
Chapter 003 Supreme Dragon God Decision

Translator: 549690339

Feng Wuchen's injuries had fully healed, and he was still digesting the memory of the Evil Dragon. To Feng Wuchen, this was an invaluable treasure.

"What a terrifying being! Absolutely god-like, omnipotent!" Feng Wuchen exclaimed in shock once again, the ecstasy in his heart beyond description.

Though he did not know why he had obtained the memory of the Evil Dragon, Feng Wuchen was too lazy to ponder over it.

For the current Feng Wuchen, enhancing his strength was the top priority.

Feng Wuchen was looking for powerful cultivation techniques within the Evil Dragon's memory. Each technique was extremely fearsome, and he ultimately decided to practice the "Supreme Dragon God Technique," the most formidable of the Evil Dragon's many techniques, and the very one the Evil Dragon had cultivated.

The cultivation techniques and martial skills on the Mainland are classified from low to high as Yellow, Xuan, Earth, and Heaven, with each category further divided into three tiers: low, middle, and high.

It is said that above the Heaven Rank, there exists the Divine level!

"Alchemist, Artifact Refiner, the Evil Dragon has really given me a bargain. Although I'm not clear on how you ended up inside me, all of this now belongs to me!" Feng Wuchen thought to himself, thrilled beyond measure.

"With the Evil Dragon's memory and rich experience, cultivating the Supreme Dragon God Technique will not be difficult for me at all. What does it matter if I've only awakened a Second-Grade Martial Soul? The old guy, the Evil Dragon, was also a Divine Alchemist! Even more powerful than Ninth Grade." Feng Wuchen said happily, eager to begin his cultivation.

Indeed, that was true.

Even with a mere Second-Grade Martial Soul, Feng Wuchen's possession of the Evil Dragon's memory and extremely rich experience meant that even the super geniuses with Ninth Grade Martial Souls couldn't compare to him.

What's more, the Evil Dragon was a Divine Alchemist of legend on the Mainland! An absolutely supreme existence!

Taking a deep breath to calm the wild joy in his heart, Feng Wuchen sat cross-legged and began to cultivate according to the route outlined in the Supreme Dragon God Technique.

The Evil Dragon's insight into the essence of the Supreme Dragon God Technique was at its peak, and with his memory, Feng Wuchen already had the essence of the technique in his mind; he just needed to cultivate it relentlessly.

As for the variety of terrifying martial skills the Evil Dragon possessed, Feng Wuchen could perform them with his eyes closed.

However, Feng Wuchen had not yet entered the Qi Refining Realm and was unable to condense True Qi, rendering him unable to cultivate martial skills.

Stepping into the Qi Refining Realm is what makes one a true martial artist!

As Feng Wuchen began to circulate the Supreme Dragon God Technique, the surrounding nature's spiritual energy rushed toward him like a storm, visible to the naked eye!

The next moment, Feng Wuchen's face was covered in shock!

"Such a domineering technique!" Even with prior knowledge of the Supreme Dragon God Technique's terror from the Evil Dragon's memory, Feng Wuchen couldn't help but exclaim when he cultivated it firsthand.

"The speed of cultivation is more than ten times what it used to be! Isn't this a bit exaggerated?" Feng Wuchen was stunned, and the ecstasy in his heart surged again.

Such a terrifying speed of cultivation was indeed defying the heavens!

If he were to combine this with Spiritual Liquid and Elixirs for cultivation, wouldn't it be even more terrifying?

Feng Wuchen dared not even imagine it.

In the blink of an eye, two hours had passed, and Feng Wuchen entered the Third Layer of the Body Refining Realm as naturally as water flows in a channel!

Breaking through a layer in two hours — such a heaven-defying speed of cultivation, probably no second person could be found like this in the entire Empire, no, the whole Tianyan Academy.

"Two hours to break through, Mo Ling'er, what does it matter if you have awakened a Sixth Grade Martial Soul? How does it matter if you're highly talented? Or if you're at the Ninth Level of the Body Refining Realm? Even if you've already broken through to the Qi Refining Realm, I can surpass you!" Feng Wuchen was extremely excited, filled with relentless pride, a surge of arrogance rising to the sky.

However, the excited and exhilarated Feng Wuchen did not notice a faint golden glow emerging on the surface of his body, and a faint dragon mark seemingly appearing on his forehead.

Indeed! It was the dragon mark!

If Feng Wuchen had noticed, he would have been shocked to discover that his aura had instantly grown several times stronger.

At this moment, with the appearance of the dragon mark, another change was taking place within Feng Wuchen's body.

All of this, Feng Wuchen was completely unaware of.

"Two months! No! One month is enough! In one month, I'll surpass you! Just you wait and see! I'll trample your pride under my feet!" Feng Wuchen was full of confidence, his eyes filled with determination and self-assurance.

Without any help from Spiritual Liquid or Elixirs, Feng Wuchen managed to break through to the Third Layer of Body Refining Realm in one hour, which shows that if he had the aid of Spiritual Liquid and Elixirs, the speed would be even more terrifying!

Surpassing Mo Ling'er within a month might not be impossible.

Glancing outside the window, which was now dark, Feng Wuchen muttered to himself, "It's late, I'll ask Father for some Spiritual Liquid tomorrow. Tonight, I'll just recover to the Fourth Layer of the Body Refining Realm and then make some good plans."

A night passed in the blink of an eye, and Feng Wuchen smoothly reached the Fourth Layer of Body Refining Realm, regaining the cultivation level he had lost in one night.

Breaking through two layers in a single night, such a terrifying speed of cultivation was unmatched and fearsome!

"I feel stronger than before, deserving of the Supreme Dragon God Technique!" Feng Wuchen slowly opened his eyes, showing a faint smile on his face, stretched lazily, and his body cracked like firecrackers.

Taking a deep breath to suppress the excitement and wild joy within him, Feng Wuchen said to himself, "Tonight, I should be able to break through to the Fifth Grade of Body Refining Realm. The Supreme Dragon God Technique is too terrifying!"

In one day's time, Feng Wuchen underwent death, experiencing turns of fate.

Looking back on it, Feng Wuchen felt it was like a dream, yet it was real.

From today on, this marks a new beginning and a new journey for Feng Wuchen.

"Young Master," at this moment, the voice of the maidservant Xiaolan came from outside the door.

"What is it?" Feng Wuchen casually asked as he walked forward to open the door.

"Tianyan Academy is recruiting, didn't you know, young master? Everyone from the four major families has gone, it's quite lively," Xiaolan said with mild surprise as she looked at Feng Wuchen.

Upon hearing this, Feng Wuchen spread his hands and said with a wry smile, "What does it have to do with me? With my talent, I can't possibly get in."

Xiaolan thought about it and it made sense. To enter Tianyan Academy, one must at least awaken a Fifth Grade Martial Soul, and descendants with a Fifth Grade Martial Soul are considered geniuses in Unmatched City, which shows the extremely high threshold of Tianyan Academy.

Seeing Feng Wuchen looking as if he had nothing to worry about, Xiaolan asked with concern, "Young Master, are you really okay?"

Everyone in Unmatched City knew that Feng Wuchen and Mo Ling'er were childhood sweethearts. Now with Mo Ling'er's betrayal, the entire Feng family was extremely worried that Feng Wuchen couldn't withstand the blow.

"Silly girl, look at me, I'm fine, aren't I? What could possibly happen to me?" Feng Wuchen said with a light smile.

Mo Ling'er's betrayal did indeed cause great pain in Feng Wuchen's heart, but more than that, it induced anger and resentment.

Relieved, Xiaolan smiled sweetly and said, "It's good that the young master is fine. Mo Ling'er is haughty and arrogant, and she even betrayed you. It's good riddance. Even if she was recruited by Tianyan Academy, it's not guaranteed that she would soar. Tianyan Academy has plenty who are far more impressive than she is."

"If that's the case, then I have even less reason to go to Tianyan Academy. I'm not interested," Feng Wuchen said with a calm smile, having already walked out of the room.

The current Feng Wuchen was no longer the Feng Wuchen of before. With the memory of the Evil Dragon and a frightening cultivation speed, he truly had no need for Tianyan Academy.

"Young Master, where are you going?" Xiaolan quickly followed him out, dutifully trailing behind Feng Wuchen.

"Didn't you say it's very lively? Let's go have a look," Feng Wuchen intended to only take a glance, as he had other important matters to attend to.

Today, Unmatched City could be said to be the liveliest day of the year.

During the Tianyan Academy recruitment, each city in the Yanhuo Empire only had two quotas, one already occupied by Mo Ling'er, with the other yet to be determined.

On the stage designated for testing Martial Souls, an elder from Tianyan Academy and over a dozen students stood out the most, becoming the most dazzling figures at the scene.

Mo Ling'er was among them, eliciting extreme envy from many of the younger generation.

To be able to enter Tianyan Academy was a dream for countless descendants of the Yanhuo Empire, where all the geniuses congregated and which was seen as a sacred place of cultivation in the hearts of many.

The area around the arena was packed with people as the young geniuses of Unmatched City were brimming with excitement. Yet at this moment, it was utterly quiet, even the faces of the four major families were marked with respect and reverence.

With the arrival of the elder from Tianyan Academy, it wasn't just the elder's prestigious status that demanded respect, but also his cultivation level, which was more than enough to crush the entire Unmatched City.

In the presence of such power, nobody dared to be disrespectful.

The senior members of the four major families, except for the Mo family, were all quite anxious. The Feng family was out of the question; with Feng Wuchen's Second Grade Martial Soul talent, he simply didn't qualify.

Everyone was speculating whether it would be the Lin family or the Yang family who could secure the second quota.

"It really is quite lively," Feng Wuchen said in amazement as he looked at the crowded arena from a distance on the street.

"Young Master, the elder from Tianyan Academy personally came this year; of course, it's lively," Xiaolan hastily responded.

Feng Wuchen immediately spotted Mo Ling'er on the stage. She also saw Feng Wuchen, but to her surprise, his face was calm, and his eyes showed not the slightest ripple of emotion.

Apart from Mo Ling'er, the elder from Tianyan Academy also noticed Feng Wuchen. He was surprised and puzzled.

Which descendant in the Yanhuo Empire didn't want to enter Tianyan Academy? Even if one knew they lacked sufficient talent, they would still wish to join, but Feng Wuchen seemed utterly uninterested, which the elder found odd.

Seeing the elder's puzzled look, everyone's gaze followed that of the elder's and turned to look back, just in time to see Feng Wuchen on the street.

"Elder Su, he is Feng Wuchen, the Third Young Master of the Feng family. He awakened a Second Grade Martial Soul just yesterday and is nothing but a waste," the head of the Yang family spoke obsequiously.

"A waste?" Elder Su frowned slightly and thought, "That's not right. This young man walks with a steady stride, and the confidence and arrogance in his eyes are not what ordinary descendants have."

"Strange, wasn't Feng Wuchen severely injured? With a sword thrust into his dantian, how did he recover overnight?"

"Right, such a serious injury would take at least a month or two to heal," the crowd exclaimed.

Everyone found it very peculiar, but in the next moment, they were stunned.

"Eh? How has Feng Wuchen's cultivation recovered to the Fourth Layer of the Body Refining Realm? Am I seeing things?"

"His dantian was damaged, and his cultivation fell to the Second Layer of the Body Refining Realm. How has he recovered overnight? Is this an illusion?"

"The Fourth Layer of the Body Refining Realm! I am absolutely certain!"

After the initial surprise, exclamations erupted from around the arena, with everyone speculating what kind of Divine Elixir Feng Wuchen must have consumed to experience such miraculous effects.

Upon hearing the exclamations, Elder Su was now completely astounded!

Mo Ling'er was so shocked she was rendered speechless.