

When a young boy falls out of the sky, he'll start a path to be earths strongest warrior. And it's protector.

Jay732 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


That night, Shallot stops to make camp. He sets up his tent and uses a ki blast to start a fire. After eating all the food the villagers gave him, he looks at his hand, thinking deeply about something. Shallot stands up and stares off into the distance, remembering a conversation he had with Roshi after they fought.

"You are strong, my boy. But, there is something missing. Technique."

Shallot is confused.


Roshi nods.

"Even though the fight between us wasn't that long, it should have ended sooner. Your attacks were strong, but there's no thought put into your attacks. As martial artists, we think and plan out every movement, every step, every moment of a fight. You are different, you rush in without thinking, with ferocious attacks. If you want to get better, you need technique."

Shallot then flashes back to present day. He takes a martial-arts stance similar to Roshi's stance. He mimics Roshi's movements, each attack more crisp than the last, more presice and quicker as well, while the image of Roshi is still fresh in his mind. Shallot then stops and breaths in and out. He looks down at his hand and smiles.

"For so long, the Saiyan's have been about strength. Raw power and ferocious attacks was the only thing they taught us back on Planet Vegeta. We were strong, but we weren't using that strength properly. Not even me. Not yet at least."

Shallot then takes up a stance again, as he thinks to himself.

"I can't say that I'll always fight like this, but it will come in handy from time to time."

Meanwhile, in a secret Red Ribbon Army Base, a living and breathing Dr. Gero stands outside, staring at the sky with anger directed at Shallot. At that moment, the man with the braided ponytail stands beside him.

"Mercenary Tao. Glad you could finally make." Dr. Gero says with a grin.

"Enough with the pleasantries, Doctor. to whom do I owe the pleasure of dying by my hand." Tao replies.

Gero scowls.

"A boy, named Shallot."

Tao smirks.

"You want me to murder a child?"

"Is that going to be a problem?"

"No, as long as the money is good. But I do wish to know the reason behind it."

Dr. Gero gets even angrier.

"He ruined my plans for world domination. He must pay for his crimes against the Red Ribbon Army."

"I see. No need to worry, Doctor. The boy is as good as dead."