
Dragon in Harry Potter

(The cover isn’t my photo.) It’s the classic, mc dies and gets reincarnated. Now here’s the twist, he’s a dragon born in the time of the founders of Hogwarts and Merlin. What will he do, will he become a servant or will he become the master. Or will he control the world from behind a veil of shadows. It’s up to you to find out…

Sloth_god · Book&Literature
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Mountain decent and Hogwarts

I have been walking for 2 fucking days. Do you have any idea how boring it is to look around you and all you see is fucking snow. No, you probably don't, we'll let me tell you it's horrible. There is nothing to do other than walk, I can't fly and to my knowledge I can't teleport.

There was originally a food issue, that was before I realised the is an abundance of rabbits and dear on this mountain. And they all taste great. At first I was hesitant to kill the innocent things, what would others think, but that was before I remembered I am now a dragon and don't care about their opinion.

Both the dear and rabbit are normally a beautiful white, which is surprising because I'm pretty sure dear are brown not white. I didn't bother cooking them because I don't think I can use dragons breath yet, and I no longer have posable thumbs soooo making a fire was thrown out the window.

To be honest I was hesitant to eat raw meat at first, but after awhile I threw away my pride a gouged down on them. And, it tasted amazing. I was sure I had never had something so. Ice in my life, it got to a point instead of hunting for food I was hunting just for the taste. But there was something else. It was nearly unnoticeable but I was getting faster, stronger and my body felt lighter despite the slight size increase. It was practically nonexistent maybe 1 or 2 kilograms but it was there.

4 days later

I reached the base of the mountain a day ago and started heading in the direction of what seemed to be dirt road. After reaching the long clearing I realised it was in fact a dirt road. The only issue was there were no tyre marks just what seemed to be horse tracks along with long deep parallel indents in the soft mud. It was at that moment that in the distance I saw something that would change my whole world view, a horse and carriage. I quickly dived into the tree line. Hopefully not being noticed, it took awhile but eventually the carriage passed and I followed it from a distance from within the forest. I don't know how they treat dragons here, they may kill me on sight.

Now although I was in no way close I could hear them as well as I would of if I was right next to them, and I was shocked. No that's an understatement what they said didn't make sense, it was impossible, then again I am a dragon. Ughhh, all this thinking hurts my head.

The reason what they said shocked me so much is they were talking about how it was there little 'baby' boys first day at Hogwarts. Yeah you headed me they were talking about Hogwarts as if it was some genuine school their son was going to. What didn't help me dissuade my mind that the whole thing is a hoax Is the fact that the boy started pulling out what seemed to be massive text books and a wand, a freaking wand.

He didn't perform any spells but he was diligently practicing and performing the movements and incantations, not at the same time of course least he accidentally fires off a spell. Now all this had my full attention, while it could all just be some overly eccentric family I knew I had time to waste. The knowledge was just there as if instinctive, that even if I don't become a true dragon which is the visage of true immortality, will live for at least 5000 years. That was a lot too take in, but even in my past life I didn't have many attachments which I guess was the thing that made my crossing into this life far easier than it had been if I had hundreds if not thousands like others do.

And so I followed them diligently, without stop, no sleep, no rest and certainly not a second to sit down. I followed for 10 days before I saw what I did this for. There a mere 1 or 2 miles away was a majestic castle with mighty towers and a sturdy base. Winding paths even littered the cliff side that overlooked the grand lake that was soon to be names the black lake. The once forbidden forest let out an ethereal glow and a warm inviting nature that staved away dangers.

While there were many differences I recognised this castle the second my eyes landed on it, this was Hogwarts.

authors note

Yeah sorry this took me awhile I kept on forgetting to click save and I had to rewrite it 3 times. Actually writing it didn't take long tho so hopefully I can write more soon. I am just going to mention really quickly that I have started my gcse a couple of months ago and while not as hard as the A levels to come the first few months have just been a massive information dump and tests trying to figure out what set to put us in so I apologise for the slow updates. On the plays side it's my last week next week so hopefully I can speed up the amount I post