

When a young boy falls out of the sky, he'll start a path to be earths strongest warrior. And it's protector.

Jay732 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


"Who the hell are these geezers?" Launch asks.

An intense look appears on Shallots face.

"I don't know who's the one with the ponytail, but the other one is Dr. Gero, a mad man whose trying to take over your world. I thought I killed him, but I guess it was a fake he created."

Gero grins an evil grin.

"At long last, we meet again Shallot. I've longed for this moment, ever since you decimated the Red Ribbon Army. I will make you pay for your transgressions, you arrogant child!"

Launch recognizes the name of the Red Ribbon Army.

"Red Ribbon Army huh. I've heard a lot of big shots in the game talk about them. You telling me this kid ran you guys out of business?"

Shallot smirks.

"That's right, barely broke a sweat."

This angers Gero even more.

"I'm going to enjoy watching your spirit being broken right before my eyes. But don't worry, you won't be the only one, I'm going to track down your friends and kill them as well."

Gero threatening his friends annoys Shallot.

"Then once I have the dragon balls, I'll revive the Red Ribbon Army!" Gero adds.

The mad scientist then turns his attention to Launch.

"This is a private matter, no sense in killing civilians, you can leave if you wish, I won't chase you."

Launch looks at Shallot, thinking about it for a moment, then smiles.

"No thanks. The kids growin on me, like fungus. So you can take the offer and shove it."

As Gero looks annoyed, Shallot smiles. Tao then steps up.

"So you choose death, over salvation? Admirable. But foolish. Well at least I get to kill you both now."

This angers Launch.

"Oh yeah!? Well how bout you kill this, ponytail!"

Launch pulls out her gun and starts shooting at Tao. Tao easily catches the bullets using two hands. As the dust clears, Tao is unharmed as Gero laughs.

"You might have been stronger than my army, Shallot. But I assure you, Mercenary Tao is far superior to you in every way."

Launch grits her teeth.

"Damnit, what's with everyone catching my bullets today?"

The gun smoke then goes up her nose, causing her to sneeze and change again.

"Oh dear. Where am I now?"

Shallot chuckles.

"Welcome back. I guess." He says.

Launch looks over at Shallot and smiles.

"Oh, hi Shallot. Are these two friends of yours?"

"Not exactly." Shallot replies.

Both Gero and Tao are confused.

"That woman's hair and entire demeanor just changed. How peculier. Oh well, time to die." Tao says, as he flicks the bullet right at Launches head faster than an ordinary gun.

At that moment, Shallot catches the bullet before it could reach her.

"Shallot." She says, confused but grateful.

Shallot turns to her with a smile.

"Hey Launch, I think it would be best if you take a few steps back. I'm gonna take care of this, ok?"

Launch nods and steps back, as an intense look reappears on Shallots face and a smile appears on Taos. Shallot walks over to Mercenary Tao, the two getting face to face. Tao smirks, then takes a fighting stance.

"Finally. I've had the urge to kill all day. You will be the first victim in a long tally. I cannot wait to put an end to your life." Tao says, putting a grin on Gero's face.

Shallot smirks.

"The old man seems convinced that you're stronger than me. Let's test that theory." Shallot says.

Tao smirks then kicks Shallot in the face and into the air, surprising Shallot. The young Saiyan quickly regains his balance in the air, but the mercenary appears behind him. Shallot throws a kick that gets easily blocked. He starts throwing rapid fire punches and kicks but his opponent easily blocks them all with two fingers. He then punches Shallot in the gut and starts raining down strikes on him.

Launch is visibly worried.


Gero laughs at what he's seeing.

"Yes! My revenge has finally come to forwishen!" He proclaims.

Tao knees Shallot in the chin then hits him over the head with a downward strike. He then lands more multiple quick strikes, finishing with a kick that sends him crashing into the ground. Tao lands on the ground across from his body and sighs.

"Well that was a disappointment. Guess I'll have to get my fun from killing the woman."

A tear forms in Launch's eye.

"No, Shallot."

As Gero laughs, Shallot kips up to his feet without any damage. Both Gero and Tao are shocked by this while Launch is relieved.

"Thank goodness, he's ok."

"How surprising. I thought that would have done more damage." Dr. Gero says.

Shallot smiles while wiping blood from his mouth.

"It's been awhile since I've been hit that hard. I guess your strength isn't something to take lightly."

Tao chuckles.

"Child, that was merely a demonstration. I'm still warming up."

Shallot smiles.

"Great!" Shallot says.

The Saiyan then turns to Dr. Gero.

"Hey Gero, listen up!"

Gero and Tao are confused.

"Ever since I got to this planet, I've never once used my full strength."

Gero is shocked when he hears this.

"I've learned a lot from earthlings, especially- HOW TO CONTROL MY ENERGY!"

Tao is shocked by how fast and how high Shallots power is rising. Shallot then smirks at his opponent.

"Judging from your face. It looks like you've caught on. Don't worry, this is barely the beginning. HAAAAAAAAAAA!"

Shallot starts to power up, shaking the ground underneath him. Meanwhile a fat man named Yajirobe and a cat named Korin hears what's going on.

"Sounds like somethings going on down there." Yajirobe says.

"Indeed. Go see what's happening."

Yajirobe is shocked.

"What!? Me!? No fricken way I'm going down there!"

Korin sighs.

"How did I get stuck with you?"

Meanwhile, above them, someone else's senses the fight.

"It looks like the Saiyan has finally made it." They say with a smile.

As Shallot continues to power up, Tao is stunned by this.

"I- I didn't expect a mere child to have this level of power." Tao thinks to himself.

Shallot grins.

"Let's see if you last."

Tao starts to tremble out of fear.

"I-I'm no match for this monster." Tao thinks to himself.

"Too scared to even move? I tell you what, I'll give you a free shot." Shallot says.

Tao, without any hesitation, takes the opportunity, aiming his finger at his face.


He blasts Shallot in the face with a massive ki blast. Tao starts to chuckle, thinking that it's over.

"You fool. You should have finished me when you had the-"

Tao is shocked when he sees that Shallot took his ultimate attack without taking any damage.

"That was annoying."

Tao is terrified as the Saiyan approaches closer and closer. With no other option, Tao quickly runs away, jumping into the sky.

"Tch, and I thought he was a warrior. How disappointing."

Shallot then turns his attention to Dr. Gee who trembling as well.

"I should kill you where you stand right now." Shallot says.

The Saiyan then turns to Launch and decides not to kill the scientist.

"Go on and leave. If I see you ever again, I won't be so merciful."

Gero grits his teeth out of frustration, then runs away in fear. Shallot then powers down and takes a deep breath. He's then surprised with hug from Launch.

"Thank goodness you're alright, I was so worried."

Shallot chuckles.

"It's alright, Launch I'm ok. Sorry if I scared you."

Shallot then looks at the tower.

"Well, I guess we should get going."