

When a young boy falls out of the sky, he'll start a path to be earths strongest warrior. And it's protector.

Jay732 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


Piccolo is stunned in frustration for a moment, unable to believe that one of his strongest attacks didn't have any affect on Shallot.

"No! I have to be the strongest! I must be the strongest!" Piccolo screams

The Namakian charges at Shallot, throwing multiple strikes at him. The Saiyan easily dodges them all, frustrating Piccolo.

"Piccolo must be running low on energy." Yamcha says.

"Yeah, he can't even keep up with Shallot anymore." Krillin says.

Roshi then corrects his student.

"Feel his energy, it hasn't dropped since the fight started, in fact he's at his strongest." Roshi says.

Both Krillin and Yamcha are shocked.

"But if that's true, how come he's having trouble with Shallot now?" Krillin asks.

"It's simple. All through the fight, Shallots been slowly raising his power."

Krillin and Yamcha are amazed by Shallots ki control.

"So... we still haven't seen Shallots full power." Krillin says, gulping loudly.

Meanwhile, Piccolo hears the conversation while still trying to land a hit on Shallot.


Piccolo goes for a big punch, but Shallot disappears. Piccolo looks around, trying to find the Saiyan. When he turns around, he is hit in the face with a running forearm strike, knocking Piccolo off balance. He then starts landing fast and strong strikes, with Piccolo not being able to even think about blocking.

"Alright, Shallot!" Bulma cheers.

Shallot then lands a devastating gut punch, dropping Piccolo.

"Yeah! He did it!" Krillin, Yamcha, and Bulma yell.

Roshi watches on, curious about how this situation will play out. Shallot stands over Piccolo, who can barely even move. Piccolo looks Shallot with anger, frustration, and disappointment, knowing that he's lost.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Kill me, and get it over with."

Shallot looks at Piccolo for a moment. The Saiyan then kneels down to him with a smile.

"No. I don't think I will."

Everyone is shocked when Shallot says this, including Piccolo.

"Shallot, are you crazy?!" Bulma yells.

"He's too dangerous, he'll keep trying to take over the world, and kill Roshi again!" Yamcha yells.

"You have to finish him off, right here." Kami says through Shallots mind.

The Saiyan then looks up at the sky.

"Korin told me what happens to you if Piccolo dies. You helped me gain strength, I'm not going to return that by killing you." Shallot says.

Piccolo then starts to laugh.

"Is that why you won't finish me off? To spare your precious Kami?"

Shallot smirks.

"That's not the only reason. It's also because I know this whole world domination stuff is a bunch of crap."

Piccolo looks at Shallot, surprised and frustrated.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Piccolo demands to know.

"You haven't killed anyone you've crossed paths with. I can feel everyone's energy, no ones dead. You bruise... but you don't kill." Shallot says.

Piccolo scoffs.

"The only one I wanted to kill was that stupid old man. Everyone else was insignificant to me."

Shallot looks at the Namakian for a moment.

"When Kami told me about you... part of me related to you. We're both trying to avenge less than honorable people. Because it's not about what they did... it was about who they were to us that matters. That's why I didn't give you no whiney ass speech about revenge being wrong and you should let go or whatever... Because I'd be a hypocrite."

Piccolo listens to the Saiyan's words.

"So, after you get up off the ground, back at full strength, and you still want revenge. Then by all means, try and kill Roshi again. But just know that I will be there to kick your ass again too."

Shallot then pulls out a secret senzu bean, preparing to give it to Piccolo.

"Damnit Shallot! What do you think you're doing?!" Krillin yells.

He and Yamcha try to run over and stop him, but Roshi stops them both.

"You two stay right where you are. Don't interfere." Roshi orders, confusing his two students.

Shallot gives Piccolo the senzu bean and the Namakian gets back to his feet, surprised that he's back to full strength.

"What's the meaning of this, Shallot?"

Shallot stands back up and faces Piccolo.

"You didn't get a choice in this. I'm offering you one now. Control your own destiny, and do whatever the new you wants. Not the old you."

This angers Piccolo.

"Oh yeah!? And why is your vendetta so damn noble compared to mine?"

When Piccolo shouts this, Shallot thinks about Frieza, his evil laugh echoing through his mind. At that moment, Shallots entire presence changes, intimidating everyone, including Piccolo.

"Because, the one I'm GOING to kill actually deserves to burn in hell. I chose revenge. No one manipulated me. No one forced it on me. From the moment my planet went up in flames, I wanted the one who's responsible dead at my feet."

Piccolo thinks for moment, looking at both Roshi and Shallot. He then scoffs and flies off, without saying a word. Shallot smiles, then flies over to his friends. Bulma quickly hugs her Saiyan friend.

"Thank goodness you're alright." She says.

She then hits him over the head.

"But why the hell did you have to let that guy go?" She adds.

"Hey, take it easy. He's not really a bad guy, trust me."

Yamcha, Bulma, and Krillin all have the exact same skeptical look on their faces. Roshi steps up to Shallot. He looks at the young man for a moment, then smiles.

"Ok, I trust your judgment."

Shallot smiles and bows.

"Thank you."

Roshi grins, then starts walking towards the helicopter.

"Now come on. Launch is probably waiting for me." Roshi says, with hearts in his eyes.

Yamcha, Krillin, and Bulma sigh.

"And he's back." All three of them say as Shallot laughs.

A few minutes later Shallot and the others arrive at Kame house.

"Oh Launch, I'm back, my sweet darling. I could really use a back rub." Roshi says.

At that moment the group hears gun fire and Oolong yelling. Soon the pig runs outside, ducking and dodging bullets fired by blonde Launch.

"I'm gonna make bacon out of you, you perverted pig!" She yells.

"It was just one pair of panties! No reason to kill someone!" Oolong yells back.

Roshi quickly hides behind Shallot, Yamcha, and Krillin.

"On second thought, she looks busy right now. I'll just get some ice for it."

Launch then sees Shallot and approaches him with anger in her eyes.

"And where the hell have you been, runt?"

The Saiyan rubs the back of his head and laughs nervously.

"Oh you know- just hanging around. Hey, you mind sniffing this flower?"

Shallot pulls out a flower and puts it to Launch's nose, causing her to sneeze. When blue haired Launch sees Shallot in front of her and hugs him.

"Shallot! it's really good to see you!"

The Saiyan smiles.

"It's good to see you too Launch."

Both Roshi and Oolong poke their heads out from behind Yamcha with a smile.

"Hey, what about my hug?" Roshi says.

Oolong quickly pushes the old man out of the way.

"Me first, gramps."

As the two fight over who gets to hug Launch, everyone laughs together while Shallot is yet again reminded of the friends he had on Planet Vegeta.

That night, Piccolo is meditating in a wasteland, all alone.

"So this is where you went?" A voice says from behind him.

Piccolo quickly turns around and sees Shallot hovering behind him.

"Wha- how did you find me?" Piccolo asks.

"I sensed your energy. I had a proposal for you." Shallot says.

Piccolo scoffs and continues to meditate.

"And why should I listen to it?"

"Because it'll help you too."

Piccolo thinks for a moment, then slowly turns around.

"In one year, I plan on leaving earth and going after the monster who eradicated my race. But before I face him, I'll have to become even stronger than I am now. And since you're the strongest guy I've faced since I got on this planet, I suggest we train together."

Piccolo laughs.

"You expect me toagree to that?"

Shallot smirks.

"Like I said, it'll help you too. Training with someone might boost your strength as well. And judging from our fight, you want to be stronger. You couldn't inflict any damage on me during our fight, and there's many people out there stronger than I am. But it's your choice."

Piccolo thinks for a moment, soon stepping up to Shallot.

"Let's get one thing clear. If I agree, it won't change anything. I'll still be out to achieve my own ambitions."

Shallot chuckles.

"Sure. When you figure it put, just let me know."

The two smirk as they shake hands, making a deal. While that's happening, Kami is watching with a slight smile on his face.