
dragon blood

this is a fantasy story of a were dragon who wants to find his place in the world.

Faith_Leger · Fantasy
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2 Chs

dragon blood

Introductions, In a New York apartment a boy named Alcimy. your average 15-year-old with black hair, average height, cat green eyes, and a Gymnast body type. He originated from Iceland. He moved to New York two years ago to live with his aunt Anne, uncle Jack, and two cousins Jace and Merida. He had to convince his parents of how much of an educational advantage he would get in New York but really he just felt trapped in his small village. He thought that the big apple would bring the excitement he was missing in his life. The only condition his parents had was that he had to come home on his 16th birthday. He understood his parent's condition but was still hesitant to fully accept the condition but he wouldn't let his family know. Alcimy had loved living in New York and living with his Aunt, uncle, and cousins but often wondered if his cousins might be like him. He often thought he saw the signs of them having powers but he was never sure. oh right, Alcimy is a dragon blood that's a creature like a werewolf but he turns into a dragon instead of a wolf. Alcimy at times thought those moments were from the stress of hiding his dragon self from everyone. Everyone but his aunt who is a dragon as well and had similar problems. His aunt wouldn't let her husband know because he is human and she was scared he would fear and leave her. She thought his new job as a CI for the local police department would toughen him up but he never did. He had that goofy nice guy who gets scared of bugs kinda personality so she kept the secret from him. His being human-made her and the rest of her family think that her kids wouldn't have powers. Alcimy wanted to do something fun with his cousins before he had to go home so his aunt decided to bring them to her favorite redwood forest home of her werewolf friend Karly for two weeks then make the trip to Iceland with Alcime. The trip took a three-hour plane ride but with Merida, it seemed like days with her complaining. Uncle Jack stayed behind for work but if he was with them he could have kept Merida entertained but he didn't so the plane ride was described as tier jerking. As soon as they arrived both Alcime and Jace were ready to run for the nearest exit but aunt Anne said to stay together with a stern voice. Getting off of the plane took half an hour but when they finally did they met up with Karly who was holding a sign with aunt Anne's name on it. Alcime had a feeling that these two weeks were going to be exciting. chapter1:Something new. Alice's point of view, it's so humid here but it feels like Iceland so I didn't mind. The land is so open this made me feel happy and a little free. The city was nice and had a lot to do but I missed the open space. Jace, Marida, and Aunt Anne looked excited. Jace, Marida, and me being the same age and with the same attitude almost broke out into a race when Karly came into view but we could feel Aunt Anne's stare so we held back. I was still hyped and wanted to goof off so when we went for the bags I looked at Jace with my mischievous smile and said I challenge you to see who could carry the most bags. He looked at me and smiled the same smile. We grabbed our bags and all the girls' bags and quickly shuffled to Karly with the limited sight we had. I looked over at Jace and said with mockery and pride I have more bags than you. Jace said no I do. Then the girls with only their purses now walked past us. Marida quickly said we gave you both the same amount. I didn't care and Jace didn't seem to either so I said I'm going to get to the car first. Jace said you're on but first let's ask Karly where it is. I almost couldn't believe I had forgotten that we didn't know where the car was. In that realization, I chuckled as I said ok. We stopped behind the girls and Karly looked at me and Jace. she said you two are true gentlemen then she turned and said the car is this way. Jace and I quickly shuffled behind the girls without breaking a sweat. I reached the car one second before the girls and before Jace. We laughed then Jace said you win this one but when we get there we take all the bags in and whoever does it faster wins. I said you're on then we listened to what the girls were saying. Karly) I have the guest house ready for you guys so no one will have to sleep on the floor or couch. Aunt Anne) thank you, you're the best. What did you want to do for these two weeks? karly) you're welcome and we can do whatever you guys want to do! Aunt Anne) I know the men where you live do early morning workouts and other training could the boys and Marida (if she wants to) attend some. Karly) ya of cores the guys never mind fresh meat. What do you kids think?Alcime) count me in! Jace) if Alcime's doing it so am I. What about you, Mare? Marida) not for the first day I want to hang with the girls but for the next day I'm in. Is that ok Karly? Karly) ya, I don't care and none of the boys or girls will either. Marida) that's awesome and you answered my next question. I wasn't worried if there were no girls but it would get boring with only men. Everyone laughed at Maridas' comment. The laughter quickly died when we reached the house. Jace and I had our serious faces now. As the car came to a complete stop and we were directed to where to put the bags Jace and I bolted from our seats and piled on the bags but made sure to remember whose bags were whose. (this was something we learned from the last time we came here and Jace got his mom's bag by accident.) we didn't know which rooms were for who so we put them in the living room and I won the race. I won again, I said in a taunting voice to Jace while he was setting the bags down. After he did so he pounced on me almost knocking me to the ground but I was too quick for him and managed a chokehold on him but before I could taunt him to say uncle I was knocked off my a## by Marida who pined me with little to no effort. Ok, you win I pleaded. ( I could have beaten her but I wouldn't allow myself to harm her.) Now please get your big but off. Marida gasped at my comment but before she could say a word Jace's dog-piled us causing the words to escape us both. Now I win, Jace said with a grin. All of you get up and get your bags put away, aunt Anne demanded while grabbing her bags. We all got up and followed Karly to the rooms. Jace and I shared a bunk bed in the first room and it was a nice size room. The girls got the second room upstairs to share which means Marida won't have a moment's peace. Jace and I wanted to go exploring but Karly said she wanted us to know where the borders to the land were so we wouldn't get into trouble and that there was a party to celebrate our visit. But really it was a bonfire thing that was done kinda regularly and it was mandatory for everyone. Jace and I sighed in unison to show we understood. But Aunt Anne said she would be keeping an eye on us so we were to remember our phones. We said k and headed out the door. We didn't really have a destination but we knew we wanted to race and be in the woods. I took the lead dodging trees and making sure Jace was still behind me. It was moments like this that made me wonder if Jace and Marida were truly as human as we all think because I'm almost at my top speed and that's pretty fast. But Jace is keeping up like it's nothing. But it also could be me just being hopeful and we all were almost sixteen, not showings shine by now meant they wouldn't have them. Then right as Jace and I were coming to a stop for a break my phone started to ring. I answered it to hear my aunt say, ``Come back, there's been a development with Merida. There was excitement in her voice so I didn't worry when she hung up before I could answer her. With a single look between me and Jace, we took off back to the house as fast as we could. As I started to see the light gaping from between the trees meaning I'm about to win our little race someone ran into me.

chapter2: First meetings

As I was picking myself off the ground about to snap at who hit me. I came eye to eye with the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. With her dirty blond hair that I'd dare to call copper and till green eyes that just popped against her porcelain white skin. Are you alright was all I could muster with all the questions swirling through my head. She seemed to be having the same problem from what I could tell while staring at her luscious pink lips trying to form words. Then just as I was about to speak she quickly said yes I'm ok who are you and how old? My name is Alcimy and I'm fifteen. What about you. She looked at me with a smile and said Zoie and I'm fifteen two. Why are you here? Zoie asked with curiosity dancing in her eyes which I was desperate to get lost in. I was broken from my trance when from behind and to the side I could hear the sound of Jace Wesing and two other people with heavy breaths coming into view. I turned to face Jace while I started laughing. How are you so out of breath? I asked in a mocking tone. Before he could snap back he seemed to have gotten lost staring at someone I assumed to be one of the two people I had heard coming. So I followed Jace's eyes to who he was staring at and found there to be a girl with lightly tanned skin, auburn eyes, and black hair. Zoie was standing next to her trying to break her friend out of the same trance that we were just in. To help the situation I shoved Jace hard enough to get a couple of steps out of him and called out Jace earth to Jace. the expression on his face said he was confused but back to reality. He looked at me then back at the girl then said hi I'm Jace what's your name with so much desire as if not knowing her name would end his world. With the same eagerness, the girl almost in a shout said Emily my friends call me Emm. Then my phone vibrated with a text from Aunt Anne saying where are you two. I then grabbed Jace by the arm and said we gotta go. Before we sprinted off I said maybe we will see you guys at the bonfire. I gave my best smile and ran off. Jace looked at me with a smile and said I'm looking forward to that bonfire now! Me too was all I could say while thinking I must have that same dumb grin on my face. When we finally arrived we were startled at the sight of smoke coming from the kitchen windows and front door. As we walked in expecting the source of the smoke to come from the stove or sink we were surprised to see it coming from the table. The girls were fine but Marida had confusion and fear looming on her face. Aunt Anne looked at me then Jace and said in a serious voice we need to talk but first do you want me or Alcimy to do the explaining. I got some confused looks from my cousins. In fear, for some reason, I snapped to my Aunt (I don't want to do the explaining). I can do leftover questions. She looked at me sympathetically and said understood. Ok, where to begin she said to no one in particular. Well let's start with everyone on my side of the family including me and Alcimy are dragon blood's, which are similar to werewolves. All questions are to be asked when I'm done explaining! She quickly started at the sight of Marida about to ask a question then turned to defeat. Ok so the reason you guys weren't told is because everyone thought you both were regular humans like your dad who also does not know about the dragons and neither of you are allowed to tell him. I will tell him when I think he can handle it. I wasn't planning on telling either of you unless you showed signs of powers and until now neither of you really showed signs. with that thought in mind, I thought you two should be given the chance of being normal humans. But then Marida sneezed fire a few moments ago making me feel that you guys may just be late bloomers. So now for safety reasons, I feel there is a need to tell you guys. Alcimy would like to step in; she looked pleading for help toward me. But I shook my head. I don't know why but I felt a little twinge of fear at the thought of telling the two people I've wanted to tell the most about my secret. The thought of them hating me for it or fearing me stopped my words from escaping. so no Aunt Anne gets to do the biology explaining. I'll do some talking after the embarrassing stuff. She took a sigh and continued. So when you turn sixteen next year you should go throw your first shift and a little later or the same night you will be taught by me or your uncle to fly and to control your fire and anger. No, we don't lay eggs we throw them up, and yes you two were in eggs when you were born and it's both the girl and boy dragons that do this. Um oh, and the person you marry will be your mate you will feel an instant connection towards this person almost like magnetic and yes your father is mine and all the fairytale creatures I've ever told you about or that you've seen on tv is real but the ones on tv are nothing like the real deals. You can tell because Karly is a werewolf. I had to hold back my laughter at the sight of their eyes bulging from their sockets while holding in their questions. So far so good they don't seem to be angry like I thought they would be instead they're more curious. This gives me confidence. Then I noticed Aunt Anne looking at me. Do you have anything to add Alcimy? Yes, when we reach the age of 16 or find our mats and mark them will go into heat. Heat? Jace and Merida said with confusion. That means your body will heat up and you'll feel really horny for a few days. Ant Anne said. speaking of mates when Jace and I were in the woods we met some girls our age and they were mine and Jace's mates. Jace looked at me and said really this is so scary and cool. What are they Werewolves? Yes, I said with a smile. This Is crazy Jace sighed. Ya well is there anything else you guys want to know. Like what Jace and Marida said at the same time. Well, are you guys mad at us, at me for not telling you sooner. No, we understand and think it's cool and a little scary. Were you scared of us finding out about Alchemy? Merida said with a soft voice. A little, I didn't want you guys to be angry or scared of me but I also was happy that I don't have to keep it a secret anymore. Marida gave me a hug and Jace gave me a fist bump that's when relief washed over me. I have a question now Jace said. Will it hurt when we change and why haven't I ever breathed fire and does that hurt? Your first time for both will be with everything but not that much Aunt Anne said and you will hear a voice in your head that will be your dragon. So who are the girls you meet in the woods? Marida asked all mischievous. Jace and I smiled. My girl's name is Zoie. and mine is Emm! Jace excitedly announced. Karly almost fell out of her seat. The alpha's daughter is your mate congrats Alcimy and Jace you got the betas daughter congrats. We were all surprised at this news. Zoie's point of view. My wolf Tosha was still jumping with excitement at finding our mate. He was so hot and tall and muscular with his tasty tan skin, plump lips, beautiful green eyes, night-black hair. Uhem Xander snapped me out of my daydream. What? You're still thinking of that guy aren't you Xander said with playfulness. Yes, I said with a blush. well, you'll see him at the party and congrats Xander said with a smile. I know and thanks don't harass him, please. I won't, I'll just make his acquaintance with dad Xander said with a sweet voice. Ok, but be nice. ya, you just go get ready. Xander's point of view. I'm so jealous I wish I could have found my mate. Those guys didn't look like bad guys so I won't half to threaten them but I could tell they were dragons. That's what worries me. Oh well mom and dad will be happy to hear she found her mate. As soon as I got to the door of my dad's office I knocked on the door and waited for him and my mom to get decent. Sometimes it sucks to have werewolves hearing. When I heard a come in from my dad I opened the door and said dad you should soundproof this room and when I become alfa this room is getting new furniture and a deep clean. My dad and mom laughed at me and then asked what it was I really came in to talk about? Well, I just thought you should know your daughter and Dearens daughter have found their mates today. They ran to their rooms to get ready for the party. Both of my parents jumped out of their seats with a hooray on their lips. Then who is he? question came up and I told them all I knew about his name and species. They both beamed with joy and told me to go get ready for the party and my mom told me not to mess with him or the girls. yes, mam was all I could manage to say. Then I went straight to my room to get ready. As soon as we got to the party both of the girls had me help them find their mates as if the bond and their sense of smell wouldn't do the job. Then I noticed the adults behind us. So you want to find them, then do introductions, the girls stop, then turn to the adults. That was the signal for them to disperse but the girls kept dragging me. As soon as I started protesting to the girls to let me go I smelt the best thing ever. (smores) I increased my speed to follow the scent and found the most drop-dead gorgeous girl I had ever seen. She was at least five foot three with blond hair, greenish-blue eyes, tan skin, plump lips, and the most amazing curves I couldn't wait to wander.Merida's point of view: we got to the party a little late but we were good. I couldn't help but watch the boys look for their girls while I giggled. Then this amazing smell hit me like turkey and gravy and this magnetic pole in my chest started leading me the same way the boys were heading on til the most mouthwatering man stood in front of me. my eyes devoured him from toe to head this man was made of muscles and his face just screamed arousal then we heard an o.m.g! from the girls that I now notice is in Jace and Alcimus arms then I turned back to the man and realized the little space between our bodies and blushed and held my hand out. Hi, my name is Marida. Hi, Marida I'm Xander. When his hand touched mine. sparkes ran through my body and he seemed to feel it too because he took in a breath then with the deepest voice I have ever heard say mate my eyes widened as his eyes grew dark. At that moment everyone seemed to have disappeared like we were the only ones left on earth. As he leaned in for what I assumed to be a kiss, one coughed breaking us back to reality. Xander's point of view. As I was about to get the kiss I so desperately desired from this goddess in front of me someone coughed behind me. I turned to find my parents and Emm's parents grinning at us with so much happiness and pride I was surprised they weren't all over us asking questions. My father spoke first. My children, Emily, and guests, please follow me to the stage. We all did as asked. Soon as we reached the stage my father addressed the now aww crowd. My people tonight we won't just be celebrating our guests we will also celebrate the arrival of the mates of my children and betas child. The crowd cheered with excitement. Then my dad said ok that will be all let's eat. We all spent the next few hours eating and watching the fire. When it was time to go I desperately wanted to ask Merida if she would come sleep in my bed or if I could join her in her bed. With her being a dragon I didn't know if that would be too forward of me until she looked at me with pleading eyes and practically squeaked to her mom. Mom, can I spend the night with Xander? Her mom looked at her then at me. She smiled and said ok but please no pups till marriage then walked to Miss Karly's guest house. Merida blushed and screamed no due mom and thanks then she turned to me and looked both terrified and nervous. To comfort her I smiled a gentle smile as I could muster then kissed the top of her head and offered her my arm to lead her to my room. She whispered thanks as she grabbed my arm. Zoie's point of view as I watched my brother walk off with his new mate my heart filled with joy for him. I thought of what Miss Ann had said and wondered if that was how my new mate feels or if that's how his parents feel. I turned to him to ask but as I did he leaned in and kissed me and then said my parents won't say the same but if you want to share a bed with me tonight will half to go to your bed. I smiled glad he understood how I felt. but before we do anything like marking you need to know that dragons go into heat after being marked just so everyone knows. Ant Ann yells, getting everyone's attention. Alright but for tonight let's just do some cuddling and twenty questions? and tomorrow do you want to get to know each other after training? He smiled and kissed my head. Whatever you want, you shall get. With that said we looked to Emm and Jace to see they were headed to her room for some alone time as well. Alcimy's point of view: as we reached her room and the door closed we tackled each other in an internment embrace kissing and groping each other with hunger and passion. It was our own little war of who would take control with each possessive kiss to each flip on her queen bed. as I tore her dress from her curvy body (careful not to damage it). She demanded I do the same to my clothes. With a mone, she asked if I wanted to stay with her pack or if she should pack and join me in Iceland. To answer her I quickly kissed her neck, not too hard, just light on the skin, and said my place, I'll be the new alpha dragon and you are their luna. As I did so I could smell her arousal. She smiled ok. I then let my hand wander her now wet southern region. As soon as my finger entered its desired location she leaned her head back with a mone. She then immediately brought her mouth to my neck and sucked, leaving her glorious mark on me to tell everyone I am hers and she is mine. this will do until we're ready for full mating. but at that moment I could feel My member twitching at the sensation of her making her hickey on my neck. She then stroked my member from the outside of my jeans in a teasing way still fighting for dominance. I was about to flip her over and show her dominance but she pushed me down with immense strength and used that glorious tung of hers on my mouth. She then led a trail of kisses down my neck on my mark. She stopped at my nipple and played for a brief moment while groping the other. Then she moved down my stomach tracing my abbs with the light touch of her fingers and as she reached my pants she looked up and smiled an evil smile that took my breath away and declared her the winner of this war as she had gotten me to plead with my eyes for her to continue. As she continued her magic on my now stiff member I knew she had me wiped and every night we would fight this same war. I didn't mind that this girl has my heart and I don't want it back. Zoie's point of view my heart was so full and happy to have its other half. I couldn't wait to meet his parents and get married and start our lives together. I would miss my family but when we leave for Ice Land I don't think I'll mind too much. So I have made up my mind that I'll go with him. As the sun crept into my eyes waking me up I slowly stretched softly hitting Alcimy's feet and face waking him up to say sorry I gave him an I'm sorry kiss and then a good morning kiss earning me a smile. Before he could grab me I jumped out of bed running to my bathroom stopping at the door to tell him to get up for a shower. (Then I realized he didn't have clothes to change into.) As I turned to tell him he should go back to the guest house for the shower. he sat up with a half-awake smile and sleepily said ok. I grabbed a workout outfit to change into and stuffed it in a bag then put on a sweet seat. Then turned around, grabbed his shows, and lightly threw them at him. He caught them as he finished putting on his shirt. Thanks, he said with a breathtaking smile. We then walked out of my room to see my brother and his girl coming out of his room smiling. Hey Merida, how was your night? Was it eventful? Alcimy asked with a grin. The girl I now know as Merida was blushing and said not really we just watched a movie, asked questions about one another, and cuddled. Ya! Xander added. What about you guys? Merida retorted. We just talked and we're about to go to the guest house for a shower before training. What about you guys? Xander smiled and said I was walking Mer to the guest house as well and if she wants I'll escort her to the training ground. Sue Merida said a little above a whisper. Ok so let's get going. Said Jace at the end of the hall with Emm. We all laughed and headed down the stairs where our parents were waiting with breakfast. we smiled and grabbed plates fulls's then walked out saying thanks and that we were going.

this is my first story pleas give me suggestions to make the next one beter.

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