
Dragon in Harry Potter

(The cover isn’t my photo.) It’s the classic, mc dies and gets reincarnated. Now here’s the twist, he’s a dragon born in the time of the founders of Hogwarts and Merlin. What will he do, will he become a servant or will he become the master. Or will he control the world from behind a veil of shadows. It’s up to you to find out…

Sloth_god · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

First day

With Merlins house decided he stood up off the chair and calmly strode to the slytherin table, I didn't miss the small smile on his face though. Which I hope won't become rare after his acceptance into slytherin, which may be the case should the house now be anything like it is in the future. Once we reached the table while he sat down with much grace I didn't stand on ceremony and just jumped up onto the table. After scratching anyone other than Merlin trying to mess with my fur, I once again started paying attention to the sorting Knowing it would be Alex and Zack's turn soon.

And I was proven correct rather quite quickly with Zack gliding up the to the chair (you know that thing those martial masters in movies do where with their long robes they make it look like they are gliding and not walking) and positioning himself on the chair. Prof Zadok just dropping the hat on his head this time, clearly getting bored of it by this point. And without much deliberation the hat shouted "slytherin." Without any fanfare he came and sat next to Merlin.'welcome to the table of the sad and decrepit.' I said jokingly to Merlin causing him to snicker a bit, got a few odd looks for that."Hi Zack." Merlin said opening the conversation.

"Hi Merlin, you got anyone talking yet."

"no, haven't tried I've just been watching the sorting."

"speaking of which there goes Alex."

Just as Zack had said I saw Alex making his way towards the chair, as that was happening Merlin telepathically spoke to me. 'Why did you say this is the house of the sad and decrepit?'

'Oh, I thought you noticed. Take a look to your left 4 seats down blondy over there looks like he's both constipated and on the verge of having a mental breakdown while trying to still look like he's some important noble figure.' Merlin hearing my words took a side glance just to notice a short blond boy who true to my words looked constipated, depressed and a perfect actor all at the same time.

Just as he was going to respond to me a resounding "SLITHERIN." Was screamed out by the hat. Which finally drew out attention back to Alex who was previously sitting on the chair now striding confidently over to us, sitting down like he owned the place. Falkor taking his place next to me on the table we all started talking, Merlin and his lot about how cool learning magic is going to be and me and Falkor about who was the better fighter which would have lead to another fight if it weren't for the interference of Alex.

Very suddenly out of no where a whole feast appeared mountains of food of the best quality. while the others delicately placed food on their plate, me and Falkor dived at the food and started having an eating contest once again starting another argument about who are the most.

As our argument was about to restart, Rowena Stood up and clapped her hands once causing a loud boom that shut up everyone in the room. "I would like to make a few announcements to the new students and to remind the older ones," she drawled the last part looking over at the griffindores specifically a group at the end," I would like to say that the forest on the edge of the grounds while not forbidden you must be accompanied by a 3rd year, and up and should you wish to venture further than 2 hours in you will need to be with a group of at least 9 sixth years. We would also like to say that any fighting Among students must be done in the duelling room and supervised by a seventh year or up (in this time there were 13 years and an option to stay as an assistant teacher so that you may learn for as long as you need or wish). That will be all, will the house kings and queens please lead the students to the dormitory's." (There are 3 kings and 3 queens for each house, they hold complete authority over the house just under the founders and can order other students to do anything other than the killing or maiming of another student. This means that they can order them to kill someone who is not a student.)

With that said 6 students stood up from each table, 3 girls and 3 boys. They called us to follow them which was done obediently, we stalked them out of the great hall down the maze of corridor's until we reached a massive hall around half the size of the great hall with massive statues of snakes. I don't doubt would come alive to defend the entrance to the dungeons should a threat exist. At the end of the hall was a massive snake head that when spoken in parcel tongue opened its mouth to reveal the grand tunnels that was the dungeons. As we walked, or in my case sat on Merlin's shoulder, we all saw how the paths changed behind us eventually after passing through many more corridors we finally stop in front of a wall and one of the kings speaks "fulcrum's path," and the wall splits opening into a luxurious common room coated in greens that compliment the marble wall's and and finely crafted furniture. "This is the common room, you are not to bring anyone from another house here if you should you will be exiled from the house and forced to join those without a place and without backing. While in this house you will be completely backed by the rest of this house should you get into an altercation with another house. Boys dormitory's on the left, girls on the right, now leave me alone and don't bother me unless completely necessary." With that he left.

Without even questioning anything Merlin just grabbed Zack and Alex and ran to the boys dormitory's quickly finding one that housed only 3 beds and claiming it for themselves. With that they all started un-packing while I decided that I should go and explore, and so I dragged Falkor and some bags with spatial runes on and went on our merry way. Leaving the common room we weaved our ways through the endless dungeons that was the underground of hogwarts. Running through the scores of hallways we saw many things, chained up monsters of all kinds from the most harmless horned rabbits to the eggs of a hydra all were present. Along with the beasts we found tunnels that lead to rooms that had secret rooms that had puzzles and codes to more rooms that had more secret rooms in them. You may ask how do you know this, well the thing is wards and hidden magical doors aren't that hard to find when you know, you can see magic. And on that note getting past wards pretty much adds up to making the magical lines fit a certain pattern which is reflected in purple in the ether realm (pure magic realm, dragons can see the nature magic of the earth and the true pure magic that resides in the ether realm which is basically the pure and original form of magic with no elements or intents imbued into it) so it may take a little while to put it all together but we get there eventually.

Through our efforts e found many things, from tomes to artefacts and piles of gold. And as is dragon nature we took it all not a single piece of gold was spared. We did this 8 times in 34 hours, since it takes a long time to find a room and then it takes time to work our way through the wards and more time to collect everything.

we finally decided that we were hungry and made our way back to the common room using the pet entrance.


okay so I may have lost motivation for this for about 3 months but you guys can forgive me right, right. Anyway passing that sorry I haven't been writing but I've just started my JCSE and while nothing in comparison to a levels and anything after that but I've been getting 22 page long homework's so I'm still adjusting to the amount of work but I suddenly had the motivation to write again but just to give you an idea of the amount of work I've been doing it's currently 2:28 am as of writing this and I might try and write the first day from Merlins pov in the next chapter before I go to sleep and yes I will be ignoring punctuation during these author comments be grateful I do it in the actual story I think this is the longest chapter I've done so far 1480 words long not including this part but hope your enjoying this story but I've been thinking of writing another story along side this one where I create an origin story for how hogwarts was created from the perspective of hogwarts and it won't just be the boring oh the founders put me together it's be relatively interesting or at least I think it will be but also hard to try to come up with many new magical historical events to happen at hogwarts but I won't write it if you guys don't want it but even if it's just one person I'll still write it cause I know it's annoying when your really enjoying a story and they suddenly just stop writing because they lack motivation I'll be flat with you if I don't write it means I can't be bothered not that I'm not in the right mindset and oh god it's 2:40 am I've be writing this for 12 minutes but keep enjoying the story night/morning