
Dragon Ball Time Patrol: Universal Destruction

Just a story involving the Time Patrol and the many problems that come along with being a time patroller! this story is on pause until I'm done re writing the whole thing for now. Go Check out the remake I just dropped if you enjoyed this story its called Dragon Ball: Dimension Distortion. This is one of my first works so i hope you're patient with it and enjoy my work! PS: Please enjoy the story!, also don't be afraid to comment on how the story could be better ill take any ideas! Be sure to check out the second part of this story! Dragon ball Multiverse: Legacy! leave a review if you enjoy! Their also isn't just one Definitive MC! Be Sure to leave a review i take all types of Criticism weather it be good or bad! There are some Extra Chapters! They include, Expert missions Lost missions Story Quest Missions Side Missions or Comedic Relief The Past As always Enjoy the Story!

Nico_Leztier · Action
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56 Chs

A Thrilling end! The winner is?

Xenos view

I could barely stand, I looked over and saw him standing looking up to the sky and crying, he was bleeding worse than myself. I heard him utter a single word.

"Sorry..", i was stabbed by his Qi Sword i fell and couldn't get back up.

Nicos View:

The crowd was silent as the match ended onone wanted to utter a word waiting for xeno to get back up but he didn't and Chranoa broke the silence.

"THE WINNER OF THE SEMI FINALS ROUND ONE IS NICO!"The crowd erupted in cheer , I smiled and my body collapsed. I fell over and passed out. When I woke up I was in the same old Clinic and the Majin nurse came over to me.

"You know i tried to warn you", she charged a qi blast i got really worried but she stopped.

"Im sorry….By the way", her ears perked up.


"What's your name?", she looked surprised by this question

"Its Alma", i nodded and wrote on a piece of paper

"Welp i better go catch Samantha's fight or i'll get an Earful '', i got out of my bed and handed her the note,"take that to your supervisor."

"Ok?"I walked away.

Alma's view:

"What's with this note?"I opened it and it had a payment of 1,000,000 Zeni and a small message. It read,

"Thanks a million Doc!"

Some of the Charaters in this story are Based on actual people i know! these include , Xeno, and Kourik.

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And as always enjoy the Story!

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