

Once upon a time, long, long ago, a very powerful witch was born as the daughter of the king and queen of one of the 10 reigning kingdoms. As the princess grew up her powers grew, and she matured into a beautiful, kind, and generous young lady. She fell in love with her best friend, a village boy that worked in the kitchens at the palace. She had planned to run away with him and leave her kingdom but suddenly, he broke off their plans and disappeared. She was heart-broken and her kind, generous heart soon became black with grief and anger. She closed herself off from the world and her magic soon began to change from a ray of sunshine to a black, terrible pit of endless rage. She then met a prince. He was the crown prince of the largest, and wealthiest, of the 10 kingdoms. He brought her out of the grief that had consumed her. Then, just like before, the prince betrayed her, and married another prettier, wealthier princess. Leaving the young witch, and hollowing her out until only a shell remained. She cursed the 10 kingdoms. She cursed the kingdom of her beloved to bear only 1 child, one heir. It would always be a boy, and there would only be one. Any others would die in the womb or die soon after taking their first breath. The other kingdoms would be cursed as well. They could only bear 2 children, both girls. One to die or marry the prince, another to rule her kingdom and continue the bloodline. When the prince came of age the eldest princesses, always younger than the prince, came together for a month and a week. For the first month they would train to fight and die for the prince's hand in marriage. They would also learn the ways of court and meet the prince. After the month was over the princesses would all be sent to an arena, where they would fight to the death. Until only one remained. That princess, no matter how beautiful, smart, wealthy, selfish, or greedy, would always marry the prince. It didn't matter if he loved another, it didn't matter if he despised the princess to the core of his being. She was the only one he could marry. If he tries to marry another she would die the morning after they were declared to be married. This was the punishment that the young witch plagued her beloved's kingdom with, for picking a girl with more beauty and wealth, over feelings and emotions, she cursed the rest of his family to do the same. They would almost never marry for love. It was never their choice. Now, the witch eventually got married, out of obligation, not choice. She was married and, per her curse, had 2 girls. Now the first-born was born with her magical gift, but the witch decided that would be an unfair advantage, so each generation of princesses her gift was bestowed upon a different kingdom. So whenever a girl was born with the witch's power the kingdom hid her powers, always using them to win the competition. The princess with powers always won. It was never a contest. And so the fate of the kingdoms was in the hands of 9 girls.