
Dragon ball V: Born again as a Saiyan!

What would you do if you died and then came back to life in the universe of Dragon Ball Z? Sadly, our main character ended up passing away tragically. He had often wondered what would happen when he eventually passed away when something unbelievable happened. He soon finds himself waking up in the body of a Saiyan child and of all places, on the planet Vegeta! Follow Vocada on his journey through this perilous cosmos as he battles to survive in the face of overwhelming odds, being forced to do unthinkable things to survive each day as he strives for greater power along the way with a little help form a strange system... Ps I own the cover art as I drew it myself!

Lavalord115 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 9: Who needs a flashy name for an attack anyway?

With Vocada learning the ability to fly he had found it much easier to get around the planet. Helping him to avoid dangers and find safer places for him to rest and train as he explored the vast desert planet.

So far Vocada had stumbled upon three main cities dotted around the planet, complete with many small villages through the vast desert world. Vocada has also reached the ocean, finding that all of the land mass was connected, with the ocean only spanning a 3rd of this world, making it rather small compared to how much it was on Earth.

Another two weeks had gone by as Vocada had used his ability to fly to get his bearings around the planet, as well as continue his training when he had the chance.

Name: Vocada.

Race: Saiyan.

Age: 4 years old.

Power Level: 410


Level: 6 [EXP 180/400]

Strength: 7

Speed: 6

Ki control: 1:1

Ability points: 1

Abilities: [Oozaru transformation] [Zenkai boost] [Intermediate Ki control]

Vocada had however spent more time exploring the planet than he had done training, only having increased his power level by another ten points.

Currently, he found himself relaxing by another lagoon that he had found, surrounded by trees that kind of resembled palm trees with a spikey but yummy fruit that grew on them.

Vocada had been thinking of a way that he would be able to separate the strongest warriors of this race from one another. Eventually, he had come up with a plan to attack some of the closer villages to the main city, hoping he would draw them out after him.

Vocada headed toward one of the villages and swooped in from the sky, shooting energy attacks from above to blow up a couple of buildings, resulting in many casualties of the people who had been living there. Vocada had not thought much of it though, not holding any sentiment for these aliens after they had locked him up and tried to kill him numerous times now. If he really felt like it he could have killed many more of them with the power he had obtained at the moment. However, he had only down what was necessary, not wanting to slaughter them for nothing.

Suddenly his scouter beeped to life, detecting two power levels of 220 and 300 heading toward the village.

"Looks like my plan worked," Vocada said as he finished the last bite of the fruit he had been eating and stood up, clicking his scouter again.

"Looks like they are alone," Vocada said, not seeing any other readings coming from the area.

"300 and 220... With my power at 410, I could handle them both alone with ease... I guess If I take them by surprise and don't lower my guard I can still defeat them without trouble." He said, trying to come up with a plan of attack.

With that Vocada floated into the air with a grin on his face, feeling his Saiyan blood getting excited at the prospect of a battle to come before he blasted off into the air, using his Ki to boost his speed.

Vocada flew through the air as he followed his scouter's signals, getting closer and closer to his targets, making sure to stay high up in the clouds so he could remain hidden until he was ready, even if the heat from both sun's up here was crazy hot.

Soon enough the scouter was indicating that Vocada was right above them, deciding to slowly drop below the clouds so he could see them.

"Looks like they are heading to the village alone after all," Vocada said, taking another look around to see if anyone else was close by.

"All clear." He said, having checked his scouter one last time, being happy that it was time to take the attack to them.

Vocada flew down from the sky, making sure to head directly down with the sun at his back, giving him the best advantage for a surprise attack before he set his sights on the weaker of the two, seeing his power level was only 220, making him easy pickings.

"Now!" Vocada yelled out, charging a powerful ball of Ki in his right hand before he flew right in front of the two Vubrothians taking them completely off guard before he released his energy attack at the weaker of the two.


Vocada's beam burst open and swallowed the weaker Vubrothian's upper body completely destroying the alien creature from the waist up, leaving the other one shocked at what had just happened.

"Noo!!" It yelled out and quickly dashed forward at Vocada as he attacked him with an impressive barrage of punches, not holding anything back.

Vocada had seen that neither of them was the Prince, feeling a little disappointed as he blocked the punches of the warrior he was now fighting, stopping all of his attacks from his three arms before pressing on the counterattack.

The Vubrothian warrior ducked under a kick and moved to the right using its tail to slap out, looking more like a rattlesnake kind of alien.

Vocada blocked the attack from its tail and quickly flipped backwards to avoid another two punches, doing a handspring before he pushed his hands together and fired an energy wave at the Vubrothian.

"HAAA!!!" The Vubrothian yelled out as he caught the energy attack with all three of its arms, trying with all of its might before it tossed the blast into the air, being able to deflect it.

"He was able to deflect that one, eh... Not bad." Vocada said as he slowly took another fighting stance while he watched the warrior carefully.

"I can see how you were able to defeat the Prince..." The Vubrothian warrior said before he took off his cloak, trying to catch his breath a little before he too took a fighting stance.

"But I am much stronger than he is at the moment." The Vubrothian said.

"I am sorry master... But I will have to use that technique if I want to stand a chance against this monster... Even if I am yet to master it..." The Vubrothian then said as he took the same stance the Prince had before he took a deep breath.

"Don't tell me he is about to power up like the Prince did that time?" Vocada said, wanting to see what would happen now that he had his scouter this time.

The Vubrothian warrior took a deep breath before his aura turned white around him, making it seem as if he was glowing before his muscles started to grow larger just as the Princes had done.

"ARGH!" The Vubrothian warrior yelled out, suddenly growing larger as he finished powering up, becoming much larger and bulkier than before.

Vocada watched as his scouter displayed the numbers, showing that his power had risen from 300 to 500, giving the snake alien a large power-up before it took a fighting stance.

"Oh shit, this isn't good," Vocada said as he watched the Vubrothian burst forward toward him, throwing a powerful punch that hit him in the stomach, causing Vocada to double over from the force of the attack, feeling the fruit he had just eaten come back up before he was smashed with a strong uppercut, sending him flying into the air.

"S-So strong..." Vocada said, getting a grip of himself before he was forced to defend himself again, dodging another two punches before he blocked the last one with an X-block, getting knocked back through the air, flipping around as he caught himself with his Ki, some how being able to stay conscious after taking those hits.

Vocada could feel the bruise already forming on his arms and face from the attacks, knowing that things were not looking good now that the Vubrothian had powered up so much.

"I had no idea that they were capable of such a technique..." Vocada said as he spit some blood out from his mouth, and floated a little higher into the air looking down on the Vubrothian warrior who was now panting.

"But, it would seem it comes with its drawbacks." Vocada then said as he could see the warrior's power level steadily dropping, having gone from 500 to 460 after only a short time.

"Don't think I will let you escape!" The Vubrothian warrior yelled out as he jumped into the air, throwing attack after attack at Vocada, doing his best to hit him with everything he had.

Vocada dodged the attacks but had been careless and forgot about his tail, feeling it wrap around his foot, causing him to look down at it.

"Shit!" Vocada yelled as he was thrown from the air toward the ground, doing his best to stop his fall with his Ki control, skimming the ground before he rolled back and flipped to his feet.

"Argh!" The Vubrothian yelled as he slammed his arms into the ground, having aimed a powerful sledgehammer blow toward Vocada's head, only to have missed as Vocada dashed out of the way, not being stupid enough to try and block such a strong attack.

"I'm giving you everything I've got you monster!" The Vubrothian yelled out as he suddenly charged Ki orbs in all three of its hands, throwing a barrage of them at Vocada.

The Ki orbs exploded along the sand and kicked up a huge amount of debris from their force. However, Vocada had been able to outrun them and quickly dashed out of the smoke and across the sand as he continued to dodge the incoming blasts, trying his best not to get hit.

The Vubrothian warrior continued to unleash his barrage of Ki blasts in an attempt to hit Vocada as he tracked his movement, blasting him over and over again with no success in hitting him so far.

Vocada could now see that his power level had dropped from 460 to 400 on his scouter, making him weaker than he was now, knowing it was time to give him everything he had as he continued to get weaker the more he used his technique.

"Bring it on!" Vocada yelled out as he jumped into the air, pulling his arm back as he began to charge his energy into the palm of his hand, having to also concentrate on his Ki to allow him to fly at the same time, something he had been practising in his training.

The Vubrothian warrior could see what he was doing, knowing that he was too tired to try and dodge the attack now, having to meet it with his own energy beam in a contest of power.

"So be it, I will take vengeance for all of the people you have killed!" The Vubrothian shouted as he formed Ki orbs in each of his hands before combining them together.

"I won't let you kill anyone else, you bastard!!! Take this, triple energy slicer!" The Vubrothian finally shouted as he let his yellow energy beam fire, unloading all of his power into it, having a name for the technique and everything.

Vocada had charged all of his power into this attack, making sure to focus all of his Ki control into the palm of his hand before it was finally ready to unleash.

"Ha! I don't need a flashy name to take you down you fucker!!!" Vocada yelled out. "Take this!!!" He screamed, unleashing his huge energy blast right down toward the Vubrothian warrior, watching as both of their beams hit.

The energy crackled with energy shards blasted off one another as they smashed against each other, both fighting for dominance as the shockwaves came off them creating powerful sand streams and whirlwinds all around the area.

Vocada could see the power of each beam on his scouter, seeing that the Vubrothians had capped out at 555 while his was a whopping 699, watching as his energy attack quickly overwhelmed the Vubrothians, pushing it down and down toward the Vubrothian warrior.

"N-No way! How can this be!!!" The Vubrothian yelled out before Vocada's attack finally broke through his and struck him in its burning light.

"ARGHHHHH!!!" The Vubrothian cried out, letting out an agonizing shriek before Vocada's energy attack exploded, creating a huge mushroom cloud like some kind of nuclear blast, even pushing him back from the shock wave of it.

Vocada watched as the dust finally settled, revealing the huge creator that his attack had created in the desert, having taken out a large chunk of land, leaving no trace of the Vubrothian warrior he had been fighting.

[You have received 200 EXP.] A notification suddenly popped up, meaning Vocada had won the fight.

"Two down... Three to go." Vocada then said, floating in the sky as he looked down at his handy work, knowing that he would have to fight more of them the next time, getting excited at the thought of the challenge.