
Dragon Fire Chronicles:The Awakening

This novel follows the twenty-two year old Elara Draconis in her first year in the Academy.She must bond with a dragon and try to overcome the hurdles the Academy has to offer

EnchantedScrolls · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Two

Rhysand's POV

I hadn't laughed like that in a long time,it was exhilarating.I had to leave her there and walk away because if I hadn't I would have kept staring at her and smiling

After everything that's happened,I was glad she was bonded with that dragon even though she wouldn't admit it.Now her father can't drag her off to marry a Dolt.I hadn't seen Elissa in a long while and I doubt if she heard that her father came to drag her sister off to breed.

He hadn't even asked about his son that was on the verge of death.I hated the fact that I tried my best to hate on his children not knowing he hated them just as much-maybe even more in the case of Elara.


We were two weeks into the end of the year and classes were over.The weather turned bone-chilling with a biting cold that painted the Academy in a glistening coat of frost.The air was crisp, and snowflakes, like soft whispers, fell gently, blanketing the landscape in pristine white. The winter scene added a touch of magic, turning the Academy into a breathtaking spectacle of beauty.

We the third years were preparing for the New years Eve party since no one was allowed to go home.We were put in charge of everything from the decorations to the food. Elissa had crawled back from wherever and Elrik was back on his feet.The week would be filled with making sure the first years are bundled up in warm clothings as we've had few deaths previously from the harsh weather

Bran and Alden has been occupied lately with Elara's friends but that didn't stop them from stressing me out.I hadnt seen Alden smile as much these past few days

We were all splayed out on his bed,Bran was asleep and I was reading a book Alden on the other hand was staring at the ceiling looking visibly bothered.I felt it would be best to ignore it as best as I could but he had let out ten loud sighs in the past two minutes

"What's wrong?" I asked lowering my book and glancing over at Alden who seemed to be lost in thought.There was a pause before he said

"I don't know if I should be asking you this"he started "But is it okay to go see Kyra again even though we saw the day before "

I let out a sigh because I knew what was bothering him would be about her "You wouldn't want to choke her with too much attention,give her time to miss you" I said before going back to my book

I had glanced over a few words before I dropped the book on the bed and said "What do you mean you don't know if you should be asking me this?"

"Well.....you've not liked anyone in a long time and the only person you seem to like,you're acting odd with her"he said

"I.Do.Not.Like.Elara" I simply stated

"It seems clear you love lying to yourself"Alden said standing up from where he sat and walking towards me "You stare at her when she's not looking,you smile when you see her smile and you put your hands in your pockets when you're around her because you're scared you will want to touch her...I am sure I've said more than enough"

Now he was by my side and he crouched low "And you might not notice but your body reacts when it sees her with another guy but It's fine because I see her glance at you when you're not looking as well"

"I.Do.Not.Like.Elara"I repeated as I stood and walked towards the door slamming it on my way out and I heard his loud laugh from behind me.I was heading in the direction of my room when I heard a laugh-her laugh.I stopped to listen to it again and then i heard it again.Her laughter felt like a burst of warmth that has been trying to melt the defenses I've been trying to put up but she's never laughed with me or even so much as smiled at me and it was gut wrenching

If I followed that laughter,I was certain she wouldn't laugh or smile when she sees me,so I made my way to my room


Today was the New years Eve party and everything was in place.The music,decorations and food were of outmost quality

The hall was transformed into a haven,each corner exuding an air of celebration.Tables draped in lively cloths stretched across the expansive space, adorned with sparkling lights that cast a warm, inviting glow. A careful orchestration of decorations, from whimsical centerpieces to elegant banners, created an enchanting ambiance.

Nestled at one corner, a culinary masterpiece unfolded – a feast for the senses. The banquet table, a canvas of colors and textures, showcased an array of delectable treats meticulously arranged. From savory delights to sweet temptations, the food was a tantalizing spectacle, promising a culinary journey for the party attendees.

Laughter and chatter echoed against the back drop of fine tunes as little by little the crowd grew.The massive door way opened up and more and more people strolled in,some with friends and others with lovers

"Relax" Alden whispered from beside me,I stood at the upper level of the hall,looking down at everyone watching Bran as he downed his fourth glass of liquor

"What do you mean?" I asked with a raised brow.He placed one arm across my shoulders and whispered "You have been looking at the doorway since we got here....She's coming but you have to relax"

I didn't say anything as I removed his hands from my shoulder and straightened up my attire.I opted for a tailored black suit that clung to my frame with understated elegance. The jacket, adorned with subtle charcoal pinstripes, accentuated my broad shoulders. Beneath it, a crisp white shirt added a touch of sophistication, the collar expertly folded.

Completing the ensemble,I wore an emerald green silk tie,the suit trousers, perfectly tailored, hugged my form without restricting movements, and a polished pair of black leather shoes added a final flourish. The overall effect was a seamless blend of classic charm and contemporary style

"Did you pick this tie because it complements the color of her eyes?"Alden asked taking the tie in his hands and smirking

"Touch me again and I'll break your fingers"I said my voice cold as I gently took the tie from his hands and straightened it.Alden took few steps back with a smile plastered on his face before raising both hands in a gesture of surrender.Asshole

The massive door opened and the sight before me made my breath hitch.Elara walked in first before her friends followed immediately after her.I heard Alden let out a 'Wow' as he made his way downstairs

She was clad in a sleek black gown that draped elegantly over her form, its back daringly open, revealing a glimpse of skin. Her every step was accompanied by the subtle symphony of black heels that accentuated her poise. Green earrings and necklaces adorned her, their emerald hues contrasting with the darkness of her attire, but not taking the attention from her eyes.This girl will ruin me.

I followed her every step as she and her friends walked towards the table to get a glass of wine.Alden and Bran walked up to them and initiated small talk and she let out a smile that went straight to my heart

Dean Drystan came out of nowhere "Hello everyone" he said as he made his way to the center of the room,we have some special guest among us.Please give them a big welcome" and he gestured towards a room at the back and as the fourth years all walked in,the room went into an uproar as the second and third years ran towards them almost tumbling them over

After the choas died down,Bran was by my side as he looked over everyone.

"Are you really just going to watch her tonight?"he asked crossing his arms across his chest.I didn't give him an answer but yes that was what I planned on doing

"The only reason why Elara hasn't found someone else is because I and Alden had been scaring everyone off" I immediately turned to face him "What the hell do you mean by that"

"I meant we had threatened to kill anyone who goes up to her" he shrugged nonchalantly "And I am telling you this because she has caught the eyes of Azriel and I know that because he has been asking around if she was seeing anyone and everyone's answer was No"

When he said that I subconsciously clenched my fist "And also you know Vaelen,he told her that if he can't have her,no one else can.Do with that information as you wish" Bran said as he staggered off.Ohh no wonder he had been talking so much,he was drunk

I looked back at her and she was staring at me,she was staring so intently that it felt like she could bore a hole in my head before someone drew her attention from me.He whispered something into her ears which made her smile then Azriel took Elara's hands in his and as he was dragging her out,she kept her eyes on me until she was out of sight

I ran out into the cold night but didn't see them.I ran round the hall and into the gardens but didn't see her and I felt my heart sink