
Dragon Ball Z: The Tales of Universe VI!

For many years, planets have been at war with one another out of attempts to gain more land and build up powerful kingdom for themselves until peace was finally gained thanks to the Galactic Federation unifying the various planets of the universe into a single unit of power. With unification comes change in the form of protection for the most prominent of planets called *ASTERISK*!

Retribrutus · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Planet Gaia's Special Task Force *ASTERISK*!

[Planet: Gaia]

"Kyaaaaaaaaa! Help me!" The cries of a terrified woman filled the futuristic streets of a diverse alien metropolis. From large to small, there was an array of aliens walking across the streets and driving their flying cars. With so many alien races going through the city, it's completely strange not to run into a hectic situation when living in it.

"Kahahahaha! My, what a beauty you are, sweet thing! I can't wait to start our beautiful relationship with each other!" A red-skinned, bulky alien laughed like crazy as he shoved his way through a crowd of aliens on the sidewalk to reach his large car with his hostage held under one of his 4 arms.

"No, let go of me! I said let go! Didn't I already tell you, I'm not into you, meathead!" The blue skinned, alien woman with antennae flailed and kicked the bigger alien but to no avail as she was stuffed into the backseat of his monster truck like vehicle!

"Oh, you'll be real acquainted with my meathead soon enough, girl! Hehehehehe! Wooooooooh! I'm having myself a party tonight!"

"Gross!" The woman cried.


Jumping to the front seat of his ride, the alien man started his car and took flight into the upper vehicle skyways of the planet. His vehicle recklessly crashed and knocked multiple others to the sides of the skyway. Despite demolishing every car in the way, the alien man screamed,

"Move out of the way, pissants! I'm about to get some alone time with my new lady!"

Rolling down the window, the damsel in distress screamed, "Someone! Anyone! Please help me!"

Meanwhile, in a café called "Rose's Café" that was miles away from the crime, three young adults sat at a table for three outside while enjoying their coffee and banana bread. After many hours of paperwork and surveillance around the city, they finally decided to take their break and enjoy each other's company.

"…*SIGH!*" Sitting in his seat backwards was a groaning nineteen year old man with an athletic build, dark skin, black messy spiky hair that's held up with a red bandana and black eyes. He wore a long sleeved black dress shirt with its sleeves rolled up, blue jeans, red sneakers, red wristbands and a black jacket tied around his waist.

"Come on, Dive, you still can't be depressed about that." Putting down a stack of reports, a fair-skinned nineteen year old man with an athletic build and an average stature worriedly looked over to his friend. He had black and spiky hair, with one bang hanging over his forehead and narrow eyes with black pupils. His state of attire consists of a black vest with a long sleeved dress shirt underneath, black jeans and black sneakers.

"B-But Cabba, I can't just get over it that quickly!" Dive wailed.

"Yes, you can. Just stop getting worked up about it." Cabba groaned.

"It's not that simple, Cabba! I'll never be happy again!" Dive whimpered.

"What are you two babbling about now?" Elegantly sipping a cup of coffee, a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous and toned physique while having an average stature. Her appearance consisted of teal-colored skin, long and curly orange hair that was tied into a ponytail, blue eyes and pointed ears pierced with white studded earrings.

"Don't worry about, Ms. Zenya. It's just Dive being over dramatic as usual." Cabba waved his hand dismissively.

"But I'm not being overdramatic, in fact, I think my behavior fits with the situation!" Dive huffed and crossed his arms.

"Should I even inquire any further?" Uninterested, Zenya looked at Dive before turning to Cabba.

"W-Well, you see…Dive has the case of the-." Cabba sheepishly smiled and rubbed his head.

"MONDAYS! Man, I hate it as both the word and day of the week!" Dive growled loudly,

"It's that day you detest with all of your heart because you can't escape from it, you just can't! BAM! As soon as you start the day, you begin to dread the week to come, but once the day is over you start to relax as the glorious weekend is almost upon us. But…but…when you finally do reach the weekend, you figure out the freaking Monday is just around the corner to restart the damn cycle of despair over again. I just can't stand it, one day, if I could…I'd want to destroy the concept of every Monday in the galaxy so that I'd never have to suffer the start of a new week ever again!"

"You good?" Cabba asked.

"Wait, I have one more in me…MONDAYS!" Dive roared attracting the attention of crossing bystanders near the café, "Okay, I'm good now."

"Here, have some banana bread." Cabba handed a plate over to Dive.

Looking insulted, Dive said, "Oh, I see how it is, you think that just because that I'm a saiyan that means that I'm gonna want bread with monkey fruit in it, right?"

"Dive, I'm a saiyan, too…" Cabba sweatdropped.


"If you don't want it, I can always just eat it myse-."

"Give it."

"I thought you didn't want bread with monkey fruit in it." Cabba teased.

"Shut up." Dive took a bite of the delicious loaf.

"You know, I'm quite surprised." Zenya curiously looked at Dive.

"With my intense hatred of Mondays? Why, I thought that I always made myself clear about that?" Dive said.

"No, not about that silly outburst. I mean, I'm surprised that you're not wound up about your big fight with your girlfriend." Zenya coughed.

"How do you even-?" Dive raised an eyebrow at that.

"Cabba told me." Zenya nonchalantly pointed at Cabba.

"He did, did he?" Dive narrowed his eyes at Cabba.

"What, I'm your roommate, so of course I heard the whole train wreck from my side of the apartment." Cabba scratched his cheek, "Besides, this isn't the first time that you two had an argument, so it's not too big of a deal."

"I guess you're right about that part at least. We did argue about our long-distance relationship, but you know... After I left the apartment to cool my head, I decided to call her back to resolve things. So now everything is okay and I'm sure that we'll never have to face any consequences regarding my love life. Ever. Again."

Dive finished the final bite of his banana bread and sighed in relief.

"Really? Are we still talking about our former Captain's little sister, Caulifla here? She's not so easily convinced especially when it comes to your bullshit, Dive."


"Not to mention there's also the fact that you two are quick to read one another, so something else must have happened." Cabba looked at Dive with a suspicious look in his eyes.

"Pfft! Have a little faith in me, Cabba. I diffused the problem with ease and delicate tact." Dive winked before coughing, some of the breath went in the wrong hole.

"I'm worried..." Cabba sweatdropped.

"Well, don't be. I know how my lady operates, so I did the next best thing that a couple should as long distance daters." Dive chuckled and held his finger up.

"And what would that be...?" Zenya wasn't even as invested in the Saiyan's love life and even she could tell something was wrong with how proud Dive was acting.

"Isn't obvious? Take a break!" Dive puffed out his chest in pride while Zenya and Cabba fell over in their seats, dumbfounded by their companion's bluntness.

"T-That's literally the worst thing that you could say to her, Dive! Did you really want to break up with her?" Cabba gulped as he pulled himself up onto his seat. He tried his best not to imagine the havoc that Caulifla was inflicting on the Defense Forces in Sadala. He could only hope that their old captain would be able to placate her temper.

"Huh, no, of course not. I meant it in a way that we'll focus on our own stuff for now. That way we won't be stressing over each other over the same little things like always." Dive shrugged.

"Well, when you put it like that then I guess that should probably work..." Cabba rubbed his chin.

"Hold on..." Zenya sat back in her chair and pointed at the dark skinned saiyan, "Your intentions are one thing, but how they come across to her are another. Dive, how exactly did you tell her this?"

"Didn't have to, she sounded like she realized what I meant."

"Elaborate..." Zenya narrowed her eyes.

The saiyan scratched his head in an attempt to remember the rather unpleasant phone call before proudly smiling as it all came back to him, "Well, she started off mad as usual, then she started bringing up how I'm always too busy with work to call, that I don't care about the old gang and the lower ghetto anymore..."

"So the usual stuff?" Cabba surmised.

"Yup, except this time, she's pissed about me being on another planet rather than "betraying" her by joining the Sadala Army..." Dive air quoted, "Then she went on about how things weren't the same with the old gang and how everything was so much better with me in charge and that I should visit once and a while. So I told her that she should really get onto fixing that and that we should take a break.'



"What?" The clueless Dive looked to both Zenya and Cabba who gave him incredulous looks.

"Dear god..." Cabba facepalmed.

"...Dive...did you explain it further than that?" Zenya pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Nope, didn't have to since she told me that about how I was right and that we should both prepare ourselves for the next time that we meet... After that she hung up and we haven't talked since. So I guess she's handling things at home better than before, meaning I have to do just as well, so she won't leave me in the dust." Dive exclaimed excitedly as he clenched his fist.

'...What an idiot...' The signs were so obvious and yet numbskull couldn't read the intention behind his girlfriend's words, at that moment, Zenya decided to just let things play out and hope that whatever happens will teach Dive a lesson in subtlety, 'Who am I kidding it probably won't...'

'Y-Yeah, w-w-we should probably think about going back home to patch that up otherwise he'd be the cause of a hellish riot back home.' Cabba bitterly smiled as he returned to nursing his cup of coffee.

"Now enough about my problems, my relationship is the least of our problems." Dive chuckled.

'Its not for you, idiot!' Cabba and Zenya sweatdropped.

"Yeah, we have another issue on the table…" Dive looked down at the receipt on the table, "Who's going to be paying the bill this time around?"

Before anyone could say a word, the loud sound of ringing emanated from each of their pockets. Immediately, they each pulled out their cellphones to check a red alert displaying a great disturbance amongst the skyways of Gaia planet.

"It states that a four-armed culprit kidnapped a woman from the middle of Station Square." Cabba read out the details.

"Looks like we finished our break just in time." Zenya flipped her hair back and stood up with the other two saiyans, "We'll get there in time by making a beeline to the Central Intersections of the planet's skyways, the alert says that the police were swept away by the massive car on Zoidbergus Avenue."

"Aw, yeah! Time for a post-snack battle! Come on, you guys! Go ahead and pay the tab so we can clock this fool!" Excitedly breathing, Dive looked to Cabba and Zenya who were not amused.

So, in tandem, both of them grabbed Dive by the shoulders and forced him back into his seat.

"O-Oi, what's going on?" Dive's composure began to break from the terrifying pressure they exuded.

"Nothing special. Just leaving you with the bill." Cabba said, seriously.

"Leaving the bill with me? Ain't that a bit cold? Come on, we're comrades, so at least pitch in and be gentlemen..." Dive began to sweat.

"I'm a woman, so it's only natural that a man would offer to pay for the whole bill." Zenya said, lowly.

"But what about gender equality and all of that jazz, Zenya? You're our senior so your supposed to lead by example!" Dive cried.

"I am leading by example because last time that the chief took us all out to dinner, you pigged out so much that Arctic and I had to help the chief pay by taking it out of our paychecks." Zenya's tone was filled with spite.

"W-Well..." Dive gulped.

"There's also the fact that you did pay last time." Cabba said.

"S-See? I did at least pay once so let me go!" Dive panicked.

"But after that day, I went to the bank to realize that I lost most of my credits, and the lunch that we ate together wasn't the only purchase to put a dent in my account. You know anything about that, hm, Dive?"

"I-I mean, you can understand. I was hungry that day for taking a bit too many patrols around the city so you have to understand, right?" Dive nervously twiddled his thumbs and laughed, "But hey since we're in a rush to capture a nasty baddie, we can all forgive and forget, right?"

"No." Cabba and Zenya glared.

"D-Didn't think so..."

Subtly using her Ki to produce thin wires of energy, Zenya restrained Dive to his seat while she and Cabba walked out of the café, "Finish paying the tab, we're going on ahead to derail that vehicle."

Surrounding herself in a massive cloak of purple aura, Zenya took off into the sky.

"Don't cause too much trouble for Miss Rose!" Cabba shouted as he took off into the sky surrounded by a large mass of blue aura.

"If there's going to be an unpaid bill, then I'm pretty sure that I'm the one who's not going to make any trouble..." Dive gulped as he looked like a deer staring down a pair of headlights as he heard the gentle pattering of footsteps approaching.

"Why if it isn't my favorite customer, Dive! Where did the other two go?" Coming out of the café was a rather young 23 year old woman, who looked far too young for her age. She had a petite and short stature with long pink hair tied into twin-tails, red eyes and freckles. She wore a blue care dress with a black apron around the wait to hold her order lists, and black heels. This young woman was the owner of the café, Rose Tuff.

"Uhm…err… They just received a call from work and had to step out real quick, ehehe..." Dive sweatdropped.

"Oh, dear really? You folks down at Asterisk have it tough~!" Rose playfully giggled, "So…are you going to pay for the bill since you're the only one here?"

"W-Well, you know, I would love to pay, but I'm a little less at the moment, so I can't really pay for the bill…" Dive trailed off.

"You can't pay the bill?" Rose said slowly, etching upwards an angered smile upon her delicate features, "What do you mean you can't pay the bill, silly? Are you fucking retarded are something?"

'A-And here we go...' Dive turned pale.

"Look, Rose, I get that your mad and I promise to pay you back later, but I really need to go." Dive hopped a bit in his chair.

"Go? No, no…stay, as my favorite customer, I wanted you to have a quick bite of both of my favorite little helpers' dishes. Boys, come out~!"

With a snap of her fingers, Rose summoned to her side two bulky robots which towered over Rose and even Dive in terms of height and size. One of the two robots was painted blue with a cannon for an arm while the other was painted red with spiked gloved fists.

"Y'see, Cosmo here has been dying to serve someone his new plasma cannon that I installed for him." The blue robot raised its cannon charging the blast.

"While my little Impact here has been shaking to rock someone's world with his new Meteor Punch! Note that the flames can be shot like a flamethrower despite the name~!" The red robot raised its deadly fist and ignited it with harsh flames.

Rose cutely posed as both killer robots loomed over Dive.

"Wait! You can't just sick your inventions on me, Rose! Haven't you ever heard that the customer is always right?" Dive tried in vain to escape, but Zenya's energy wires prevented any and all mobility.

"How does that work within the context of your current situation?" Rose narrowed her eyes, playfully.

"…Don't hurt the customer…" Dive inhaled sharply.

"Hmm, good point, but you're not really a customer if you never had the incentive to pay, right?" Threateningly tilting her head, Rose smirked at Dive as she raised her hand to her robots.

"W-Wait, I thought that tuffles were supposed to be peace-loving people!" Dive cried.

"And I thought that saiyans weren't supposed to be such cheap, little bitches. The world's full of surprises, isn't it~!?" Rose lowered her hand and gave the robots the signal to unleash full hell upon the young man.



While Dive was getting his ass handed to him by the sadistic Tuffle loli, both Zenya and Cabba were already tailing the monster truck vehicle pushing multiple vehicles to the side of the skyways.

"How should we approach this?" Cabba looked to Zenya, he was still a new member of their force so her suggestions would greater benefit to their situation better than his own.

Zenya quietly examined the rampaging truck and the laughing alien in the front seat enjoying himself amongst the chaos, she could only guess that the victim was probably in the back seat frightened and helpless.

"Before we can apprehend the culprit, we need to keep the damages that they're making to a minimum. The authorities below are doing their best to safely catch all of the falling vehicles. Go below and assist them while I'll slow the truck down." Zenya ordered.

"Roger." Cabba flew as fast as he could to the bottom of the skyway to help the police of the city, leaving Zenya to fly overhead of the truck and pursue it with the intention of letting her presence be known by the driver.

"Eh? What the hell?" The four-armed alien looked at his rear view to spot Zenya tailing him, "Ohoho! We still got some heat following us? Hey, babe, you better hold on tight because this ride's about to get bumpy!"

"Eh? What do you mean by bum-kyaaaaaaaaaah!" The alien woman screamed in fear as the truck rocked back and forth as it weaved through the skyway at random which created even more havoc among the other vehicles that were slowly getting derailed from the pathway.

"Hmph, as if a tactless trick like that will befuddle me." Breathing out deeply, Zenya focused her energy to the tips of her fingers to create powerful wires of purple energy, "Psycho Thread!"

Carefully examining the scattered vehicles in the oncoming perimeter, Zenya decided to do some damage control and use the threads that she created to steady them back into place. It was a challenge to keep a few back up on the skyway, but she didn't have to worry about a thing once a few or more fell off thanks to the support below.

"We managed to catch most of them so far, but stay alert! The culprit hasn't been caught yet so keep moving forward and save any civilians falling from the sky, got it?"

"Yes, sir!" The various alien police officers saluted as they prepared their equipment and followed Cabba leading them down the trail of the skyway's intersection by foot below.


"Oh my god, you cannot be serious." Cabba groaned as he picked up his phone, "What?"

[You guys suck!] Dive's voice angrily shouted on the other end.

"Dive, save it for another time and get over here!" Cabba shouted.

[I'll get over there while I vent at you over the phone! Saves more time that way…] Dive grunted as the sound of heavy winds batted against the phone's receiver.

[Because you two left, I was forced to be introduced to Rose and her two best friends "Cosmo" and "Impact?]

"That sounds about, right." Cabba panted as he quickly catches another falling vehicle before placing it down on the road below, "Careful..." He gently urged the rattled drive to take the hands of the diverse alien officers as they escorted them to safety.

"So how did you get out of paying the tab? Dish washing duty?"

[Actually...I promised to do some work that might not involve doing that for the next 6 months...its only for one night...]

"Well, that sounds nice, doesn't it?"

[You won't be saying that later once you realize what I volunteered you to do too.]


[Hey, is that...sorry, gotta jet, Cabs!] The phone hung up.

"Wait, Dive, what did you mean by volun-!" Cabba screamed but his attention lingered elsewhere as the shouting of the officers reached his ears.

"Sir, we have two cars falling down at once!" One of the officers screamed.

'This can wait, gotta hurry!'

Discarding his phone, Cabba took flight to catch two vehicles in his arms, which was barely a challenge thanks to his saiyan strength. He looked to the frightened passengers inside and gave them a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, ASTERISK is here to help!"

Up above, Zenya was still attempting her best to control the damage that the truck made.

"Hahahaha, you can't catch this green chick!" The four-armed alien flipped Zenya off.

"Tch!" Zenya clicked her tongue, 'I'll never get to them at this rate.'


Becoming aware about how high she was flying, Zenya almost crashed into one of the skyway street signs.

"Hah!" The alien criminal mocked Zenya.

"That was close, I need to be aware of my…surroundings… That's it." Stumbling upon an idea, Zenya decided to rely on the environment surrounding the truck, more specifically the street signs to block his view of the sky.

Using a couple of her psycho threads, she managed to pull aside one of the larger incoming signs to slam into the four-armed alien's truck.

"What the fu-! I can't see shit!" The alien panicked.

"Kyaaaaaaah!" The female alien screamed in fear since her kidnapper was even prone to having a fatal accident now.

"Now!" Ceasing the moment, Zenya made soared quickly to the truck's backseat and forced open the door to retrieve the victim, "Quick, grab on!"

Sadly, there was no victim to save, and no culprit to apprehend because the culprit was already hanging off of the side of his truck with the alien woman in hand.

"Nice try, bitch!" The alien man smirked.

"You-!" Zenya prepared to fire a green energy bullet at the man.

"Hehe! See ya never!" Releasing his hold of the car, the alien man cleverly landed on a nearby skyscraper as the truck began to shift to the opposite direction of the skyway.

'Have to steer i-! That clever bastard...' Zenya clicked her tongue at the sight of the steering wheel being jammed by a pipe lodged into it, 'Won't have the time to maneuver it if it's this ruined.'

"Dammit!" Zenya quickly retreated from the falling truck as it veered off the airway and down to the ground below. Taking a deep breath, Zenya voice bellowed faster than the truck to the roads below, "CABBA!"


"Zenya?" Helping with the few remaining vehicles, Cabba barely noticed Zenya's shouting from above, but luckily, he noticed the large truck falling from out of the sky towards the squad of policemen.

Before he could verify the correct action to take, Zenya further screamed from above, "THERE'S NO ONE INSIDE! GO ALL OUT!"


Words to his hears; without any hesitation, Cabba flew to front of the squad and curls his fingers before placing both of his hands together at chest level facing the same direction. Steadily charging a large sphere of purple Ki under his arm, Cabba took a few more moments to charge before finally unloading upon the destructive large truck above,

" Galick Gun, FIRE!"


Thrusting his hands forward, Cabba released a powerful blast of energy that decimated the monster truck in its entirety. Panting a bit, Cabba wiped his forehead and looked around to see the astonished looks of the officers.

"Is everyone alright?" Cabba smiled.

The officers obediently nodded in respect.

"Good, now make sure to check for any other damages, I'm going back up to see if there's any more trouble."

"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!" The officers saluted Cabba.

Cabba gave them a quick thumbs up as he quickly flew to retrieve his discarded phone before flying up towards Zenya, who crossed her arms with a calm look on her face as she observed the rooftop of the skyscraper that their target jumped onto.

"So, where's the crook?" Cabba asked.

"There." Pointing at the roof, Zenya pulls out her cellphone and begins to make a call.

Noticing the four-armed alien making a break for the building's roof door, Cabba gasped, "He's getting away!"

Before he can pursue the criminal, Zenya pulls him back by the collar of his vest and shook her head, "Don't."

"What? Why not?" Cabba blinked in shock.

"Calm down, you can probably sense whose energy signature is heading this way, correct?" Zenya said.

"Energy signa-oh…" Cabba look up to spot a blue light coming directly down towards the rooftop.

"I honestly shouldn't have to tell you to keep your mind open during these situations." Zenya groaned, "Honestly, you saiyans can be so headstrong all of the time."

"S-Sorry..." Cabba apologetically bowed his head.

Looking back up at the falling blue light, Zenya tiredly groaned, "But at least compared to the other one, you're actually reasonable for your hotheadedness."

Looking around cautiously, the kidnapper made his way to the door, "Heh, I lost them."

"Let go of me! I don't want to go with a creep like you!" The alien female kicked and flailed, but it still had no effect on the buff alien man.

"Hah, you have little say in the matter babe because no one's left to save y-!"



Echoing from above a spiraling ball of aura came crashing down along with the heel of Dive as he smashed apart most of the roof's tiles and various vents and generators.

"What the hell?" Tanking the brunt of the impact, the alien man tried his best not to get blown off of the building. As soon as the dust began to clear, he came face to face with a grinning Dive who dusted his clothes off.

"Phew! Made it on time." Dive coughed.

"Who the hell are you?" The alien man growled.

"Oh, hello, I didn't see you there. Which is weird since you're big one, but I guess making an awesome entrance does that to you." Dive scratched his head before grinning, "But if you must know, my name is Dive Genus, a member of the planet Gaia's Special Agency *ASTERISK*. I hold the ranking of a Third-class member, and even though I'm a low-class member at the moment, I still think I can take you hands down, bro."

"W-Wait, are you serious? You mean THE Asterisk group? The same Agency privately placed together by the Galactic Federation?" The alien man panicked.

"The very same. I already knew that part already, but wow, you're quite informative. To be honest, you don't look to be the smart type." Dive lightly laughed as he slowly approached the thug, threateningly.

"Peh! Even if you're a part of that group, I bet that I could take on a little shit like you." The alien man angrily spat at rude comment.

"Oh, so we're betting now, okay… I like these kind of games. If I win, I get to bring your ass in to the authorities, but if you win…"

"What? You didn't finish." The alien man blinked in confusion.

"Nah, sorry, never mind, you're not going to win." Dive sucked in his lips, "In fact, we don't have to bet on something with an obvious outcome."

"Grrr!" Breaking the handle to the door, the alien assured himself that his victim would escape as he let her down. Frightened the alien woman quickly ran over to Dive's side and hid behind him.

"P-Please help me…" The woman whimpered.

"Don't worry, I'll get you back to safety. But I suggest you step back, so you don't get caught up in the fight." Dive waved the woman back with a grin on his face.

Taking a few cautious steps back, she nervously watched the two men square up while unknowingly catching her kidnapper's eye.

"Don't worry, babe, after I whip this boy's ass, we're going to continue from where we left off." The alien man winked at the woman, who shuddered in disgust.

"Dude, seriously, why are you acting like a predator on chicks? Even I'm grossed out." Dive gagged in disgust.

"You wouldn't get it even if I told you." The alien man shook his head, "If you were in my shoes, you would do the exact same things as me."

"Not really, I have a girlfriend, but we're not talking right now." Dive shrugged.

"Really, why?" Even the four armed alien man was curious about his love life?

"We're taking a break to focus on our own things and we're both happy thanks to properly talking about it..." Dive cheerfully smiled, "Heck, I wonder what she's doing now actually..."

[Planet: Sadala]

"..." It was a nice day today, the birds were chirping, and though the rays of the planet's sun were harsh they were most certainly invigorating to take in after spending a week inside recovering from a moment of weakness. The cold, rough metal sides of the watering pail's handle dug into the skin of her hand as she watered the plants. She dragged her feet by the side of the rocky border and walked alongside as she kept the pail facing the dried vegetables and fruits.

Soon a sudden gust of wind drafted itself onto her back, cooling her down a bit if only a little followed by the sound of water rushing out came to a stop leaving the pail far more lighter.

"Seems like I need a refill." She turned around in place and smiled as she held out the pail into a pair of leathery gloved hands. Soon footsteps reached her ears as she began to walk in the direction of the sound before stopping as the old creaking of metal and rush of water filled the area as most of the stray droplets sprayed itself onto her bare feet. A nice way to keep cool especially during the summer.

"...Here, Teacher..."

"Thank you, my dear..."

She held her hand out and gratefully took the full pail of water, but sadly arched a brow. Yes, the familiar voice was that of someone very important to her grandchild, but they lack that usual heartiness and fire.

"Teach, I..." She held her hand up just before her company could finish her sentence. Making a hand gesture, she beckoned over her guest and held out her hand to gently feel the issue out for herself. Ah, youth, having such soft cheeks made her want to pinch them. She remembered doing the same for her two little ones but they soon grew out of the phase for tolerating that. Also, doing so right now may agitate her guest. Moving her thumb, she almost pauses upon feeling the faint wet trail of liquid bordering the side of her cheek and head. Tracing it upwards, her thumb felt a tender puffiness on her eyelid.

Her guest was in obvious distress, and knowing them it takes only two things that would force them to tears. Taking a deep breath, she extricated her hand from their face and immediately held her shoulder in a firm grip.

"Take my old ship, and give my grandson a good asskicking, okay?" She tiredly smiled, "My keys are on my nightstand."

"...Thanks..." Both resolution and uncertainly reside in their tone as their footsteps could be heard trodding off.

"I warned you this whole long distance thing was going to bring trouble..." The footsteps thoughtfully stopped, earning a smile from her before they continued on.

"Doesn't take a genius not to see that distress even without detecting that in her chi. Sadly, it does take a Genus far longer to see how their blockheadedness can get them into trouble...Stupid boy..." Though the sun may never come into view of her sight, the same warmth and glow still beamed down upon her youthful, beautiful face and her tied back long gray hair.

[Planet: Gaia]

"Achoo! Whew, felt like someone was talking about me...anyways, lets get this done with, four arms! It won't take much to beat you..." Dive sneezed and chuckled, writing off that weird sneeze and chill down his spine for the thrill of enjoying the ensuing fight.

"Why you-!" Charging at Dive, the four-armed alien threw two of his fists into right hook which was effortlessly dodged by Dive. Quickly thinking the alien used the backside of his arms to strike Dive to the side.

"Hehehe!" Dive laughed as he managed to block the strike with his forearm while shielding his body with Ki to lessen the blow's sheer force.

"Are you laughing?" The alien gasped.

"Of course, it's my first time handling a guy with 4 fists! This looks like it's going to be a fun fight!" With his saiyan blood starting to boil, Dive was getting caught up in the heat of the moment, "Now come at me you, big lummox!"

"I'll show you what this lummox can do punk! Aaaaaaaaah!" Charging in once again, the four-armed alien threw a heavy barrage of fists at Dive with maximum effort. However, each blow was intercepted with Dive either matching a punch with a punch or his knee with a punch.

"Grgh!" Struggling to keep up such a continuous attack the alien began to grunt out of exhaustion.

"What's wrong? Can't keep it up anymore? Hah!" Dive laughed as he continued to negate each hit thrown his way.

"Shut up!" Getting worked up the alien threw a straight punch with both of his arms, which missed once Dive leaned in and swayed his body over to face alien's open torso.

"You're open!" Throwing a single punch, Dive landed a critical blow against the alien's stomach so hard that the force of the impact caused the alien to spew up whatever he had for lunch.

"Y'know, seems that having four arms will leave you open to lower body attacks. Maneuvering one arm limits mobility, but having two just makes you slow as brick." Dive said as a matter of fact.

"Damn you!" The alien stumbled back holding his stomach in pain.

"Wow, that didn't last long at all…" Dive sighed in disappointment before shaking his head, "No, maybe we can salvage this fight if I took the initiative!"


"Get ready! I want to see what you can do with those four arms of yours!" Dive breathed excitedly.

"Wait, aren't you enjoying this a bit too mu-?" Before the alien could speak, he was met with a grinning Dive already in front of him, preparing what seemed to be a side kick. Judging by how far back his leg was swung it looked be potentially dangerous.


Barely managing to guard the blow, the alien man used both of his right arms to nullify the attack, but not without his arms getting damaged in the process.

"Those arms may suck when on the offensive, but they sure do make up for that in defense! Now c'mon, lets see you do more!" Dive laughed as he began to fire a flurry of kicks at the four armed alien.

Using his main style of fighting, Dive made quick use of his legs like a pro as he rapidly fired kick after kick against the alien without relenting. Although, he couldn't get past the alien's meager defenses, he still kept whittling down his resistance and stamina with each consecutive blow.

' This kid's kicks are strong as hell! What kind of training did he go through to get them this powerful!' The alien absentmindedly neglected to detect Dive's strange pattern with each kick swung, they were progressively getting higher by the minute before they momentarily stopped.

"Hyaaa!" Raising his left leg up, Dive prepared to do a heel drop kick to the alien's head.

"Holy shi-!"


Further damaging the roof, Dive slammed his heel against the floor while the alien rolled out of the way just in time to avoid the skull splitting attack.

"You managed to just dodge by the skin of your teeth, but man, you're arms really are great for defense. Every kick I threw at ya couldn't reach your face or your neck!" Dive excitedly smiled.

Panting in exhaustion, the alien man looked at Dive in fear as he said, "You really are enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Yeah, aren't you?" Dive curiously asked.

"Hell no! That attack could have split my head in two!" The criminal screamed.

"But it didn't... See, you're still with an intact head!" Dive scratched his head with a sheepish grin, "So I don't see the problem."

"You COULD have split my head in two!" The alien exclaimed.

"But I DIDN'T split your head in two."



"Anyways let's continue! I wanna see what else those arms of yours can do."

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" The Alien staggered back.

"Nothing really, I'm a saiyan." Dive shrugged.

"Shit, you are?"

"You didn't know? How did you not expect me to be one after seeing me so happy to fight a guy like you. I mean sure your not the biggest opponent that I've face, but I'm still having a great time!" Dive laughed it off, "Now here I come!"

"No, wait I-!"

Forcing himself back to the offensive, the alien was met with another thunderous barrage of kicks that varied from knife kicks, sides kicks and heel kicks. Being held up by such a dangerous array of attacks only frustrated him as his guard was slowly weakening leading for Dive to take an exposed opening.

"You're open…again!"



Dive slammed his knee against the alien's lower chin and forced the thug to flinch back and hold onto his chin in complete pain.

"Getting tired already? I haven't even broken a sweat yet." Dive sighed in disappointment and cracked his knuckles, "Well, better finish this."

' T-This kid is insane! I can't beat him like this, unless I…' The alien thug thought as looked around in a panic before catching sight of something to use as an advantage.


"H-Hey, let go of me!"

Making a desperate run to the alien woman, the alien thug held her up by the neck while keeping his distance away from Dive.

"Hahaha, looks like the tables have been turned, brat!" The alien man laughed.

"…" Looking confused rather than worried, Dive tilted his head, "Uh…how have they been turned?"

Taking a single step, Dive frightened the alien man to the edge of the building where he held the woman over the edge.

"Don't take a single step or else I'll drop her!" The alien man screamed.

"Nguyk! Help me…!" The woman was losing breath as she was getting strangled while her feet dangled over the steep, fall of the building.

"Yeah…just stay there. I'll let her go if you just back off and let me escape! You don't want her to die, right?" The alien thug bargained as he saw Dive look a bit serious, no, disappointed?

"So you're going with the usual hostage method, huh? What a lame way to end a fight... Man, do I hate Mondays…" Dive folded his arms behind his head.

"Um, hello? Aren't you worried about the life of this chick? She's literally about to die!" The alien tried to toy with Dive's emotions but they were having little effect on the young man.

"No, she's not... I know you're not going to drop her." Dive shook his head.

"Hah, nice bluff, but what make you so sure that I wouldn't kill this woman off just to save my own skin! I'm not a coward, I really will kill her off just to escape!" The alien man maniacally laughed.

"Okay, now your sounding like one of those Saturday morning villains from those old cartoons I used to watch." Dive shook his head.


"Also if a dangerous criminal does kill your hostage, then I'm given express permission to kill them in response if I deem it appropriate." Dive shook his head, "And I really don't want to do that. I had fun and I really don't want to kill someone on a Monday of all days..."

"…Shut up!" The alien thug took a couple of seconds to think on that.

"Just saying..." Dive shrugged.

"Her life is still in danger, and you can't hurt me or else you'll force me to drop her so let's see you try anything now, brat! Hahahahahahaha!" The alien continued to laugh maniacally.

"*SIGH!*" Dive heavily sighed as he lowly muttered, "Accelerate..."


"Hahahahahahaha-huh?" In between his laughter, the alien thug found himself hanging over the edge of the tall building, "What the hell! What's going on? How did I end up here and oh…crap…"

Panicking, the thug found himself held by a smiling Dive and by his side was the relieved victim catching her breath and looking around in confusion.

"Hello, you seem to be hanging in there, pal…" Dive joked.

"How were you able to-?" The thug gasped, but began to squeal once Dive leaned forward, showing the alien criminal how far a drop it was from the roof,

"Hey, cut it out! Cut it out!" He screamed in fear.

"But I thought that you wanted me to let you go?" Dive playfully laughed as he toyed with the criminal, "Here, I might hate Mondays, but I feel really lenient today, so I'll let you off with a warning. Have a nice day~!"

"Chill! Chill! I didn't mean it! I didn't mean it!" The thug was bumbling like a baby as he struggled to latch on to Dive's arm.

"Urp…whoa…I-I think that my hands are slipping! OH MY GAWD! I don't think that I can hold you up anymore!" Dive exaggerated as he purposely shook his arm.

"STAAAAAAWP!" The Thug cried as he held on for dear life, "I promise to turn myself in! Just pull me up! Pleeeeeeeeease!"

"Hm, do you think we should pull him up?" Dive looked over to the alien woman who was busting her gut at her kidnapper's pitiful behavior.

"Yeah, I think that he's had enough." She smiled.

"Yeah, me too." Dive chuckled and swung his arm back thus tossing the thug back onto the roof, "So I guess you intend to wait here until the police come to take you in?"

Trembling from laughter, the alien man turned around and flipped Dive off, "Pfft! Hah, like I'd would surrender like that! You fell for my act, bitches!"

"Okay, back to the edge with you." Dive didn't even hesitate to reach out to the alien man.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! I gotta get outta here!" Screaming in fear the thug crawled away from Dive towards the rooftop door to escape.

"Uh, you might wanna not do-!"



"That..." Dive winced.

Causing further damage to roof, Cabba blindsided the alien thug with a powerful ki-clad punch from above, effectively subduing the target.

"There, we're done." Cabba dusted his hands off.

"Oi, oi…don't you think that was a bit too much?" Dive sweatdropped, "You could have given him some warning before knocking him out like that. Now I feel sort of…probably… Never mind, I don't feel bad for him."

"Well, he was about to escape and I didn't want to drag this out any further." Cabba sighed.

"Hm…" Landing on the roof besides Cabba, Zenya finished speaking on the phone and said, "The authorities are on their way, but just in case he doesn't pull a fast one once he regains consciousness..."

With a flick of her wrist, Zenya creates a thick bind of energy wires to bound the alien thug.

"There." Zenya smiled to the victim, "Ma'am, are you alright?"

"Yes, thank you for saving me. I really appreciate it, everyone." The alien woman bowed her head in gratitude.

"No need, it's our job to help keep the peace around the planet after all." Cabba smiled.

"Yup, us Asterisk agents of this branch are here to omit the wrongs of those who threaten the planet's safety! No matter how small the threat is, we will do our best to squash it and save the day!" Dive grinned, proudly as he faced his teammates,

"Am I right guys, we stand by each other and face any and all odds! No matter how big or powerful, our power will stop anyth-!"

"Nice try, but you're pay is still getting docked for destroying public property." Zenya pointed to the ruined roof they stood on.

"Aw…" Dive slumped down.

"You, too, Cabba." Zenya sighed.

"B-But it was already ruined before I did anything." Cabba gasped.

"Excuses, you only made things worse. Perhaps, you should have HELD back, you showed the same reckless behavior as Dive, who came flying crashing to attack the enemy." Zenya scolded the two young men before turning away and groaning,

"Geez, why do I have to babysit you rookies. Not to mention that your saiyans, which makes this all the more difficult." Zenya shook her head.

"Sorry…" Both young men slumped down with apologetic looks on their faces.

"Don't be, you still managed to handle your jobs effectively and there weren't any casualties today, so I guess you did all right." Zenya turned around and smiled to herself and a hunch that the two rookies behind her were smiling too, "Now help escort the culprit and victim down to the police, understood?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Good, I'll go back first and fill out the report about the incident."

Both Dive and Cabba saluted as Zenya flew off.

"If you would please follow us, ma'am." Cabba lead the alien female while Dive dragged the large alien thug behind him.

"So I guess we solved another incident on the marvelous city planet, Gaia. We're not doing so bad, eh?" Dive smiled.

"Speak for yourself, we've been causing more property damage than the criminals ever since Captain Renso recommended us to this branch." Cabba groaned.

"It's a work in progress, but we'll figure things out and hey, we might even face some powerful guys out here while keeping the peace." Dive chuckled.

"I guess your right, I noticed something off, so…did you use it?" Cabba asked.

"Yup, and now I can only use that technique for 2 seconds this month. Man, going that fast really gets overwhelming." Dive rubbed his forehead as he grew a little lightheaded.

"Great power like that comes with some consequences after all." Cabba shrugged.

"Except, I haven't been gotten used to making myself go fast like that before." Dive sighed, "Anyways, I'll still try to train myself to get used to it. Especially now that I'm even closer to solving a particular case of mine."

"Case?" Cabba noticed Dive's smile falling a bit before the teen shook it off.

"N-Nah, its nothing. Now…about our last chat, I need to ask you something."

"That's right, you did say something about volunteering me to work at Rose's with you, so what did you do now?" Cabba groaned.

"That's the thing, I wanted to ask you… What color maid uniform do you want to wear during our first shift? I called blue, so there's only red and pink…" Dive asked.

"No…" Realization dawned on Cabba's face.

"Y-Yeah..." Dive rubbed his neck with a forced grin, "Things were that bad..."

"But why just me? Zenya ditched you with the bill, too." Cabba exclaimed.

"She's our superior and she really scary when she gets pissed, and since you're the only that popped up in my head I sort of blurted out your name!" Dive gulped, "So I guess we should get ready for our shift, eh, Cabby?"

Pulling out a name tag with the frilly words "Cabby" written on it, Dive pinned it to Cabba's vest.

"Dear god in the sky please kill me now!" Cabba cried out.

"Hey, don't be that sad. Its not as if things will go downhill from here! So think positive...well try to think positive..." Dive laughed.

Things went downhill from there...

Next Chapter- The Chief and Vice-Chief of *ASTERISK* take on a terrifying job!

Hello guys, I hoped you enjoyed the chapter!

*ASTERISK* members:

-?: Chief

-?: Vice-Chief

-Zenya Bordeaux (Race of Hera): Second Class member

-Dive Genus (Saiyan): Third Class member [Rookie]

-Cabba Cultivar(Saiyan): Third Class member [Rookie]

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful day! I'm Out so Peace Out!

Retribrutuscreators' thoughts