
Chapter 31: Vocada's demonstration of power.

Vocada stood before the alien warrior of the planet Broria L15, also known as a Broria warrior. Vocada had powered up to full power, utilising the technique that he had stolen from the last planet he had been on, allowing him to boost his power level by several thousand units.

The only drawback to this power-up technique was that it could only be used for a short amount of time before the user's power started to drain rather quickly, leaving them exhausted if prolonged.

"T-This cannot be... I am the strongest of my people... A mutant with powers far surpassing my ancestors!" The Broria warrior said, growing angry that he was so outclassed by Vocada.

"Strongest or not, you are still no match for me!" Vocada yelled, suddenly appearing in front of the warrior before he slammed a punch into his face, almost caving his skull in from a single hit and sending him crashing through the ruins of the city.

"I have to say, this is the first time I am testing this technique out on a person..." Vocada said, looking at his hand while making a fist.

"I can see why those Snake bastards gave me so much trouble now." Vocada then said, looking up to see if his opponent was up yet.

"No matter, I don't have time to play around." Vocada then said before he flew into the air and started to charge a powerful Ki blast in the palm of his hand, waiting and watching for any sign of the Broria warrior.

"There," Vocada said, watching as the rubble he had sent him crashing into moved, revealing the warrior as he slowly stood to his feet, holding his face while blood gushed from his mouth and nose.

Somehow the scouter that Vocada had given him was still hanging on his face only having a few scratches on it.

Quickly Vocada appeared before the warrior, using his incredible speed boost to move faster than the warrior could see.

"I'll be taking this back," Vocada said as he snatched his scouter back before kneeing the Broria warrior in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.

"It's like fighting a child..." Vocada said, almost feeling bad.

"I had hoped that you would have put up more of a fight. I guess I should have saved this technique for later in our fight," Vocada said, knowing it was time to end their fight once and for all as he pointed his energy attack into the face of the Broria warrior.

"Say hello to your ancestors for me," Vocada said, being merciless in his execution of the warrior, allowing his energy attack to blast through his entire body leaving no trace of him left once the heat and the explosion wore off, causing the dust and debris that had kicked up to settle once he was finished.

Vocada took a moment to take in his victory over his so-called battle with the Broria warriors, not finding them much of a challenge for his strength.

[Congratulations... You have defeated the Broria warriors. Quest complete.] The system then said, awarding him a rather larger amount of EXP.

[You have levelled up.] The system also said, prompting Vocada to check his stats screen once he powered down, allowing his muscles to shrink back down to their normal size.

Name: Vocada.

Race: Saiyan.

Class: Low class.

Squad: Gorlick. Parsnap. Edaray. EXP Share on.

Age: 16 years old.

Power Level: 3800.


Level: 20 [EXP 7000/21000]

Strength: 5:3

Speed: 2:2

Ki control: 6:2

Ability points: 4

Abilities: [Oozaru transformation] [Zenkai boost] [Intermediate Ki control]

Vocada could see that he had levelled up and increased his stats and power level. However, what seemed to catch his eye the most was that Gorlick's name still being part of his squad.

Vocada placed his scouter back onto his face before he pressed the button and started to scan the area.

Vocada picked up on Edaray's power level before he got a read on Parsnap too, seeing that he was hurt but ok.

"Where are you..." Vocada said, scanning around the area he remembered the space pod getting blown up before finally getting a weak reading of 110.

"There..." Vocada said knowing that it must be Gorlick, feeling impressed that he had been able to survive the explosion of his space pod.

"You did it..." Edaray said slowly walking over toward Vocada.

"Y-Yeah..." Vocada said, almost forgetting that Edaray was still there.

"With their defeat, this planet is ours for the taking." Vocada then said somehow knowing that he would have to finish the rest of the work on his own given the state of his squad.

"Regardless, the three of you are going to need some rest to recover... Gorlick on the other hand needs a healing pod." He said, looking over at Parsnap who was still out of it with a power level of 600 at the moment.

"Hang on here for me, I will be back soon," Vocada said to Edaray, getting a nod from the half-Saiyan.

With that Vocada took off into the air before heading over to where Gorlick's energy signature was coming from, using his scouter to track his location, coming to a part of the ruined city where he found Gorlick lying on the ground.

"Damn... He is in bad shape." Vocada said as he landed on the ground next to him, seeing he was out of it and barely breathing.

"Maybe I should finish him off and put him out of his misery..." Vocada said aloud, not liking the sound of his heavy wheezing.

Suddenly Gorlick's hand grabbed Vocada by the ankle with his eyes shooting open, looking at Vocada with a powerful burning ambision to live.

"There you are... Still alive I see." Vocada said, not getting a response from his fellow Saiyan.

"Still, if we don't get you to a healing tank soon, you really will die," Vocada said to him, seeing that he had some nasty burns on his body.

Gorlick simply stared at Vocada not losing the fire in his eyes, causing Vocada to sigh.

"Fine... I'll send you back in another pod," Vocada said, taking out the small controller for his own space pod before he pushed a few buttons on it.

Soon enough Vocada's space flew through the air and crash landed on the ground close by.

"Alright, this might hurt a little," Vocada said before he picked Gorlick off the ground, getting a loud grunt and cry from the Saiyan as pain burst all around his broken body.

"Here..." Vocada said as he managed to place him inside of the space pod, programming the setting in the pod to take him back to the planet Vegeta and engage the life support system ASAP.

Vocada watched while the space pod doors started to close, seeing that Gorlick had never taken his eyes off of Vocada's, watching him until the door was sealed shut.

"You had better not die." Vocada finally said, watching as the space pod hovered into the air. This time it floated into space uninterrupted before it blasted off.

With that, Vocada turned his attention back toward Edaray and Parsnap knowing that only one space pod was left on the planet now, meaning he would have to try and get some more sent out to him.

However, Vocada had to wonder if they would send him more space pods. He looked at his scouter for a moment before he flicked the settings to long-range from short-range, hoping it would reach back to planet Vegeta.

"This is Vocada here, a Saiyan warrior currently on the planet Broria L15. I require assistance if anyone is listening on the planet Vegeta..." Vocada said, waiting to see if he would get a response.

"V-Vocada... We read you loud and clear..." A voice said not long after, responding to his message.

"Perfect. I require two additional space pods to be sent to my location. The mission is complete but some of our pods were destroyed in the combat." Vocada said.

"R-Rodger that Vocada... We will send out three pods to your location. Wait out until they arrive." The voice said, crackling as the signal wasn't the best.

"Copy that," Vocada said before he turned his attention back to the others.

"I guess we have some time to kill then..."