
Dragon eyes

A young man with the power of seeing into the future, and the unique ability to control ki to the fullest of it's potential, will be responsible for the outcome of the world. Will he save the world from the evil that is in it, or will the world be destroyed. This is the journey of Goya Tatsuo and how he comes to find out more about his powers and the problems he has to face.

ConsciousGod · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Stage 1

As the first examinee slowly made his way down to the arena, the announcer called forth what could have only been the person who was testing us.

"Tester alexandria, you may come out now."

What walked out of the empty corridor was a tall woman with short auburn hair and Violet colored eyes. She wore a leather vest that slightly covered her chest area with a plain black shirt underneath to compliment the basic look I could only imagine she was going for. What she wore along with the cheap vest and plain shirt were ripped jeans that looked as if they had just gotten out of there own sort of battle.

The woman looked to be no older than in her 30's and seemed quite flexible for a Mana user. As the women walked into the arena, I noticed something was off about her... She looked furious... Like she out for blood.

When she made her way into the ring, I felt a shift in the atmosphere as everyone went silent, waiting to see what would happen. While the first examinee finished stretching, she just stood there glancing around the arena... As if looking for something, or someone.

She continued scanning the area until her eyes locked onto the short girl sitting next to me who asked if I wanted to be her partner. I was confused as to why our trainer was staring at her so intently. But when I turned around to look at her... She seemed petrified.

Worried that something was wrong with her, I conveyed my concern by asking a simple question, "is everything okay?" Before I even finished my sentence, she whipped her head around to me as if she was startled that I was still there and replied in a hushed voice, "I'm fine."

Not wanting to pry any further I turned back to the arena and waited for the first match to start.

Not even five minutes later, the announcer spoke again in his raspy voice.

"The first round will now begin!"

He moved in large strides until he reached the center of the arena. When he came to a stop, he took both of his hands out of his pockets that were attached to his grimy cloak and placed them to his side, he then stood completely still as he waited for both parties to be finished getting ready.

As both sides made it to the center, next to the old man, The announcer shouted for the whole crowd to hear... "Begin!"

Just as soon as the match begun, the woman covered her hand in a large flame gauntlet and slammed her fist into the examinees sternum. The young man was thrown back about 15 feet as he struggled to use his spear to catch himself by stabbing it into the ground, leaving him on his knees.

Right when he was about to get back up, he started coughing up blood. The woman sensed the fear instilled into him and took advantage of it.

Before he could do anything to react however, she dashed forward at lighting speed and started pummeling him to a bloody pulp. What shocked me the most was that the cloaked man wasn't stopping the match, instead, just watching from the sidelines.

I started to feel nauseous as she continued striking him in the face. After about thirty long seconds of this gruesome sight, the cloaked man finally announced that the match was over.

As she got off of the now unconscious examinee, blood was running down her knuckles, leaving trails of blood on the floor as she nonchalantly walked away.

Just as I was about to get up and walk out for a fresh breath of air to calm my stomach, I caught sight of the examinees face... His nose was broken and he had little to no teeth left.

As he continued coughing up blood, everyone in the room started whispering amongst themselves, some of them even leaving after witnessing the brutality exhibited by our tester.

"Go get a med team, now!" The cloaked announcer demanded of an attendant sitting idly by.

As the attendant got up and scurried out of the arena, I heard another announcement from the old man. "The next match will start shortly!"