

When a young boy falls out of the sky, he'll start a path to be earths strongest warrior. And it's protector.

Jay732 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


Shallot and blue haired Launch prepare to leave Kami's Lookout. Shallot faces Mr. Popo and Kami.

"Thank you very much for everything." Shallot says while bowing.

Kami and Popo smile and bows back to the boy.

"Best of luck on your future endeavors, my boy." Kami says.

"We look forward to meeting you again."

Shallot nods at that both while Launch bows as well.

"I may not remember my time here, but I'm sure you both were excellent hosts. I hope that I wasn't too much trouble."

Kami and Mr. Popo look at each other for a moment then chuckle.

"Not at all." Mr. Popo says, not telling her the truth.

The two waves at them, then Launch jumps on Shallots back and they fly off. As they leave Kami looks off in the distance with a smile.

"That boy was quite amazing. Not a lot of people could withstand a whole year in the room of Spirit and Time."

Kami nods in agreement.

"That boys will is definitely stronger than most. He'll definitely need that for what's to come. HE will reveal himself pretty soon."

As Shallot and Launch flies down the tower, they wave at Korin and Yajirobe as Korin waves back and Yajirobe scoffs. A smile appears on Shallots face and he turns to Launch.

"There's a few people I want you to meet."

Launch grins.

"Oh, your friends right?"

"That's right, first we have to stop at a village not far from here."

Launch giggles.

"I can't wait to meet them."

A few minutes later, they land in Harleys village. When some of the villagers sees Shallot, they cheer and run over to the young man that freed them from Lei Wu. The village elder then comes from the crowd, offering the Saiyan a hand shake.

"It's good to see you, my boy." The elder says.

Shallot smiles.

"Likewise. This is my friend, Launch." Shallot says.

Launch smiles and waves.

"Hi." She says.

"Hello, young lady." Village elder says.

"So where's Harley?" Shallot asks.

The Village Elder smiles and tells them to follow him. Soon, they make it to a training area where Harley is training with other young men and women from the village.

"Ever since you left, they have been training like this everyday. They all want to be prepared in case another threat like Lei Wu comes here again. We can't rely on you to save us forever." The village elder says with a smile.

This makes Shallot happy, glad to see these people training to protect their own. Harley then looks over and sees Shallot, as joy comes over her.

"Shallot!" She yells.

She runs over and hugs Shallot. Everyone else then comes over to the Saiyan as well.

"It's so good to see you." Harley says.

"Likewise. Seems you guys are working hard."

"That's right. We're going to get just as strong as you."

As everyone else agrees, looking at Shallot as the goal of strength to reach and the Saiyan smirks.

"You all should be aiming higher."

Everyone looks at him in confusion.

"Stronger? Is that even possible?" One of the young fighters say.

"Right now, I can name multiple people out there who are much stronger than I am."

Everyone is shocked to hear this.

"No matter how strong you get, there is always someone stronger."

Shallot clenches his fists and smiles with determination.

"Don't just aim to catch up. Aim for the top, and keep growing. Aim to be the strongest. Understand?!"

All the fighters get a determined look in their eyes.


Shallot grins, satisfied with the new found determination in these fighters as the village elder and Launch smile behind him. Later, after eating together and catching up, it's time for Shallot and Launch to leave.

"It's always good to see you my boy." The village elder says, shaking Shallots hand.

Harley then hugs Shallot.

"You better come back and visit again soon." She says.

Shallot smiles.

"You got it."

Launch smiles brightly as she gets on Shallots back.

"It was very nice to meet you all, goodbye!" She says as the two fly off.

Harley then walks off to train again as the elder stands there, smiling.

Meanwhile, at Kame house, Yamcha and Krillin are sparing with each other, as Roshi, Oolong, Paur and Bulma watches. The two fight furiously, each fighter countering and throwing their own attacks.

"Go, Yamcha!" Both Bulma and Paur yell, annoying Krillin.

"Wow, they are really going at it." Oolong says.

"Of course, they both want to catch up to Shallot." Roshi says.

Roshi then senses something and smiles.

"Speak of the devil."

At that moment Shallot and Launch land on the island.

"Hey guys. Long time no see." Shallot says.

Everyone is surprised for a minute, then smiles.

"Shallot!" Everyone yells.

Bulma, Paur, and Oolong run over, hugging the young Saiyan.

"It's about time you came back, you idiot. Did you get taller?" Bulma says.

Tears start streaming down Oolong's face as he secretly missed Shallot. Roshi, Krillin, and Yamcha then approach the Saiyan.

"So Shallot, you gotten any stronger? Cause we have." Krillin says.

Yamcha smirks.

"Yeah, we've been training pretty hard lately, who knows we might be stronger than you already."

Shallot smirks.

"Sure, whatever you say."

Roshi then puts his hand on Shallots shoulder.

"It's good to see you, kid."

The old turtle hermit then pushes him aside and stands infront of Launch.

"But It's even better to see your friend." He says as his nose starts to bleed.

Everyone else sighs while Launch gives him a genuine smile.

"Hi, I'm Launch." She says.

"Yeah ya are." Roshi replies.

Yamcha and Krillin sigh then change the conversation.

"So Shallot, what do you say? Wanna spar?" Yamcha says with Krillin agreeing.

Shallot smirks at the challenge, cracking his knuckles.

"Sure, let's go a few rounds." Shallot says.

Bulma then sighs.

"He's not back for five minutes and he's already trying to fight." She says.

Soon Shallot stands in the middle of Krillin and Yamcha, the two taking a fighting stance. They are then surprised when they see Shallot taking a similar Martial-Arts stance to Roshi.

"That's the same pose as the old man."Bulma points out.

Roshi smirks.

"Go Shallot!" Launch yells, clapping for him.

Krillin and Yamcha then charge at Shallot at the same time. Shallot waits until the last minute to move an inch. The Saiyan easily dodges and blocks both Krillin and Yamcha, who are putting their all in every punch and kick. Shallot ducks a high kick from Yamcha that lands on the side of Krillin's face and lands an elbow strike into Yamcha's gut.

"Man, that's gotta hurt." Oolong says.

Both Krillin and Yamcha drop to the ground in pain.

"I don't know how it's possible, but you've gotten faster." Yamcha says.

Shallot smirks and helps both Yamcha and Krillin up.

"So. We still have further to go. We were foolish to think you'd just stay in the same place and wait for us to catch up." Krillin says, clenching his fist.

Shallot smiles.

"The three of us made a promise that we'd get stronger, and we did. Now we'll get even stronger." Shallot says, offering his fist to both of them.

Krillin and Yamcha smiles and bumps his fist together as Oolong, Roshi, Launch and Bulma smile.

"Well, I think that's enough for today. Come inside and the pig and I will make us some grub." Roshi says.

The old master then gets close to Launch with a pervy smile on his face.

"And I'll get to know your friend here a little more- intimately." He says reaching for Launch's chest.

At that moment, Launch feels a tickle on her nose, and is about to sneeze.

"Oh no." Shallot says, knowing what's about to happen.

Launch finally sneezes, turning into blonde Launch. She then looks down and sees Roshi reaching for her boob, anger soon overcoming her.

"What the hell do ya think you're doing, you old pervert!" Launch yells as she pulls out her gun, scaring everyone except Shallot.

Launch shoots at Roshi who quickly runs away while avoiding the bullets.

"I forgot to mention, Launch has some- issues she needs to work on." Shallot says.

The Saiyan then tries to calm Launch down as Roshi hides behind his house.

"Now, let's eat." Shallot says with a smile.