
Dragon Ball Z: The Tales of Universe VI!

For many years, planets have been at war with one another out of attempts to gain more land and build up powerful kingdom for themselves until peace was finally gained thanks to the Galactic Federation unifying the various planets of the universe into a single unit of power. With unification comes change in the form of protection for the most prominent of planets called *ASTERISK*!

Retribrutus · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: Taking a DIVE into deeper waters…

(Planet: Gaia)

"Woohoo!" The sound of red sneakers beating the paved ground of the sidewalk filled the streets as a black blur zoomed through bustling crowds of aliens with supersonic speeds. As it came up on a busy delayed intersection, the black blur simply began to hop off each vehicle's roof one by one as lightly as they could though they still received the complementary road rage symbol for number one through a few pissed off drivers' windows.

With a loud *CLANK!* the black blur landed on the arch of a street light, taking a big bite of a blueberry muffin to survey the area. Ah, rush hour, it was definitely something that took getting used to considering that Sadala, despite having one of the strongest armies in the Universe was still a rural plant that was teeming wild life, you know, the usual saber tooth here and a huge dinosaur there.

Ah, Dive sure does miss those simple days, but he's still gotten used to the city life. Now he was a city boy eating a freshly made blueberry muffin from a café that will never be named until he was done repressing the horrible memory.


"Fwlo?" Dive stood up on the flimsy streetlight and answered his phone, not even bothering to take the muffin out of his mouth.

[Dive, the Chief wants us to gather at Central Square for our assignment. Where are you right now?] Cabba said from the other end of the line.

"Mmmmmmfh…mmmffns…hwungy…gffht…bwhu…whan…twho…" Dive muffled as held up a bag of muffins.

[Oh, you did? What kind?]


[That's freaking wizard, man! You wouldn't happen to have any butter on you, ri-?] A loud "AHEM" was heard from the background of the call.

"Mmmmh?" Dive tilted his head and muffled in confusion.

[Uh, never mind… Please hurry, I think Arctic is a few seconds away from turning me into a popsicle by glaring at me alone.] Cabba whispered that last part.

Scarfing down the remains of his muffin, Dive happily saluted at his phone and exclaimed, "You've got it, Cabs!"

[…Dive its rude to eat with your mouth full. C'mon, manners…]

"Hehe, whoops…sorry." Dive laughed as he hung up the phone and bounced off the streetlight into the air. He kept himself afloat and focused on the four familiar power signatures coming from the east, "Lets jet!" In a burst of white aura, the young saiyan zipped through the skies above the ground streets and below the bustling skyways.

He never got sick of the colorful lights that the buildings shone along with the many individual aliens filling the streets of the planet's cities whether that's through constant chatter or selling off their wares. Compared to the rural life of being on Sadala, Gaia was absolutely teeming with excitement, but if there's one thing that he still wasn't used to it had to be the smell of smoke and garbage.

It might not be affecting the planet's inhabitants, but his trained sniffer was always sensitive to strong scents and that would mostly mess with picking him up the trail of anyone that he can't distinguish through simple energy sensing.

The flight to Central Square wasn't far. About a fifteen minutes fly, as a round plaza sat in the middle of a busy street of vehicles moving around the roundabout. It had to be busy considering that most of the important bank stuff and politic stuff happens around the place. Well, at least that's what the Chief said during his orientation.

Spotting four, no, five familiar faces near the plaza's trademark golden statue of the planet Gaia, Dive descends with a graceful rolling spin before dismounting with a simple wave and smile, "Hi."

"Ah, Dive, looks like you finally made it." Aurion warmly welcomed the young man with a smile.

"Your late." While Arctic graced him with the cold shoulder as he didn't even bother to look back at the saiyan.

"Hehe, sorry…" Dive scratched his head.

'The Chief and Vice-Chief are contrasting each other as usual…' Dive bitterly laughed, he never felt so welcomed and unwelcomed at the same before.

Arms crossed, Aurion seriously looked amongst his four agents, "Now that your all he-hm? Dive?" Aurion blinked at the young saiyan suddenly standing in front of him.

"Muffin?" Dive pulled out a blueberry muffin to Aurion.

"Why that's nice of you, young man, but I'm not in the mood to eat. But thanks for the offer, I really appreciate it."

Dive nods at that and moved on.

"Such a nice young man."

Dive walked over to Cabba and held out a muffin from the bag, "Muffin?"

"Sure, thanks…" Stomach growling at the sweet scent of the pastry, Cabba gladly accepted.

"No problem." Dive walked over to Arctic, "Muf-?"

"…" The Frost Demon didn't even acknowledge the Saiyan and yet a cold chill still crawled up Dive's spine.

"…S-Sorry…" Dive slinked back, and turned to Zenya, "Muffin?"

"No thanks, I already had breakf-Dive!" Zenya exclaimed.


"Focus and stop interrupting the Chief when he's debriefing a mission." Zenya scolded.

"No, no, its quite alright, Zenya!" The Namekian laughed, "Things like this are quite nice sometimes, it really brings the group together, isn't that right, Arctic?"

"…The mission please…" Arctic sighed.

"Fine, fine, but first, Dive?" Aurion directed the Saiyan's gaze to their guest seated on the bench, "Don't you have anything to say to Princess Undine?"

"I was wondering when someone was going to include me in your group dynamic. So, where's my muffin?" Undine playfully winked as she now wore a black tank top, an unzipped hoodie, blue denim shorts and red sneakers.

Dive took a moment to blankly stare at Undine as unpleasant feelings began to bubble up from within him.

"You can't have any…" Dive flatly rejected and held the bag away from her.

"Dive…" Zenya groaned as she was about to drill some manners into the young man but stopped once she heard Undine's sudden laughter.

"Still holding a sore spot because I spread pictures of you and your cute friend dressing drag onto the extranet?" Undine teased, her posts were already trending with about a million likes and demeaning comments to back up how pathetic the two saiyans looked.

"…Ah-Ahem…C-Cute?" Cabba blushed and coughed out bits of his muffin that caught in his throat.

"No, you don't get a muffin because you said I looked ugly as a girl, and that hurt my feelings." Dive sadly looked away hiding a single tear.

"Aw, I'm sorry, look, I don't think you'd make an ugly girl, heck, you'd look way better in any dress that I choose for you than the way you dress yourself now." Undine snickered.

"Why thank you. Muffin?" Dive happily stuck out the muffin.

"W-Wait, hold on, Dive, I don't think that was a compliment." Cabba sweatdropped.

"AHEM!" Aurion's loud cough garnered everyone in the plaza's sudden attention, "Excuse me for interrupting such a vibrant display of youth, but we really must get this debriefing over with before we take up too much time, understood?"

All of the agents (Arctic included) nodded.

"Now *ASTERISK* gather around me." Aurion authoritatively folded his arms behind his back.

"Sir!" Everyone did just that, and much to Undine's confusion, she saw all four of the agents place one hand in front of the other to weirdly resemble the symbol that their agency's name implied.

"At ease. First, I'd like to thank all of you for your great work this past week. Stopping a road raging kidnapper and preventing an assassination with no casualties. Plus, our new recruits Dive and Cabba have finally shown progress in settling in. Makes me proud to be the leader of this branch's squad." Aurion pushed up his glasses as he began to tear up, "W-We've sure came a long way, haven't we?"

"He's doing it again…" Zenya shook her head, she never understands how sentimental the chief can be each time they gather to get a mission or share their reports.

Groaning, Arctic walked over to the sniffling Namekian and pulled out a hanky from his vest's pocket.

"Thank you, Arctic…" Aurion loudly blew into it before recomposing himself, "S-Sorry about that. Now to the reason why I called you all here today. You all remember Princess Undine. Say hello Princess."

"Hello princess." Undine flippantly waved.

"Just the other day, Arctic and I were tasked with keeping this brave young woman safe from assassins coming from her home planet. We were able to prevent them from doing the vile deed of taking her life and successfully detained them. As we speak, they're being properly processed to and judged by the Galactic Federation." Aurion crossed his arms, "Now all that's left is to escort Princess Undine to the Bespa spaceport, Dive and Cabba, I'll leave that up to you."

"R-Really!?" Dive and Cabba excitedly gasped.

"Really…?" Zenya asked, uncertain.

"We really get to have our own mission!?" Dive happily jumped in place.

"B-By ourselves?" Cabba was less enthusiastic than his friend but still wore a bright smile.

Aurion gave the two a grin and a thumbs up.

"Haha! Yes, finally!" Dive bounced about in joy.

"I can't wait to tell Captain Renso about this!" Cabba laughed.

Both saiyans rushed to Undine, who did a double take at the two's sudden exuberance.

"Princess, we won't let you down!" Both saiyans saluted.

"R-Right, thanks…" Undine nervously laughed.

Walking over to Aurion, Zenya curiously quirked an eyebrow at her boss.

"Sir with all due respect…" Zenya watched the two saiyans bumble about in incessant laughter and joy like a pair of children, "…Do I even have to say anything?"

"I believe that they're capable of at least this much, Zenya. So, what's the harm?"

"Well, it makes sense based on the spot that you've chosen for the meeting."

Zenya nodded at the Namekian's words finding logic in them considering that the station wasn't too far from where they were at.

"…Well, I don't see the reason why the rookies are the only ones escorting her." Arctic commented.

"Is that perchance a request to go with them?" Surprised, Zenya raised an eyebrow. Was that concern she heard in the Frost Demon's tone?

"Don't be absurd, but I wouldn't mind if someone went with them to make sure that they don't screw it up. Just because the first batch of assassins failed won't mean that terrorist group won't send more to strike while the iron's hot." Arctic narrowed his eyes as he kept a close watch on the moving populace around the plaza.

"True, but… Are you offering to stay with them?" Zenya asked.


"Because it really sounds like you do. Oh, wait, let me guess, your worried about the princess, aren't you?" Zenya giggled.

"Protecting her life is the objective of the mission, so of course I'd want for things to go smoothly." Arctic stated in neutral manner.

"That's not what I meant, and you know it…" Zenya groaned and shrugged, "Wouldn't hurt you to admit to actually being fond of someone."

"Ahem…again…" Aurion coughed, "Your concerns aren't falling on deaf ears, Arctic, but I believe that the boys are capable of holding their own. If I've learned anything during my travels across the space, its to believe in the potential of Saiyans."

"…If that's what you wish then so be it…" Arctic passively shrugged.

"Besides, I have something more urgent that requires both of you to assist me."



Both Zenya and Arctic looked to Aurion shocked to hear their Chief's lighthearted of voice became a few notches to low and gravely firm. It was made even more unsettling based on the fact that he was still wearing his usual smile while directing his attention to the three teenagers.

"Now Cabba and Dive?" He called out.

"Yes, sir!" The two saiyans studiously saluted their chief.

"I want you two to be absolutely vigilant while escorting the Princess, understand? If anything were to happen to her…" Aurion warned.

"Don't worry, Chief, you can leave it to us! We'll escort Princess Undine so hard that she'll be off the planet in no time!" Dive laughed.

"We promise, we won't let you all down." Cabba saluted.

Zenya shook her head, "At least you two are looking livelier than ever, but remember. Should anything go wrong; don't make a mess, avoid civilian casualties at all cost…"

"Yep, yep, we got it, Zen-!" It was the same old, same old that the orange haired Heranian doles to them just before a mission.

"Dive…" Zenya coldly narrowed her eyes at the sleeping mask wearing saiyan, "Did I say that I was finished…?"

"U-Urp, no, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am…" Dive shrunk back and bowed his head.

"Oof, talk about being whipped…" Undine joked.

"AHEM!" Zenya's steely stare moved to Undine.


Cabba sweatdropped as he watched both his friend and the princess crumple under Zenya's imperious glare. Their superior may be strict and nice, but his personal experience with saiyan women gave him the common decency not to push the buttons of any woman from any race.

"And the last thing that I want you two to remember and take to heart should things get worse." She strongly clasped both of the young men's shoulders, "Focus on keeping your lives and rely on each other. Do I make myself clear?"

Zenya pulled back and crossed her arms to be met with the surprised faces of both Dive and Cabba. That was certainly a new one for the pair, usually the last thing she lectures them was about following some random regulation.

"Do I make myself clear you two?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Both Dive and Cabba ardently saluted the woman, as they're earlier overzealous attitude was replaced with resolved tension though it didn't do much to wipe the smile off of Dive's face.

"Good. Now Princess, I wish that you have a safe trip back home." Zenya bowed.

"Thank you, its been nice getting to know you Miss Zenya despite our short time together." Undine gracefully curtsied, "And you too Sir Aurion, I really wished that I could have had the chance to hear a tale from one of the Galactic Federation's vaunted heroes."

"No worries, I'd be happy to share with you my stories once your planet's situation had been sorted out." Aurion waved the notion off.

"What are they talking about… Is the Chief really that known to the Federation?" Dive scratched his head and whispered to Cabba.

"Are you ser-? Right, right, I forgot that you weren't interested in the politics that surrounded the Federation much less Sadala's own affairs. I'll fill you in on it later…" Cabba facepalmed at his friend's own ignorance and thought, 'We've been here for a month, it wouldn't have killed you to do some research…'

"If it'll ever be sorted out…" Undine frowned and sadly smiled as the thought of finally returning home finally hit her. It may have been short lived and dreadfully frightening, but the stimulation was an exciting change of pace than staying cooped up in the castle all day and going back to being paranoid about anyone and everyone.

"…" Arctic walked past her, and didn't deem to give eye contact as he lowly said, "Remember what I said…"

-"If you really want to thank me then try to get stronger. Not strong in the sense of physical power, but mental fortitude. If your life is constantly going to be on the line, then try to steel yourself to keep on living. If the others after you and your father's lives were as gutless like this trash then there's no possible way that you should die to them. You're strong, and I refuse to fathom that fools like them should even claim your lives, understood?"-

"R-Right, I'll do my best, thanks, Arctic." Undine reached her arms out to hug the Frost Demon but flinched back after getting a flick to the nose by his tail, "H-Hey!"

"I don't do jokes, or hugs…" And with that Arctic walked off just far enough next to Aurion, "Also, I trust that you'll keep what I told you in confidence a secret, understood?"

"Yes, sir…" Undine still fussed over her aching nose but taunted the Frost Demon by sticking out her tongue. Their time together might have seemed short too, but she knew that the Frost Demon was such a softie underneath that cold exterior.

"Hey, Vice-Chief do you have any words of encouragement for us too?" Dive laughed, hoping to milk some good tidings from the usually cold Frost Demon.

"…Try hard not to die and screw up, Genus." Arctic shrugged.

"Wow, thanks, sir! I promise that I won't let you down!" Dive valiantly saluted.

"D-Dive, I don't think he was trying to encoura-…"


"Nevermind…" Cabba stopped, he couldn't bring himself to dampen his friend's bright mood.

"Everyone be careful and have a lovely day!"

Taking flight, Aurion along with Arctic and Zenya waved the trio goodbye albeit with Arctic barely putting in the effort to do so as they flew off in bursts of white aura, moving at sonic speeds into the deep blue skies above.

"So, Chief… How serious is this issue?" Zenya asked as they managed to enter the space just below the skyways.

"Deadly serious…" Aurion emphasized the "Deadly" part which caused even the stoic faced Arctic to slightly narrow his eyes. The Namekian could already tell that his Vice-Chief was catching his meaning.

"I'll show you two around the site that collective reports made the sighting…"

Looking at their three superiors fly off, Dive immediately turned to his best friend and punched his open palm, "We've got this, right?"

"It surely will be a walk in the park." Cabba also noticed that the station was near the plaza they were staying at. It almost made him disappointed, it was obvious that the Chief gave them a handicap for their mission, but the thought being given a solo mission that they can handle themselves is an honor in of itself either way, "To make the trip go faster, we should probably fly there. Reduces any contact with civilians should anything happen."

"Sounds like a plan, man!" Taking to the air, Dive began to float over to Undine, "Alright, Princess! Let's take you home!"

"Fine, but do you think we cou-?" Undine stuck out her hand but proceeded to clench her eyes shut once the saiyan powerfully flew off into the distance.

"FOLLOW ME!" Dive bellowed as he was already gone from sight.


"…You can't fly, can you?" Cabba sweatdropped.

"I thought that should at least be obvious…" Undine rolled her and shook her head.

"So…uh, shall we?" Cabba approached her but hesitated once she gave him a wary stare, "I mean if its okay with you because you can't fly, but I can… Not that I'm saying you can't ever fly, I mean, with enough training over your chi then its definitely possibly, and I'm rambling, aren't I?"

"Sure are. In fact, it was frankly annoying, y'know."

"O-Oh, sorry…" Cabba frowned and lowered his head.

"Sheesh, I was only joking, Chatterbox." Undine winked.

"O-Oh…Oh! Okay, well, um…thanks…?" Cabba awkwardly smiled.

"Geez, your too straightforward." Undine shook her head, 'A step up from Arctic's brooding and more the fun for me… In fact…' A clever idea was starting to percolate in that maniacal pretty of her's.

"Say Cabba, my things were already transferred to the Space Bay this morning, so…"

But before the Neptunian Princess could finish, a huge wave of wind hit the both of them as Dive returned back to the plaza. The young saiyan was laughing hysterically as he approached the pair.

"So… I kind of forgot my way to the Space Port…hehe…"


'Is this guy really serious right now…' Undine sweatdropped.

Cabba facepalmed, "Dive… The Port is literally a straightforward trip downtown… Just keep flying forward, and you'll make it. You'll know when you see it." Considering that it was the first space port that they used when arriving on the planet only a few months ago.

"Got it!" Dive turned to Undine with a cheeky smile, "Also, sorry Princess. I kind of forgot to ask if you could fly and when I didn't see you behind me, I kind of got the picture, heh…my bad…" Dive scratched his head.

"Oh, n-no problem. Really…" Undine coyly laughed before immediately looking to Cabba, "Also, Cabba about what I was about to say…hey, hey, what are you-? Eeek!"

The Neptunian squeaked as Dive tactlessly picked her up, the fashion of it would look more elegant if he wasn't hefting her over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes.

"There! That ought to make things easy!" Dive proudly laughed.

"D-Dive, I-!" Cabba stretched out his arm to halt his friend but…

"Now let's go, Cabba! For reals time! Woohoo!"

"Heeeeelp meeeeee!"

Dive hollered and cheered as he was already barreling through the skies once again yet this time, he was accompanied by the panicked screaming of the princess hanging off his shoulder and holding onto dear life.

"..." Frozen in place, Cabba takes a deep breath before trailing after the pair in a burst of white aura, "It's okay, Cabba, the mission will go directly as planned. I mean, we're just dropping off the princess which is way simpler than stopping an overnight revolt. I'm sure that nothing will go wrong… Dear kais above, I really hope that I didn't jinx us."

Just as the trio cleared the area, a black Harley jet bike pulls itself out of the corner behind one of the building's alleys. A leather jacketed individual donned in a worn-out black motorcycle helmet observed the two saiyans in the air, more specifically, Dive with a panicking Undine over his shoulder as it reflected off their dark polarized visor.

*Vroooom~! Vrooooom~!*

Their leather gloved hands trembled before aggressively turning up the torque of the bike, collecting enough exhaust to cause some of the populace discomfort in the form of a fit of violent coughing before taking off into the skies after the *ASTERISK* agents.

By lagging their speed and keeping themselves at a distance, they avoided arousing their suspicion. Now, all they needed to do was wait before striking…


Bespa Space Port, one of many space ports that inhabited planet Gaia. The tides of aliens of varying races poured out to and fro through gates and carrier shuttles. As the central nexus for businesses and opportunities, Planet Gaia was a hot podge of races trying to establish themselves a place in the universe.

A hot podge that Dive and Cabba have well established themselves in after being dropped off in the exact port for the past four months.

"It feels like its been ages since we've last been here." Cabba breathed in, nostalgically as they walked around the place for a bit.

"Really? Feels like only four months to me." Dive shrugged while following Cabba, garnering a few odd stares in the process.

"That's because it has been four months…" Cabba chuckled, "And I think we've grown quite a bit since then, right?"

"Meh, we could still do way better...whoa…" Dive rebalanced himself.

"Strange, I thought you'd be so positive that we did."

"I mean, I do, but it just sounds like something Granny would say."

"Thinking about it, based on the few times that I met her it definitely would be something that she would say."

"Plus, its technically true when you think about…whoops…almost…okay…" Dive grunted and laughed as he rebalanced himself again, "We've gotten noticeably stronger, but to be honest, I don't think these past four months have been that extraordinary."

Stopping crime was a great feeling for the saiyan, but in comparison to their time as soldiers on Sadala, they haven't really had the chance to deal with any major threats. It was all about following regulation, dress code, and proper patrol etiquette especially the etiquette part…for Dive at least.

"True, but that's because we're still rookies so the Chief will only leave the usual patrols with us while giving the real missions to Arctic and Zenya." Cabba explained, "Plus, those three have been doing this stuff for years before we came along, so it's understandable that there aren't any big crises that forces us to join them. So, it's not all that bad…" And honestly, Cabba was happy that way because it meant less danger for the citizens.

"I guess…whoa…!"


"Sorry…" Dive apologized.

"Okay, Dive, why are you walking on your hands?" The levelheaded saiyan had been trying his best to ignore it, but he just couldn't since his friend had been doing the action ever since they arrived, and its been garnering a few odd looks from onlookers.

"As an apology, Princess Undine was oddly mad at me for something, so I'm doing this apology ritual that they do Neptunia where I walk on my two hands until I'm forgiven." Dive explained.

'Obviously, she's tricking you after the way you handled her while flying…' Cabba sweatdropped.

"Dive, she's messing with you, you don't have to do that. Just apologize again and walk normally."

"Yeah, I was thinking that too, but then I realized how fun would it be to see how long I can do this before she apologizes. Plus, its great training…" Dive grinned.

"W-Well, if your happy, then enjoy yourself." Cabba awkwardly smiled.

"Hehehehehe!" Like a monkey, Dive excitedly clapped his feet together and continued to waddle around the lobby a bit more. Leaving Cabba to sheepishly watch his friend enjoy himself.

"Hey, you guys!" A familiar voice called out.

"Princess?" Cabba blinked in surprise as Undine ran back to them. Getting her through processing was a snap since all her things were already loaded up to her assigned shuttle waiting to take her to Neptunia. All she had to do was show them her passport and be on her way.

"Ah, Princess! You here to say goodbye to us?" Dive laughed and sniffled, "That's touching, bring it in!" Dive spread his legs out for a hug and inched his arms to approach Undine, who was very weirded out by the sight.

"N-No thanks, I'm fine and you don't have to stay like that anymore. I-I forgive you…" Undine sweatdropped.

"…Okay…" Dive shrugged.



"…So, are you going to stand up or wh-?"

"So, did you come here to say thanks and goodbye, princess?" Dive tilted his head.

'Guess not…' Undine groaned.

"Actually, I didn't come to say neither. I was given time by father and the guards to have a bit more play time." Undine giggled.

"Say what now?" Cabba shook his head in disbelief.

"It's the truth, the guards even told me themselves too." Undine stuck her tongue out and did the peace sign.

"Really?" Even Dive was a bit skeptical.

"It seems a bit sudden don't you think?" Cabba said before mumbling to himself, "I'm pretty sure that the chief must have contacted King Neptune before assigning the mission. So why the sudden change?"

"Psshaw! Don't think too deeply into it, my father, the King had always been a Daddy's Girl, so it was a cinch to convince him to let me even come here. A little free time is just an added bonus." Undine winked, "So boys, what do you think about escorting me around the city for some fun? I'll even let you decide the place of where you like to eat."

"…Maybe we should…go check with the King before possibly doing that." Cabba scratched his head.

"What, you saying that you don't trust me?" Undine sent Cabba an accusatory glare.

"No, its not that. You see, we just want to be sure, so we don't screw up the mission. And if minds were changed when you came to us, well it saves us a bit of a hassle." Cabba said, "Since…"

"Since your word is super unreliable considering that you came here by yourself without your guards." Dive put it bluntly.

"Yeah, that…" Cabba nodded.

"I'll have you know that I'm super reliable, and the guards decided to take a break…I think…so its all good! I mean, you can trust me right, boys…?" Undine pouted her lips and gave the two saiyans a passionate, smoldering look.

"…" Both men looked to each other before facing away from the princess to huddle together. Well, huddle together with Cabba crouching next to the hand standing Michael.

"So, you feeling Chinese because I could really go for a bucket of Teriyaki?"

"Dive!" Cabba in a hushed voice exclaimed.

"What? I'm sick of eating pizza and sushi from those restaurants near the apartments." Dive said.

"Are you serious? You just literally said that her word's unreliable."

"Yeah I did, but we should still probably go." Dive shrugged.


"Because don't you think it would be nice to hang out with her?"

"Its not just about hanging out, we have a mission to do."

"Yep, but its not a time sensitive mission, so we're good. Lets go."

"Wait, we can't! We should at least ask the King if he was telling the truth."

"Nah, lets just go have fun with her and come back when we're done."

"But…" Cabba paused as Dive gave him a thoughtful smile.

"Don't you think that she deserves this much, I mean, she was literally ready to die yesterday and heck, she even gained the Vice-Chief of all people's respect. So, let's play around town and give her a big send off before leaving." Dive grinned, "Least we can do for helping us get those assassin jerks."

"Dive…" Even Cabba was blown away from his fellow saiyan's sympathetic words, he sometimes forgets how profound the saiyan could be when he's not goofing off in his own world or caught up in his gluttonous tendencies and that's coming from another Saiyan of all people.

"Plus, I kind of burned off those blueberry muffins from all of the flying, so I could really go for a pick me up, hehe!"

'…So, half of his motivation was food based, well, at least his heart is in the right place.' Cabba deadpanned but gave his friend a grin.

"Welp, we may get in trouble if we're caught. Receive an earful from Zenya, a crushing disappointed look from Chief…"

"And the Vice-Chief potentially killing us…" Dive added.

"That too, but we can sacrifice the perfect success of our mission to make the Princess happy, so let's do i-aaaaaaaaaugh!"

"Dear kai in Otherworld!"

"Hi." Undine cheekily grinned as both of the frightened Saiyans turned back to see her hanging her head over their shoulders, "Surprised you guys didn't notice me, so I'll take it that you're in agreement to help me?"



Both saiyans gave Undine a thumbs up, which resulted in Dive being unbalanced from his handstand and falling over.

"Great… Onwards to…anywhere on this vast city of a planet because we're free to do what we want!" Undine cheered.

"Yeah!" Dive picked himself up on his two feet and heartily roared.

"Uh, lets not be too free, okay?" Cabba scratched his head and sweatdropped, they didn't need to cause too much trouble especially in the middle of an assignment. As they made their way to the exit, it occurred to Cabba to ask one more question.

"So, what time do you think your guards want you to be back?" Cabba emphasized the "think" when talking to the princess.

"Hm, dunno, probably before it becomes dark." Undine shrugged, 'Besides, I didn't see any of them on the ship, so they must have definitely been busy off on some short tour or something…'

Taking to the air once more, the trio began their next objective: Searching for entertainment. Though this time, Undine decided to take comfort in Cabba's arms rather than Dive's for the flight much to the tanned Saiyan's embarrassment from the contact.

However, the pair of saiyans did come across a big bump on the road before their change of objective had even started.

"So…you boys have enough credits to spot this little joyride?" Undine nervously laughed.

"E-Eh!?" Both Cabba and Dive grew blanch and blankly looked to one another.


Somewhere on that very same space port, a pair of individuals emerged from the confines of one of the station's many storage closets. The pair were donned in an unusual set of garments that seemed rather worn out with their main defining trait being their hooded cloaks and their ominously blank masks with green gems crested on the forehead.

Opening the door, one of them carried a silvery-white trident as their attire consisted of a dark blue hooded cloak and an eerie white mask. Their form was quite toned and lithe as their stature seemed to be about average, especially in comparison to their partner.

Lugging three duffel bags out of the storage closet was a rather intimidating individual, they wore the same cloak, but instead it was red along with their mask being a morbid black. Unlike the blue individual, their form was quite tall as they appeared to be about six feet, with a curvaceous and extremely athletic build.

The pair looked back into the storage closet one last time to see the duffel bag that they had left behind. Nothing looked out of the ordinary save for a bit of dust and a pooling of scarlet liquid from the bag.

"…" Catching notice of something, the pair looked in the direction of the exit. Three power signatures were moving east, and one of them was much weaker in comparison to the two, and had that familiar feel to it like that Neptunian Terrorist Leader.

It was their target…

Looking to the taller red cloaked figure, the blue stranger nodded with their partner in turn as they both went in opposite directions.

The Red stranger properly finishing up with getting rid of the "trash".

The Blue stranger locking on and tracking their target of interest.

Next Chapter- TBA

Welp, I hoped that you all enjoyed the chapter! I’m going to do my best to expand the story and its lore by adding more about the Galactic Federation and the individual planets and their races in the Auxillary Volume!

Welp, stay safe out there! I’m Out so Peace Out and have a lovely day.

Welp, I hoped that you all enjoyed the chapter!

Retribrutuscreators' thoughts