
Dragon ball: Tuffle reborn

Surviving Tuffles escaped to a far reach of the universe in which they chose to focus on there research of various topics sadly due to there lack of creativity they more or less just improve upon technology already created or commissioned. Making there daily life incredible easy through technology they don't even need to raise there children. Each child is raised in pods similar to that in cloning vats where they are taught all information they teach in there education from the age of 1 to the age of 5, this is similar to the gravity pods that sayians used to train their young to get used to the planetary conditions they live on. Z recently reincarnated by a gold dragon who impersonates the divine dragon places him into the body of a Tuffle infant. Z not knowing who his parents are is normal for Tuffles as the education pods teach them everything from math to language. Z however unfortunately was human and had learned of parents and similar society norms of humans and is conflicted. Not to mention now with his new alien child brain he lost most of his more human emotions controlled by his brain. Later he will solve these problems and finds a inner peace and spiritualism that fixes is inner conflict, lost humanity and emotions and ultimate his conflict with being a father in his past life and unknowingly connects his fatherhood to that of Goku who he deems as a poor father. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mention about Timelines and Lore, i binged watched all of Dragon ball to current just before writing this, not to mention i've read the manga(still reading the new chapters on DBS), and played some of the games. I also check the wiki and forums to confirm what is possible and not possible for Lore and Timeline and possible canonicity. Sorry if that seems snarky just want to cover everything, I tend to...Overanalyze? Point is I research everything and can sometimes add too much info, as well as respond and give more info then needed. So this is a warning of that and the fact I am very likely to respond to comments and stuff. I am a bit obsessives when it comes to doing certain things.

ZeOwl · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

H9 Missed A2 Hit

"You mean I missed the chance to fight my brother!"

Goku was peeved about missing his chance to fight Raditz. Totally different response then the one I had to compare to. Which made me a little understanding protect his kid when he's young like Goku's grandpa did for him. Make his son self sufficient would also tie into his sayian sort of nature and nurture blood. Which made me on some way wrong since i saw him as a bad father. Though I was only apllying the idea of human standard...

"Hello Z? You are kind of-"

"Oh right it wouldn't have been much of a fight Chi-Chi basically one tapped him."

"Hey isn't Chi-Chi that girl who proposed to Goku?"

I side eyed Krillin, "Yes, but Number 1 Goku didn't know what any of that meant. Number 2 she's a highly capable fighter. I think if she gets any stronger she will become a human ki radar."

"Awwww, now I want to fight Chi-Chi!"

"She hasn't eaten the Enseji fruit so yet again not much of a fight."

Goku deflated, "I don't like using these other methods to train. They feel cheap." Goku could've been near my power level if he just let me blast a hole through him. Sadly he stuck to techniques and training.

"I actually kind of like it, I don't think I would ever get this strong without it." For Yamcha that wasn't necessarily true. By the time the Androids rolled around Yamcha could've fought Vegeta when he first landed on Earth. Though I had to say he would like be able to keep on this roll.

"Speaking of cheap methods, Yamcha do you know the super ultra divine water?"

"Yea, Goku drank that as a kid."

"That stuff was basically posion."

"That's because it is, sadly I can't drink it myself. However Yamcha I think you should try."

Yamcha looked at me like I was crazy and I rolled my eyes, "You will survive, When Goku drank it he survived thanks to his sayian biology. Not only did he receive the potential unlock he also received the Sayian Zenkai boost."

"I am failing to see the upside of drinking poison."

"It will unlock your potential, also if you don't I'll force you to."

Krillin smiled, "Man am I so glad that I don't have to do that."

"You will have your own struggles."

"That is suspicious and I don't like it."

Piccolo spooked all of us entering the conversation. "What about me?"

"Why is everyone curious about my plans!"

King Kai kicked opened his door. "Maybe its the fact you have all been sleeping on my planet for the past 4 YEARS!"

I scratched my chin, "Yeah, you know I suppose we would be uppity."

"Who says uppity?"

Goku followed Krillin's question. "King Kai is right we should do something!"


"I recalled that conversation like it was 45 minutes ago."

"That's because it was 45 minutes ago."

Now we were here with a bunch of dead fighters in hopes to spar with them. One such person was Obilu, he helped give some useful tips on how Yamcha and Krillin could get stronger.

"Are you not gonna fight anyone Piccolo?"

"I train alone in wastelands, I found the time spent on King Kai's planet loud."

I blinked, "Is that bad?"

Piccolo shrugged and said nothing else. We both watched Yamcha get bodied by Olibu. "This is fun, I like watching other people get wrecked."

"Has anyone ever called you somewhat of a coward?"

"Not really, why do you say that?"

"You fight dirty for one, you have techniques that avoid you getting hurt. Finally you don't share the same drive to learn martial arts. Add in your more... I'll say sadistic actions. I just feel you have some qualities of a coward."

I had to admit that was a good observation. "I don't think Coward is the right word. Though I am very Bully the weak and Respect the strong."

Piccolo gave me an inquisitive look. "Who do you respect as strong? I think its more Defend or Scheme against the Strong."

"Yet another truthful statement, however I do respect those who use their full potential. Those are the truly strong."

"How so?"

"Let's say a guy is born with the power to destroy planets and basically do whatever he wants. Is he strong?"

Piccolo seemed to get my point, "Yes and No, he would be arrogant and likely never train. Which means you are suggesting a secondary person?"

"Oh, indeed! Another person is born with no power and seen as below average. Except the guy trains everyday, surpassing his every limit. Eventually he even grows stronger then the guy who never trained is he strong?"

Piccolo sense the but and allowed me to continue. "Now let's say there's a third guy. He is born average. In all cases he is as normal as it gets, until he sees the two other guys. The man who was born with power made the 3rd envious, while the man who trained made the 3rd ambitious."

"So the 3rd, does what?"

"He begins to train to catch up with the man who was born with power. He uses any means he can to learn and improve faster then the man who trains. Finally when he grows past them, is he still living to his full potential?"

"Ah, I see where this is going. No matter what none of them truly matched their potential. The first never trained or improved by choice. The second he trained to become stronger, but he didn't use all the opportunities at his disposal. While the 3rd only became stronger because of the other two. He didn't want to become stronger until he saw the first two."

I smiled when Piccolo understood what I meant. After all, piccolo fit that description pretty well. he became stronger for himself. He followed opportunity, while keeping to his own methods of training. After all he ate the Ensenji fruit without actually needing to eat it. Piccolo was smirking, so he got it.