
Dragon Ball : true evil

Cain is a normal boy, isn't he? Hey, I author my writing had improved starting chapter six. Note: 1- reincarnation here is different because Cain doesn't have any memory. But I put reincarnation because I hate as-called ” characters development ” so Cain doesn't have anything but his consciousness that keeps his personal. 2- I hate as-called ” OP ” wherefore when I create techniques I write a note to tell you about the fault on his techniques. 3- Cain is human and he will stay human. 4- this novel probably will end by 100 chapters.

AliKarrar_Almasode · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Budokai end, some of my bullshit

{ this short novel, wherefore mostly less than 100 ch }

{ note: Goku and Piccolo = 350 - 400 power

Tin shin Han = 220 - 270

Shin = 200 - 250,

Yamcha = 150 - 180, }

Cain smiled when he remembering his fought.

He was enjoying the fight but that not enough, he was will enjoy it more if he fights for his life. ( life and death, battle ).

He was fighting animals when he trained with his dad.

He loves the feeling when he won the battle and kill his enemies.

Now Cain ate much food to heal his wounds and restore his energy.

After that, he back to the ring and watch the fight.

Goku Vs Tin Shin Han, Goku won.

[ That battle was enjoyed, especially techniques of three eyes man (Fist of Four Bodies)] Cain thought.

{ note: this technique not useful in the fight and the training because he will be 4 so his training swears on 4}

After that, he watched the fight of Shin Vs Piccolo, Piccolo won.

[these two, their movements look the same, this Greenman is King demon piccolo, so who this old man ( Shin )] Cain thought.

Yes, Cain knew about a piccolo, well just a blind don't know.

he noticed too that their movement is the same.

{ Piccolo and Kami is the same person, they're sharing a body and mind }

He watched a battle between Goku and Piccolo.

[ this monkey is stupid and stubborn, he committed to of the so-called morals of martial art fighters, it's scum.

If that Greenman doesn't go away, I would kill so-called Kami ] Cain thought


Cain and Dad went back to their home.

when they arrived home.

Dad gives Cain a black book it seems ancient.

[ what this ] Cain said.

~ this our family heritage which in it, the basics of Ki, Magic, and mind power.

this book our grandfather collects with the help of Dragon Ball ~ Dad said

{ note: Dragon ball is the OP just in revival.

Wherefore it can't give him OP ability like Saiyan, Magin, Namik or change his race }

{ note: this book didn't have any techniques, just basics but it important, like if you want to learn a language you start with letters }

Cain takes it and goes to his room, and start reading the book.

After he completed the read.

[ this book had some meditation methods to improve control of Ki, Magic, and Mind Power ] Cain thought

{ note: Ki is the main, magic and mind power with medicine, will help him to compensate for his weakness of the race }

Cain merges knowledge in the book with his knowledge and improves the control of his body, and Ki.


~~<<<<< my bullshit >>>>>>~~~~~~~~start

{ I wanted to make him travel around the world,

but this not be okay with his personality and I hate this part when mc travels and has terrible.

He evil not CH or JP hero, they are can't put down their ass and do training.

But eviler like Fang Yuan can do that without complaint.

Why because eviler has power from training and fight, they suffered humiliation and insult to be strong.

But the hero had everything easily by their great luck wherefore when he went in travel he hopes to have a lucky meeting }

~~~~~~<<<<< my bullshit >>>>>~~~~ end