
Dragon God (DXD)

( DXD )A soldier in past regressed back his mentality reicarnated as a One of strongest being in DxD world as a dragon god {author note} I'm bored so I make my own fanfic

Zero_Azure · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Ch.1 Dragon God Recovers his Memory

One of the 3 existence residing in a dimensional gap .. The Great Red ,The ouroboros Dragon God And the Origin Dragon..

Million years ago there there was only dragon and his name is Argonus Then

Ouroboros came in existence surprisingly

They never feel each other until The Great Red appears out of nowhere.

When they feel each other's existence Because The Punk personality of Great Red she picks a fight against The Origin Dragon God which makes a lot of noises in the Dimensional Gap. Which makes ophis unhappy because of noises made by 'invaders' in her silent home.

{Author's note:

Because Argonos and Ophis didn't meet ,Ophis thought Argonos is a invader

because they meet up when great red arrived at dimensional gap}

She joined in the fight hoping to kick out the 'invaders' in her home but she got beaten miserably. She tried many times but both of her enemies are stronger than her.

The Great Red got beaten by The Origin Dragon God which has a cheat skill [Creation] and He created a skill named [Dream Breaker] as a skill name implies

it can Destroy and break any Dreams.

A Few years later Ophis Left the Dimensional Gap to find a way To kick away the 'invaders'.


A strong torrent of power gone berserk in the Dimensional Gap and even the powerful gods,dragon,devils from different places got a different reaction from it some are amused,scared and some wished that the cause of this power do not cause chaos in this world but sadly the wish didn't happen



God of bible ----->GOB

GOB:O' Chaos shall never be upon my creations though I don't know if it's a good or bad.


Hindu pantheon

Shiva: I feel that we will be meeting more frequently from now on 'it' got a destruction surpassed mine , interesting



Lilith capital of Demons

Lucifer: Even if you are strong I will bow to no one!


The other reaction are almost same

I'm lazy to add it


While everyone is in uproar, the cause of this event is finally recollecting his memories.



'Uhhh my head hurts'

Argonos: Rrrrooooaaarrrrr*****

'even a dragon get hurts from mental attack'

Uhh right what is the power god gave me at my fourth wish

<Good morning Mastah >

( Author note: pun intended from a servant with red dress)

'master? you mean me and show your what can you do'

<Yes master you have a map, inventory, and portal and marks(for harem)>

'do you have a name'

<Master I don't have a name master can You give me a name master?>

'from now on you will be Ai'

<Thank you master I don't know if your naming sense is good or bad but mastah gave it to me so... I will appreciate it master>

'That's a beautiful name oy..'

'Ai show me my status'



Name: Argonos (Arron Smith)

Race: Origin dragon god

Title: Dragon God of Origin and Chaos

Lvl: 99,999

Age: Unknown(15 year old mentally)








MDEF: Invulnerable from any magic attack

PDEF: EX (almost no one can hurt you unless your wish)


[CREATION] can create anything

[DESTRUCTION]can destroy anything except some thing that is yet to be discovered.

[Dream Breaker]can destroy dreams]


'My level is it the limit? hmmmm portal what is it?'

<No, Master your level is not the limit, And the portal is a portal to access to multiverse>

'So I can travel the multiverse, ok Ai where am I and what time is it?'

<Mastah, we are in Dimensional Gap and year in the human world is from 1349....1 year before Great war began>

'yosh is there any Gift packs from that GOD'

<Mastah he says that you are powerful enough so you do not need those starter packs he just gave you a Skill [Observe] able to see at the end of the world see the surrounding and show enemies and allies status.>

'well that's true, I am strong enough... Ai can you activate [Observe] skill in myself'

<Yes mastah,>


'Wow I look like Deathwing from World of Warcraft with black and white scales so this is my origin-destroyer form menacing and terrifying but it gives noble feeling'

{Author's note:

Imagine deathwing have some of white scales in some part}

'Ai use Transform to Origin form'

<Ok mastah [Transformation]from Origin-destroyer to Origin form>

All the black scales are gone all are replaced by white scales and instead of lava overflowing in him it has water and green(life essence)have 10000 metres length

{Author note:

Great red has 8000m length and Ophis is 7000m not accurate to canon to so I will make our Mc 2000 metres taller than both of them}

'Ai why my name is Argonos?'

<Mastah God gave you that name when he

Created the exclusive race for you did he not tell you? master?>

'What! From what I recall he didn't say it... Well what is done is kinda neat so no crying over the spilled milk hahaha.'

*Memories before he recollected appears in his memories*

'So Ophis already left the Dimensional Gap *sigh*well I can have her later.hnnn(searching last memories)


'It looks like the one who controlled this body is good. I don't need to beat great red again because it is troublesome and it looks like the Great Red name becomes Mordred from the Fate series ..well their personalities suit each other that's why..'

∆ Mate Marks

1.Great Red- Mordred.

'Well it looks like Ophis doesn't got a mark? I beat her right? Why?Ai open Mate Mark functions '

<Here mastah

Mate marks: when each parties agreed each other the female will get the mark and will automatically unable to betray the user or owner of the mark and when the mark bearer is in danger it will notify the mark owner immediately.>

'Thanks Ai....well this very useful function ...good for harems I will not worry about it of betrayals'

'Well ophis is ophis she is kinda pure naive and kind in the canon so I guess she doesn't know it hehehe.....Well later in canon I will get her I need to watch and observe the Great war,kick some gods and watch the civil war I should get a Waifus when I'm at it.'

multiverse route is open please comment what world will be next maybe I will choose it as a second destination and for fututre ventures aswell

Zero_Azurecreators' thoughts