
Dragon Heart System

After his whole village was erased, Simon who fell into disappeared dreamed of a great dragon. You're my heir, with those words and the power he got, he started to slowly seek revenge.

JinVonRey · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Simon Vs Dina!

Facing Dina, Simon gulped... Looking at her again... she still didn't seem like the type of person he should mess with. Her arms are thicker than his thighs.

Not gonna lie, Simon thought to himself that she was kinda hot...but the moment she stood in front of him, that feeling didn't take long to turn into fear.

A soldier advanced to be the referee, he had a worried look on his face, glancing between Simon and Dina.

"Sergeant..." He said in a quiet voice, carefully thinking about how he worded it..."Don't injure him too much, It will be a hassle to deal with the aftermath!"

Hearing those words have dropped Simon's confidence even further, I'm not getting out of this unscathed! He thought, almost hitting the dash!

"Just start it, I promise he would still be able to walk!" When the soldier heard her he sighed, Lifting his hand up about to signal the start.

"FIGHT!!!" He shouted as his hand dropped.

This time, with Simon being on high alert, he took the initiative! Dina on the other hand seemed to stand still without even taking a stance.

One, two steps, Simon dashed ahead, sending a left jab directly at Dina's face...Is it going to connect? Slap!!! Dina slapped his punch away without effort, she still had that smile on her face.

Another one! he sent a right jab this time, following the combo with another left jab. Suddenly, Dina's massive body disappeared from his field of view. No, she didn't disappear, she ducked to dodge the punches.

"Boxing, Who taught you?" Dina said as she punched him in the guts. The hit was heavy! To the point, Simon found it hard to breathe!

He backed down to catch his breath. Dina didn't pursue him as she saw he was clearly hurt, The fight would have ended there if she had just given him another punch.

HP: 17/22==> 8/22, That's a lot of damage! Another hit and I would have been a goner! Do her punches deal more damage than a wolf's bite? how is that a thing?

"I asked, who taught you?" Dina asked again, Her voice was a little louder as if getting impatient.

"A retired boxer who was living in our Village!" Simon answered, trying to buy time so he can catch his breath.

Simon wasn't his village's hope out of nothing, Since he was a little kid, people took notice of him. His Village only had one school as the population was small, so everyone knew his name when he started to show remarkable grades. As everyone in the village knew each other, It wasn't jealousy that they felt, it was pride.

Everyone taught him a little of what they knew, The farmer, the smith, his parents, the merchant who just stayed for a few years before moving out. They each left a shard of knowledge in Simon.

When he graduated Highschool, The villagers noticed something, with his grade he could apply to the Esper university! Money wasn't a problem, they collectively provided for him.

Habi Village was always ignored by the government as it had no Espers, which the country valued highly. Espers are the ones responsible for defeating monsters, What if the village clinic needed a stay-in doctor? No one would accept to work in a village that isn't protected. And the problems kept appearing as they were neglected more and more.

This all was about to change if Simon became an Esper, the country might give a second glance toward the forgotten village. It also helped that his dream was to become an Esper that defeats the monsters roaming around his Village! It meant he was staying, He was like a potential gold mine that might help the village prosper.

Up to this point, The system only increased his basic stats. Simon could only rely on what he was taught! The old boxer at the village, His grandpa who was a retired war veteran, the suspicious woman who said she knew karate but all her moves were weird, and others. Simon could only rely on what they taught him.

Simon took his boxing stance, ready to face Dina. Even if I was to lose, it won't be without a fight. As he was about to dive in again, he saw Dina take a stance for the first time.

With both her hands up in a guard position, a leg slightly forward, she looked at him directly. Her stance seemed close to a boxing stance but Simon couldn't help but feel like it was different.

The moment he approached for a jab, Dina sent a kick directly at his side. he was taken by surprise, he didn't expect a kick from a boxing stance! It was a direct hit, and it was painful, thankfully not as heavy as before. He realized that Dina was holding back even more than she did before, her legs were definitely thicker than her arms!

Taking this chance, he caught Dina's leg with the intent of throwing her on the ground. She might be bigger and heavier than him, she was built like a mountain, but if she was standing on one leg he might be able to drop her! That was a naive thought!

As a response to Simon's attempt, Dina jumped wrapping her legs around Simon's slender arms, and dropped him into an armlock!

Simon tapped out as soon as he was caught, the referee signaled Dina's victory. Being thankful he didn't have to deal with a broken bone, Simon let out a sigh of relief

[Daily quest: Lose a fight...Finished] Simon got busy looking at his system. Sweet, sweet progress!

Dina on the other hand had an unsatisfied look on her face as if she didn't experience what she wanted. That moment when Simon snapped at Jack was still replaying in her mind, that wasn't a feat achievable for humans.

"Probably I should have punched him in the face..." Dina murmured to herself, the referee heard her and his face went pale.

"Sergeant, Please don't do that!" The referee complained, he got worried as hell when she punched Simon in the guts and that was enough for him.

Calming down and thinking about it, Dina announced the end of today's training. "Simon, come let's grab something to eat, it's on me!" Dina called, looking for Simon.

Chance! Simon had a grin on his face, "It's on you right?" He asked, thinking about the other quest, eating a whole kilogram of meat, he was getting hungry as well.

Dina's pocket suffered heavily as Simon didn't eat just one kilogram of meat. He feasted on everything. Like flames in the field, he swallowed the red and green alike!

[Daily quest: Eat one kilogram of meat...finished]

[Daily quests...Finished, rewards will be given...+2 stat points, rank E dungeon key, +20 Exp]

[Exp: 20/300]==>[Exp: 40/300] He still had a long way before reaching level 3

Looking at his inventory as he waited, he had two rank F dungeon Keys. Simon thought about when to use them, he was intending to farm them as soon as he reached level 5 but with how his stats were increasing, he might just do it now!

It was then that a new message appeared, [Do you wish to combine the two rank F dungeon keys to create a single rank E dungeon key?]


Nop, no way...Simon thought back to how he was mauled by wolves, what next? tigers? He refused the Idea of challenging a higher rank dungeon without being able to beat the lower level.

"It's true that I won't die in a dungeon created by the system but...It still hurts!" Simon mumbled to himself as his ride came, a truck full of his peers.

They didn't look like the likable bunch to him but he was optimistic, Surly they are just as nice as the people of his village.

Dina gave him a push of the back with a promise. If they found anything about what happened to his village she will contact him!

A special thanks to lost_ling for the tips, the advice was really helpful and I'm still improving the story. With your support, I will make this a more enjoyable read!

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