
Chapter 19

Completely unaware of the war just behind because of me Clay was enjoying a leisurely carriage to the kingdom. He was relaxing while playing with water. As a way of practicing his control, he took to summoning and shaping different elements. He even made a game out of it where he would create simulated battles between animals. He would also observe the animals hunting around them.

"I still can't believe there is a spell that can make us nearly undetectable" Zeke commented.

The dragon girls looked at him in pure disdain listening to his shock. Information on nature Dragons is normally safely guarded by the dragon kingdom. As for nature magic, it was something very few had heard of. Zeke's lack of knowledge only made sense when you take these factors into account. Clay could only shrug his shoulders at how the girls treated Zeke.

Ever since they first showed up his guards had for whatever reason developed a dislike for Zeke. Originally Clay thought it was because of the "perverted gaze" thing but Zeke already apologized and stopped doing it. He had tried to brainstorm ways to have them get along until Eve stopped him

"Darling you should forget about getting those girls to get along with Zeke" Eve recommended.

"Why it's like Zeke is a bad guy," Clay asked.

"True Zeke isn't a bad person, for the most part, the problem is he's a dragon slayer. You see when someone kills a dragon-type creature a certain aura forms around them. This unique aura serves as a symbol of their status" Eve stop letting Clay get caught up.

She then went on to further explain how protective dragons were. So long as it can call itself a dragon even lesser they were under the protection of the dragon kingdom. Zeke slaying one could be taken as an insult which explained their dislike. Since then Clay stopped trying to get them to get along and just stopped them from escalating things too much. Clay started to regret not just flying. If he and the girls turned into their dragon forms the trip would only be a day or two.

The thing is that when Clay proposed the plan Zeke and Freya would need to hitch a ride. For Freya, it wasn't a problem but Zeke was left hanging. The girls refused to him touch them let alone ride. As for Clay although he didn't want to be planned on sucking it up. However, this had a negative response from his dragon guard. Left with no more options they got their hands on a carriage thus bringing us back to this fun ride.

Bored as he has ever been Clay decided to play with his transformation ability. Until now he has only ever used it for a complete transformation in dire straights. Since he had time Clay tried to work on a partial transformation. After hours of work, he managed to turn his hands into claws. He even learned how to summon his wings. After getting bored of that he moved on to fusing elements.

This knowledge appeared in his head once the silver dragon technique reached the third level. Right now he was trying to give fire the properties of ice. He continued practicing until it was time to set up camp. Feeling hungry Clay immediately volunteered to go hunting with Maria. The other girls seemed saddened by his choice but did say anything. Clay ignored that for now since he wasn't sure how to address it. As a homebody, he never really got to interact with girls often if not ever.

Lucky for him Maria was less awkward than him which was the reason he brought her along. He felt even more awkward since his evolution. It reminded him of how when he was younger he didn't care if the nurse saw him naked. Once he got older his shyness increased by the day. The current situation was similar except now he has to struggle to hold himself back.

"Your highness I was wondering do you have any goals for the future" Maria cautiously asked.

Clay thought for a moment before answering, "to be honest I haven't put much thought into it but I guess maybe try to bring the eastern and western dragons together."

Maria's expression quickly shifted to one of shock and confusion. She never expected that he would have such a lofty goal. It had to be known the eastern and western dragons have been at each other's throats for years. It all started when a prophet foretold that the raise of the dragon race would come one day. They then added when the two clans joined under one banner this prophecy would come true.

At first, things were fine until two foolish members of both clans thought it meant they must conquer the other. As a result, a fight broke out. Even until this day this war for control has not shown any sign of ending. Maria stared at Clay imagining the day he would stand above both clans as a supreme ruler.

"If that is your goal then I will do everything in my power to make it come true", Maria said as she kneeled.

This moment would later go down in history as the moment the Dragon Overlord gained his most loyal general. Of course, this was a story for another time. As for today Clay and Maria went back to camp with five rock boars. Zeke's mouth watered looking at the bounty in front of him. In D.O.O. several different ingredients existed that could make even the pickiest mouths water. One such ingredient was the meat from a rock boar. Rumor had it they were the juiciest, most tender, and lean cut of meat around.

Even a player as skilled as Zeke rarely gets the chance to eat it. The reason why was that rock bears are absurdly hard to find. This made their value go through the room meaning unless you are noble hunting is the only way to get it. Zeke himself had tried multiple times to just find one yet Clay came back with five. He desperately wanted to ask how but to hold back for his survival. Lucky for him Clay noticed his agonizing expression.

"Come guys hurry up and get some I am quite proud of this achievement. After all, not many people can mask their presence so much that beasts have trouble finding them" Clay bragged.

The girls took that as him trying to show off but Zeke was able to read between the lines. Zeke sunk into his thoughts briefly before remembering their conversation earlier. Since nature Dragons are close to nature they often go completely unnoticed. Using that to his advantage Clay was able to hunt them down before they knew what was going on. Zeke looked at Clay with gratitude while he started cooking.

Clay on the other hand took another look at the system only to realize he missed something. Until now he only focused on getting stronger by evolving which caused him to neglect a few features. One example was the store that at first glance seemed useless. However, after looking again Clay realized he had been stupid. It may not have some God-level weapons but what it did have was pretty nice.


Author note:So I have two things I want to bring up first is sorry for the slow release rate. Since I am writing this from the top of my head things sometimes take longer. Now on to the most important part. As you all know Clay has a secret bloodline but even I have no idea what it is. This will let you the readers decide his future.

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If you have a suggestion not on the list then just put it here the one with the most votes or the most interesting wins.

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