
Dragon ball: Tuffle reborn

Surviving Tuffles escaped to a far reach of the universe in which they chose to focus on there research of various topics sadly due to there lack of creativity they more or less just improve upon technology already created or commissioned. Making there daily life incredible easy through technology they don't even need to raise there children. Each child is raised in pods similar to that in cloning vats where they are taught all information they teach in there education from the age of 1 to the age of 5, this is similar to the gravity pods that sayians used to train their young to get used to the planetary conditions they live on. Z recently reincarnated by a gold dragon who impersonates the divine dragon places him into the body of a Tuffle infant. Z not knowing who his parents are is normal for Tuffles as the education pods teach them everything from math to language. Z however unfortunately was human and had learned of parents and similar society norms of humans and is conflicted. Not to mention now with his new alien child brain he lost most of his more human emotions controlled by his brain. Later he will solve these problems and finds a inner peace and spiritualism that fixes is inner conflict, lost humanity and emotions and ultimate his conflict with being a father in his past life and unknowingly connects his fatherhood to that of Goku who he deems as a poor father. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mention about Timelines and Lore, i binged watched all of Dragon ball to current just before writing this, not to mention i've read the manga(still reading the new chapters on DBS), and played some of the games. I also check the wiki and forums to confirm what is possible and not possible for Lore and Timeline and possible canonicity. Sorry if that seems snarky just want to cover everything, I tend to...Overanalyze? Point is I research everything and can sometimes add too much info, as well as respond and give more info then needed. So this is a warning of that and the fact I am very likely to respond to comments and stuff. I am a bit obsessives when it comes to doing certain things.

ZeOwl · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

Insert Nicholas Cage Bee joke

----This chapter is technically late, but I had stuff to do. So here it is----

With the fire eater leaving it was time to get the last thing needed to fix the 5 elements cauldron. I shook my head, that thing's name seriously annoyed me. Anyway the fire eater's existence had proven that the last filler episodes of Dragon Ball were real more or less. Giving me the confirmation I needed to move along with my plans for using the next ingredient as a farming product. Starting sources of varying incomes, popularity and ultimately food meant I would become very likeable.

Chi-Chi and the old man were talking briefly as the the fire-eater had already left. I got out the coordinates for the next place out. Measuring the distant we had to go. The old lady who took care of octagon bees would be the one to also teach Chi-Chi the housewife stuff she wanted to learn. Which made my job simpler. i cracked my knuckles and walked back over to the two talking.

"I got the direction we have to go ready. Just gotta go there."

"You two are gonna head out. Well then I guess I gotta head back to the cities. Been out here a little two long and all that."

"Well...You could always head to Capsule Corp, they always hire more scientists."

"Ah, nah. I think its about time I just settle down with a pen and paper and publish my notes on the fire-eater."

I nodded, "That's fair. Good luck with the publishing then."

He nodded and started to walk away. Didn't even bother learning his name...So not like I would keep him. "So What were you talking about?"

"Pffft! Nothing, Nothing at all."

"Riiiight." I Started to float upwards. "Wanna race?"

"Your horrible."

Chi-Chi just folded her arms and looked down. She still struggled lifting off the ground. However her actual flight and landing were much better. Normally people struggle with the landing...

"Hey, You can land pretty easily, how come?"

"Huh? Oh it's just like landing from a hi jump. Just a lot higher."

"Hmm, fair."

I started heading off to the the bee ladies house. I wanted those bees.

At the foot of a giant mountain would be the old ladies home. She both had the Bansho fan and the octagon special bees. "Don't fly to high Chi-Chi!"

A massive storm was starting to form above us and I started to head down. I nearly forgot about this mountain it had a really shitty curse that basically made it sexist towards women. Which was kind of funny, but also extremely stupid.

I had to wonder what incel of a creature cursed the mountain to be like that. I mean it had to be someone who hated women right?

Landing at the old ladies house Chi-Chi was staring up at the massive clouds that were quickly fading.

"Who are you two to be landing here?"

"Hey octagon hag, just avoiding the sexist mountain."

"Who are you calling HAG!"

"Sexist mountain?"

"He is referring to the mountain behind my house here. It was cursed a long time ago. If any woman climbs the mountain raging blizzards will try to kill them. However no reaction is made to men. So he is quite right in calling it sexist."

"Octagon lady, Chi-Chi here wants to learn how to be a housewife. Why don't you teach her? Thoughts?"

The old lady looked towards her kitchen then around her house. Which was a literal pigsty, "Yeah I suppose I can do that."

"Wait what about..."

"Don't worry about it Chi-Chi, I'll just be dealing with the stuff up on that mountain. Just stay here and learn about what ever it is you want to learn about."

"Hey, that's rude."

I shrugged, and started flying up. I could briefly hear the old lady ask what Chi-Chi was wearing, Followed by a slightly distant scream.

Ditching Chi-Chi here would be a good idea, since I would be going up the mountain to wait for the Pilaf bunch. Also to investigate what caused the magic snow. If there was some sort of item that caused the curse that would be great to have. Instant flurry where ever I go, plus magic snow that can freeze fire was a possibility.

The mountain was somewhat dense and I could see Pilaf's plane already begin to crash into the far reaches of the top of the mountain. They were trying to hold the plane before it fell into a deep crevice into the ice.

"Yo, good thing you guys followed. makes my life easier."

"WHAT! YOU KNEW! Mai quick blast him with one of the torpedoes."

She let go of the rope that held the fallen plane and turned to me. The other two unable to support the planes weight in there weird mech things dropped it into the crevice. While Mai launched a missiles at me that froze in mid air.

"Man you guys are just a mess."

"Huh, the fire froze in mid air... Strange."

Pilaf entirely oblivious just stared at the missile with his crew. I launched a beam of light into Shu's mech. Completely shatter the front half of the mech. "OH MY LIFE! It's so cold!"

"Yeah, I suggest you save his life."

"I-Shu! Quickly into my mech!"

Pilaf despite his terrible...everything was good to his subordinates. However as Shu got out his mech that was basically freeze ran over to Pilaf. I grabbed him by his collar and started to warm him using my ki. I didn't really want to kill him he was just the easiest to pick on.

"Got your puppy. Now listen up."

Mai and Pilaf froze, nodding in their mechs. "Please save my life sire!"

"Good now that I have everyone's attention. Work for me..."

"Huh?" All three answered at the same time. I rolled my eyes and continued.

"The three of you are seeking fortune right? After your failure with the dragon balls you want to use other means to rebuild your 'empire'." I put emphasis on empire, because he really was just an emperor of nothing. However he was skilled and with his two minions he got a surprising amount done.

The three of them were listening closely. "If you work for me I promise I will help you be adore by the many. Having great amount of wealth and even more servants at your call."

The practically drooled at my words, how low were their standards if I could bribe all three like this. Pilaf wanted Fame, Mai wanted wealth and Sho wanted to servants so he didn't have to do everything. It was actually a little sad.

"How would you go about doing this?"

"Good question, by using mass media to manipulate your presences I can make you three into idols. That is as long as you do what I need you to do. You three are surprisingly determined and good with mechanical work. That kind of skill is always useful. I will even use a wish from the dragon balls for you three."

"You can do that!" Shu stared at me from his position and nearly stopped struggling all together. "Yes I can, it is quite a simple plan too. All we need to do is wish for you to appear youthful. From there I will showcase you three as rising geniuses. Building al kinds of new advancements for people. People will adore you because of it. After all...I am sure you three know Bulma Briefs right? Don't you know how many people love the capsule corp?"

While the blizzard was still going the three were left to debate. I threw Shu towards Pilaf and let them get into the same mech. I then pointed at Mai though. "by the way, the blizzard is only active because a woman is on the mountain. The mountain is cursed and all that. I suggest you three think my offer over down the mountain where it is safe." Shu whispered to Pilaf in the mech and Pilaf motioned for Mai.

"We will discuss this else where!" They then barreled down the mountain.

Hopefully they would take my offer, I didn't really want to use the prisoner method to on them, but I would totally use it on them. I had a similar plan to use Hercule for a similar plan. The two ways to people's hearts in the Dragon ball world were Technology and Surprisingly Martial arts. So With Pilaf as my tech idol and Hercule as my martial arts idol Earth would more or less compile to my future plans.

The snow began to dissipate meaning Mai was no longer on the mountain. Which meant I would start looking for anything suspiciously magic on this mountain...

I punched in some commands for my bracelet to start locating anything odd. This would fill in the rest of my needed time. Chi-Chi would discover the Bansho Fan and freak out. I could then Come back down. Explain the deal and get some Octagon bees.