
Dragon Poison

"Alexandrya, that damned name seemed unable to leave the minds of the princes of House Targaryen, it was as if that violet-eyed girl had bewitched the three of them, there was no way they could get her out of their minds, they would do anything to make Alexandria theirs alone. It had been years since the last time they had seen her, and that girl was now a woman who had wrapped them with that silver hair and had bewitched them with the most beautiful violet eyes. Alexandrya Velaryon was the undoing of princes Aegon and Aemond Targaryen, and even more so when her betrothal to her brother Jacaerys Velaryon was announced. They would do anything to have her by their side, they didn't care if it started a war." This story doesn't belong to me. I only translate.

Ana_Vazquez_0521 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 05 - The wolf

- "Alexandrya, that's a wolf," - Bennard Stark, the Lord Regent of Winterfell, said as he approached and looked at the pup she was carrying.

- "We must slaughter it," - Criston Cole added, - "That creature will kill livestock and can do things like the other wolf that attacked one of our guards."

- "Sacrifice?" - I said and looked down at the wolf cub, it was sleeping in my arms. - "No"

- "Lexy, my dear granddaughter, it's a direwolf, a wild animal, you can't keep it," - Viserys crouched down as he looked at me.

- "You have dragons, they spit fire, why can't I have a wolf?" - I answered as I looked at him, he didn't know what to say, he just sighed.

- "By the seven Alexandrya" - Alicent approached us, she had her hand on her chest.

- "I promise to take care of him," - I answered as I looked at Viserys.

- "I insist, we must sacrifice the creature," - Cole said again, but Viserys turned to look at him.

- "All right, the wolf will stay with us, if it doesn't bother Lord Bennard."

- "You can keep it if you wish," - The Stark replied, - "In fact, we had planned to give them a few things for tomorrow, we have prepared a fur coat for Princess Helaena, a sword for Prince Aegon, a falcon brood for Prince Aemond, We know he doesn't have a dragon yet, and we thought a falcon would be a good gift for him" - He looked at me - "We didn't know that Princess Alexandrya was coming, we didn't prepare anything for her but if she wants to keep that creature of the forest, she can do it, consider it a gift from Winterfell."

- "Viserys?" - Alicent looked at Viserys.

- "Look at Alexandrya's little face, Alicent she will take care of it, right Lexy?" - He asked and I nodded.

After a few minutes of Alicent's murderous looks at Viserys, she finally gave in, the little wolf was still asleep, Aegon and Aemond had been sent to their room, and I was in front of the fire with the puppy.

Then I went to the room they had lent us for each member, I didn't plan to leave the wolf outside as Ser Criston suggested, so the wolf came into the room with me, I changed my clothes and wrapped myself under several blankets and sheets, even so I felt the cold, the white wolf slept next to me.

In the morning Alicent came into the room, she smiled as she saw how the little wolf was still asleep next to me while I had already woken up.

She came in to help me get dressed, the little wolf woke up, but he didn't do anything else but lay there watching our movements, Alicent while she helped me change was telling me that her children had already received their respective gifts, the three of them were very happy for what they had received, specially Aemond who had already given a name to his falcon cub, "Balerion".

Once I was ready I took the little wolf in my arms, during the night I had thought about her name, she was a female, I named her Lux, as I had planned to name my first dragon, but I had had a wolf first so I would have to find a new name for when I finally had a dragon.

I got into the carriage, my uncles were already inside, Aemond was carrying on his legs a cage with the falcon chick, Aegon was sleeping on Aemond's shoulder, and Helaena was sleeping on Aegon's shoulder, it was very early so it was to be expected.

When Alicent and Viserys got in, the carriage closed its doors and started, little Lux was restless, so I put her on the floor where she finally calmed down and fell asleep at my feet, I tried to stay awake, but sleep won me and I fell asleep resting my head on Alicent.

I woke up when we arrived at King's Landing again, as I woke up I let out a little sneeze and then took Lux in my arms, as I got out of the carriage I saw the sky, Mist had arrived, so I assumed that my family had arrived too.

We took a while to get the things down from the carriage, Ser Criston carried Helaena who was still asleep, Aegon almost fell as he was still half asleep, Aemond came down in a good way, and then we each went into the castle.

I went straight to my mother's room, I knew they would all be here soon, I left Lux on the floor, and she started running around the place in a very happy way, I was happy when I heard footsteps nearby I carried my little she-wolf.

My mother, father, and siblings entered the room and closed the door behind them, I put Lux back on the floor.

- "Ahhhh" - Cried Lucerys and climbed onto the bed - "Mama, get that thing off me, it's going to kill me" - Said the climber.

- "What is that?" - Asked my father as he looked at me, and my mother smiled as she saw the puppy trying to climb on the bed.

- "It's a puppy," - Said Jacaerys, picking Lux up and bringing her closer to Lucerys, who screamed again.

- "She scares me," - Said my younger brother.

I approached Jacaerys and took my she-wolf in my arms.

- "She's a little she-wolf, her name is Lux" - I looked at my father - "Grandfather said I could keep her" - I looked at my mother, and she nodded and then looked closer at the she-wolf, she stroked her head and Lux licked her hand.

- "You named her what you wanted to call your dragon" - Answered my older brother while he was making love to the new member of the family.

- "Well Lexy, we have another surprise for you," - Smiled my father.

- "What is it?" - I asked curiously.

- "It happens that your grandmother's dragon, Meleys went to Dragonstone and nested there... she laid several eggs" - He paused - "She wants to give you one, we'll go tomorrow for you to choose" - He said animatedly.

I left Lux on the floor and rushed to hug my father.

- "Can we take Aemond?" - I said as I looked at him.

My father looked at my mother, and she didn't know what to say.

- "Aemond doesn't have a dragon either, we could give him a dragon"

- "Aemond is a fool, he could never ride a dragon," - Jacaerys laughed.

- "Jace." - I looked at him and he shrugged.

- "Sorry Lexy, but he believed us when we told him he could have a dragon if he put the chicken eggs under his pillow," - He laughed and Rhaenyra shook her head.

- "I don't think your grandmother would want to," - Said my father, - "Besides, Rhaena will go and pick out an egg too."

- "Then I'd rather Aemond had the egg I'm entitled to," - I answered firmly, and my father sighed.

- "All right, Alexandrya, you can go and tell Aemond to come with us tomorrow to Dragonstone" - My father gave in, and I hugged him tighter.

- "You are the best dad in the world" - I said, and then I turned to see my brothers.

Lucerys was sitting on the bed now, looking from a distance at Jacaerys who was getting on well with Lux, Lucerys looked strange, he had something on his forehead.

- "What happened to Lucerys?" - I asked.

- "He tripped on Driftmark and got a wound," - Replied Jacaerys, - "blood came out."