
Dragon King Returns: Apocalypse

Five dragons descended to Earth through his technique. Still he couldn't stop the apocalypse. He walked the inhospitable land alone but he was certainly not unknown for his title of Dragon King resounded among all the Heavens. His family? Long lost. His master was no more. With no reason to live he fought to death, which struck him faster than he thought. Now, for some unknown reason, he will have the chance to start over again. Will he take back his title? Or will he prefer to protect his family at all costs? *********** Disclaimer: art cover is not mine, all credits to the unknown artist. The story, all names, characters, places and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. English is not my first language so if you notice something wrong please let me know. Help this novel stay free forever, support me on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/gmsnick

LegalDrugster · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Mr. President

03. Apr. 2030

It was Saturday night in Brazil, and that was the same as to say: party time. Now that many stores were closed and people got a day off because of the crazy warning on the TV, some took advantage of that free time to enjoy themselves.

They felt that the TV warning was bullshit and decided to join one of the many parties that took place. Currently, in one of the many beaches that Brazil has, a big group composed mostly of young men and women were celebrating with alcohol and funk.

Suddenly, as the clock struck midnight and the eclipse took form the beach became darker and only the party lights illuminated the sand. When the yellow dots appeared around them, most thought it was part of the show, while others thought it was the effect of the drugs they were using.


The warning sound came but it got lost between the loud music.

"This is incredible, it looks so real! How did they do that!?" Asked a young lady. Drunk, she tried to grab the dots but they escaped her hands.

"Hah! Look, the golden dots move!" She said to nobody.

Suddenly dots transformed into a small sphere and just like what happened to Nikolas' family, a figure emerged. The humanoid form looked like a weird creature from fantasy books. Thousands of red eyed zombies spawned on that beach.

"Woah… Is that a costume!?" The same lady asked. She just kept looking at that figure.

Screams were heard. Were people celebrating?

"What a bad trip!" Was the last thing a young boy said before getting bitten in the neck.

Soon, the party became a living hell.


United States of America, one of the largest and most powerful countries in the world. Highly developed, controversial and populous; many people loved the country and many others hated it.

Inside a dimly lit room with no window for starlight to enter, five heavily armed men guarded a sixth, older man. The locks of white hair and his strong facial expression indicated a great experience in commanding people. Evidently, he was the president of the USA.

Seated on a comfortable chair he was frowning, stressed, thinking about that stupid ocasion.

"We are overreacting! It was only an idiot prank on Television, there will be no disaster now!" The old man complained with the soldiers around him.

They were deep underground now, on a secret base heavily guarded by thousands of the best men. The president, as most of the personnel involved, did not believe the warning, and he could not help but to think how much money and time was wasted here.

"I'm sorry Mr. President, but we are only following the protocols!" The soldier on his left side said.

The other on his right added:

"We can't let you out until tomorrow sir!"

"Because of this, the press will portray me as the most cowardly of American presidents!" The president hit the armchair with rage. "Once I put my hands on the culprit… have the CIA or the Interpol discovered who did it!?"

"Yes sir, the last report we got is that the Interpol is currently dismantling the hackers' base in the Middle east. They told us that they have a small lead on Brazilians too!"

"A small lead! I want that done by tomorrow!" The president ordered, releasing his frustration. "Unfortunately, we can't move our troops now. The situation around Asia is delicate. Well, at least I can rest for now, those interviews are fu**** tiresome…"

Suddenly they all heard a strange sound.



*Spawning the First Wave*

*Spawn grade: F*

*Good luck!*

Out of the blue, small yellow dots started to conglomerate in front of them. Slowly a human form began to appear.

They thought it was a human at first and were stunned. There were exactly six of those "things". The creatures had no hair whatsoever and were completely naked; its bright red eyes were like gems and its white, almost transparent skin was flawless. The visible blue veins and beating heart only made the scene more bizarre.

"Grrrr!" The creatures opened their mouths at the same time and started to walk towards their target.

"KILL IT NOW!!" The president panicked and shouted an order, no longer waiting to see if they were peaceful.

Even though the soldiers were taken by surprise, their experience overtook the moment and they reacted. Unfortunately for them, the creatures were too close and some soldiers had no space for maneuverability.

An unlucky soldier didn't notice that one of the beasts had spawned behind him and focused on one at his left! Unfortunately, he only saw the creature after it had beaten his neck!

Shouts and screams hang out loud in the room. Blood splashed in the air and quickly dyed the ground red.

A zombie slowly approached the President. It raised his hands and pounced at the old man!

"Mr president!" The soldier on his left heroically threw himself in front of the older man, protecting him.

CRUNCH! The white zombie used its strong hands to grab the man and immediately chunked part of his face with a bite.

Blood splashed at the president's face!

"Noooo! Donald!" One soldier exclaimed at that moment.


The creature's head exploded. The president felt his head go numb with so many shouts and shots. The underground room was small and the shots resounded constantly in his ears.

After a few minutes it was over and the president could finally analyze the situation around him. Eight corpses lingered on the ground, he had lost two good men in a few seconds. Now, there were only three soldiers in the room.

The shocked old man got up from his chair. He furrowed his brows in anger, his face turning even redder than the blood running down on the ground.

"Shit! Get me the man who was behind the warning!" That was the only thing he could think of. The warning was true!

Suddenly, a secret door opened and a beautiful blond woman entered. It was the president's secretary, she used tight clothes and seemed completely fine. How she survived was a mystery.

"Thank god you are ali-" She started saying with a smile towards the president, but her smile immediately faded as she looked at the carnage around the room and had to hold back the urge to vomit.

The president said nothing as he looked over at her.

"I - I have reports…" She said weakly, trying to recompose herself.

"Say it, quickly!"

"We are receiving tons of emergency signs around the country! It seems that these creatures are everywhere!" She said, squinting at the dead bodies on the ground.

It was at that moment that two low grunts were heard. Everyone quickly looked around, weapons in hands only to see the two dead soldiers getting up. Their flesh decomposing and rotting quickly, transforming them in the classic zombies from the movies.

"Grrr!" They grumbled as they got up.

"Zombies…" The president murmured between his teeth, everyone knew the concept of zombies. "God has forsaken us…"

"What should we do sir?" Asked one of the soldiers.

"Shoot them in the head…" The president signed, thinking about the repercussions of this fact.

The targets were neutralized with two precise shots. Their bodies fell with two low thuds, on top of the other zombies. The president once again looked over the white zombies, there were six of them.

[Six zombies for six people… Shit!] His face turned pale at the thought. [What that robotic voice said? Spawning the wave? Could it be that they spawned one for every single person in the world!?]

Hundreds of thoughts filled his mind, too many questions and too little info to answer them. Yet, there should be someone who knew more about it…

"Get me the one behind it!" He shouted to the secretary. "Arrange an emergency meeting with the army, we are not going to lose our country to these beasts!"