
Dragon Fire Chronicles:The Awakening

This novel follows the twenty-two year old Elara Draconis in her first year in the Academy.She must bond with a dragon and try to overcome the hurdles the Academy has to offer

EnchantedScrolls · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter Twenty

Elara's POV

Elrik has been feeling much better and I couldn't be more happierThreshing was fast approaching and I was still terrible at using a bow and arrow.Aurora had said we could resuming training but I wasn't mentally prepared to train with her yet

Kyra has been all up in my ears about Alden ever since but it's really cute.Elaine on the other hand lost her bet to Kyra and has been hyperventilating since we woke up.

"You have to stop breathing like you're going to pass out"Kyra said as we made our way to class"The worst thing he can say is No"

"No that is not the worst thing he can say"Elaine replied looking at Kyra who knew exactly what she was talking about.There was a girl when we just got into the Academy,she liked this one guy and decided it was best to tell him about her feelings in the open.Big mistake

She came up to him in the training hall and he yelled out 'Eww why would I want to be with someone like you'

That was the last time anyone saw her alive,she slit her wrist that night and the guy didn't live to see the day after that.She was a very nice girl and when that happened a lot of guys took it upon themselves to torture him till he died

"But it can't happen to you because you're my friend and even if he wasn't interested he doesn't seem like that kind of guy"Kyra replied but that didn't stop Elaine from hyperventilating

We were now in the lesson hall and as we sat down the professor walked in

Professor Leif was one of the most good looking men in the Academy and it didn't help that he was in his late thirties.

The Professor was a distinguished man with light green hair and vibrant green eyes.Today he was clad in a crisp white shirt paired with impeccably tailored black pants and polished black shoes.He always looked good.

"Settle down class"the professor said as he walked to the front of the class.There was a long pause before he continued

"After what happened with Elara,the Academy board decided it was best to associate you with some dragons.So in an orderly manner make your way to the gardens" after he was done talking he took the lead and walked out and every one else followed

We were out of the buildings and immediately we made that turn,what came into view left everyone feets glued to the ground.Coming into view were Dragons of different sizes and colors.We had heard about a lot of them in classes but seeing them up close was....

The color that caught my eyes immediately were the Golden Embercrest.It's scales exhibiting a radiant golden hue.Their wings were tucked behind them back as their rider stood beside them.

Then I saw the ones with icy-blue scales,the Sapphire Frost claw.They were massive and looked so elegant.When it breathed out, the air froze, and it made a mist.

All these dragons kept themselves in groups,the dragons of the same species stayed together but there was one that was alone.Legend has it that there are twenty of the Obsidian Shadowwing known to man kind but they rarely bonded with humans.Only seven has ever been recorded to have been bonded with a human

The dragon was dark like the night but had tiny freckles of white that made it look like the night sky-Magnificent.It was the one that took down all the students that couldn't make it across the parapet-Rhysands Dragon and for some reason they exuded the same aura

The Crimson stormriders,the smallest species amongst the dragons but what they lack in size they make up for in remarkable ability and unparalleled speed.Professor Leif had said whoever bonded with these deep-red beasts would have special trainings immediately

The Amethyst Dreamweaver dragons are adorned in lavender purple scales that emanate an other wordly glow and Soaring in the sky is a clutch of the Cobalt Tidecaller with scales resembling the deep blue hues of the ocean

As we made our way forward,the Cobalt Tidecallers made their way to the grounds and their riders were seated on them.I didn't realize how massive the Academy was.There were about a hundred dragons littered around and it didn't seem crowded at all,they could all decide to spread out their wings and there still would be enough space

"The second and third years agreed to take you on their dragons for this class so you won't go into shock" I could feel him trying to look for me with his eyes as he made that statement-Prick

"Now you can see how they are arranged,you will walk round this gathering and if anyone picks you,you go to them.If you're not picked,you will fly with the next group" the professor said as he gestured for us to take the walk

We were already making our way when he said "Try not to piss off any dragons it would be a shame if anyone died today"

We all took a look and each other then slowly made our way and immediately people were being chosen.I walked hand in hand with Kyra and Elaine,we passed the Golden Embercrest and immediately Elaine was called.It was Ronan,he was a second year who decided not to give Elaine breathing space since the moment he decided he liked her.We walked past the Sapphire Frostclaw and I could feel Kyra's fingernails digging into my skin

We were almost through there when Alden called out to Kyra and she gave my hand a small squeeze before walking over to him

Now I was all alone as I passed by the Obsidian Shadowwing and immediately Rhysand called me.I wanted to ignore but I couldn't risk his dragon thinking i disrespected her rider,so I walked over to him

He didn't say a word as i stood by his side and we watched as the others were picked

"Riders help your cadets on top of your dragons and please make sure they don't fall"Professor Leif said and I could feel my breathe hitch,what does he mean fall.I think Rhysand could see the fear in my eyes because he whispered "I won't let you fall" from behind me as he grabbed me from my waist and hurled me into the saddle on top of his Dragon then he hurled himself and sat behind me

"This here is Phoenix"Rhysand said tapping his dragon a bit and she replied with a low growl that I felt in ever crevice of my body and he let out a small laugh

"She asked why it seems you don't like me very much"Rhys said and I didn't give him a reply "It would be considered rude to not answer her question Draconis" and fear gripped me

"Well"I started slowly "You can tell her it's because you hate me and my family and tried to kill my brother"

"Have you talked to your brother about it,I'm certain he'll feel different about everything "he whispered into my ears from behind "And I do not hate you and your family.I hate your father and you just happen to be his child"

"Why?Why do you hate him" I asked trying to take a look at him but he let out a loud sigh and didn't give a reply

"Riders...you may Proceed" was what Professor Leif said Rhys tapped on Phoenix and the massive creature beneath me shifted with a subtle power, its scales cool beneath my touch as she prepared for flight my heart quickened and immediately she lunged into the sky,it sent a surge of adrenaline through my veins and wind roared in my ears

"Elara open your eyes"I heard Rhys whisper from behind me "Open your eyes,I won't let you fall"

I decided to trust him and did as I was told and the view was captivating

All the dragons scattered across the sky like living constellations, created a scene of unparalleled beauty. The sunlight caught on their scales, transforming them into a dazzling array of shimmering gems painting the heavens with their vibrant scales. Their wings beat in harmony, a dance of grace against the canvas of the boundless sky.

It was a scene that I would forever cherish,the dragons moved effortlessly in a way that held my breath captive

"The view is beautiful,isn't it"Rhysand's voice broke the silence between us.I turned slightly to respond only to find his gaze fixed on me and I immediately turned back to face to sky

Professor Leif's class has been one of my favorite classes but this-all this sealed it for me.Phoenix flying felt like a slow and deliberate passage,it felt like she gave me time to take in the view

Now we were back at the Academy and Professor Leif addressed that the second group were already done with their class as well and we were done for the day.I had no idea we spend that much time,usually sitting in silence with someone for a long time would feel awkward but surprisingly I was comfortable

Rhysand helped me get down and I told him to thank Phoenix for me which he replied with a small nod and a smile.I was making my way to what I considered a safe space,away from these dragons when a loud roar from the sky took every one's attention and immediately perched on the walls of the Academy was the white dragon from before

I did my research about it and found out it was the called the silver snowblade and there were only two known to mankind.Immediately it let out another loud roar and all the dragons in the Academy took to the skies except from Phoenix

Every other student ran,but I couldn't bring myself to move.It felt like my feet were stuck to the ground but I couldn't move

I heard my name being called but I kept my gaze on the dragon and it dropped on the grounds and made its way towards me.It took the first step and I didn't...couldn't move then the next until it was an arms length away from me.This was the end,I can feel it and I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I closed them shut

"Hello Elara" an unfamiliar voice said and I opened my eyes