
DRAGON BALL: Through Blood and Dirt.

The dude gets thrown into the dragon ball multiverse and lands on earth as a human child who has just lost his parents to the red ribbon army. as a human, he is weak, but he can't leave his fate to others. join in and help decide how he will progress through blood and dirt.

McTripp · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: The Journey starts

Upon waking up the next day. Kai felt like his stomach was trying to eat itself as it growled in protest of not having been fed last night after all the strenuous labor.

He quickly got out of bed and made his way towards the kitchen. he had still not even cleaned up, having passed out in the last days blood and dirt. if his mother was still alive she probably would have screamed his ears off for soiling the bed.

Kai proceeded to stuff whatever he could find into his mouth. bread, cheese and raw eggs. not bothering to even cook them because of his hunger.

Finally, after eating. He was full enough to find himself disgusting. Kai made his way to the bathroom and had a long hot shower, scrubbing every inch of his body and digging the dirt and filth out from under his nails before drying himself and going to change into fresh clothes.

Kai picked out some thick grey trousers and took a new black sweater and white jumper with a hoodie, throwing on a pair of socks he then stuffed a few more pairs of clothes into a duffle bag he would be taking with him.

As Kai headed out of his room he made his way to the kitchen and grabbed some canned food and water. Kai then stopped himself.

*Smack!* Kai slapped his forehead with his hand. "I'm an idiot." he muttered into his hand as he let it slide down his face. this world had stupid illogical technology like capsules. and here he was trying to carry everything in a duffle bag!

Checking around the draws Kai found a case with four labelled capsules, a snowmobile, a shelter, a fridge and an outdoor mini kitchen.

Kai remembered the times when his body's previous owner used to go out camping with his mother and father. his father would take him on hunting trips to catch the local rabbits, which had an extremely large population in this region for some reason.

Shaking his head Kai took out the fridge capsule, clicked the button and threw it out in front of himself. with a puff and a small cloud of gas, the fridge appeared. Kai proceeded to quickly fill it up with food and water before returning the fridge to capsule form and storing it back in the case.

Walking back to the bathroom he cleaned his boots and slipped them onto his feet. and with that, he was ready.

Exiting the house Kai walked to the newly constructed graveyard and clasped his hands together. "Everyone. while I not be the Fang Kai that you all knew and loved I promise to honour all of your memories and take revenge on behalf you and Kai. I pray that you will find peace in heaven, I will come by again so don't worry up there, I hope you all find happiness with your loved ones and Kai... if your up there too... Don't worry bud, I'll get those bustards for you. Rest well with your mum."

Kai then bowed his head for a few moments and turned, walking toward the edge of the village.

Kai then took out the snowmobile and hopped on to it, pressing the ignition button the engine roared into life. Cranking the throttle the snowmobile shot off down the road and into the distance.


As dusk fell Kai decided it was time to make camp. He had been travelling south-east all day on the snowmobile and was just about to get out of the forested area. If he kept going after another half a day to a day, he'd be clear of all this snow.

Kai got off the snowmobile and stored it in the capsule case and... In just thirty seconds the camp was set up with the miracle of Capsule Corp technology! Kai sighed. "God's the convenience of these things is amazing."

he said as he walked over to the outside kitchen and pulled a steak and some potatoes out. cooking them up he ate while watching the sun set over the mountains.

It was calming and soon Kai found himself in a tranquil mindset. steadily packing up the kitchen he entered the tent and lay down on the sleeping bag, he got into a comfortable position relaxing his body.

Kai close his eyes and tried entering meditation, his body was calm and relaxed while his mind tranquil. Under such circumstances, one might think it should be easy. But, as it was his first time. Kai struggled with it. He made sure to keep his mind clear of any stray thoughts and tried to focus on his breathing. taking long deep breaths Kai let all thoughts slip away from his mind and found himself in a white square room in front of a figure he'd known from his past life.

This figure was Oton Miyazawa, father of Kiichi Miyazawa and Master of the Nanshin shadow style.

"ugh, H...Hello." Kai tried to speak with Oton but was met only with silence. Confused, Kai was about to ask a question when three new figures emerged from the floor of the room and attacked Oton who fought back.

Kai's confusion slowly turning into understanding then comprehension. He was watching Oton's Nanshin Shadow Style in a simulated battle.

Kai concentrated. he tried to pick up every movement. he watch as Oton punched, kicked. used elbow strikes and knee strikes. where he hit, what pressure points would do what, he watched as Oton used the Nanshin Shadow Styles grappling techniques, the locks, breaks, submissions and how joints were taken apart, sometimes cleaning pulled out... When the simulated battle ended it would begin again.

After the fifth time however the situation changed, Oton started running through a comprehensive training system with a younger version of Kiichi. That started with stretches. Kai follow along. it might have been pointless but he'd been in his mind scape for hours now and he had committed everything that he could to memory and had even started shadowing the battle simulations during the last two bouts.

After the stretches. Oton took up a horse stance while grabbing a weight and holding it behind his back between his shoulder blades with his arms up and elbows to the sky and back straight. As Kai followed this movement the knowledge of the muscle groups being worked came into his mind.

The same thing happened with rest of the exercises, after completing them Kai would gain the knowledge of the muscle groups and how the exercise would effect them.

The rest of the training was just resistance training and the more painful one.

Skin, muscle and bone hardening.

As Kai finished with the training he felt the room starting to destabilise. he knew, his mind was fully exhausted and it was time to rest. So, he let sleep take him.


A new day had dawned and Kai was up to greet it, as he stood in a horse stance after his stretches. He could already feel the ache in his muscles and lamented that the first set had only just begun. Still, he pushed through but was unable to do any resistance training as he wasn't close to any water sources, nor did he bring any ropes with him. So he gave it up and settled in for breakfast. Kai cooked up some egg's bacon and toast.

While he ate, Kai pondered on how to to start his resistance training.


A/N. Hi folks had edited a little because I messed up the timeline 😅 Kai is 10 months before the plot starts at the moment so he will be able to do both.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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