
Dragon ball: Why am I Fasha!?

Some guy was just going about his normal life. Then something crazy happens! He wakes up on a completely different universe. With a completely different gender! "Come on guys! You can throw me in a random universe for all I care, but at least let me keep my manhood!" Watch her wacky adventures as she makes her way through the unique world of Dragonball! --------- A/N: All Dragonball rights go to their official owners. This is made purely for fun. Also the cover is a fan art I found if it is needed I will take it down. Thank you for reading.

Bats3245 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

It was a quick process to register for the mission. Jut a name and my PTO number and we were good to go.

Currently she was at the launch pad getting mandatory flight instructions.

"It will only take three months to get there. Do not mess with the controls and you should be fine." The instructor said.

"Yeah. Yeah." Fasha said disinterestedly as she slipped into her pod.

"..Che! Damn saiyan's." He said under his breath.

'Tsk. You actually expect me to listen to you!? I dont even understand half of what these buttons do still!' Fasha thought irritated as she strapped in and gave him the go ahead.

"Launching in 3...2...1 take off."


And just like that Fasha was launched into space hopefully to never return to Planet Vegeta.


Flying in space is boring. Don't get her wrong it was pretty cool for the first couple of days but it got old fast. While their is a hibernation mode, Fasha vetoed ths idea of wasting a whole three months sleeping.

So what was she doing during this time? Ki! Ki is a very important aspect of her new life in the Dragonball world. Without good Ki control she wont get far.

Ki is known as "Latent energy" or "Fighting power" it is an energy all life forms posses. By training both your body and your mind, you can increase your Ki pool. And when you draw it out you can do a great deal of things. Ranging from physical empowerment to firing off energy beams.

Most saiyan's use Ki on an instinctual level, using it to fly and shoot off energy blasts. But what Fasha wanted was not to use it instinctively, but being able to control it.

Looking deep into herself she could feel something warm around her navel and while she would like to play around with it more, she was afraid of blowing up the ship.

So for now she decided to just get familiar with it and meditate to see if it increased.


Planet Tayama is a medium level Planet at the southern part of the universe. It had a power level rating from 2,000-30,000. That's right, even the weakest PL was as strong as Fasha.

If so why did they let her take it? Simply because they don't care. Most people in PTO knows that Freiza doesn't like the saiyan's, so he wouldn't care if one or two went missing. Thankfully this worked right into Fasha's favor.

Quickly approaching the Planet was a shiny spherical pod. Soon enough it broke through the atmosphere and crash landed in one of the many forests.

A large portion of the forest was destroyed, sending out a shock wave to the surroundings. Dirt and stons flew through the air like rain, only to be pulled back down by the strong gravity.


The pods door opened and a small gloved hand reached out and grabbed the door frams to pull itself out.

Stretching her stiff arms and legs Fasha couldn't be happier to finally get out of that cramped pod.

"Mmmmhmmm finally some fresh air." Fasha said happily.

Looking around at the scenery Fasha couldn't help but retort. "But seriously this place is crap. The sky is freaking purple for goodness sakes and the plants are red!"

"Tsk! Well whatever better get a move on." Fasha clicked her tounge as she turned around to get her pod and leave. Until she noticed a problem.

Even with her monstrous strength she could barely move. She underestimated the gravity on Tayama.

"Heh. Good. This is exactly what I needed. The sheet said it's gravity was around 3X Planet Vegeta's putting it at 30X Earths. If Goku could handle 10X Earths gravity with only 300 something PL, I can do the same thing here." Fasha said aloud. You know what they say "Fortune favors the bold" and Fasha was willing to work harder than anyone to make sure she survived.

"Let's see what were dealing with here." Reaching her hand up Fasha clicked on the scouter to see the inhabitants PL.

"Beep..beep..beep..brrrr Power Level: 3,489. 8,942. 2,012. 6,786....."

There were many strong reactions in her direct vicinity. Some almost as strong as her old teamate Bardock. And that was a scary thought. She watched Bardock ripe through entire armies in seconds. But, she wasn't scared far from it actually.

First off the inhabitants of this planet probably can't use Ki and secondly she remembered a certain technique Bardock showed her when he got promoted to a high-class warrior. Power ball. It has the ability to release blutz waves allowing her to turn into an oozaru or great ape. Greatly increasing her power. In the anime it was around a 10X increase setting her nicely at a PL of 23,240 if she used it. Not the strongest on the planet but enough to run away.

Knowing that she was going to be here for a while Fasha picked up her pod and headed for the mountains. Maybe their was a cave she could take?

It didn't take long to find a suitable cave, but apareantly it was occupied. Which was no problem for Fasha, she knew she would have to kill sooner or later. Might as well be sooner.

Dropping her pod Fasha released a shout as she drew out her Ki.

"Haaaa!" Although she had a very crude control you could still visibly see a faint purple aura surrounding her.

This however didn't go unnoticed. The beast that called the cave its home, quickly reacted and went to defeat the intruder. It was about 2 meters tall and looked like a giant lizard.

Seeing its arrival Fasha hastily scanned its PL. "Beep. Power Level: 2,641."

"Heh! You will be a great test for my first fight." Fasha said aloud as she got into the stance she remembered the original using. It wasn't something profound like Goku's Martial Arts, but it would get the job done.


Rushing forward Fasha sliped under its guard and started to throw a flurry of attacks, making sure to send it away from her new home. With her enhanced speed it couldn't block her so it decided to go on the offensive. Gathering energy in its mouth it shot a energy beam point blank at Fasha.

Luckily she expected that and had enough time to dodge. "Looks like your not going to make this easy!" Fasha stated as they both stared each other down.

Suddenly they rushed towards one another each throwing out devastating blows. Fist met Claws and forearms met scaley legs as they went back and forth trying to defeat the other. Each one accompanied by the popping sound of the air.


Whenever she got the chance Fasha would send out a couple of Ki blasts to keep it from recovering, before rushing back in.

Ducking under one of it's slashes Fasha went for a low sweep to knock it off balance. Her foot successfully hit its ankle tripping it.

"Roooaaaar!" It roared as it tumbled over and stopped for a second.

Which was all Fasha needed. She could feel her Ki control improve the more she fought so she decided to go all out!

"Haaaa!" Powering up to the max she compressed all her Ki into her hand and thrusted it out. "VIOLET CANNON!"

Which resulted in an purple energy wave that went straight through its head, and a couple of mountains behind it like butter!


"Haaah..haa..that was more tiring than I thought it would be." Fasha aloud. Although the fight didn't really last that long, it was still nerve racking to put your life on the line.

Since she used all of her Ki, she decided to sit down and analyze her fight.

"Hmm.. While their are many things to improve upon, I feel as if I did pretty well. It was my first fight and my first time to actually use Ki. However it took me more than fifteen minutes to defeat something at Nappa level strength. I have to get better."

So with a fire in her eyes and a new determination Fasha headed back to her new home which she won through combat.

If you enjoyed this go check pit my other fics! Gave a great day.

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