
Dragon ball: Tuffle reborn

Surviving Tuffles escaped to a far reach of the universe in which they chose to focus on there research of various topics sadly due to there lack of creativity they more or less just improve upon technology already created or commissioned. Making there daily life incredible easy through technology they don't even need to raise there children. Each child is raised in pods similar to that in cloning vats where they are taught all information they teach in there education from the age of 1 to the age of 5, this is similar to the gravity pods that sayians used to train their young to get used to the planetary conditions they live on. Z recently reincarnated by a gold dragon who impersonates the divine dragon places him into the body of a Tuffle infant. Z not knowing who his parents are is normal for Tuffles as the education pods teach them everything from math to language. Z however unfortunately was human and had learned of parents and similar society norms of humans and is conflicted. Not to mention now with his new alien child brain he lost most of his more human emotions controlled by his brain. Later he will solve these problems and finds a inner peace and spiritualism that fixes is inner conflict, lost humanity and emotions and ultimate his conflict with being a father in his past life and unknowingly connects his fatherhood to that of Goku who he deems as a poor father. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mention about Timelines and Lore, i binged watched all of Dragon ball to current just before writing this, not to mention i've read the manga(still reading the new chapters on DBS), and played some of the games. I also check the wiki and forums to confirm what is possible and not possible for Lore and Timeline and possible canonicity. Sorry if that seems snarky just want to cover everything, I tend to...Overanalyze? Point is I research everything and can sometimes add too much info, as well as respond and give more info then needed. So this is a warning of that and the fact I am very likely to respond to comments and stuff. I am a bit obsessives when it comes to doing certain things.

ZeOwl · Anime & Comics
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Beatiful Planet

It had been a little too long...pretty sure its been a year or two haven't counted, but i can finally walk outside. The steps I made were slow and steady like i had just recovered from a long time injury. It had been so long, I let myself finally breath. The Planet was beautiful despite the place being essentially like a prison. Flowers the size of my head bloomed across the meadowed pink fields. A Waterfall of clear blue liquid flowed along a beach of silver rocks. My ship was crashed into a black and silver shore of sand. The Hardlight ki armor I formed around me stood steady, the machinery within me kept my bones from shattering, and they heavy gravity that fought me meant nothing to me. The sky was fairly pink, the planet was really really fucking pink. I liked it, nice and calming. The star that light the sky shined through the heavy atmosphere, it was a truly bright star. I hadn't looked at it when I entered the solar system, but i was sure it was more than just the one I could see shine through.

I collapsed on my knees, so long i had trained just to see a view. I was crying I couldn't believe my time spent. With all my effort, I hadn't slept for days sometimes weeks of time. Haunted by a unknown task on planet that was both beautiful and horrible. So i just kneeled in pink grass crying tears of joy. So, so boring training only eating soup. I had now explore the planet trying my best to find this mysterious task. I obsessed endlessly with barely any reaction to the world around me, Now here I sat with nothing to occupy me...

"Fuck me, what is wrong with me?"

Such a beautiful environment and i was bored of it within seconds.....


I walked the planet taking in the sights. Trees that stood hundred of meters tall and were thicker than any fucking tree I have every seen. Each tree was bigger than a swimming pool, they were truly massive and the branches they had above spread out across a massive area combining into each other.

The animals I saw were few and far between, but they all looked distorted. I found a sloth like thing that was basically a massive ball of fat, its arms were wrapped around the trees they slept under. Other creatures were Skeletal fish the wormed their way through the dirt and water. Perhaps they were less like fish and more amphibious but they looked like fish to me. I named them Bone wyrms, they also tried to eat me but I was able to just walk away from them slowly. It was kind of sad really...

I traveled through the mountains, but honestly they were closer to hills. The biggest ones were all rounded and covered in blue and pink grass. Nothing however indicated something Vados would send me on a task to get. So I moved on...


It took a while to reach a final conclusion on my more or less failed efforts. I was working hard trying to compare to not only my past life wanting to make up for those mistakes but i had wanted to be better than the being perceived to have a pure heart, aka Son Goku. After all the guy was a terrible father and a green slug man had become more of a father figure to his son than he. I wanted to essentially prove to myself or the universe that I was capable of being better or at least good. Ironically I was apparently be driven crazy by the compass and was already using ki crystals filled with evil ki. They were literally called evil it should've been obvious I was going down the wrong path, though not like I cared. Even if I did cared.... it wouldn't have matter, I wanted to do it so I did. To atone for sins you commit is a process impossible. So why should i care for the ones I accumulate. Vegeta a person who had changed within Dragon ball and became a better person still had caused countless atrocities by himself. Android 17 and 18 had less real atrocities than Vegeta had. It made no sense to care about the evil ki, the corruption, the insanity that possibly would come with it. I suppose that gave me a disturbed sense of peace ...

I stared at the blooming flower meadow in front of me... Perhaps with a little more time I could find that peace. Was this Vados's reason, to make me think on what my actions would me? These were some damn pretty flowers though...

Long one phew^^^, okay thats get down to elaborating the whole fuck yous'. Many stories try to explain why the story is happening and essentailly establishing a prequel of events. Prequels though are the fucking dumbest concept ever! It gets worse though when there is no need for establishing content like oh Z is from an alternative reality, no he isn't. That would just be information not needed to enjoy the story its like describing the details of curtains within someones house. Next is making an inuman character who recieves character development. I actually like this concept but in reverse a character who becomes inhuman is more relatable to one who becomes human. After all the spiral out of control for someone can start from something simple like alcohol or several little small points that end up breaking them down. For novels the characters are often op or very strong with either no internal struggle or their struggle is from a more inhuman stand point. That stuff is stupid, I did try my best with the evil and the break down of that but i don't think i did it justice hence why i chose to poke it instead. DBZ fanfics in general, these always center around two points the story occuring before the events of DBZ and it being just ass kicking or during and the characters will use cheats to boost their power this happens a lot where characters abuse the dragon or use the fruit of might without actually using the proper rules for each item. One of these i had a big problem with was one of these stories the characters had bulma use the fruit of might despite her not having enough ki meaning it wouldve killed her. Other stories use the abuse of the dragon balls and their wishes aka going above the power of the creator of the dragon balls. The combination of both how godly a being is, power level, magic power, and pontential all are combined to add up to a total amount of power. This is shown with earth dragon balls with Dende being stronger than Kame causing the dragon balls to get stronger as well. Ignoring Rules and using these cheats to skip the struggle of characters. Broly is a common use since he could essentially skip most training and combat struggles. The conclusion of this third ranting point is that the basic skip alls virtually end any hard work within the stories.

Thank you for coming to my special ed talk, like a ted talk but its just my likely insane ramblings. If your read all that, jesus christ im sorry but i can't give you back time just more chapters.

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