1 Waking up.

Dying can be peaceful, or painful depending of how you die.

For me it was nothing but bad luck involved, you see I was on my way to a music concert, everything was fine.

Until the moment one crazy fan that didn't have a ticket for the concert shoot me sixty four times to take my ticket.

The worse part is that he didn't even ask for it, because if he did I would be alive right now, I loved the band, but it ain't enough for me to die for.

There is no need to say I died long before the sixty four bullets got inside me.

Funny thing is the idiot destroyed the ticket with the same gun he used to kill me, he didn't notice this until it was already too late.

I even saw how he shouted in anger on the floor while he grabbed the blood coated ticket from my dead body.

Soon after the police caught him, I felt so detached of what happened after it happened that it was weird.

I was floating above my body, seeing everything in a third person perspective, and I didn't know what to think of it.

"Well, it seems this is it for dear old me," I chuckled.

Maybe not caring was a way to keep the spirits at peace or something, or maybe I was this cold hearted but I suppose whatever it is, it's better than being angry or sad with something I can't control at all.

As I pondered over what was going on a message of sorts appeared in front of me, like a text box in a RPG.

[ Your soul has been selected to play, THE RPG]

A RPG, that's unexpected.





•Exit -This options is only available is you are dead, and it will end your existence-


The options floated in front of me, I could start a new life by the looks of it, or end my life as it was intended.

Fuck that, I want to live once again.

As soon as I clicked start, the world around me morphed into a pitch black screen with nothing but me and the text of the RPG floating.

[.....Loading character creator....

Please select your race



Frost Demon



This clearly showed that I was being reincarnated in the dragon ball universe, as I hovered over the option, reading each race I decided to show being a Saiyan.

For a couple reasons, first.

I want to look human like, second, the perks the other races had are easily obtain through the dragon balls.

For example I could ask for eternal youth, and the ability to survive in the vacuum of space, but I knew for a fact asking to be a saiyan was out of the question, unless I used the god like planet sized dragon balls.

Also, I both namekians and frost demons were asexual, and while I wasn't a playboy it was nice to have the option to mess around.

[Select your class.

•Low class Saiyan

—starting power level: 1-5

•Medium class Saiyan

—starting power level: 100-250

•High class Saiyan

—starting power level: 350-500

•Elite class Saiyan

—starting power level: 600-1000

•Super Elite class Saiyan

—starting power level: 1500-2000

•Legendary class Saiyan

—starting power level: 9001-15000


The classes were basically a difficulty setting, and if they weren't why would I purposely select anything but the strongest option, so without hesitation I selected the legendary option.

[The legendary option has some stuff to it, are you sure you want to select this path?


I pressed •yes• wondering if it was that I would have to learn how to control my instincts or something and the RPG was warning me.

[Perfect, being that you can't create a legendary character, like you could've done with any other class, you will be taking the place of Broly!]

As the words appeared I finally understood why the system warned me, I would be stuck in a lifeless planet for decades, with no escape.

[Starting world!]

Too late to change my mind it seems, I wasn't gonna let this situation get me down, I was gonna escape that planet.

[Tip: Skills can be learned or created as long as you focus on the task at hand, remember Ki is moldeable and easy to use with enough creativity!]


I strained against the tight place that held me in place, trying to get a better look around.

I had been reincarnated, I had started the new life I had been promised.

'Status' I thought, wondering if the RPG system came with me.

[•Name: Broly

•Age: 3

•Gender: Male

•Race: Mutated Saiyan

•Power level: 10020]

I detailed and focused on the information I had been given, my power level was to be expected.

'Stats' Maybe I would have stats too?

Nothing happened, so it was obvious stats weren't a thing here and it made sense considering power levels were everything here.

Not giving enough time to discover or ask for the commands available, the ball that was encasing me crashed into the planet I was being exiled.

Opening the ship, with care trying not to damage it, I see that I was given a ship that was on the verge of self destruction, how did ball survived the trip to another planet was beyond me.

"Well, this sucks, here goes my escape option A," I sighed.

[Achievement unlocked!: Welcome to planet Okra.]

"Not something to be grateful, but okay," I chuckled.

[This planet has no intelligent life forms and is infested with dangerous beasts!

Power level range: 5000-42000]

Blinking in surprise, I take note to be careful with what I might find in this place, I might be the most powerful toddler in the universe but I could still be killed.

I take another look at my ship.

[Beyond Repair Ship: It was a miracle in the first place this ship managed to travel, and now that crashed into another planet it will never flight again!]

"If Frieza doesn't kill Vegeta senior I will," I wanted to beat the king up, that coward, but then again his cowardice saved my ass.

Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I start to walk trying to find something to call home while I find a way to escape this rotten world.


••Six months later••

Everything tastes like shit, no matter what I kill it tastes like the worse imaginable thing in the world.

At first I was reluctant to kill, not because I cared for the animals, I do, but not enough to starve.

But because, before being this god like toddler I was an average human, and while I don't remember my name, or anything about my identity before being Broly, besides my anime, comic, and cartoon knowledge, I knew for sure old me, didn't fight a cockroach that is easily as big as a car.

And no matter how strong I was, it was a hard transition between being scared to not caring.

Yes my saiyan genes that thrived in battle helped, but it was mostly the burning desire to eat that help me overcame my fear

"I would kill for some fries...." I sighed as I ate a roasted cockroach.

[•Name: Broly

•Age: 3

•Gender: Male

•Race: Mutated Saiyan

•Power level: 14507]

My power level has increased a bit thanks to the monsters I had to hunt.

Roaches had a average power level of 6000, some would even go as high as 8000.

They were always in groups and could be found everywhere, so I had to kill hundreds of them on a daily basis.

This world was harsh and my only friend was a sea creature, that looked like a dragon, whose power level was the highest in the planet, with a huge power level of 45000.

At first the creature tried to attack me, but eventually after I bribed or bought his love with roaches and stuff, he became my friend and sometimes gives me some of the fish he catches, that stills tastes like shit, but the gesture is nice.

If I remembered correctly original Broly befriend the creature, and I see why, when everything and everyone tries to kill one, you need a friend, even if this one doesn't talk or understands you.

It's funny how much people think they can survived without other people, while I wasn't and I will never be much of a social butterfly, I would kill to have a conversation with someone about anything right now, I'm so close to make a basketball ball and name it Willy or something.

"Another day, another roach... this is sad..." I sighed punching a rock to dust.

So far finding a way out was nothing but a vision or a dream, I didn't even know how to feel ki, and it's not because I'm not trying oh no, because I am!

Is just hard without any idea where to start, and my RPG system, works like the menu of a normal game, showing me items that I have acquired, but has no shop and etc.


••Six months later••

I had been focusing on trying to hunt other creatures, I'm done with the roaches, I need something else, I don't remember what burgers or pizza taste like anymore!

If I think of food, all I can think of is this shit I've been eating since I got here.

So I jumped to eat some of predators in the area.

Hunting the second strongest creatures in the planet, at first I struggled because I didn't expect them to be so smart but I eventually overcame them.

Rage, took control of me and I snapped destroying them, it was so intoxicating that I had problems controlling it.

[•Name: Broly

•Age: 4

•Gender: Male

•Race: Mutated Saiyan

•Power level: 41871]

My power got a huge boost with it, after my mind cleared up, it was weird, for a moment when the monsters tried to kill me, and I was losing the battle I stopped thinking, or to be precise all I thought was one simple thing, that I had to kill those bastards.

My power went from 15417 to over 100k and once I finally calmed down I was several times stronger that I was before.

But unfortunately for me, even the predators tasted like shit, I guess the saying you are what you eat applies to this planet.

"Time to visit, Mr cat," I sighed as I stood of from my cave.

As I leaved the cave I felt something, in the air, like something was approaching, trusting my instincts was something I had learned to do since day one here, so I turned around to find a ship coming down.

"So dear old dad, decided to come and rescue me..." I sighed, on one part I was happy that he came because I would have someone to talk to, on the other hand, I knew he was an asshole that would try to put an electric collar on my neck.

Deciding to go and meet them, I took us flying towards the ship.

After a few minutes flying I got to where the ship had landed finding, Paragus standing outside the ship.


•Power level: 9547

•Information: He loves you, on his own way, and sacrificed everything to come her and try and rescue you, he hates Vegeta because of what he did and wants to kill the king.

•Race: Saiyan]

The information bit was unexpected, he loved me? I suppose in someway he did, after all he did come to this shit hole for me.

"Hey," I waved from the rock behind him I was using as a chair to look at him.

Paragus turned around clearly startled and waved back at me, "Hey..." his scouter exploding.

[Achievement unlocked: I am your father!]

I was too busy enjoying the first intelligent interaction in a year, to even acknowledge the achievement.

"So, do you have anything that doesn't taste like shit on that ship?" I asked titling my head.

"Yes I do..." Paragus answered clearly perplexed by something, "Do you know who I am?"

"Yes... you are my father," I nodded.

Paragus smiled or the saiyan version of it, that was like a happy grunt, "So I assume animals here taste bad,"

"Bad is a compliment," I chuckled.

"Well, I have some rations that should last two years or so, that I brought in..." Paragus threw me a piece of meat, and from that day forward he became my favorite person in the world.

I ate the meat raw and tasted like glory and heaven together.

As I ate, Paragus grumbled that the ship was beyond repair and that we had no way of leaving the planet.

I was too occupied to actually care for that, at the moment, but I had an idea.

"What if you amplify the radio or something?" I inquired.

"I don't think I can do that... and how do you know about that?" Paragus asked, probably confused as to how I could know of the existence of the radio when this planet was on the Stone Age.

"My ball had one," I answered.

"I see," Paragus seemed to be pleased with the answer, "Your idea might work, but I'm a full fledged technician... it might take while...maybe I shouldn't had killed that guy..."

"You mean you killed the one guy that could've have helped us..." I deadpanned.

"...It was a decision that had to be made... that I might regret at this point..." Paragus somewhat admitted not thinking that shit through.

And so it began my life with my father, who I would kill if he tried to put a collar on me, I liked the guy, but not enough to let him electrocute me, that's something I might or might not do with my future wife.
