
Dragon Fire Chronicles:The Awakening

This novel follows the twenty-two year old Elara Draconis in her first year in the Academy.She must bond with a dragon and try to overcome the hurdles the Academy has to offer

EnchantedScrolls · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter Fourteen

Elara's POV

So it seems my father did get himself a lot of enemies along the way and they sent their children after me

After The second training session we had,it was announced you can go on a killing spree now but you just can't do it anywhere else except the training hall

I've had three people come up to me this past week who said they promised their parents to kill me

Why weren't they going after my siblings,I'm not my fathers only child-Hell I'm not even his favorite child

The next one was this Friday,in two days and I was petrified.I had been thought to fight not to kill people twice my size

Friday came in the blink of an eye and I was put up against one of those kids

He looked at me like he was going to break my bones and use them as a pendant.

The fight went really fast, I could barely assimilate what was going on

I was standing on my own two feets and the next my back was being slammed against the ground multiple times

Who decided it was the best idea to put me against this titan,I was sure I could take on his sister

He dropped me harshly against the ground and stood watching me like a helpless child,the same way every one in my life looked at me.

I jumped to my feet,my back was screaming but I completely ignored it.He gestured with his hands for me to make my move first,I wouldn't.

First rule I was given growing up,If you know without a reasonable doubt that you can't win this fight be on the defensive side.Make him come to you.

The second rule was the bigger they are the harder they fall.

He was going to tire out soon enough from trying to grab onto me and that was something I was hoping for

And I was also hoping for what I gave him to kick in.Okay maybe letting my Uncle train me wasn't the best idea

His idea of training was a far contrast from how every other person trained.We always went round the gardens and he would show me herbs and flowers and tell me what they did if prepared well

It also helped that he packed it for me with a little note

Just incase,you never know


He had injested it this morning, I sprinkled little on his food when I accidentally tripped.Suddenly he started to yawn and his blinking slowed down

I could feel the smile tug at the corner of my lips.It's show time

He lunged at me but his reflexes were slow thanks to the Naproot,I dodged him effortlessly and I could feel the anger rising in his eyes

I launched a series of rapid kicks to his head leaving him more disoriented than he was

I didn't wait for his reaction before I leaped onto his back, wrapping my legs around his neck and locking my ankles together. I exerted just enough pressure to immobilize him without causing much harm.

With this titan pinned to the ground,I reared back and unleashed a flurry of punches onto his face.I tried not to hit him as hard but with the Naproot effects and few punches he passed out bleeding from his nose

I let out a loud sigh as I stood and looked at his bleeding face,looked at him the exact way he did me and went back to my original position

Walking out of the training room felt harder than it normally is,my back ached and I had splitting headache.I just knew if I slept feeling like this I was going to scream from my sleep

I and Kyra walked out and waited for Elaine in the turning to the female dorms

"May I speak with you"a deep voice said from behind us

My hands were on my blade within a second before I turned to see Rhys

"Me??" I asked and he nodded gesturing for me to follow him.I did

We walked in silence for a while before I said "Mr Larsen what do I owe this pleasure"

He looked me up and down and it felt like he was stripping me "You have a sharp tongue Draconis and probably the only person who isn't scared of me"

"Why should I?"I asked crossing my hands across my chest

"Well you should" he replied "What was that during your fight"

I could hear my heart skip a beat "What was what"

"Don't try to act clueless,you know what I mean"he replied taking a step towards me

"I.do.not"I said each syllable slowly never taking my eyes off him "I have no clue what you are talking about"

"Well then"he exclaimed "Just in case you find the person tell them it was sloppy and way too obvious,not to everyone but definitely to me.It should have been given not more than 15 minutes for it to seem natural"

"It's not possible for someone like--you to take down someone like him within less than three minutes,it would draw suspicion.Ten minutes feels more natural"he finished before putting his hands in his pockets and walking away

What did he mean someone like me?

Rhysand POV

"Another Draconis to rile you up"Bran laughed as we made our way to the dorm with our dinner in hand

"She does look like she bites"Alden replied walking behind us.I didn't say a word as they talked among each other.I had gotten used to blocking them out when they start these conversations I clearly have no interest in

I had bumped into her the other day in the hall way and I saw her give me the finger.I couldn't help but chuckle

She does look like she bites but how hard is what I plan on finding out

We got to Bran's room that seems arranged for the first time in a long time

"Are you expecting someone"I ask him raising a brow as we walked in and he only replied with a small smile

"I am not going to console you when this one breaks your heart-AGAIN"Alden said as he made his way to the bed

Bran let out a small laugh "It's just physical,I'll try my best not to fall head over heels this time"

"That's what you said the last two times"Alden and I said in unison

I had known Bran since we were kids,and technically he's like my brother.Alden joined our little group when we got into the Academy and together they get on my nerves twice as fast

"Who is she?"I asked him as I put a piece of bread in my mouth

"Oh her name is Summer"he said quietly avoiding my gaze

"Summer?"i repeated "The same Summer that had a guy begging on his knees? That Summer?"

I got no reply which means I was right."Bran..she's bad for you"

"This time it'll be different,just trust me"was all he said and I nodded,not because I trusted him but because if I pushed too much he'll get pissed

We ate our food in silence before a knock came from the door,we already knew who it was and took our food to Alden room

"Why not just eat in your room"Alden asked as we made our way to his at the end of the hallway "That's because you make a mess of my room but keep yours in order"I replied

"You know what,I'll head to my room instead"i said and walked in that direction not waiting to hear what he has to say

I unlocked the door and dropped the tray carefully on the table

It was dark now and the light getting in from the window was barely enough to light up the room.

I lay on my bed and a set of emerald eyes keep coming to mind.How did she know she was up against him and what did she do to him?

I couldn't help but smile a little.This place was about to get really fun

I woke up to pounding on my door,I let out a low grumble as I made my way to the door

"Someone better be dying for the way you're pounding on my door this morning"I yelled as I forcefully opened my door

It was a weekend so there was no reason for someone in their right mind to pound on the door-My door.That person definitely has a death wish

"How did you know what I used"I heard her voice before I saw her face.Those eyes,I could drown in those eyes

"I don't know what you're talking about"I said crossing my hand against my chest

"Very funny"she replied dryly "May I come in".I moved to the side giving her enough space to walk in

"What do I owe the pleasure Ms Draconis"I repeated just as she had done the day before

"Is this your room"she asked taking the room in

"It is "I replied shutting the door "You don't like it"

"I honestly thought there would be bones and blood littered around,seems you're not a man of exquisite taste" she replied and I couldn't help but snigger

"I'm sorry for not meeting up to your expectations" I said with a small smile on my face going to sit at the edge of the bed

She turned her head to face me before she said "What did you think I used on him"

I stared at her before replying "Nap root"

"Are you sure"she asked and I nodded

"Why are you so sure" she questioned

"Naproot taken in little doses starts with continuous yawns and dizziness unlike the rest that causes one to faint almost instantly"i replied her

"How do you know that"she asked me

"I have answered your question concerning what happened yesterday,I am sure that was all.You may leave now"I said pointing in the direction of the door

She was going to say something else but changed her mind and left not even sparing me a second glance.

Who does she think she is

From this chapter onwards,the book would be in two Point of Views(POV)

EnchantedScrollscreators' thoughts