
Dragon ball: Tuffle reborn

Surviving Tuffles escaped to a far reach of the universe in which they chose to focus on there research of various topics sadly due to there lack of creativity they more or less just improve upon technology already created or commissioned. Making there daily life incredible easy through technology they don't even need to raise there children. Each child is raised in pods similar to that in cloning vats where they are taught all information they teach in there education from the age of 1 to the age of 5, this is similar to the gravity pods that sayians used to train their young to get used to the planetary conditions they live on. Z recently reincarnated by a gold dragon who impersonates the divine dragon places him into the body of a Tuffle infant. Z not knowing who his parents are is normal for Tuffles as the education pods teach them everything from math to language. Z however unfortunately was human and had learned of parents and similar society norms of humans and is conflicted. Not to mention now with his new alien child brain he lost most of his more human emotions controlled by his brain. Later he will solve these problems and finds a inner peace and spiritualism that fixes is inner conflict, lost humanity and emotions and ultimate his conflict with being a father in his past life and unknowingly connects his fatherhood to that of Goku who he deems as a poor father. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mention about Timelines and Lore, i binged watched all of Dragon ball to current just before writing this, not to mention i've read the manga(still reading the new chapters on DBS), and played some of the games. I also check the wiki and forums to confirm what is possible and not possible for Lore and Timeline and possible canonicity. Sorry if that seems snarky just want to cover everything, I tend to...Overanalyze? Point is I research everything and can sometimes add too much info, as well as respond and give more info then needed. So this is a warning of that and the fact I am very likely to respond to comments and stuff. I am a bit obsessives when it comes to doing certain things.

ZeOwl · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

Z2 Meeting

Goku had walked up behind me. "Hey weren't you just outside with Bulma?"

"I still am, trust me you'll see. Anyway these are?"

Tien spoke up before Goku did. "I'm Tien and this is Chiaotzu. You must be Z correct, Goku mentioned training with you on the lookout."

"I wouldn't call it training i just continuously shot ki beams at him."

"Before you two get to talking I am Krillin."

"And I'm Yamcha! You must be pretty powerful to beat Goku. I guarantee you'll have a hard time fighting us though!"

"I am going to destroy you Yamcha...I don't know where your confidence comes from, but if you ever want training I will first crush your spirit and then only then will I provide you any semblance of help..."


"Anyway nice to meet you Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin. I hope we can get along in the future."

"Are we just gonna ignore that or..."

"I have beef with Yamcha, we may have just met, but let's summarize it as I spent some time with Bulma and he is just terrible."

"What! what do you mean? I'm..."

"Your a horrible boyfriend, the first time you met Bulma you panicked and couldn't even speak to Bulma. You never took her out on any dates instead training alone and poorly while your at it. Finally I can just go ahead and assume you never actually even kissed Bulma. I am pretty sure you got further with your fan girls than you ever did with her."


"Wow, how much did Bulma tell you?"

"Say the right things and anyone will talk."

"Remind me to never cross you."

"Poor, Poor Krillin. One does not need to cross me to be dunked on."

"Don't mind me asking you, but you have a strange way of speaking. Where are you from?"

"I am from Space, just like the green dude over there Tien. Pretty crazy power that guy has. Best we don't talk to him...Right Goku?"

Goku who was staring at Piccolo broke his gaze, "Oh yeah, He seems familiar that's all."

"Z's right, that guy does seem pretty powerful..."

"I'm going to go talk to some other people I know around here. Talk later alright!'

Truth was I was gonna activate mini drones to gather Dna Samples of Tien, Krillin, Piccilo and Chi-Chi and a few others. I would also poison the disguised Yajirobe. He was a rat that ate one of the most magical fucking foods in the universe. I saw Chi-Chi striding over to Goku, before she could though I bumped into her.

"Chi-chi right? Goku didn't realize who you were eh?"

"Huh? Do I know you?"

"No, not specifically. Goku knows me and I know everyone more or less."

"Uh...Okay, well what did you want?"

"Well Goku doesn't recognize you so I think you should lay low and wait till you can fight him. Both you being Martial Artists I think you would be noticed if you present your skills?"

"I suppose so, but why should I listen to you? You could be just some perv."

"Oh right in the heart, but anyway its because those three his friends didn't recognize him. That was a 3 year separation, you had what a 5 year gap of separation? Don't you think it would be a stretch for him to recognize you after all that time? After all you both grew up and learned much more."

I wanted Chi-Chi just like I wanted Bulma. The problem was she would have to either be a long haul or Gohan would have to be my kid. Since I didn't know how that worked and I still wanted Gohan around to soften Piccolo. Not to mention Gohan was a prodigy, he could easily be cultivated into being a genius and after some time. I knew what I wanted Gohan to become. With Chi-Chi thinking about what I said, it was time to layer on the final piece.

"Pretty sure a hero like Goku would want something of a Super Wife. That is if he new what that meant. He doesn't even know what a wedding is, let alone a date. You got your work cut out with him... I'll be seeing you."

"Wait what do you mean he..." I walked away to quickly for her to ask me about what I said. She should now be question how to introduce herself, and ultimately about asking Goku about marriage. In the original plot she fought him told him about his promise and he said he didn't even know what it was think it was food. This time she would take a little longer and the neglect Goku gave her would mean all the more. At least that's what I planned for.

While leaving her though I made sure to check my bracelet for the harvested Dna. I had Chi-chi's Dna, she wasn't special, but due to her training she was one of the 3 peak humans on the planet. Being surprisingly the third strongest human. Currently Yamcha was weaker than her, with time he would become stronger than her. For now though she was the strongest female human on earth though. Holding that spot until Videl learns ki attacks.

I should train Chi-Chi! She was currently stronger than Yamcha who could use ki attacks. While she still hadn't had the ability. I knew she was stronger since I could check her powerlevel. If I could convince her that I could train her...That would be the perfect method.

I looked up meeting the eyes of Piccolo. "So Junior, What's up?"


"You know if you don't respond I'm just gonna stare at you."

"Fine. What do you want?"

"Kami will no doubt be disguised here, he will try to seal you with the evil containment wave. I know you can deflect it, but I also know you can just nullify it."

He looked at me with both confusion and malice. He was clearly trying to read my mind, to bad for him only Angels and those I allowed could read it. "So You want me to nullify it instead of sending it back to him."

"I know its a weird request, but I also know you don't exactly remember your origins. You know the ones before you split into two people."

His eyes widened, the fact I knew who he was made him suspicious. The knowledge of the past of his past was frightening. Though he was afraid, I could see the excitement he had. I wanted to bring him to Namek, eventually...There I would convince him and hopefully Guru to fuse. Guru would die eventually anyway, it would better to sustain his power into Piccolo instead. For now though, my knowledge would lead him to not want the destruction of earth and instead to a much more selfish goal.

"Good talk, I'll think on it."

"Alright, but if you don't nullify it...I'll curb stomp ya!"

I backed away, people were already drawing brackets to determine when they fought. I drew near the line at the same time Yajirobe did. He could feel my gaze apparently because he turned to look into my eyes.

"Who are you?"

"Not someone you would know...you will likely be the last to ask me that question today though."

"Why's that?"

A small drone drew near his neck biting him just like a mosquito would, however instead of draining blood from him it inject a horrible cocktail that would kill him within the day. I smiled, "Well isn't that an obvious question? I plan on winning today!"

"Whatever you say." He slapped at where the drone was. "Damn mosquitos it just had to be me..."

I grabbed my number and returned to the group. Let's just call them the Z fighters. After all...They would soon all become my little helpers.

-----*Ahem* So that's the cliff hanger, but i'll just add this here since it won't make since next chapter. He plans on winning and telling the Z fighters to train with him. Since he was the strongest living creature on earth currently he could give them the challenge they need to get stronger.-----