
Dragon Queen(GOT)

I woke up and somehow I became Daenerys Targaryen , now I have to deal with the aftermath of my families fuck ups and an idiot brother calling himself a dragon, honestly God what kind of fucked situation have you put me in.

Spidergwen ¡ TV
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening

The moment I gained clarity after what I believe is the most painful thing I've ever gone through I knew I was f***ed, and not in a good way unfortunately. Why you ask? well I'll tell you. Somehow I'm in the hands of giants and for whatever reasons, I'm being rushed out of the room I'm assuming I was just given birth into. As an avid reader of fanfictions I already have an idea on what's happened to me. Reincarnation, and it seems I've become a baby, again.

*sighs* That's really f***ed up. Is it to much to ask for transmigration oh powerful being. Honestly or atleast seal my memories until I'm like 5 years old. Anyway the people around me are really frantic, I can't make them out really well because of my undeveloped baby eyes, but it seems I'm being moved to a ship? and where's my mother? am I being kidnapped? and if so why? is my new mom some important person that her newborn child would warrant being kidnapped? what's going on really?

*sighs* To many questions and no way of getting answers. I can't even comprehend the language these people are shouting in because yeah let's needlessly shout near a newborn with f***ing undeveloped eardrums. Honestly my ears are ringing could you shut the hell up please. God I'd rather not be deaf in my new life because of some inconsiderate moron shouting at every second.

Anyway tuning out the loudness of some people, I focus on the people around me, because something got my attention in regards to them. Their clothing, or more specifically the men's clothing. Is that armor? Who wears armor like that in this day and....age, shit. I'm in medieval times aren't I? Are those guys knights? And also when am i? Is it around Arthur's time? But if that's so, how come I don't understand the language?

I mean I dont want to brag but I knew a lot of languages in my past life, I was working as a translator for the UN so language is something I mastered. Even those I didn't learn i recognized, which leads me to this conclusion. I'm reincarnated in some medieval world, and not on Earth. So basically I'm f***ed.

I have to decipher this new language, get some information, train to be strong because if isekai stories have taught me one thing it's that you better f***** get strong quickly cause sooner or later shits gonna hit the fan and it wont be pretty since trouble always follows the poor reborn mc. Though information is the main priority here, I hope it wont be some medieval fantasy world with a demon lord trying to end all life in the world or else I'm really really f***ed.