
Dragon Ball Z: The Tales of Universe VI!

For many years, planets have been at war with one another out of attempts to gain more land and build up powerful kingdom for themselves until peace was finally gained thanks to the Galactic Federation unifying the various planets of the universe into a single unit of power. With unification comes change in the form of protection for the most prominent of planets called *ASTERISK*!

Retribrutus · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

"For SCIENCE!" (™) by Rose Tuff

"Rose-sama is love~!"

"Rose-sama is life~!"

"Rose-sama is a goddess~!"

A rowdy crowd of aliens dressed in business suits enthusiastically grouped up together to sing praise to the adorable tuffle woman dutifully taking their orders.

"Teehee, oh, you guys~!" The small tuffle giggled.

Another day, another chance to earn some well-deserved creds from the easily manipulated masses. For Rose, her café was a literal hot podge for tired aliens going through the average grind of surviving through the taxing financial jungle that was Planet Gaia. Those who worked in established conglomerates or businesses slave away day and night to meet an ever-growing quota with no momentary end in sight.

The Galaxy never rests, so why should competing companies?

The pink haired tuffle had always hated her "delayed" petite form ever since she was old enough to piece together a miniature black hole generator at the ripe age of twelve. However, she herself found that a particular group amongst her many devoted patrons have a thing for her childish stature and maids.

Oddly, those two saiyan suckers who dressed as maids for her counted too since there were a few customers into crossdressers. Makes her remember that everyday brought along with it many surprises.

But above all else though, she knew the typical saying "sex may sell" but, she's come to learn that in comparison "cuteness dominates".

"Rose-sama, please marry me~!" Shouted a blue skinned male Brench-Seijin.

"M-Marriage, I-I don't know if I…" Letting out a small gasp, the tuffle took the notepad pocketed in her apron and held it up to her mouth, "That sounds so sudden…ehe…"

"You fool! You would dare deprive us all of Rose-sama by claiming her for yourself!?"

"Burn the infidel! Burn HIM!"

Soon enough, the aliens were beginning to gang up on the proposing Brench-seijin to the point to where a fight escalating is inevitable.

"P-Please don't fight…" The sounds of sniffling and tears dropping on the floor garnered the group's attention. Clutching the notebook much closer to herself while slipping her hand into her apron's pocket, the tuffle meekly whimpered, "I-I don't think my heart can take it…!"

"…!" The entire group of admirers did a collective spit take at the sorrow that they foolishly placed on the fair maiden.

"N-No, Rose-sama, don't cry!"

"A-A joke, yes, I was simply joking!" The Brench-seijin laughed.

"We all were, hahahaha! Isn't that right guys…" One of the aliens dangerously looked at the Brench-seijin threateningly, and he wasn't the only one as the others soon followed suit. Their laughter and smiles were only a mask to conceal their menacing response to the earlier proposal.

"Right?" The alien emphasized.

"R-Right…" The Brench-seijin nervously laughed, half lying to never betray his feelings for Rose and to save his skin from his jealous compatriots.

"R-Really? I'm so happy~!" Rose happily wiped the tears from her eyes, "I'm so glad that you all get to remain as great friends, it fills me with joy to see you all together in my humble old cafe." Like a hurricane, the adorable tuffle's smile swept across the group of aliens who were speechless as their rapid beating hearts and flushed cheeks overwhelmed their senses.

"R-Rose-sama's teary smile is just as good, isn't it?"

"No question…"

The aliens began mumbling to themselves about the woman in question while she simply picks up her notepad and began scribbling their orders for them.

"Now allow me to reward everyone here with a free banana split parfait! On the house!" Rose giggled, clearly garnering even more of their affection.

"We love you~!"

"Aw, thanks…" Rose cutely stuck her tongue out while continuing to scribble on the notepad, her pen. It wasn't until a quick beep from her portable CPU watch annoyingly caught her attention, her sickeningly cute exterior nearly crumbling. Building herself back up, she gently looked to a nearby employee of hers to come over.

"Yes, ma'am." A mature teal skinned Vainite woman garbed in a french maid uniform approached her.

"I have business that requires my attention, so make sure to give these lovely gentlemen what they ordered, okay?" Rose's childishly laughed while ripping off a page from her notepad to.

"Whatever you say, Boss."

"Ah, remember~! Refer to me as Madam Rose." The tuffle tutted the Vainite with a bit of edge in her voice.

"R-Right, sorry, M-Madam Rose." The Vainite quickly corrected herself as she retreated from looking at her boss' smile to examine the order sheet. Her eyes widened at the ludicrous orders given for each member of the table, the odd free parfaits aside, everything else was over 2,000 credits.



The Vainite employee flinched, her boss stopping her cheery trod to the kitchen of her humble establishment to stiffly turn around and give her employee the most widest of smiles through grit teeth.

"…" Finding that it was better to go over to her, the Vainite walked over and leaned down closer to Rose's ear to whisper, "About these orders, they don't seem right. Each one is from our more expensive menu. I don't think they'll be happy to see this."

"Of course, they will, just tell them that I specifically chose it for them?" Rose smiled.


"They're all so special so I made sure to choose a meal that I believe would best symbolize each of them." Rose giggled.

"But Madam, you wrote the same Devil Chocolate cake order for two of them." The Vainite sweatdropped.

"Meh, then just tell whoever I gave them to that I know they're just gonna be the best of friends, and if they're already best friends then that's a bonus on my part." Rose shrugged.

"I-I see…" The Vainite perplexingly rubbed her neck.

"Look as long as you tell them and anyone who adores me that I chose these desserts for them, then they'll be eating right out of the palm of your hands, and more importantly mine…" The Vainite shuddered, the tuffle's once round and innocent eyes now darkly narrowed along with her smile creepily etching upwards to form the most wicked of smirks.

In an instant, Rose's innocent mask reemerged as she looked to the group of aliens back to singing her adorable praises once more.

"I trust that you have no issues with how I run my business, hm?" Rose seriously questioned.

"N-No, none at all, bo-!" The Vainite flinched and recomposed herself as Rose's eyes narrowed, "I mean, Madam Rose…"

"Good. Well, Bye~!" Taking off, Rose waved goodbye to her employee, her wailing admirers and her busy staff as she vanishes past the front counter, holding a display case of her sweet delectable, and retreats into the unoccupied kitchen. Humming to herself, she skips right over to the storage closet and places a hand on the white wall next to it. Splitting apart, the wall reveals a scanner, quite a small one at that about the size of her diminutive hand, which she lays on it.

After a green light shone from it, a lighthearted beep emitted itself from the scanner while followed by a recorded message.

[Hand Print Identified. Welcome, Madam Rose Tuff.]

The ground in front of her rumbled as the door leading to storage closet shook. In a few seconds, the dinky light of the closet was replaced with a more brighter LED lighting as it seeped through the cracks of the door.

Opening the door, Rose looked into the former closet to find a pristine white and black elevator, fitted with screens showing footage from her security cameras around the outside and inside of the café.

Taking a deep breath, Rose's smile fell once she entered and slammed the door shut, a needed action as the elevator responds by slightly moving downwards while a bit of rumbling above it readjusted the pushed back storage closet back into its original place.

Dusting her apron off of any crumbs, Rose began undoing her two ponytails, letting her long pink hair flow past her shoulders and rest against them. Clapping her hands, the elevator responds in kind by opening a compartment containing a lab coat, a small glasses case and a lighter.

Finding it to be a chore to hang up her apron, she stuffed it into the compartment and slipped into the lab coat just before retrieving her black rimmed glasses from their case. Not forgetting the last thing, she threw in a two bottles of eyedrops that she uses to up her charm at work when crying.

Leaning against the wall, Rose tiredly looked to the ceiling while digging through her lab coat's pocket for her box of cigarettes.

"Tch! I knew I should have bought more…" She clicked her tongue as she looked at the remaining two sticks in the box. Shrugging, she sticks one into her mouth and lazily reaches into the compartment beside her for the lighter.

Lighting it, she took a deep breath, and exhaled a puff of smoke. The arid smell of the cigarette already filling the enclosed space. Momentarily closing her eyes, Rose just relishes the moment of silence and sighs.

'All we need is some liquor lying around and some screaming, and it'll feel just like home…' No sooner did the thought cross her mind that Rose was about to bite into the cigarette, but eventually stopped herself before she wasted one of the remaining stress relievers that she had.

"Taking me to the lab…" Rose groaned, she felt her stomach sink as the elevator immediately complied with her command. Taking a few moments to appreciate as much silence as she could before having it ripped away from her as soon as she reaches her lab.

A few minutes pass, and a ding chimes out from the ceiling. The doors open and she takes a step out to enter her massive expanse of an underground laboratory, dwarfing the size of her café up above. The lab certainly wasn't as sterile as you'd expect one to be, her invention laid about all over the place with only a few of them being properly displayed while the unfinished or abandoned projects were left lying on tables or the floor.

Remnants of potato chip bags, cup of noodles and many snack wrappers filled the areas that she usually worked at, especially the desk to her supercomputer which sat in the middle of the room. The keyboard was covered in oil and poorly maintained while the multiple screens themselves were filled with many different contents.

From news reports of the Galactic Federation getting into another spat with the representatives of Onigashima, the current exploits of the "Alien Buster" hunting an infamous band of assassins, reports on rising Space Pirate activity being demographically compared in the known quadrants in the galaxy, and one with an uninteresting ad trying to showcase the Federation's upcoming Planetary Galactic Tournament. She honestly forgot to close that last one when she was rushing to do her shift.

And she was just about to get on that but found herself occupied with a glaring issue that was happening across the large room where a mess of noise was already starting to give her a pounding headache.

And the source was coming from her Assistant, Snare.

"Kid, I'm not going to ask you again, get your ass out of the wall before I kick it!" Angrily growled, a rather fiery young man. He was still in his teens, and was considerably tall at about six feet in height. His skin was a light scarlet red which better complemented his spiky white hair which Rose swore defied just as much gravity as any saiyan she's ever met, and pair of red horns adorned the skull of his head. Most of all his green eyes fiercely burned just as much as she would expect from someone that came from that race.

His attire was fairly basic with a simple, black t-shirt, blue shorts and the unsightly metal collar attached to his throat with small bulbs containing a clear liquid. Much to Rose's growing annoyance, the boy wasn't wearing shoes just as she ordered him to do so multiple times while living in volatile space like her laboratory.

She knew that the boy's feet were already calloused, scarred and roughened beyond repair to not even feel glass, but she really didn't want to have to take the teen to a hospital and explain her circumstances to anyone. It would look terrible for her and her business, not to mention arouse suspicions from home.

Taking pace to see what the commotion was about, Rose looked to the pager in Snare's hand and rolled her eyes before momentarily widening them as she came to her assistant's side.

"Guess this was an apt enough situation to interrupt my shift." Rose calmly inhaled her cigarette and breathed the residual smoke from out of her nose.

It would seem her arrival through elevator wasn't acknowledged by the red skinned teen since he jumped at the sound of her monotoned voice.

"Ack-! Madam, y-you're here, sorry for the sudden call. I know that you told me to only call for emergencies but this really requires your expertise because I have no clue on how to handle this. I mean, your obviously the smartest person on the whole planet, well, I think so. Your actually the only smart person I know, but wait, it doesn't mean that your not one of the smartest people on the planet it just means-!"

"Shut up." Rose quietly hissed at the panicking teen.

"Yes, madam…" Snare's head fell in depression.

'To think your one of the allegedly feared Red Oni.' Rose sighed and shook her head, 'Domestication can quite literally turn anyone into a bitch.' Which was why she wasn't planning on searching for any husbands to eventually EX out of her life.

Leaning in to closer examine the strange phenomena on the wall, Rose muttered, "Now what do we have here." Or more specifically, who do we have here.

It was a portal, a poorly made portal, but a stable one nonetheless. The frequencies channeling and holding it together were just barely maintained by whatever energy source the user was using probably power the machine that made it. Ah, yes, the user.

She had no idea who the goggled, lavender haired teen that was sticking their tongue at them was. Nor could she identify the laboratory that was seen just behind the taunting teen, who she guessed was barely in their teens; the most that she could make out was a logo of "CC" in the background.


"Do you see something, Madam?"


"R-Right, sorry…"

'Those eyes...' Suddenly, Rose's mind flashed to a pair of her temporary employees just a night ago and blinked, 'You have to really look closer to see it, but are they a saiyan?' She gave the individual on the other side a more closer examination much to her regret.

Now the teen was flipping them the bird just perfect.

"…" Rose's eyes narrowed as she reached into her lab coat's pocket.

"You-!" Snare growled and tightened his fists, "To even do that to Madam Rose! You brat, if you really want to start something then come over here and fight like a-!"


"Man?" Snare gulped just before a series of bright flashes of light engulfed the room as each round of compressed plasma was sent firing into the portal with precise aim. As soon as it was over, Snare gaped at the sight of Rose now brandishing a plasma revolver with smoke now steaming out of its nozzle.

"M-Madam…?" Snare could barely get any words out of his mouth, just now his madam just unloaded her full cartridge through the portal and into the stupid kid on the other side. He did find the brat to be super vexing with his constant demeaning faces and rude gestures, but he didn't want to kill him.

"Don't worry…" Rose popped the remaining bullet out of the chamber and caught it, "I made sure not to waste the last bullet. Wanna play Russian Roulette later?"

'Hell no!' For as long as he could remember after being 'inducted' by their madam, he always found that neutral face of hers to exceed her usually terrifying anger. It was like, how was he supposed to react to any of this?

Already cringing at the thought of seeing the child's bullet ridden body, Snare painfully and slowly looked to the portal and…

…found that giving him the bird, but with two hands this time, was the same kid completely unscathed.

"W-Wha-how?" Snare smacked the side of his face in shock.

"The portal's still incomplete, the kid must have did a rush job or something on the portal invention. We've been talking this whole time and they hasn't even said a thing, not to mention that they probably can't see us." Rose explained as she proceeded to flip the teen off, earning no response, "See?"

"O-Oh…" If Snare could be any redder than he already was, he'd be redder than a smacked baby's bottom. He felt so stupid for fighting with a kid, who couldn't even see him much less know he was even there.

"Don't feel to ashamed, everyone acts a bit stupid from time to time, its natural. Well, not for me but still, you're not the only one in that department." Rose pointed to the teen on the other side of the portal who only continued to stick out their tongue and flip them off in a more hilarious fashion.

"So buck up, okay?" Rose walked past Snare who was beginning to form the smallest of smiles. Not until the Oni realizes that the portal was still projecting itself on the wall.

"But Madam what about the uh…"

"My new invention will take care of it, or the kid on the other side will power it off once he's bored." Rose lazily waved it off.

"O-Okay…" Snare shrugged, but the last thing he saw through the portal before catching up to walk with Rose was the teen excitedly catching up with an approaching young boy in orange who seemed a bit younger than them.

Pulling the tarp off of one of the more cleaner tables of the lab, which really spoke of its importance to the Tuffle, Rose unveiled a rectangular, handled device, thrumming with a humming pulse of electrified energy. The craftmanship behind the design was fairly basic considering it was a prototype, but the very concept for its creation was what would really garner some attention.

Looking at the device, Snare flinched, not much to Rose's surprise since she did test the device out on him in order to work out some lingering bugs. If not, she'll only be taking a step forward and ten steps back if she bombs the presentation especially for her "clients" who she's still paying back after her last purchase.

Quickly steeling herself before even deigning to look at Snare, she shrugged, "So I believe a name's in order, otherwise, I'd be giving the rights over to some bitch, who might already have a stick up their ass."

This drew a chuckle out from Snare, who caught onto the inside joke.

"Well, I could come up with something far more creative and mind tantalizing for all to latch onto. But I'm going the lazy route and calling it a K-EMP." Rose took a deep breath of her cigarette and let out a heavy puff.


"Yeah, K-EMP. Ki-Electromagnetic Pulse, I know I shouldn't go into the details about what it does, do I, Mr. Guinea Pig?" Rose teasingly smirked at the shuddering Snare, still mortified by the experience.

All he could remember from the past few weeks was him being strapped down to a surgical table and repeatedly tasered with high voltage prods. He was lucky to have used his Ki to defend against the brunt of most of the shocks, but there were moments to where he found his life energy not properly reacting after an unsettling zap.

"If its not too much trouble, ma'am, please elaborate." Snare gulped, averting his eyes away from his Madam. But the Tuffle didn't give him the same deadpan stare, he was usually acquainted with, instead she was looking a fairly bit amused.

"Nice to see that your willing to stay curious after I basically experimented on you like a game of Operation. That curiosity may kill you but it'll also keep you alive much longer if you decide to keep asking the right questions." Picking up a nearby hardback book, Rose handed it over to Snare, "It was difficult to find an appropriate book to help me, but luckily I was able to find this one on Yab-E of all places. I wasn't in the mood to spend over 10,000 credits for a new up to date journal, so I decided to buy this generically titled book at around 2,500 credits."

"The Anatomy of Man and Life by Calvados?" Snare read the book's cover and gazed at the cover photo on it, which depicts a Vitruvian Man comprised of a multitude of alien appendages coming off of the main figure which appeared more humanoid.

"And sure enough, I hit the jackpot, the data that book contained would put today's research articles to shame. Though it is quite outdated…" Seriously, she swore that she saw a paragraph speaking about Saiyans and the connection between the moon and their now vestigial tails, "That book not only details the ins and outs of the body functions of most aliens recorded at the time, but it also goes into depth about the Chi-Network and Chi Nodes of the body."

"Chi-Network? Node?" Snare repeated, questioning the terms.

Hopping up, Rose attempted to hop onto and sit on the table, but found her short height unable to do so, so shrugging it off, she leaned back against the table's edge and groaned, "They're basically why muscle heads like you can pull off herculean feats. The Chi-Network is similar to one's blood vessels, it gets your chi to where it needs to be, and your Chi Nodes are simply the pores on your body that releases your chi."

"Really? So this stuff has a system?" Acting as though he'll see the pores, Snare doesn't hesitate to enshroud himself in a blackish-red light, as his aura poured right out off his body. He excitedly looked at his body to see if Rose's words rang true. Rose was a bit unnerved and reminded by the display of sheer power that young man displayed, but held herself together just enough to scold the teen from continuing.

"Of course, there's a system for everything. Our blood, bones, nerves, oh, and also your dick and my-."

"And what, Madam?" Snare tilted his head and looked to his Madam, innocently.

"Nothing, I'll tell you when you start getting your urges…"

"Urges?" Snare asked but coughed in a fit after Rose took one last drag of her cigarette and blew a thick cloud of smoke in his face.

"Shut up and forget about it."

'Should probably hold off on telling him this. Don't want him going all "Red Oni" on any alien females that happen to be around. Especially me…' Rose shuddered at the thought of being overpowered that way, she had friends who liked that sort of thing back on Planet Tuffle. Nerdy Tuffle geeks getting their feet swept off by the wild saiyan jocks, and after living out their fetished fantasies, they ended up stagnating with their work, more focused on building up families and planning for their children's future. A complete and utter waste of time, Rose thought, and thus since then, she's never been too keen on engaging in sexual intercourse.

The only thing that could really get her going was science and counting the profits earned from her caf��.

"Based on my quick read, I was able to create this glorious bitch to not only render the tech of any opposing sides useless, but also shock the chi-nodes of any combatant to dilate and close up." Rose looked to the still coughing Snare, who look all kinds of confused.

Sighing, she shook her head, "It also prevents anyone like you from using their Ki for a short time."

"Whoa! That sounds amazing!" Snare gasped in amazement.

"Well, it's not permanent since the shocks will stop eventually. I promised myself I would go through the company's archives to see if I can incorporate anything from the medpens to it." Rose gestured to the datapad on Snare's side of the table and immediately the young man grabbed it and gave it to her to fiddle with. A few taps on the fingers, then suddenly the lights to the lab momentarily flickered between being on an off before settling back being on. She could only imagine the same being done upstairs in the café.

'A bit of a delay in the backup generator should work, don't want it to shut down too.' She didn't want to close her business for the day by being like the other stores that would shut down from her little test. Her café needed to be a beacon of light even if she's being a little unfair about not warning the other businesses around her about her project.

'Meh, its capitalism…' Rose smirked.

"The charges are set, and ready to go." Rose said to herself.

"U-Uh, madam, so when that goes off. Won't it turn off my Ki too?" Snare worriedly asked.

"Don't be a baby, it will only be temporary but for how long will depend on this test run's output of power." Rose explained as she slid up a bar on a slide tab on her datapad, "There, get ready."

"O-Okay…" Snare paused once as another query popped up in his head, "Say, Madam, how much power are you using for this test run?"

Rose didn't deign to answer that as she reached out to a handle on her device and deeply snickered, "150% percent full power…"

"What!?" Snare's jaw nearly dropped to the floor as a wicked smirk etched itself onto Rose's face.

"You have to learn how to run before settling to walk! Let the test begin NOW!"

With an enthusiastic pull of her small dainty hands, the device's pulsing light began to emit a electrifying sphere of pure energy, which only began to grow in size. In a mere few seconds it was already large enough to cover the entire lad and engulf both the stunned Oni and the snickering Tuffle.

Then like a balloon, the expanding sphere of energy stopped its growth and entered a slight pause before shakily exploding outward. The brunt of the harmless energy's explosion could be felt rumbling the entirety of the underground lab and the café above it. And in a blink of an eye, the lights, the computers, hell, even that poorly crafted portal on the wall ceased to work as Rose was silently standing in the dark of her lab with an oddly quiet Oni assistant.

'Hmhmhm, it seemed to work.' Rose relished the base success, but still found herself wanting for more results, and being trapped in an underground lab with all of the cameras, and transportation between it and the café now disabled was quite a hindrance.

Which was why she was glad that she made precautions, "In 3…2…1…"

Soon her eyes clenched shut once the bright lights of her lab turned back on.

[Back Up Generator now in operation!]

Taking a look around, she found everything was just as it was before her invention killed the lights. Though she wouldn't consider her assistant being paralyzed to be the same as before. Snare was flat on the ground with his eyes widened from the burst of electrical energy as he posed with his arms out to guard himself.

'The neophyte must have unconsciously raised his guard and used his ki to defend himself.' She crouched down and began poking him with a pen. The young Oni spasmed and took in a deep breath of air, probably the first breath since she activated the invention.

'The shock must have overloaded his nodes and by extension his senses. He's so tense…' Placing a hand on the Oni's chest, she giggled, 'He's breathing, so he'll live. Just give it a few minutes or probably an hour based on how things are going.'

Ah, but onto more important matters, Rose clapped her hands, and immediately the screens to her computers soon changed to the security footage from the cameras she placed around her establishment. From the front of the café which now had many aliens flooding towards the single source of light in the area, to pitch black alleyways just behind her place of business. Judging from the motionless vehicles in the background, her invention even disabled the ground mobiles.

"Good…" Rose nodded, "Despite the range not reaching the vehicles in the skyways, I'm still satisfied with the results." Plus, she didn't want hailstorm of vehicles crashing into the ground adding any further charges to her reckless stint of testing.

Looking to Snare, Rose lightly kicked his twitching foot to rouse him from her paralyzed state a little faster. She'll need the help to better present the invention before her clients arrived. The type of people they were wouldn't even let a silly old blackout stop their business.

But she stopped, a sudden ringing from her portable CPU watch showed that someone was calling her from the café's own phoneline. Probably an employee.

Putting a hand to her chest, the pink haired Tuffle took a few deep coughs before her tone changed from deep and uncaring to cute and cheerful.

"Hello, this is Rose Tuff, how may I help you?"

["Bo-I mean Madam Rose, there seems to be an issue!"]

'Ah, it must be her from earlier.' Rose thought, 'No doubt questioning what happened.'

"And what would that be? If its about the sudden blackout don't worry, I made sure to set up a back up generator for the backup generator. So, if anyone comes asking, just make sure to tell them that, okay." She lied.

["N-No, that's not really the problem, i-it has something to do with someone crashing into the café."]

"What?" Rose dropped her cute as shit act and dangerously hissed at the recipient on the other end of the phone, who clearly noticed her tone shift.

["I-I'm not so sure myself, madam! But when the lights turned off, some girl came crashing through the roof and she looks badly hurt! W-What should we do?"]

"…" Rose took in a deep breath then muted the call. Looking to her computer, she said, "Show all footage INSIDE of the café, please…"

In an instant, all of the screens immediately documented what was currently happening in the building above. Her employees were doing a decent job of calming the shocked customers, but what really grabbed her attention was the huddling of a few of her employees and customers tending to someone who landed on a smashed table which broke their fall.

Taking a deep sigh, Rose shook her head and groaned, "Prepare the pod…"

[Preparing Rejuvenation Tank.] A voice from the lab echoed as one of the walls in the room slid apart and pushed out a rather large half-dome shaped device with a see through glass entryway.

Unmuting the call, Rose bit her lower lips so hard that she was this close to drawing blood, "Do not move the body, and don't call any paramedics. I will be right up there to handle things. Move out all of the customers, close the curtains, and don't let anyone in. Tell everyone that they can leave early today with some pay once I call you that things are fine, do I make myself clear?"

["Yes, Mad-!"]

Rose immediately hung up then pinched the bridge of her nose, "What a mess, and on today, when I have to present and sell my new baby to those bitches…"

Suddenly the image of a pair of dejected crossdressing Saiyans came to mind. Rose's blood began to boil in anger as she sighed, "Somehow I feel as though those two are behind this." If so, then that only left one person to call to take care of things, and this decision did brighten her mood just a smidgen. If it has anything to do with those two, then she'd be glad to see them squirm after sicking a customer of hers who just loves her café's famous Iced Coffee.

Prepping her CPU watch, she spoke through the voice command with an amused smile, "Call Mr. Arctic please."

Unbeknownst to her, while making her call, one of the few monitors that were weren't occupied by showing the inside of the cafe centered on the pitch black back alley, as streams of sparks emitted itself off of a motionless body.

Next Chapter- Trying to understand a misunderstanding! Dive vs. Caulifla, saiyan love is complicated!

Hey guys, I just wanted to say sorry for the late update. I just started Summer School, and I finally got a Summer Job that pays $17 an hour, woohoo. So, when I'm given free time, I'll devote myself to writing my stories. Now that I finished this chapter lets move onto the next. Yeah, for those who expect DxD to come out after this chapter, please be patient, I'm writing for both that story and this one with DBZ taking more emphasis.

I really want to build up a story for this one like I did for Gutsy Sekiryuutei, so stick with me until then okay?

So, what do you guys think about Rose and her whole schtick? Did you catch that cameo with the portal? What about me basically taking notes from HunterxHunter and Naruto when talking about the body's Chi Network and Chi Nodes? I just felt that a little elaboration with that will give more variety in the future of the story.

Also, I may have said that I would put in Caulifla's stats, but I'll save that for the chapter that she actually fights in.

So now, I'm moving onto the Dive vs. Caulifla fight and boy, I'm going to have a field day with this one! I don't usually write lover's spats so this will be both thrilling and educational especially for the next arc of DxD.

Welp, I'm Out so Peace Out and have a lovely day!

Retribrutuscreators' thoughts