
Dragon Ball : true evil

Cain is a normal boy, isn't he? Hey, I author my writing had improved starting chapter six. Note: 1- reincarnation here is different because Cain doesn't have any memory. But I put reincarnation because I hate as-called ” characters development ” so Cain doesn't have anything but his consciousness that keeps his personal. 2- I hate as-called ” OP ” wherefore when I create techniques I write a note to tell you about the fault on his techniques. 3- Cain is human and he will stay human. 4- this novel probably will end by 100 chapters.

AliKarrar_Almasode · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Android 18, 17 are appear

Cain and Dragon team went after Vegeta and Tranks who went to the north pole, they are looking for a DJ lab.

While Gohan took Bulma and Yajiro to Goku who is sick now.

Suddenly, Cain and the dragon team heard Krillin scream, he seems scared.

" whole, come quickly ." Drilling said.

In the meantime, inside a lab, Android 17 was woke by DJ.

" then you woke up 17 " DJ said.

" good morning DJ Sama. " Android 17 said when looked on DJ and saw a remote control in his hand, so he is polite.

" are you treat me heartily." DJ said.

" of course, you are my creator. " android 17 said.




When Cain arrived he found Vegeta broke a great door of the lab.

" Tranks, they are as you described them. " Vegetal said.

" are they android 17, 18? " Krillin said.

" They are friends of Goku, who I told you about, don't underestimate the power of them. " DJ said.




" probably the form of infinite energy was very powerful and out the control. Android 18 said.

" Yes " DJ answered.

" so that, you were defeated. " android 18 said.



" android 16, is a different type of an infinite energy form, isn't he. " android 18.

" but, must be a difference between us there, right. " android 18 said.



" don't touch him 18, don't touch him. " DJ said.

" 16, I didn't know about him." Tranks thought with fear on his face.


" This is an interesting idea, what do you think about turn-on him.

Android 18 smiled.

" no, stopped are you want to destroy the world. " DJ said.



.after that, Tranks transformed Super Saiyan, and merged his hand in front, shot a Ki blast, he destroyed the lab.

Cain and the team went away from the blast.

" if you want to do that, told us before." Krillin said.

" you idiot, that didn't do anything. " Vegetal said.

" what are you mean." Tranks said.

" take a good look." Vegeta said.

Tranks had shocked When he looks at the blasted place, he saw android 17, 18 carry a big metal capsule which had android 16 in it.

" The blast in this level is not but so much waste of energy." Vegetal said.

" so kids remaining stupid. " Vegeta said.




Android 18 opened the capsule of android 16.

Android 16 woke and went out of the capsule.

" it unknown, I didn't see him in the future." Tranks thought while a fearful look on his face.

" Hello, 16 this is the first time we see you. " android 17 said.

" what are you feel after these years?" android 17 said.

" DJ didn't agree to running you, he said that will cost us our life." Android 17 said.

" We want to know what he means by that." android 18 said.

" aren't you want to speak?" android 18 said.

" maybe, you don't love much the chat." android 17 said.

" Okay, are we go. " android 17 said.

" to where." android 18 said.

" isn't clear? to Son Goku's house. " android 17 said.

" you were created especially to kill Son Goku. " android 17 said.

" this true. " android 16 said.

" finally open your mouth." android 17 said.



Androids flew and went to search for Goku.

" they are gone away, thank God. " Krillin said.

" what are they want to do? Where are they went to? " Then Shin Han said.

" it seems they not targeting the northern tunnel." Piccolo said

" their way is different. " Piccolo said.

" is Goku, are they went to Goku house? the target of the DJ is killing Goku for revenge for the Red Ribbon Army. " Krillin said.

" yes, but I don't believe they followed the DJ order." Tien Shin Han said.

" isn't important to that now, I am here. " Vegeta said.

" they discard me, are they mean by that I don't merit their care, they underestimate me very much. " Vegeta said with anger cleared on his face and transformed Super Saiyan.

Tranks was rushed in front of him.

" don't chase them, be patient a little, please." Tranks said.

" are you mean till Kakarot has healed from his sick? " Vegeta said.

" Kakarot? are you mean Goku San? This true if we don't merge with Goku San and fight them whole, we can't win. " Tranks said.

" you don't understand anything, isn't android who I hate but Kakarot, I will defeat them without Kakarot's help.

To defeat Kakarot when all things end.

Now go away from my way after you knew. " Vegeta said with an arrogant tone.

" this bullshit, catch-up them such as going to your tomb, wait for a little, please. " Tranks said with a loud.

While he said, Vegeta punched his stomach with Super Saiyan power and went after the androids.

Krillin went to see Tranks who is in pain while he catches his stomach.

" Are you okay? " Krillin asked Tranks.

" catch-up him, we mustn't let him went alone before Goku San had healed, stop him, please. " Tranks said with a weak sound.

" Gohan and Bulma San went to Goku's house too. " Krillin said with a worried sound.

" They may meet each other. " Krillin said

" this big problem." Tranks said.

" my mother and others in danger. " Tranks said.

" to catch-up them. " Piccolo said and they went towards Vegeta and androids whole.




" damn you, what do you like about Goku's power? I became Super Saiyan too, our condition became equal and I Vegeta Sama, Saiyan's Prince, I very over his level, I will make them see my real power. " Vegeta thought while he rushed hard through the mountain and destroy it.





Who asks about Cain, I forget him after I ended the chapter I remember I don't write about him in this chapter, anyway I write this chapter this way.

If you like or dislike, tell me in the comments

I tried to write a speech between characters and give them a spirit because I tried to lay a foundation for my original novel.

I created the world and energy system, but I need to improve my English and writing.

The novel has some thing I took from Reverend insanity, but I believe all readers who love Reverand insanity (like me ) will don't love my new novel.

Because Reverand insanity is a perfect world,

Why a world, because this not novel author did not try to create a novel, he tried to create a world.

This work in my opinion is perfect for humans.

Over this level, that impossible for humans.