
Dragon Ball Z/Super: The Mightiest Majin Buu!

A soul from are world, Traveled to the dragon ball universe. And got fuse with the dark half of majin buu. He won't remember his past life, but he will think he's the real majin buu.

Dino_Reader757 · Anime & Comics
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The Birth Of The Mightiest Majin Buu!

[At Majin Buu's Place]

Narrator: At this moment hercule was preparing a nice meal for his new friend. Making his way in front of the stove, a man then spoke out of nowhere. "You disgust me, opposing as a hero of justice. But hear you are being buus maid." Startled at the sudden intrusion, hercule then faced the intruder with a scowl and said. "You no nothing."

Jumping off the window sill, the man then pointed his gun at hercule with a menacing laughter and said. "You traitor. Prepare to die." Seeing that he was about to get shot. Hercule then tried to get to him, before he could pull the trigger. "Bang!" A loud sound was heard throughout the house. Hearing the noise, buu then put the dog down and rushed to the kitchen.

When he made it there, he saw hercule on the floor not moving. Feeling his rage trying to reach to the surface. Buu then looked out the window only to see the man who done this running away shouting. "This isn't over yet buu. Not by a long shot." "Still alive." Buu said gritting his teeth.

Crouching down to hercule's side, buu then ripped off hercule's apron in a fit of rage. Then he Stretched out both of his arms, then placed the palm of his hands on hercule's back. A pink energy surrounded buu's hands and started to heal him. when the shot wound was healed up, hercule then got up slowly and said. "Wow... I don't believe it? You really did it. You saved me. Thank you buu."

Walking up to him hercule finally realized how buu looked in distress. Stopping midway from him, hercule then spoke in worry. "Are... you okay buu? Master buu sir, buddy? What's wrong with you?" After hercule finish speaking, buu then turned away from him and walk forward saying. "Runaway. Take dog and run far far away. You will die."

"Die? What are you talking about?" Hercule said. But when he was about to touch buus shoulder, he just slapped his hand away and turned to him shouting. "GO NOW!!" "Ok." Hercule said startled at buus sudden outburst. Rushing towards the dog hercule then picked him up and ran out the house.

Walking towards the front door, buu saw hercule standing in the yard. "You go more far! MORE FAR!!" Buu shouted to him. "Ok!" hercule said, running even further from the house. Seeing that he is gone now. Buu then fell out of the house clutching his head. Pulling himself off the ground, he then started to release smoke from his head to the air.

When the smoke was gathering together. No one had seen a white light getting absorbed by the cloud. When it got absorbed, the cloud began to form itself into a skinny version of majin buu.

Evil Buu: Looking around myself for the first time, i didn't know where i was. "What is this place? I don't recall ever being here?" But before i could think even further, i then heard a sound behind me. Turning around to that direction, i saw a man with a gun hiding behind a big rock. Seeing that man made me remember everything.

"Are these my memories? If so, i should teach this man a lesson." Forming a wicked smile, i then flew in front of the man. "Are you ready to die jackass." I said pointing the palm of my hand to his face. But when i did that, the man didn't say a word and started shooting me.

All the bullets he shot out of the gun just bounced off my skin and hit the ground. Seeing his expression turn into pure terror, after seeing that he can't kill me. I then smirked in satisfaction and said. "Die." Firing a ki blast point blank at the man, had instantly vaporized his whole entire body.

After finishing him off, i then turn to face my doppelganger. "Time to face the one who didn't finish the job." I muttered to myself, making my way to him. When we where face to face now , i then stared intently at him. "Who are you!?" He asked me. "I'm.. Majin buu." "No! i am buu!" "Not for long fatty." I retorted with a smile.

Seeing his temper rose, after calling him fatty. He then tried to attack me, but i dodged all of his attacks with ease. When he was done with his assault, and taking a breather i then said. "My turn." Punching him hard in the stomach, i then started to beat him up real badly. When i kicked him in the air, i vanished behind him and stood there with my arms crossed.

Seeing buu trying to look for me, i then spoke to get his attention. "Over here." When buu quickly turn around, i saw his shocked face for a brief second, until he tried to strike me again. Catching his fist with no effort, i then hit him towards the ground. When he slowly got back up, he shouted. "Turn into chocolate!" A pink beam came from his antenna, and tried to hit me.

But when it got close to me, i then took a deep breath and blew it right back to buu. Seeing the attack hit buu right in the chest, he then turn into a chocolate bar. When the chocolate hit the ground, i then ascended down to it. Picking it up, i started to examine it and said. "He turn into chocolate. How interesting?"

After looking at it for a while. I then shrugged my shoulders and ate the whole thing. When i swallowed the chocolate, my body started to release energy. Feeling the rush of energy coming from my body, made me laugh in satisfaction. When the smoke cleared away, I was standing there, Opening and clenching my fist. "This feels great." I thought to myself.

But when i was amazed at my new found power, Multiple bullets started to rain down on me. Not even phased by the barrage of bullets, i then turn my attention to the person. "Oh, another pest to deal with." I said with a grin. Taking a few steps forward, i then vanished in front of him, and pierced through his stomach with my hand.

Slowly pulling out my hand from his gut, He then fell to the ground dead. "It seems that the maggots will have some food to day." I said to myself. After i was done with the pest, i then turn around and look down the cliff to find hercule. "found you!" I shouted, taking off to his direction.

When i got over there, hercule was crouching over the dog shaking in fear. "Is the almighty champion afraid of little old me? If that is the case then, i should look less threatening." I said in a mocking tone. Seeing hercule look up at me now with the dog wrapped in his arms, he then said in a frightened voice.

"Buu?" Landing in front of him, i then confirmed his words. "In the pink flesh, my dear friend." Stretching one of my hand out to him now, he then took it and i helped him up on his feet. "You look different now buu?" Hercule said to me. "Not only different but stronger and better to." I declared proudly while flexing my muscles in front of him with a weird pose.

Standing in a straight posture now, i then said to hercule. "Well hercule, since your ok. I will be taking my leave now." "What?! You're going somewhere?!" Hercule shouted at me. Walking up to him, i then pet the dogs head and then place the palm of my hand on his shoulder.

"You were a good friend to me. But i have something to attend to." Turning my back to him, i continued speaking. "Take care of yourself hercule." Lifting off in to the sky, hercule then shouted. "Buu where are you going?! Don't leave!" Not stopping my assent in the air, i then took off to the direction of the familiar ki signatures.