
Dragon Fire Chronicles:The Awakening

This novel follows the twenty-two year old Elara Draconis in her first year in the Academy.She must bond with a dragon and try to overcome the hurdles the Academy has to offer

EnchantedScrolls · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Four

It was late at night,we were all layed on Elaine's bed talking before they both fell asleep.I wasn't feeling sleepy-not in the slightest and since I wasn't that tired there was a high possibility of having night terrors so I decided to take a walk

The weather wasn't as cold as it was but it was quite chilly.There were still students seated at different parts of the Academy.Some making out and others watching them

I took the path to the library and took the turning to the left,towards the mini garden.I had been lying to myself on this walk here,that there wasn't a reason for me going to the mini gardens which was by the male dorms

Now I could see the door to the dorm and before my mind could stop me,my legs were already on their way there.I had gone to his room once but I couldn't remember my way as someone took me there

I was about to walk in when I stopped,it would be selfish of me to go talk to him when it was obvious he didn't want to be talked to.I turned and was immediately greeted with Bran's smile

"What are you doing here Elara?"he asked with his hands in his pockets.Why do they act so alike but so different

"N-nothing"i stuttered and tried to walk by him but he held my hands and stopped me "The last floor,room 401" he said before walking in the direction he came in

I hesitated at first before walking in.As I stepped into the male dormitory, the hallway stretched before me, adorned with weathered notice boards displaying a tapestry of community life. Laughter and hushed conversations permeated the air, as I passed a group seated in the common room.

Ascending to the last floor,I walked down the hallway and stood in front of room 401.I could hear soft movements in the room before I gave a slight knock

"What??"he exclaimed "It's Elara,May I come in?"I said softly.There was no answer before I heard him walk towards the door and open it gesturing for me to come in

I did completely avoiding his gaze.His room was somewhat like mine but his was much larger.His bed was massive and he has a mini-library at the side of his table.There was a black rug that covered most part of the floor contrasting with the cream color of the walls.I didn't take in the room the last time I came in here

I heard the door shut behind me and I turned to face him.He had just showered because his hair was wet as it dangled over his face.He doned on a pair of black shorts and a black vest and I could see the rune that littered his chest.The intricate Rune sprawled like an ancient script etched in obsidian.The symbol continued its journey, seamlessly extending over his skin and onto his back. Every curve and line seemed to whisper of power, creating a tapestry.

"What are you doing here Draconis?" he asked and I felt a pang in my chest.He was back to calling me by my fathers name

"You seemed off today and since I couldn't sleep,I decided to come check up on my Wing leader"I said and a smile curved on his lips

"That was thoughtful of you but I am fine" I gave a small nod and walked towards the door,my hand was on the knob when I said

"Why didn't you come up to me that day of the New Year's party"I said as I turned to look in his direction.He was seated at the edge of the bed,already staring at me "I waited for you,I didn't dance with anyone because I thought if I did you wouldn't want to come up to me,so I kept to myself the whole night"

"Why didn't you come up to me because I felt you staring most of the time"

There was a long pause before he said "You hate me.I didn't want to be shut down in front of the whole Academy"

"I did hate you but not anymore,not after what you did for Elrik"I whispered

I decided to finally ask Elrik what happened and he told me everything and said he had told Vaelen to tell me and was shocked I was just knowing about it now

"Thank you" and he gave a small smile "This is a new year,so let's try to be..... friends" I said

before i turned the door knob,opening the door a little "Not like it's any concern to you but nothing happened between I and Azriel.He took me through a secret passage and we ended up in a lecture hall....We talked for a while and I told him I was interested in someone else" I said laying enough emphasis on the last two phrases

He let out a calming sigh before whispering "Thank you" I was about to close the door when I heard "Wait!!" I stopped and waited as he walked to the door "You looked really beautiful Elara"

I walked out of the dorm grinning from ear to ear,the fact that he calls my name in his deep sultry voice or that he told me I looked good had me feeling all type of way.I was few feets away from the dorm when I heard my name.It was dark out,so I could mostly rely on the light illuminating from the moon which wasn't that bright tonight

"Elara"the voice called again,it was Vaelen.I had been avoiding him since he said those words to me but I couldn't out run him now as he was so close "Hey"I say blandly

"You don't seem happy to see me,I haven't seen you in a long time"he said taking few steps towards me.He stopped as he was an arm length from me,so I took few steps back

"I'm tired,I need to go to bed we can talk tomorrow Vaelen"i replied as I started to walk off and he reached out and forcefully caught my arm and dragged me to him,now I was inches away from him

"What are you doing here this late at night?" He said as he leaned down and whispered into my ears

"I don't see how that's any of your concern"I spat out as I yanked my hand from his grip,taking few steps back

"You still have that fire in you" he said,a twinkle of mischief danced in his eyes "You have no idea how long I had to wait for you.Those years you were with Evander-those years tormented me.When you would come home with hickey's littered on your neck,they made my blood boil.Why couldn't it be me doing these things to her"

He took few steps towards me "I wanted to know how your body reacted to my touch,how your velvety voice sounded when I make you scream out my name....Oh Elara how I have dreamed about having you under me and you want to ruin that by going to be with someone else?"

His fingers gripped my cheeks firmly, pressing them together to force a pronounced pucker on my lips. The gesture, devoid of gentleness "And these lips...." he said bringing his face close to mine as I wrestled against his grip

"Don't make me hurt you Elara"he said and I could feel the tears brimming at the side of my eyes

"Hurt her....I beg of you" a sultry voice said in the darkness

"Rhysand,how nice of you to join us"he said without taking his eyes off me

"Let.Her.Go" Rhysand said still lurking somewhere in the dark

"And if I don't?"Vaelen asked but the only reply he got was a low guttural laugh that emerged from the shadows "We can find out what happens if you don't"

Vaelen hesitated for a while before forcefully releasing my face from his grip,as he walked away I heard "Vaelen?" he turned to look in my direction,now I could see his form,standing by the side of the Dormitory walls,was Rhysand.He wore a black hoodie with his hands buried deep in the pockets as he leaned casually against the walls

"I heard you threatened my girl Vaelen" a small pause as he stared at me,my cheeks bruised "If a strand of hair is harmed on her head,I will skin you alive and send it to your mother.Now get out of my sight" I didn't take my eyes off him as I heard Vaelen run off

"What do you mean by your girl"I said trying to hide my smile by rolling my eyes and he chuckled softly "Usually,most people's first words are Thank you"

"I could handle myself,I didn't need you interfering"I spat out.He looked me up and down before saying "What is wrong with you.You act like two completely different people, a simple thank you would suffice but you just have an attitude when all I wanted to do was help"

I broke eye contact and kept my gaze on the ground before saying "I'm sorry" with a soft voice

"Let me walk you to your room"he said as he walked past me.I followed after him,walking by his side

In the quiet night, we walked side by side towards the dorm , the soft shuffle of our footsteps the only audible sound. The air hung with unspoken words, a subtle tension lingering between us. The dim glow of the moon cast fleeting shadows as we approached the entrance.

Upon reaching my dorm, he came to a stop. The silence between them stretched, wrapping the moment in a delicate uncertainty. Without breaking the quiet, he turned to face me. Our eyes met briefly, then with a nod and a faint smile, he turned away, leaving me standing in the quiet corridor as he disappeared into the night.