.

Carson took a fighting stance hearing yet another notification.

[ Defeat opponent ]

<Reward: 50 exp >

Carson could not wait to level up he then looked up to see Allison already upon him slamming the hammer side of the weapon right down at Carson. Having just enough time he rolls to the side of her delivering a small but efficient kick to the back of her leg causing her to fall to her knee as he then walked forward holding his short sword in reverse grip in-front of her neck with a smirk.

As he thought it was all over Allison suddenly shot up throwing her head back nailing him in the nose dazing him slightly. Carson really does not want to lose a chance at xp, hence he used his last point in his Agility bringing it to 19

[Agility: 19]

Allison began rushing at him with a flurry of blows but Carson was evading her attacks by a hair every time. Carson felt faster but he also felt his reflexes quicken to as he leaps to the peak of her weapon delivering a kick to her back. Charging back in he went into a slide as he struck the back of her leg drawing a cut causing her to fall once again to her knee this time having them beat. A [Ding] was heard.

[Quest completed]

<Reward 50xp>

[Carson Morningstar]

[Hp 50/50]

[Level 3: 135/150]

<Race: Human>

<Magic: Unknown>

<Strength 17>

<Agility 19>

<Endurance 17>

<Intelligence 17>

<Mind 12>

[0 State point remaining]

He immediately walked over and helped Allison to the medical stretcher so she can be taken to the infirmary.Carson not wanting to aggravate a knight had to leave Allison an arrive back in front of his teacher.Bourn began to walk towards Carson as he put his hand on his shoulder and a message appeared in-front of his eyes as a light zap was felt.

<Foreign Magic Detected Defenses Activated>

Suddenly as Bourn was using his magic to sense Carson he only sees a black void like flame coming into view as it devoured his mana. The whole event causing a cold sweat. "You did good my students" as he took his hand off of Carson. "you all can return to your dorms for the day."

Carson arrived in front of his dorm door and proceeded inside.upon arriving a young blonde hair boy came shooting across the room. "Hi my name is Tony Turner." Carson took the lads hand and upon doing so he instantly felt the pressure of a peak bronze night. Carson was dumbfounded that this young stout boy was even stronger than himself.

"Hi my name Carson, I do not know about you but I had weapon training today and I beat so imma take a rest. I'll be happy to meet you again when I awake I'm sorry I'm not used to swinging a weapon so much." As he flopped down on the only other fluffy bed in the room.

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