

When a young boy falls out of the sky, he'll start a path to be earths strongest warrior. And it's protector.

Jay732 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


The next day, Shallot eats a table full of food in seconds. Baba watches in shock, never seeing anyone eat like him.

"My word, you have a big appetite."

Shallot laughs and rubs the back of his head.

"Apologies, but I was in space for awhile and missed a few meals."

Shallot then gets serious.

"I need to leave soon though. If I'm gonna accomplish my goal, I have to train and get stronger."

"That's true. I can tell you are skilled, but from what I've heard about this Frieza, you have a long way to go."

Shallot looks at his hand.

"Yeah. I was just a middle class warrior back on Planet Vegeta. Not even our king could challenge him."

Baba then reaches into a special box. She pulls out an orb with three stars on them and levitates it in Shallots lap. He picks it up and looks at it, confused.

"What's this?"

"It's called a Dragon Ball. There are seven of them in total. When you gather them all, you can make one wish. Something tells me that you'll need that more than me."

Shallot is still confused, but bows to her all the same. She then tells him that his new clothes and a bag of supplies in the other room.

After Shallots injuries fully heal, it's time for him to go on his journey of gaining enough strength to beat the evil emperor.

"Alright kid, you're all set. My brother is on an island north of here, He'll be able to teach you a powerful technique that will help you. After you learn from him, ask him about earths guardian and where to find him, that is who'll train you next. His name is Roshi."

Shallot nods and starts to leave but Baba stops him.

"One more thing. You'll cross paths with a girl with blue hair. No matter what, do what you can to help her."

Shallot agrees to do it, but thinks of something to ask.

"Hey Baba. I was wondering-"

"Why am I helping you, despite not knowing anything about you? Simple. I've seen the future, and you're gonna play a big role in this world, Shallot."

The young man looks at his hand and makes a fist. He then looks at Baba with a smile and bows.

"Thank you, fortuneteller Baba."

Baba turns her back to Shallot.

"Don't mention it, kid. Now go on already."

Shallot smirks and flies off. As he does, Baba hopes that Shallot will be ok.

A few minutes later, Shallot lands in a city near by, surprising everyone around. He looks around, trying to figure out which way to go. Shallot then walks into the middle of the street.

"I probably should have asked for more detailed directions." He thinks to himself.

At that moment, a car full of men with guns, speeds down the street and towards Shallot. Everyone screams for him to move out of the way as he is deep in thought. Shallot then snaps out of it and sees the car coming at him. As the car gets closer and closer, the saiyan lifts his hand up towards the vehicle. Everyone is then shocked when Shallot stops the car, crushing the front of the vehicle.

Three criminals slowly get out of the car.

"What the hell, did we hit something?" One of the men asks.

They then start hearing sirens from a distance.

"Cops are gonna be here soon!" One of the men says.

As they all start to panic, Shallot taps one of them on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, Earthling. Where's master Roshi's island?" He asks.

The group of criminals are confused for a minute, but one of them gets an idea. He then grabs Shallot from behind and puts his gun to his back.

"We'll just take this kid as our hostage."

As the other criminals agree, Shallot starts getting annoyed. He then uses his tail to knock the gun out of his hand. While the group is surprised by this, the saiyan headbutts the criminal behind him in the face, knocking him back into a car window. The two other criminals are shocked by this as Shallot smirks.

"So, who's next?" He asks.

One of them aims his gun at the side of his head. Shallot snatches the gun away and crushes it with his bare hand. He then jumps up and kicks him in the chest, across the ground. Shallot turns around and stares down the last criminal, who is trembling out of fear.

"What the hell is up with this kid?"

As Shallot walks towards him, he quickly aims his gun at him. He opens fire, shooting rapid fire bullets. Shallot easily catches each bullet and drops them on the ground. The saiyan then makes a finger gun and shoots a small ki blast into his chest, only stunning him.

As Shallot walks away, the surrounding civilians clap and cheer for him. He tries to find out where's Roshi's island again, wishing that he had his scouter right about now. He is then stopped by a teenage girl.

"Hey there, I saw what you just did, very impressive. You must be really strong." She tells him, grabbing his arm, giving him a flirting look.

Shallot is confused, but then notices the girls blue hair and remembers what Baba told him before he left.

"You have, blue hair." Shallot says.

"Uh, yeah that's right. Hey, why don't you come with me so I can show you something." She tells him.

Shallot nods and follows the girl in an alley way. He walks infront of her as she smiles and grabs a metal pipe near by.

"So what did you want me to see?"

The girl then hits Shallot on top of his head. She is shocked when the pipe bends over his head, not affecting him at all. When Shallot turns around the girl falls to the ground out fear, not knowing how he'll react to her attacking him.