
Dragon goes to The Demon University

Rewrite of an older story of mine. an OP Dragon at the Demon University

Bad_Grandpa · Fantasy
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4 Chs

#3 Rewards for Diligence

On Monday at breakfast we keep getting curious looks from people who know our levels have risen.

Not just 1 or 2 levels with the 10 levels per Real but Entire Realms and not just one Realm but 2 whole Realms.

After getting a notice from Headmaster Jesshu.

We sat down and told him what we did.

We didn't see any reason to try to keep it secret.

Not that we could from someone over 15k years old.

We asked if we could go outside to show our domains to which he raised his hands and suddenly were someplace else.

a Vast Desert area.

Jesshu "Show me".

We all separated and showed him our abilities. Yuki without moisture actually dropped the temperature to below freezing.

Rolls caused the ground to where scorpions and other insects, spiders and mice all started killing each other.

Juana made every living thing come to the surface and sleep above ground.

Jasmine made everything die violently.

I made a bowl of apples age to dust within a minute, and then age backwards into flower buds.

We let out our Auras and Jesshu praised us but warned about the empty egg conundrum.

I Asked " Headmaster Jesshu could I get a message to my sister to send some Various strengthening potions, herbs and stuff for body and soul please I want enough for all 6 of us.

Jesshu " I'll ask".

" With your breakthroughs I'll let you all take one skill from the top floor of the library for a reward for your diligence.

"I also give you this token for 3 soul cleansing pills each.

Suddenly were back in the Headmasters office.

Rolls Grandpa was that The Pharoahs Crypt desert?".

" possibly sqirt, possibly ".

"Grandpa how.."

Jesshu "I was the last 3 Pharoahs Chief Mage of course and the keeper of the tombs".

"Now that you've missed half of the day break for lunch and go to the library and shop afterwards".

"Oh and don't take more than 1 pill per Realm and never more than 1 at any time even if you jump 10 Realms.

"Yes Headmaster" We Shouted, bowed and off we went to lunch.

Soon all three girls and both guys mobbed me amid back slaps, hugs from the guys and several kisses on the cheeks from the girls while Yuki wouldn't let go of my mouth.

Yuki " if it wasn't for you Aric we wouldn't have come so far without decades of practice and cultivation.

Thanks people, I appreciate the praises and will do my best to keep us growing.

so after an uneventful lunch we proceeded to the Library an actual Mummy all wrapped up in linen strips, we handed our chips to the librarian who handed them back and commented that the Headmaster had already informed her of our coming.

"I haven't seen you in ages Rolls ".

" Sorry Auntie I didn't know you worked here".

" Your friends can just call me Auntie Haj kay?".

"It's much nicer than the tomb and no more sand in my panties ".

"Follow me to the top floor please ".

as we ascended several upper classmates wanted to hinder us. The boldest simply got tossed over the railing to the ground below by Auntie.

when Auntie guide got to the door she took out an odd look Scarab beetle that ran across the face of the door in a dizzying pattern for a fee minutes then stopped and jumped back into our guides hand as the door opened.

Auntie guarded the door as we entered and split up looking at skills and calling out if we saw something the others might like.

We spent almost an hour looking before we finally made our choices.

Auntie noted down what we chose and escorted us out then off to the shop for some pills.

"Don't make me wait another Dynasty Rolls".

On the way several upper classmates decided to block our path.

"Finess and style " I froze them in time Yuki just froze them, While we casually waked through them to our next destination.

an old goat of a Demon sat at a counter as we passed our chips to him.

Fucking 3 each are you about of your minds.

Rolls " If there's a problem please tell tje Headmaster".

" I can't or I won't have any left till next Semester".

Rolls " Then please call Grandfather and let him know ".

"Fuck that I don't want to be guarding and old tomb in the desert for eternity ".

"here take them".

Rolls " Thank you sir".

and we left to dinner and then to my room.

we all energized the circle and sat down before swallowing a pill each.

We sat down and studied our new skills while our souls were being cleansed and hardened. finally our souls were as strong as they should have been of we didn't jump so many levels at once.

My new skill is a dimension door.

it's now actually teleportation it just brings my target spot closer.

it actually Bends space to connect 2 different places.

so I opened a door to the Arena where we split up and practiced our different skills and when we got them down pat we switched skills to learn each others basics.

I can now make a time space distortion to cover 100m and covered most of the field so in 6 hours of normal time we spent 6 weeks training.

We only came out to raid the Cafeteria for food.

We finished around midnight local time.

we now mastered all of our 6 skills.

During breakfast Clarissa showed up and sat at our table.

"I'm impressed lil bro".

"I didn't believe it when Jesshu told me but damn you did good".

"So I will accept yours and Jesshus request and give you my Reward".

You will need around 2 to 3 days to absorb everything in these boxes.

Clarissa gives each of my friends and myself boxes with a species specific picture to each of us.

While my friends all bowed I just grabbed her in a big hug.

"Not in public brother, Your little snow Angel mat try something she wouldn't live long enough to regret.

Karina" Who in the 9 helps is this.."


Suddenly Karina is flying and making a huge crater in a wall.

Shannon " Rissy I knew I felt you arrive but you didn't come to my house and here I had to hunt you down".

"Sorry Shay but I just had to drop something to my brother really quickly and I brought us a present".

Clarissa pulled out a barrel of wine big enough for 6 people to bathe in.

Shannon noticed the seal "You didn't ".

yup I had to be compensated for training and assessment of his skills.

So while he was unconscious I walked down to the cellar and brought my payment her to share.

"Rissy your definitely going to get us in trouble".

" Before that let's go to my house and see how much we can swill down before my Worthless Grandson tries to send the Royal Guards after us".

"Shay I did give them directions and told them to bring their own Tankards".

"Damn we better hurry then".

They disappeared with a pop and we're left standing wondering what happened.

My friends looked at me.

" Ok my sister and Shannon were friends back in school here 10k years agonand Jesshu was their Homeroom teacher".

"My sister also tutored the current King".

" Sissy apparently just got back from beating the King into the ground sparing with him, stole his best wine and now Clarissa and Shannon are going to have a drinking contest before The Kings guard show up and join in.

Karina " Well fuck your family is crazy Aric".

" I want you on the Student Council ".

"I mean it Aric ".

" No and I mean it Karina, I am flattered but not at this time".

Karina " Ok I'll accept not at this time over a flat rejection".

"SHAWNA" See to any need Aric has".

"Yes Mistress ".

We get up to leave and Shawna follows.

Where are you going Shawna?.

Mistress told me to follow and see to your needs and I must or receive I'll receive punishment.

"Please let me follow and tend to your needs".

"I also collect food from the Cafeteria so you will always have snacks should you want".

"Or I could just sleep in your ring and be forgotten".

"Which I would actually Classify as a vacation".

"I'm over 2k years old and have knowledge of different skills and magic you have yet to know".

"I could be helpful to you and your friends as you grow in strength I'll help with the knowledge and skills".

"Ok Shawna come on then".

When we all get to my room Shawna throws herself to the ground please listen for a moment of time.

"While I am Karinas slave it is an unwilling association".

"I can agree to be your slave which would bind me closer to you".

"I have to answer when asked but with her I don't have to give additional hints or advice not specifically asked for".

"if I agree to be bound to you Master you will have not only my duty but my devotion as well".

Rolls " Shawna is telling the truth".

" For you it is all one sided positive".

Juana " I agree Shawna is putting herself in a position that can only hurt her more".

"Shawna is also Telling the truth as Rolls said".

Jasmine " if she binds like this if you due she does well and she cannot break it ever even if your relationship sours".

Yuki " This is her once in a lifetime chance basically, Once done she cannot back out ever".

"Only you can breakthrough the contract".

Krish" You can not only ask her but make her willingly to do anything you ask with this specific binding".

" Since she's giving herself to you willingly she will always be so".

Yuki " Shawna would be actually happy and willingly sit in that corner over there till you die, even if it took 100k years or more".

"Shawna are you sure you want to be bound to me, I've never done this nor even thought about this".

"Yes I actually want you to be my Master for ever".

"Well fuck, Ok let's get it done before I change my mind ".

Shawna and I step into the circle as my 5 friends make a pentagram and stand at each point Shawna tells me what to recite and she recited her own words before me.

A flash of energy swirls around us and connects us together. suddenly I feel Shawna and she's a part of me I see me through her eyes and feel her joy and devotion to me.

Slowly every energy fades and we're standing facing each other.

"Master before she arrives listen to me".

" Now that our connection is broken she will come here and this is why".

Shawna proceeded to tell me of Karinas plans for me and the Obsidian council plans for my friends and their families.

when I here a loud pounding on my door I'm very pissed off.

I opened the door to find a very upset Succubus Queen standing outside.

"Karina I know you don't actually want inside with what I've just learned do you?".

"Finess was the operative word Karina ".

"You opted for plans of spying, coercion murder and Slavery, Not Style and certainly not Finess".

"Now your slave rebelled and chose me".

Had you tried to actually be a friend I would have helped you attain your dreams, now leave".

I slammed my door to her scratching and yelling at my door.

soon it stopped and went quiet.

Shawna " Let's see What levels and skills you people have".

Shawna pulled out an Obsidian ring and pulled out several skills.

Shawna " I'm sure soon Karina will remember all of the stuff she has me hold onto".

" Karina could actually be tried for treason for the stuff she had me put in her extra ring".

" She's been giving her friends loyalty presents straight from daddy's vault for the last 2 years ".

"I've actually been giving the weaker ones out first and grabbing better ones every time we go back during breaks".

"Later we can go over Skills, herbs and medicines in the ring but first you have to refine the items Lady Clarissa gave you".

" Then we'll go from there".

I set up my spacial Domain and we all started refining our boxes.

A few minutes passed in the real world, In my domain 3 days passed and with Shawna here we didn't have to stop and go out for food.

Shawna "Ok everyone let's get those baths".

Our impurities literally made everyone choke from the smell.

Our bodies secreted out impurities during our absorbing the items in the boxes.

now our bodies impurities are gone. and our bodies, minds, souls and foundations are even more solid than when we began.

With the right skills we could take on people 4+ levels higher than us right now.

Shawna suggested they I let her combine our rings. my ring is now 10,000 cubic meters storage.

Shawna also linked our rings so I could send items and or communicate with them.

We set off to breakfast to find our table gone.

Shawna waved her hand and a solid wooden ornately carved table appeared with 6 seats around it.

Suddenly food appeared and we sat down to tuck it in.

Karina was so angry her naturally red skin was such a deep red it was almost black.

Shawna disappeared and I hear her voice saying "She's in my ring snacking and unless I need her or block her she will stay here until Summoned and if not blocked I will hear everything and be ready for you when you need me".

suddenly I get images of Shawna eating or rather Deep throating Sausages suggestively.

I entered my classroom to see 5 new and empty desks next to mine in a line on the front row.

"Yeah puppy were going to get 5 new stains in as soon as they pull their heads out and send them to me".

Suddenly down the hallway we hear heavy running footsteps and my friends rushed through the door.

Shannon " Sit the fuck down, class started weeks ago".

" Unless it escaped your final active brain cell this is Obsidian "S" Class not Diamond".

I sent a thought to Shawna and she popped out and ran behind each of them and suddenly as she passed each of them they are now in Obsidian uniforms.

Shawna disappeared so quickly it was almost like she was an instant dream and gone.

Karina stood up suddenly and almost took a step forward when Shannon stood and brought out a flaming Battle axe.

Karina immediately sat down and started whimpering.

Shannon " Are we done? I want to get MY Class started".

With a shout of yes professor class now begins and Shannon started where she left off last lesson as if the new students were old students.

With my help since day one my friends were caught up.

They were even more happy.

Shannon tried everything to specifically trip them up. Nope not gonna happen.

As the bell finally rang Shannon muttered Well it does show you do barely more than just have sex.

After an uneventful lunch we headed off to the Arena

As we entered the Arena Professor Jeoff called on the New 5 and asked them to show how much they can sense from others.

During class they took turns saying the name and element of each spell being cast.

Jeoff " Show me your Domains".

They spread apart and showed the professor what they showed the Headmaster.

"Ok I know where you're at now take your place with my class".

Obsidian "S" class just broke the record for 30 total students first time since it's inception 15k years ago.

Jeoff stands in the middle of a circle of Demons and having them face outward to the walls he calls off elements and various energies for us to throw at the targets around the walls.

This class is 3 hours long and everyone knows to save enough energy to last at least that long.

"Aric it shows how diligent you and your friends are with your studies".

Clarissa won't be the first to beat your asses if you start slacking off".

"Yes sir" and we're gone to dinner.

A brand new table is sitting in our place and Shawna has it all set and full of food.

"Master someone brought in a new table for us".

I think to Shawna " Can you put a tracking spell on it if we need to find it again later".

Shawna winks "Done".

After dinner we were going to retire to my room but the others had to get their new room assignments.

With Shawnas help they were settled in within an hour.

Shawna combined their old Diamond rings with the Obsidian ones and doubled the storage space and organized everything since all of our rings are linked they can talk to her and she relays to me.

Fine we get to my room and start doing our homework and other assignments in My Space Time. At our levels our maximum age is close to 500 years so a few extra hours per night isn't bad since we should be at 10k years be the end of the year.

Soon my friends make half Emperor while I reach full Emperor.

Since we're at this level Shawna pulled out several weapons and skills to macth our abilities and fighting styles.

I got a broad sword of star steel that has the power to make portals to any Realm visited.

Yuki: Deep Space ice Twin Short swords that freeze the mind, body, soul and spirit.

Rolls: The Pharoahs death scythe that steals one's soul and adds its powers to the weilder.

Krish : Armour of space/ time deflects all blows as if wearer isn't there.

Juana: Shoes of the Celestial Zephyr that let wearer walk through someone's mind.

Jasmine: Celestial herbal twin daggers that can create any poisons, potions, medicines etc. the weilder comas in contact with.

Jasmine actually touched our soul strengthening pills and every medicine, salve, ointment and poison in my ring.

Jasmine can now make all of our strengthening and cleansing medicines for mind body soul and spirit.

Now we're set and strengthened for our next Semester.

I didn't get to see the King when he came to visit with Clarissa walking beside him but apparently Karina did and left tje Audience crying.

No more problems with Karina after that.

Life at University continues while we get Focused on our Mid Terms, then our Semester Break, then Second Semester and Arena training for our annual Competition.

After everyone else had gone to bed one night Shawna comes to me with a request.

" May I do full dual cultivation with Master?".


Because I not only want to also raise my levels to keep being beneficial to Master I might be able to improve your techniques I am 4k years old.

I finally gave in and we did it.

Shawna showed me things I never thought to do and that was just the cultivation.

I'm now almost Half Tyrant and Shawna is a Full Tyrant already.

We did this once a week on a separate weekly cultivation than everyone else.

We take a break and go to visit our families.

That is until I find Clarissa has gone to visit mom and I'm still not allowed to go.

Yuki invited me to visit her mom with her instead.

This is how I found out Yuki is actually the Crowned Ice Princess.

her mother the Queen didn't like me much until she found out what I did for her daughter.

After that she was willing to overlook what I "did" to her daughter to get her to this point.

Yuki is now the Strongest in her age group and still growing.

her mom is so proud that her weak daughter is no longer the weak shy girl that left but is now a strong woman befitting a Queen.

Yukis Domain is nothing to casually smirk at either.

Yuki is getting so strong that I cant raise her more than a few levels in each realm now during our dual cultivation.

and our group is ony going to do that either separately or together once a week now.

Yukis mother does give us quite the supply of cultivation aids and several high level skills to chose from.

as we head back I used my portal and we get back the day before the new Semester.

our group along with Shawna did a group cultivation and my 5 friends are now full Emperor and I just broke into Full Tyrant with Shawnas help.

Now we do strengthening.

Afterwards we all break out our skills we got from home and practiced for a month inside of My Space.

We spent till midnight real time and went to our rooms to rest.

Soon after laying down I feel Shawna on top of me cycling our energies and then straddling me till I bottom out in her and Shawna speeds up and increases our Mana flow until I climb another Level and I'm now level 10 in Full Emperor 1 away from Half Tyrant

Shawna Stays laying on top of me and falls asleep.

The day before semester starts my whole group get Summoned to Professor Shannon's house.

Shannon " From this point on no talking is allowed ".

" I will not answer any questions asked of demanded of me".

Shannon leads us downstairs into her basement where Clarissa has set up a very intricate circle.

Clarissa " Everyone step into the main Circle and find your circle at the points.

" Shawna take your point as well".

I call Shawna out and she takes her place.

"Aric take the Center Circle".

"Aric Spread your Domain over the Entire circle Everyone".

Everyone else Activate your Domains in your own Circles.

Wow, I never knew Shawna had a Dark Domain.

Clarissa " Now everyone set your Domains as hard as you can within your circles.

"You must have Total Control down to the molecular level".

"Aric set your Domain for 1000:1"

I don't think I've ever gone that far.. well here goes nothing.

9998,9999,10,000:1. Got it and a headache to go with it.

Clarissa just walks through everyone's Domains as if she's taking a stroll through the park.

Clarissa " Good job kids, you've actually surpassed everything at your age group in this Realm".

In everyone's view an Iridescent Dragons head appears.

"My son not only have you done what I couldn't until I had broken my 5th century of life you have brought your friends up to a level that none of their Individual Species have ever attained at their age groups".

"I am Emilie and I am the Youngest Primordial Dragon Godess and your mother ".

"We shall not meet until you reach my Realm but I will watch for you when you attain The Immortal Realms".

'You have pleased me, my youngest child and I have my hopes that I will see you within the next 1k years".

"My Master will not let us meet unless you can attain a certain Realm.

"I have prepared some gifts for all of you and I hope they will keep you well and strong ".

Mom faded out and everyone's Domains instantly disappear.