
Dragon Heart System

After his whole village was erased, Simon who fell into disappeared dreamed of a great dragon. You're my heir, with those words and the power he got, he started to slowly seek revenge.

JinVonRey · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The Magic test!

The chilling breeze carried the scent of blood. On this fateful day, a young man returned to his hometown. It was the same day he swore on revenge!

In the year 2027, the technological advancement of humanity stopped. It wasn't the lack of effort but the lack of something new to find, they simply learned all they could. This was the case until one man sparked the start of the new age, In 2030 That man discovered mana, a new form of energy that could bend the laws of physics, that opened the doors to unlimited potentials.

Mana wasn't omnipotent, it had many drawbacks, one is that only a select few people could control it! Overusing it may cause harmful mutation amongst animals creating horrendous monsters! On top of that, it wasn't a single type of energy, Mana is divided into three colors, a person can only wield one type!

Red Mana, Also known as Life Force. This type of mana can manipulate life and living beings. The wielders of the Red Mana can heal, harm as well empower other living beings.

Blue Mana, Also known as Magic Force. This type of mana can manipulate physics and the laws of nature. The wielders of the Blue Mana can master the power of the elements and use it to their advantage by throwing fireballs, waves of water, some could even bend the laws of gravity.

Green Mana, Also known as Spirit Force. This type of mana can manipulate the spirit world, converse with the dead, brainwash people, assert dominance, as well curse people into oblivion. It is considered the weakest in terms of practical use besides curses. since cursing people is considered highly illegal and frowned upon even in countries where it's allowed.

A hundred years have passed, It's the year 2128, civilization has stabilized, sort of.

With the discovery of magic, the world's power balance was thrown into chaos. Countries that were weak are now strong, and those who held the weapons of mass destruction, now found themselves struggling.

The world was getting crueler by the year, and as if to add salt to the wound, monsters started to emerge, ravaging what was left.

Nations fought over resources and talents! Yes, magic isn't something that anyone could use, it's an inborn talent! On top of that, a normal person could only use one color of mana. From this, they were the most priceless resource a country can have.

Habi is a remote village in the countryside with minimal population, they were mostly self-sufficient their only problem was monster attacks. People who could use magic also called Espers need to be dispatched to protect the village! This was supposed to be a simple problem but it got worse, due to the remoteness of the village and the lack of manpower no one was dispatched! The Village was left to defend itself! This was bad news for the village as no one of them could use magic, they were powerless against it!

I shall go to the Esper university and become strong enough to protect the village on my own! Said a young man with a burning resolve, His name was Simon Rotgar, Standing a bit less than 6 feet, with short black hair and light green eyes. This man left the village as they cheered for him, he was their hope, the only one of them to have potential!

"I will make it!" He encouraged himself. "I have to become a Blue esper! That's the most suitable to fighting a monster!" He thought.

"No, even getting red isn't that bad, I can heal the people, that will decrease the dead by a lot!"

"Getting green on the other hand is bad, I can't imagine a situation where it can help the village! Yeah, it's the worst but still better than nothing!"

Thinking that his turn was up, getting into the appraisal room. A woman was starring at him from behind a glass wall while typing something on her computer!

"Applicant number 69...ahem... Simon Rotgar! Are you ready?" She asked through the microphone.

"Yes, ma'am!" He replied with a strong voice.

"You don't have to be nervous, we have half an hour for you so take it slow. Remember a calm mind can help you focus more! We have water there and can even play your favorite songs, just be in the mood to give your all!" She replied.

Simon felt at ease as he heard her words, standing firmly he put his hands on the giant crystal ball in front of him!

"AGRAAAA!" He screamed his lungs out as tried his all to release mana. The crystal glowed dimly for a moment.

"First attempt failed, 8/20... Try again!" The woman said in an encouraging voice. The numbers show how much mana he released into the ball, the bare minimum to use magic is 20. for this the applicant must hit that threshold to even attempt to join the Esper university! The average is 10 so most people can't use magic! The real problem was that mana increases by using it. so having less than twenty means you're stuck!

"AGRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Simon screamed as he tried again, he wasn't ready to give up yet!








Simon kept trying until the time was up, he didn't manage to hit 20... He fell on his knees in despair, He couldn't even get in!

Piip Piip! Time is up the alarm rang out the signal for Simon to get out, he slowly stood and walked to the door with dead eyes.

"Wait!" The woman called to him before he could get out, searing her he turned his face around thinking, what does she want? I already failed, I'm useless!

She scratched her hair, "I'm sure I will get In trouble for doing this..." Saying that she pressed a bottom and an alarm rang out. "Due to technical issue, the test number 69 was put on hold, we will inform the applicant number 70 when its turn came in, again sorry for the delay!"

"What in the..." He wondered as he looked at her.

"I bought you more time, the most I can give you another 30 min, do your best!" She created this situation, the alarm was a lie just to give Simon more time!

Simon's eyes lit up, "Thanks!" He screamed as he rushed toward the Crystal...

After the time runout, he still didn't manage to hit 20, he failed, even though he got the extra time he still didn't manage to do it. Simon left in silence, nobody laughed at him since they know how hard it is, they knew this was the fate that awaits most of them!

There were no signs of life in Simon, he kept walking like a dead man, without saying a word he has already reached his Village.

What will happen to us? If even I who was supposed to protect the city failed what will be our fate? Devoured by monsters like animals, even the country can't spare resources to protect us. We're doomed...

As he was walking in the streets it felt oddly quiet, his village is supposed to be vibrant with children's running around, and bustling streets! As he thought that, the smell of blood filled his nose...He couldn't bear what he has just seen...