
Chapter 59: World Summit! [2]

A frustrated-looking female stood at the hotel entrance, her feet pacing along the entrance, the gills on her neck flaring after two of the most important people didn't show up for the city guide last night.

She was angry that neither of their rooms answered her many calls during the evening; their penthouse even disconnected their phone after several attempts to reach them, which caused her to feel pressure and irritation.

"How am I supposed to bed that fool if he doesn't show up!?" She said in irritation.

Her body began to pace towards the elevator for the VIP clients, a set of silver and black keycards in her hand as she swung them around, looking around the elegant reception as the two girls watched her with a sense of dislike and fear on their faces.

'Stupid little girls, don't be so obvious with your dislike.'

With a twist of her hips, she pivoted on the royal red carpet, two black high heels stepping with muted clacks towards the lift.

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