
Dragon ball V: Born again as a Saiyan!

What would you do if you died and then came back to life in the universe of Dragon Ball Z? Sadly, our main character ended up passing away tragically. He had often wondered what would happen when he eventually passed away when something unbelievable happened. He soon finds himself waking up in the body of a Saiyan child and of all places, on the planet Vegeta! Follow Vocada on his journey through this perilous cosmos as he battles to survive in the face of overwhelming odds, being forced to do unthinkable things to survive each day as he strives for greater power along the way with a little help form a strange system... Ps I own the cover art as I drew it myself!

Lavalord115 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 19: Arrival.

four months had passed by since Vocada's final battle with Viper and Cobra. As a result of his anger, Vocada had temporarily lost his mind, pushing himself to destroy everything on the planet once he transformed into a mighty Oozaru, leaving the planet in ruins and very few Vubrothians remaining.

Once Vocada had woken up, he was met with the aftermath of his destruction. Flashbacks and small snippets flowed through his mind as time passed, allowing him to remember what he had done. Leaving Vocada with no other option than to move forward and build some kind of life for himself, finding peace in the four months that followed.

Vocada felt some remorse for what he had done, however, he still felt a small amount of hate toward the Vubrothians, even if he had killed 99% of them. Happy that he would be left alone during the rest of his days on this planet.

Vocada had of course received a large amount of EXP for defeating Viper and Cobra, as well as completing his mission of clearing the planet. Something he had not been aware of in his systems quests.

Name: Vocada.

Race: Saiyan.

Age: 15 years old.

Power Level: 2800.


Level: 19[EXP 13550/16000]

Strength: 2:3

Speed: 10:1

Ki control: 4:2

Ability points: 2

Abilities: [Oozaru transformation] [Zenkai boost] [Intermediate Ki control]

Vocada had received 5000 EXP for killing Viper, 5500 for killing Cobra, and 3000 for everyone else he killed combined, not resulting in much for the amount of lives it cost. Finally, Vocada received 10,000 EXP and one ability point for completing his mission, resulting in a combined total of 23,500 EXP points, granting him another increase in level, almost two.

Still, Vocada had gained two more ability points and raised his power level from 2200 to 2800, giving him a well-needed boost thanks to a small Zenkai and his level up.

The months passed by slowly for Vocada, spending most of his time trying to build himself a home. Vocada found that if he formed the sand while it was wet into blocks and then applied his Ki to them, he could create a form of study sandstone, using them to build himself a rather impressive house to keep him sheltered from the sun in the day and warm at night, allowing him to light fires in each room to keep the house heated.

As for food, Vocada was able to hunt what remained of the wild animals that had been able to bury themselves in the sand and survive his rampage. That and the plenty of wildlife that was still left in the sea enabled him to catch plenty of strange-looking fish and live off them.

It wasn't much, but it had become a peaceful life, allowing Vocada to focus on training his mind and spirit with the quiet days that followed.

This day had started like any other. Vocada had woken early with the rise of the suns and gone about his morning routine. Vocada started with breakfast, chowing down on some leftover giant fish he had captured, keeping it buried in the sand overnight to keep it fresh and cool thanks to the high levels of salt that were present in the sand.

Once he had eaten his fill, Vocada proceeded with his training, setting off on a long and vigorous run over the sand hills to strengthen his legs and stamina. After that came his bodyweight routine, consisting of numerous bodyweight exercises and stretches, similar to a gymnastic routine, allowing him to master his body weight in all positions.

Next was shadow sparing which lasted for a further three hours, allowing Vocada to train his combat ability in the blistering heat of the planet's suns, also conditioning his body to the extreme heat to train his stamina.

After that, it was time to eat again with Vocada drinking his body weight in water allowing himself to hydrate his body before he took a nice long nap in the cool shade of his house.

However, Vocada's nap was interrupted by the screaming sound of two fireballs that broke through the sky, plummeting toward the ground before crash landing and sending a shock wave across the globe.

"What in the hell was that?" Vocada said as he rushed to his door, seeing the smoke trail leading down from the sky.

"It can't be... After all this time." Vocada said, feeling a mix of excited and nervous emotions running through his mind before he jumped into the sky, blasting off toward the smoke.


Two Saiyan space pods had crash-landed in the deserts of the planet Vubroth, leaving the sand scorched from the intense heat that their space pods had created.

Suddenly both of the Saiyan space pods burst open, letting off a large amount of steam before both of the Saiyans grabbed the outside of their pod and stepped outside, taking a breath of fresh air.

"WOOO! Fuck me that's hot!" The first Saiyan said as he floated into the air, feeling the heat of the planet's suns and the dry air.

The other did the same floating toward the other Saiyan, tugging on his armour feeling that he was already sweating.

"Man, I hate hot planets like these. Why would Frieza even want a planet like this?" The other Saiyan asked.

"How would I know? Let's just get to work already and find the strongest life form." The first Saiyan said, reaching up as he clicked his scouter.

The Saiyan's scouter beeped to life as it started to scan the area, trying to pick up on any life form within range.

-Beep, beep- The scouter suddenly sounded, picking up on a power level of 300 coming toward them.

"Looks like we've got a winner." The Saiyan said, seeing that the power level was fast approaching, only 50 meters away now.

"It sure is fast." The other Saiyan said, watching it get closer and closer until it finally burst free from the sand, revealing a large Thoroxicor that charged toward them, attacking with its spikey tail and extendable neck at the same time.

"Woh! What the hell is that thing!" The first Saiyan said, flying back to avoid the spiked tail bash.

"Not a clue, but it looks strong." The second one said, as he pulled his hand back and punched the Thoroxicor in the face, breaking its teeth and knocking it back toward the ground.

"Maybe not that strong." The Saiyan then said with a smile on his face, getting excited.

Suddenly the first Saiyan's scouter started beeping again as it detected another power level fast approaching.

"Eh, another one, what now?" He asked, seeing that the numbers displayed 2950.

"W-What! We've got something big coming toward us!" He shouted, causing the other to look at him and then at his scouter, seeing the same thing.

"N-No way! This was supposed to be a low-level planet, how in the hell is something that strong on a backwater planet like this!" The second Saiyan shouted, looking a little scared.

However, the Saiyan's had taken their eyes off the Thoroxicor below them, not paying attention as it used its extendable neck to reach its head up to the first Saiyan, opening its jaws wide and taking him by surprise.

"S-Shit!" The Saiyan yelled, having taken his eye off the ball, having no choice other than to try and block the creature's bite.

"Take this!" A strange voice suddenly yelled, appearing in the blink of an eye before smashing a kick into the Thoroxicor's face and sending it crashing toward the ground, hitting the sand hard with a burst of debris into the air.

Both of the other Saiyan's looked at the stranger in amazement, seeing that their scouters displaying his power level, causing the two of them to quickly jump back with their guard up as they looked him up and down.

"H-Hold on a second is that a tail!" The first Saiyan blurted out, seeing Vocada standing tall with his tail hanging out behind him.

"Holy shit..." The other one said, taking in Vocada's appearance, realising that he was a Saiyan too.

Vocada looked down at his handy work for a second before he turned around to face the other two Saiyan's, not believing his eyes.

"You came..." Vocada said, causing the other two to give him a funny look.

"What the hell are you doing here?" The first one asked.

"I thought this planet was Saiyan-free?" The other then said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Vocada was surprised by the way they were acting, seeing that they were certainly no Vegeta or Nappa, causing him to have more questions.

"Don't tell me you were sent here as a baby?" The first Saiyan then asked, crossing his arms over his chest as he got a better look at Vocada.

"Hell, he's just a kid." The other then said.

"That's right. My name is Vocada. I was sent here as a child to take over the planet." Vocada said.

"I see... Well, at least he isn't savage." The second Saiyan then said, laughing a little.

"Yeah... With a battle power that high, we wouldn't stand a chance." The first one said, scratching his head, feeling rather puzzled that he was so strong considering he had been sent here as a child.

"I'm Lettus, nice to meet ya kid." The first one said. He was tall and thin, with short spikey hair and a scar down his left eye. He Wore the standard Saiyan battle armour that Raditz had worn at the start of the show.

"And I'm, Gangal." The second Saiyan then said. He was short and rather round for a Saiyan, also wearing a set of armour with no shoulder guards, leaving his large and stocky arms free.

"Say kid, you know that only low-class Saiyan's get sent off to planets like this one. But with a power that high, you certainly aren't a normal low class." Lettus asked.

Vocada nodded his head before he answered.

"The inhabitants of this planet were certainly weak. However, some of their strongest warriors were strong enough to push me to my limits and help me grow stronger." Vocada said, causing both the others to raise an eyebrow.

"Is that right... Sounds like you had one hell of a time on this sandball." Gangal said with a loud chuckle.

"I guess you could say that," Vocada said, remembering all of the battles and near-death experiences he had had here.

"Anyway, I take it you were able to complete your mission?" Lettus then asked, pressing his scouter again to scan the area.

"Yes... I killed them all some time ago." Vocada said with a heavy heart.

"Nice! With a power level like yours, I bet that was no problem!" Gangal said as he slapped Vocada on the back, laughing about it.

"Don't worry about it kid, you get used to it soon enough." He then said, seeing that Vocada was a little conflicted about it.

"I'm not picking up any life form worthy of our attention." Lettus then said, not being able to get a reading on his scouter.

"Looks like the job is complete then." He then said, placing his hands on his hips.

"Hell, I would say it was a waste of a trip, but at least we stumbled across you, eh, Vocada," Gangal said, laughing before they all floated down toward the ground, landing next to the dead Thoroxicor's body.

"So, where is your space pod?" Lettus asked, looking at Vocada.

"My pod?" Vocada asked.

"It was destroyed long ago." He said, remembering he had done it by accident as a great ape.

"Well, shit... No wonder they thought you had died here." Gangal said crossing his arms.

"Yes. If a Saiyan infant's pod is destroyed and its signal lost, the Saiyan child is reported as MIA and the Planet is placed back on the job list after around five years or so." Lettus said, explaining how it worked to Vocada.

"I see," Vocada said.

"Looks like your armour and scouter were also destroyed." Gangal then said before he started reaching around in a pocket on the inside of his armour.

After a few moments, he pulled out an old-looking green scouter, tossing it to Vocada.

"Here, try this on. I never leave without a spare." He said with a smile.

Vocada caught the scouter, looking at it for a moment before he clipped it over his left ear and pressed the button, getting it to activate.

Vocada watched as the scouter started to beep and read the power levels around him, scanning both of the Saiyans before displaying their power level.

Gangal's came up first, showing a power level of 1480 before it then displayed Lettus's power level, showing a reading of 1600.

Vocada was surprised at how much he outclassed them in power, being over a thousand points above them, despite them being much older than he was.

"So, how about it, Vocada, are you ready to get off this ball of sand and go home?" Lettus asked, forming a smile on his face.

"Home?" Vocada asked, not sure what he meant.

"Yes home," Lettus said, shaking his head.

"That's right, I guess you hardly remember the Planet Vegeta, do you?" He said.

Planet Vegeta...

"You mean it's still here?" Vocada asked, trying not to sound crazy with his questions.

However, both Lettus and Gangal looked at him like he was crazy before they burst out laughing.

"Man, did you hit your head as a kid or something," Gangal asked, laughing.

"Come on. Let's get you home, kid. The planet Vegeta awaits."