
Dragon in Naruto

" This world is not for the faint of heart, nor one of desire. but this is the one we live in. now we are here to protect it. to protect our loved ones. and our beliefs

Dragon_Lord_KuroII · Anime & Comics
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As Hinata and I were made our way to the hospital hinatas guard prevented and took her home, although resisting I told her we can play tomorrow so she calmed down her body gaurd looking at me curiously for being calm about this took hinata to the family compound.

I entered the hospital to the room I was assigned in with grace and elegance like a prince the people who I passed looked at me and had to resist the feeling of bowing.

I made it to my designation and opened the door and heard Jiraiya and Tsunade as well as Tsunades assistant Shizune was also there we got acquainted with each other during our trip here.

Tsunade "get over here and lay down" I did as she said and laid down on the operating table

after I laid down "you nerves" shizune asked me.

Zeref "no"

Shizune "why" as she didn't know how I can be so calm

Zeref " its either I stay as I am or improve and am actually able to see"

Tsunade heard our conversation said "If only other people were as calm as you"

Tsunade "Jiraiya im going to have to ask you to leave"

Jiraiya nodded and exited the room

and so now that I was asleep they began the operation.

-the next day-

when I woke up I had my blind fold on and I heard tsunade and asked

Zeref "can I take my blind fold off now"

Tsunade "yes I'll do it slowly as to not hurt your retinas"

tsunade began to take off my blind fold and with the last fold I could see...for the very first time I could see. I could see the beautiful sun and tsunade and Shizuna I blushed and looked down with tears in my eyes seeing my freshly cliped nails I looked at tsunade with my dead eyes and stood up.

Zeref "thank you" with a 90 degree respectable bow

Tsunade noticing my blushed face said "Don't worry about It kid it was a favor from a old friend"

I nodded and went out of the hospital and went to the park to look for hinata.

arriveing at the park I see hinata and went twords her. the same group of bullies from yesterday day kame back they saw me and my cold eyes that could freeze you over they ran on first site

I aproched hinata and noticed her back was facing me so all I could see was her beautiful hair color which was dark blue nearly black but on the shine of the sun and you could tell it was dark blue bob like hair cut and and her jacket. I haven't seen many girls my age but I have no doubt hinata is the only one to make my heart skip beat and have a blush move heavy then when I say tsunade calming my emotions I approach hinata while still having a little blush

Zeref from behind Hinata "whisper" Hinata you have such beautiful hair"

Hinata did a full 180 spin and saw her friend that she made yesterday the only difference was he was not wearing his blind fold

Hinata seeing Zerefs eyes only carried only warmth and kindness Hinata asked "Zeref what happened to your blind fold" stuttering the whole way through

Zeref could see her eyes and felt like he was in a trance and replied with a slightly bigger blush

" Thats the reson I came hear to tell you I've got a operation and healed my eyes, your the only person that knows that I got my eyes back other than the actual people that operated on my eyes"

Hinata felt proud technically being the first one

"so you can see, how long have you not been able to see, u..u..um i..i..f y..y..ou don't mind" Stuttering

Zeref chuckled seeing her being cute " 'chuckle' if I make you uncomfortable I can just leave" although sad he didn't want her to be uncomfortable he didn't know why

Hinata replied as fast as she could " NO!, I mean i..it's not that I..I.I just dont have any friends" Hinata didn't know why but she felt comfortable witb Zeref around so she stutters less and blushes more and Has a tightness in her chest

Zeref " Then we are the same" atill contained all the warmth to Hinata as ever so he continued "I have naver had a friend before untill I met you"

smileing at the last part

they then made their way to a swing set to play.

Hinata got on first " Hey z-z-zeref-kun um c-c-can you push me" hinata was embarrassed as she wanted Zeref to touch her

Zeref " how"

Hinata "j-j-j-j-just push me b-b-by the w-w-w-waist" blushing even more

Zeref blushing almost as much as Hinata complied and pushed her not to hard but enough to have her have fun she and zeref were laughing and haveing the time of there life

The body guard of hinata was a female so she was loving the exchange cooing at this sight " hinata is having the time of her life and so is the boy It looks like he genuinely likes her as he was almost as blush centric as hinata"

looking at this she sliped up her precence 1/100 of her precence she new very few people could sense her like this but opening her eyes she saw Zeref staring right at her and stayed there for a few seconds but hinata brought him out of in and he was smileing again.

Hinatas body guard was so shoked she could barely move she thought 'he could see me...but I barely slipped up is he a sensor' this thought was suprising if he was he would get another approval from hinatas father the haguya head clan.

Zeref looked to a specific spot and looked over their seriosly Hinata saw that he stopped pushing so when she turned round she was nervous so she asked "Zeref are you okay" relly worried

Zeref laughed it off "hahaha yea just thought I felt something its alright now, but I think its my turn"

Hinata nodded and swiched places as she pushed zeref she felt his waist and felt him have lean muscles and started to noes bleed she cleared it up and continued to do her "research" zeref was like this thanks to Midir.

both Hinata and Zeref noticed it was getting late so they went on there own way zeref was thinking where to go when Jiraiya appeared "YO kid I got a place for you to stay, and you got school tomorrow come with me and I'll explain"

As we made our way to my new place and Jiraiya explaining

pov change-hinatas body guard

After hinata was in her room I went to the clan leader hiashi Hyuga for her daily repot

Hiashi "report"

Me "nothing out of the regular, exept for one thing"

Hiashi "Well what happed"

me " hinata made a friend who is peculiar he is cold and calm to others but to hinata hes a angel, as I was looking he seemed to have noticed me and because of this I belive he is a sensor" not explaining the obvious love intresed in each other

hiashi in thought ' a sensor and a Hyuga that is intresting...'

Hiashi " I'll allow this for now but if he does somthing suspicious and dangerous to Hinata confront him"

me "yes sir"

pov change- zeref

after explaining things to me Jiraiya took me to my place. the house with one story looking Japanese like house we entered the house and it was a well outfitted house with two bathrooms a master bedroom and a where one of the bathrooms were located the layout was from the entrance to the living room was straight forward from the entrance the kitchen was to the right and the bed rooms was to the left in a type of hallway and a bathroom at the end of the hallway.

It was a very nice house Jiraiya owned this house for now he said once I was able to afford it I could take it from him, so once I was a chunin pretty much

Zeref went to bed as tomorrow was school he prayed to midir that he got hinata in the same class, after finishing he let the sweet embrace of sleep take hold.